Topic: Leave Me Breathless


Date: 2014-02-04 09:40 EST
"Silent Lucidity"

I Will be watching over you I am gonna help you see it through I Will protect you in the night I am smiling next to you

In silent lucidity... ~ Queensryche

Sea breezes left the taste of salt on everything. Kruger was in a moment of distraction thinking about his place. More than his place in the world it was where he fit with Nilan, there were always worries that would come along. Could he manage to find his way through them without losing his mind" He'd been on both sides now, the left and the leaving. Moving on had nearly destroyed him every time. "I'm afraid to fall for you too hard my Nilanoch. Afraid that if this ends it will take away the last of me that I have been able to hold onto."

He did his best not to move much, keeping his words as quiet as he could. He wondered what was going on inside her head as she slept. "Do you know how beautiful you are" How you catch my attention and never have to do anything harder than walk across the room?" He looked at her from the flicker of the fire light and the movement of shadows. A world of chaos in the night illuminated her face for him. The peaceful expression on her face only served to make his breath catch every time he saw it. The crackles of the flames weren't enough to drown out the small breaths Nilan gave. Kruger was trapped in a war, it raged inside of him. On the one side the man who was falling for her and lost watching her sleep. He wanted nothing more than for her to get through the night and wake to him, pull herself as close to him as possible. The other side though was so tempted, to pepper her face with kisses, to wake her passionately and prove to her exactly how much he desired her. For now that side was losing. For now he could hold his self at a distance because it was good for her. This required Kruger ignoring so much though, the smoothness of her hair, and the way it shone even in this low light. The heat of a hip that was closer to him than any other part of her. He closed his eyes to concentrate on the pound in his chest instead, trying anything to slow it down to something more normal. "Why can I never seem to get enough of you?"

The balance of power was a fragile thing though. In his world the press of a palm to a warm abdomen could send the scales rocking out of control. The feel of smooth skin and tight muscles might send the intentions of one poor smith careening into the oblivion want and forget need. Wanting was easy, it was selfish and it was a cruel companion for a singular mind. Wanting was easy, it pulsed with his blood and had him biting his lip as he considered Nilan critically. It was warm, which served to make things worse for him, because parts of her were pushed out of the blankets and even in the darkness he could remember how they looked. He could every curve, and cord of muscle in the ghost of his memory.

Perhaps a single kiss wouldn't hurt, a light brush of his lips to her shoulder. That was a lie his temptation was feeding him, that kiss would linger. That kiss would press harder into her warmth and become two, then three. That kiss would have him exploring her with his hands again and telling himself the entire time that he was selfish, but she made him feel good. It would swallow up every argument against waking her and leave them abandoned in a back alley. It would shove its way roughly through his mind, and run over any argument that could stop the inevitable. That kiss had already come and gone, along with Kruger's will to fight it.



Date: 2014-02-04 23:56 EST
"Bring Me To Life"

Frozen inside without your touch, without your love Darling, only you are the life among the dead ~ Evenescence

It wasn't what he expected to hear from her, to feel it sure but never let herself admit it. He was shocked for her to say the words out loud, let alone to him. He knew already, or at least he suspected. They had been nearly inseparable since coming together. Other things had happened too, the return of Arlin. That had been a trying moment for both of them. Kruger wasn't going to try to think of it from Arlin's point. That was expecting far too much in Kruger's opinion. Nilan had been a mess though.

Parts of him still ached from that evening's loss of identity. She was strong for someone so lithe of body. He hadn't expected otherwise though, the woman carried a sword that stood taller than she was. Kruger knew weapons, and while the initial weight on such a sword was negligible, the weight over time, in a fight would wear anyone down who wasn't used to it. He felt the twinge of a deep bruise every so often when he moved. It was a small price to pay, especially when each twinge reminded him of her.

He could track the bruises by his movements though. Kruger tried to hide the smile that was on his face knowing she had held him that tightly. The deadness inside hadn't been replaced, he doubted there would ever be a perfect fit for that space. What he had now though felt good. In truth it was good to be able to feel anything. Kruger was above deck, Nilan had left for a time possibly to pay her slip fee with the port authorities. He'd watched her walk away as far as he could see her. He would have to ask her if she felt the weight of his gaze on her when she returned. He thought she may have suspected since her normal sway of hip was slightly more exaggerated.

Friends, she had said the word like she'd been hurt recently. Was that fitting that he should find someone like that' Kruger refused to believe in fate. Anything of that nature had a different word given to it. Manipulation he would call it. He laid back and looked up at the clouds in the sky as he contemplated it. The powers that dictate paths, and call themselves fate are simply beings who refused to do the dirty work themselves. "I don't care, people will call us what they choose. I am here for Nilanoch." Honestly only a small part of that is for her well being, the rest was him being selfish and possessive.

He'd been ready to jump through the glass at the inn the other night. To hurt any who might seek to do the same to her. He understood intellectually that she was more than capable of taking care of herself. He also didn't care about intellect. He cared about Nilan.

"Bring me to life" Nilanoch."


Date: 2014-02-11 14:01 EST

Where you go I go What you see I see I know I'd never be me Without the security Of your loving arms Keeping me from harm Put your hand in my hand And we'll stand ~ Adele

The night would be welcomed by him, time again to lay aside and count stars. He wouldn't find a way to keep that concentration though. Kruger would be more in tune with the one who looked on with him. She held him tonight, warm and safe. He'd always done what he could to be the one whose arms provided that. He was a mess tonight a world crumbling, but she held him closer, tighter.

She couldn't see his face, pressed against his back that way, her knees warming the back of his thighs. Her lips whispered into his ear soothing words that didn't promise anything. He needed no promises though from Nilanoch LeoSol Dellacroft. Promises would hurt to much, and somehow he thought she might know that. Instead she simply spoke of what she saw. She spoke of how the failing light flashed across the tips of waves. He was glad she couldn't see him fully, though her rough fingers often went to his cheek to wipe away the saline that found itself flowing.

It hurt knowing he'd failed so completely, knowing that is wasn't the first time he had. It gave Kruger pause to believe that he would do so again and hate his self even more. Her voice though, he could lose himself listening to her. He wanted to be lost for a time. To be nothing more than the sensations he felt. Warm breath across his neck, a hand that slid across the skin of his chest, these were where he wanted to be right now. She held on like she had no doubt in him. Could he tell her how he doubted himself" Could he do as she asked and let the world move, and move along with it?

Kruger twisted his torso around to look up at her. As pretty as the light was, as majestic as the horizon as the sun turned everything orange and red, none of that could turn dark eyes on him and smile. The beauty of a world he could see would never be able to make him lose his mind the way a single needed kiss from willing lips would. Reaching for Nilan was easy, touching her a slice of heaven.

Kruger's thumb caressed her cheek, his hand drew her close. When their lips met, the sky fell and the world disappeared, if only for a little while.

I'd never be me... Nilanoch