Topic: Madness and Chaos


Date: 2012-11-18 22:52 EST
Everything came down to one simple thing"tea. It wouldn't make sense to the outside world how tea could be at the root of all things but if it can be considered in the proper light then it makes all the sense in the world. For ages tea had been given to people as a cure for many things. Hunter stared at his tea expecting great things, spiritualists were said to be able to read the dregs and tell of omens. Hunter was no spiritualist, but his encounter with one had forced him to face the knowledge that the future held many paths. Jack, he thought often on the little winged woman, usually it had to do with how much he missed her presence.

She spent more and more time away, training crews to take some of the responsibilities from her concerning these fleet refits. Other times, like now, all he could think about was the curve of thigh into buttocks or the way her hips curved into her waist. Jack had come to represent so much to him, his best friend and gaming partner. Jack was the brilliant mind that kept things running when they should have fallen long ago into disrepair. She was that spark of fire that exploded into being, firing off wrenches at those things that would not comply as they should. Her strength of will was evident to him in all she said and did. Yet even through all this to him she remained a woman always.

His heart ached to hear her voice even though she was there in front of him working on yet another project. Standing so purposefully over the desk the held holographic blueprints, he wanted more. Perhaps he was being selfish, but he didn't care. His ice blue eyes halted in their memorization of her at the place where jaw met ear. Hunter could take no more, he had driven himself into this madness by opening his mind to what he wanted most. How tempting that it was a few feet away and certainly not expecting attack.

His arms circled her middle from behind, and his lips grazed across the pale skin of her neck. "Come my darling; let me show you exactly how much I love you.? The whisper came moments before he was sweeping her up and carrying her deeper into their suite.


Date: 2012-11-20 22:49 EST
It was likely she had done so on purpose; Hunter considered that as he lay in the darkness watching over Jack"his Jack. It was important that this be a part of any description in his mind of the woman. He reached across her, avoiding delicate wings as his hand slid the card from the night stand. He could feel the heat of her aura as his passed through it and mingled their essences. The Jack of Hearts, a card salvaged from so long ago. It was the very one that she had won the earring he removed from his own ear to put into hers.

He laid it face up on the stand once again. She was brilliant, and he would easily admit that she was by far the more intelligent of the two of them. That was why he was reasonably certain she had known his mood earlier, and done those things she knew would make him move. He dearly loved her for that way of letting him take credit for things she had designed to work out. Hunter spooned in behind her, once this would have been more complex. The placement of her wings always needed to be considered, and then there was how to move them without waking her. He had done so a time or two early on and been on the receiving end of startled limbs that so easily found soft flesh and thudded home. He wondered how much of that came from her time in the schools as a child.

Now was different, her wings moved easily almost as though sensing his thoughts as he made them. His arms went about her; the flesh of his chest was greeted by her wings, and the comfort of her sleek skin. He held to her, His Jack, body fully aligned and a wash of pleasure swam over him as he closed his eyes. "You are my heart"My Jack of Hearts." In the quiet his words seemed to echo from walls and ceiling. The entire room agreed with him in his own voice.


Date: 2012-12-08 18:43 EST
Hunter had given up on sleep for the night or for the morning rather. The clock on the nightstand told him in tones that couldn't be ignored that it was time for his morning run. He however did something out of character for him. He shut the alarm off and rolled back over to Jack. The darkness of the room was broken by pale moonlight it seemed to kiss her skin in a way that made him jealous. His Jack at rest was arguably the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Jack at rest was the second most dangerous woman he knew. She was dwarfed in stature only by Jack in motion.

He found himself staring without meaning too reaching for the skin of her face and letting the pads of his fingers slip gently across her skin. He had learned early that she had some kind of sixth sense that told her when she was being watched. He didn't want to test his reflexes against a quick fist again. It was funny to think of now, but for her it lacked humor. He had promised to try not to let it happen anymore. He wondered if she knew how difficult a task it was to not look at her. He couldn't do it when she was awake; to do it when she was asleep was an act in discipline that tested him to the core. How they would be shocked to see him struggle against such urges if they knew, the personnel he had left behind long ago now.

Hunter gave one rare smile to the darkness as he realized what he was doing. He knew one sure fire way to wake her up that wouldn't result in instinctual wrench throwing. That was exactly what he wanted as he sat up and away from her shoving pillows aside and pinning his back to the head board. The lack of him next to her would cool her to the point of waking. That coolness and him being so close at hand would make the start of the day close to perfect.


Date: 2012-12-17 17:09 EST
His eyes were ice, and his face a stone. This was the description normally given to Hunter by everyone except the dark haired woman in his arms. Few could say they had witnessed one of his smiles and expression he had trained so hard against all of his life. His mother had often accused him of being too emotional as a way to get under his skin. He had seen what passed for truth amongst his people though. Men were emotional wrecks controlled by domineering women. They were restrained from advancement by traditions that dated far back and to his way of thinking were outmoded. He refused to adhere to their traditions.

Hunter refused let himself be suppressed by the dominant sex of his people. Instead he suppressed his emotion. The day that Careanne had stood over him and Eryck his twin with a mind towards bullying them and the anger consumed him had changed Hunter. Where Eryck had cowered before her Hunter had risen up and challenged her refusing to submit to her. She had broken his arm that day because he let his fury rule over his actions. He would never do that again. No emotion would ever be allowed to dictate what his actions again. Every situation was looked at with cold calculations. Careanne continued to try and get at him but he rebuffed her.

His resistance only spurred her on through their teen years where she had announced her intentions towards him. He knew it for what it was, and if accepted by his parents she would spend the rest of his life trying to exert her dominance over him, to break his spirit. Hunter's parents were overjoyed at her interests; Careanne came from a well placed family. Hunter had been working with a federation doctor in his studies, a human by the name of John who had taken quite a liking to young Hunter. That was his way out. He knew that John had been called away, reassigned to work on something regarding cybernetic organisms. John's specialty was genetics so he was called in to help decode and determine how it was possible. Hunter stowed away aboard the ship that came to retrieve the doctor. It would be many years before he set foot back on Deep Space K7 in orbit around the Sherman system.

Hunter had thought his outer shell indestructible only to discover a small woman with glowing green eyes a dark mane of hair and wings of all things would prove that he was not the emotionless void he had thought. Worse, or perhaps better he found himself doing everything for her in the name of how good she made him feel inside. Still she was the only one to see his struggles, or to recognize a simple twitch of the lip was as much a broad smile as most would ever get.

Of those who had seen his smiles, she had witnessed the most. Jack had been the witness to faces that none other had ever seen, and if he had his way none ever would. These thoughts rolled through his mind at the gentlest of touches on his arm in the darkness. His thoughts were split then on the woman he loved and the box containing one possible future. For now the woman would win out, and who could blame a former admiral for being so smitten?


Date: 2013-02-08 12:36 EST
Hunter didn't run this morning. He wore those workout clothes that had been so much a part of his military life. PT gear, simple stuff really, a pair of grey shorts and a like colored shirt that said Fleet across the front. The white sox and running shoes had been purchased and repurchased many times over the years. Morning run that was what he called it, ritual was more like it. He followed the same path wondering as he did so if even Jack knew that the route was exactly the same in course and dimension. Every day he ran, his thoughts purged along with the sweat that was soaked by that grey short sleeved shirt.

Today he couldn't force the steps; all he could do was walk. It has been some time since the revelation and it was true that each day he did stop in this hallowed place. The cold rain rolled over him drawing goose flesh and clinging fabric. The darkness hid him from prying eyes though he would have been difficult to see anyway. True his runs always occurred before the suns rising, today though he lay on the grass cutting almost no silhouette. The splatter of the rains disguised tears that fell from convulsive sobs. Only one would ever know this version of former Admiral and current leader of Alchemy House Hunter K"lar.

Serviceably manicured nails traced cold stone obelisk that stood over him watching his pain silently. His fingers found the chiseled words of the headstone. They traced through the letters as his knees pulled to his chest. "Kainda"my Kainda. I dreamt of you today, of you and your mother. The two of you were happy, and I could see you. When I drew closer you started to fade. I ran to get there to stop you from leaving but the nearer I got the less substantial you became. You were gone long before I could get there"my sweet angel"I miss what I never got to know."

The admiral would be conspicuously absent from his classes today. None would see him still at that site of his greatest heartbreak. Neither would they see the winged figure that came to him and coaxed him away. They wouldn't see how heavily he leaned on that figure, or know exactly what a comfort she was to him. The students would find a fresh face at the head of the class and breathe a sigh of relief to get out from under his stern gaze if even for a day.


Date: 2013-03-14 13:42 EST
Time hadn't held back, not even for the admiral. Time forced him from that bed and into a shower that he knew when her returned from she would be gone. He would see her again today, then he would say goodbye. Hunter hadn't been this parted from her in all the time since he had left the fleet.

He leaned in the doorway looking at the form in the bed. Even now she was easing him, by simply pretending to be asleep. If she was asleep he needed to be quiet. There wasn't more to be said anyway, though there was more to do. With her he would always have more to do. He turned his back on the bed where she pretended to sleep and started for the shower. Hunter honored what she had given him by pretending not to hear her shift so she could watch him pass into the bathroom and close the door.

A forehead to a door was just that, and a splay fingered palm sliding down the wood was unmistakeable. But if Hunter closed his eyes, those things could be imagined into something else. A soft skinned brow, a supple soft shoulder. The only thing missing was the sweet sound of her soft breaths, the desire in a pair of glowing green eyes. The only thing missing was the same thing that wouldn't be there when he finished his cleansing.

Jack...Time...he was out of time. The palm became a fist that pounded almost silently against the door frame.