Topic: Members List of Bristle Crios

Miranda Branson

Date: 2013-07-01 09:50 EST
The Circle of Bristle Crios

The purpose of the Circle of Bristle Crios is to come together with thoughts and ideas to aid in the development of Bristle Crios by offering support and suggestions to allow us to build off each other. The Circle of Bristle Crios will hold all appointed Advisors as equals, reporting to the Head of Bristle Crios, Miranda Branson. Circle Advisors are responsible for tending to the needs of their own house, as well as the other houses on the grounds. Circle Advisors are encouraged to become the voice of their house, as well as the voice for other members concerns and wishes. Read more about the Circle here.

The Circle of Bristle Crios Advisors and House Leaders

Mai Silverblood, Leader of Vampire House Arthour Chazore, Leader of Mage House Ammy Spiritor, Advisor of Alchemy House Fiona O'Neill, Leader of Demon House Kristoph Knightfall, Leader of Eternal House

Miranda Branson

Date: 2013-07-01 09:56 EST
This list displays the most current and active members of Bristle Crios. The complete list of members can be found here. Current members are defined in several ways, such as posting to the Red Dragon Inn site in the passed 60 days or having a 'Last Visited Date' on the character's profile from within the passed six months. Those who are no longer listed here as current members may have their names reinstated on the list by contacting one of the Bristle Crios moderators to discuss the details. If anyone has a question or concern, please ask one of the Bristle Crios Moderators. Please bear in mind that this is just an 'Out Of Character' list. All past and present members in good standing are free to continue playing and writing in Bristle Crios 'In Character', regardless of being included on this list. Interested in becoming a member" Read more about us at:"t=20869

Members of Bristle Crios

Ammy Spiritor Andu Kirost Arthour Chazore Atticus D'Arcstorm Brendryck Stormgaard Dante Keltar Dove MacBride Fiona O'Neill Jesse O'Neill Kaius Knightfall Kristoph Knightfall Kruger "The Anvil" Allen Lahan Freya Lesinda "Les" Loa Acloth Lydia and Leta Tolmay Mai Silverblood Miranda Branson Noah Bird Yasmin Zynisch Lucis