Topic: Seeking Shelter


Date: 2013-10-31 07:27 EST
He would push through the gates wondering if it were the right thing to do. Kruger looked to the grounds and this place where he had spent so much time. It was true to say that he spent more in his forges than ever here just as it was true to say that once he had called Belglade home. Much had changed recently. It had changed because he couldn't allow them to remain the same. He knew that many would judge him harshly. They would tell him he had abandoned his responsibility, and they would be right. He hadn't disappeared though, hadn't simply slipped away without telling his intent. It would have to be enough. It was the only saving grace he could find in the whole situation.

If anyone were looking there were indications that this was not a normal visit for the smith. Over his shoulder was everything he had left from his life on the cliffs south of the city. There was a strange comfort in knowing that everything would fit over his shoulders and could be moved easily. By far it wasn't all he owned. Even without the lands and the house he was still well enough off to be able to rent space that would be comfortable by anyone's standards. He wouldn't spend money unnecessarily though. As proof he had spent every day at his forge, sleeping and rising to work. It came to him though that he needed to have more than just a room that rarely was well lit enough to even read. He had rejected many options, certain that his friends would at the least give him space for a while.

That was when Kruger considered where he would belong. He wouldn't be an added burden to any of those friends, but still needed a place to lay his head at the least. Warrior House was across the proving grounds. He would not be a burden to that house for which he fought so often. He was already a member of the house in name. Crossing the grounds he looked to the training happening. Instructors scattered across the grounds positioning students as they ran through forms, sparring with more advanced pupils. He ripped his gaze away even as his brows dropped over his eyes in worry. What if they knew and refused to accept him' What if they sent him away"

A pair of familiar figures crossed towards him from Mage House. Mother and daughter making good time as they neared though the smaller of the two had come at a run to pounce on him. The other came slower though Kruger thought he heard Miranda's laugh as Angel hit his legs. He reached a hand down to touch the top of Angel's head before turning that worried look Miranda's way. He took a breath to speak, opening his mouth once only to close it once again just as quickly. He turned his face from her and let his tongue moisten his parched lips. Another deep breath and still he couldn't turn those wheat colored eyes back to Miranda.

"I need a place to stay"if it isn't too much trouble sister. I don't know how long"I don't know if?" He looked back with a mixture of guilt and sorrow etched into a face that showed he had argued with his self the entire way here from the city. "Is there a place for me??

Angel of Death

Date: 2013-10-31 11:49 EST
"Mommy, for dinner can we have dessert?"

It was always worth a try! Angel walked beside her mother holding her hand. Bunny dangling down her side with his orange bow tie that matched her dress. The day had gone by so fast! Picking out pumpkins, making treats for Samhain, setting up the family alter, to which she still had questions as to who some of the funny looking people were.

Purple eyes shifted to black as they looked a crossed the shadowed grounds. It was going to rain tonight. Mommy had told her so. Angel froze when she saw that outline.

"Uncie" Mommy it's Uncie Krugie!" Letting go of her mommy's hand, Angel raced towards him more sure than ever. Her black eyes turning back to purple cause it was his favorite color. Poor bunny was just along for the bouncy ride.

"Mommy hurry up! I promise not to cheat this time."

She meant it as her shadow stayed in place behind her on the ground like a normal shadow. Almost there! Arms flung out wide, tongue sticking out from between her lips as aimed for the only part of Kruger her height...his legs.


Angel rammed right into Kruger's left leg only to knock herself down to the ground, landing square on her butt. Purple eyes looked up as she sat on his foot managing to keep her hold on his leg. Bunny dangle down his calf from her tiny hand.

"I missed you! I missed you! My Uncie Krugie! I have so many hugs to give you and...."

Watching his face, she realized....Uncie Krugie is sad! Shooting up from her spot, though she might have stepped on his foot in doing so,

"Upsies please. Sad faces need extra love."

Keeping her smile despite how she hated to see him sad. Angel was going to hug him till his smile came back and that was that.

Miranda Branson

Date: 2013-10-31 12:16 EST
Chuckling at Angel's attempt to have ice cream and chocolate for dinner for the tenth time today, she kept the answer to herself as Angel pulled away from her. Mint green eyes watched the blonde curls of her daughter bounce and tangle all the way to her brother. It had been far to long since they had seen him.

Picking up the front of her dress, Miranda chased after Angel smiling softly. It seemed Samhain had more company in mind. Sure on her feet, she moved easily along the ground staying behind so Angel would win the race to hug first.

"Good evening, dear brother."

Kruger's face was etched in tired, fretful lines. It broke her heart to see him this way and when his eyes couldn't meet hers, that strong heart fell to the pit of her stomach. Keeping composure, hands demurely folded one over the other at her waist, Miranda waited for Kruger to speak.

A place to stay. Her mind traced over all the rooms that could be made for him in an instant, all the arms that would welcome him heart and soul, but her lips parted ever calm. As Angel pleaded to be picked up by Kruger she moved just to his side. The tips of her fingers finding the edge of his grizzled chin, sliding tenderly to cup his strong jaw. She wouldn't force him to look at her, nor coddle him, this man, this smith is and forever will be her brother in arms. Lightly she kissed his cheek gauging how long he had been wandering in the cold and in welcome.

"My dear brother, it seems the spirits of Samhain have brought us all together to celebrate. There is always room for you in my home by my hearth. Let's get out of the cold and fill our bellies, shall we?"

Miranda let her hand fall away, turning to lead the way to Mage house. She was sure dinner would be enough time for Warrior house to prepare a room for him. Right now she intended to show him every kindness and refuse to pull a single punch, the rules they always held between each other.

"Oh and brother. I fully expect trouble. We are speaking of you."

Winking to cue her jest in case the sorrow that was in him twisted her words. Miranda knew that Angel was not about to let go of Kruger for the night or at least not until she fell asleep.


Date: 2013-11-01 01:26 EST
He knew the time, it didn't seem to matter though, and sleep had evaded him like a Bean Si on the distant wind. The grounds were quiet, but it was still too early to expect anyone to be up, let alone take note of a lone smith stretching to loosen muscles that would soon be needed. When he began he felt that tightness to his chest the one that always threatened to make him quit long before they too would loosen and let him take longer strides.

He passed by the houses slowly at first eyes going to the signs that announced their names. He knew them well enough, Warrior House, his starting point led into Mage House, then Eternal. He bypassed Werewolf and Vampire houses and was quickening his pace as he approached Alchemy and Demon Houses. He looked at the doors as he ran, did he feel welcome here" Did he feel it anywhere" He kept going down a footpath next to a tree line.

Kruger remembered there were others who ran this early. They weren't here now, he could wish they were the idea of running with a partner, a silent stoic and solid form next to him was appealing right now. The gate came up quickly, the road beyond would feel the pound of his shoes as he headed towards the city and the place where all things seemed to make sense. The dry scatter of leaves told him when he startled wildlife, a deer maybe...something smaller. Much else and he wasn't ready for the conflict. Not now, not while he could barely think past the next step or the following.

It had been a while since he did this on a regular basis. Life had claimed him, had stolen the time for self testing and replaced it with so many other things. Still, he ran, his breathing steadying more and more as he moved. He couldn't recall a run that had made him smile, at least not while he was doing it. After would come the euphoria the high that only exertion could give the body. He wasn't ready for that though. Night birds fell silent as he passed by, that was good, he didn't want to be reminded that the earth lived.

He wanted only to move and let movement settle into his veins and pump his blood to those places that needed it most. The dark was his friend, it wound around him like a comfortable cloak that never needed mending. Where was his serenity located" He had lost it somewhere along the line. It drifted away silently and only left void to tell him that yes he could remain calm. Calm' He seethed inside sometimes, raged though he would let none know it. He would let it escape in a boisterous laugh and crazy antics. The straight path, to insanity perhaps"


Date: 2013-11-01 01:30 EST
He didn't mind the looks he got, perhaps he even craved those looks a little. He had always been so though, this body and soul that had decided that he would be allowed to push beyond what limitations others might allow him. Strange, he didn't want their approval, just their wonder. Wonder seemed to come in many forms, more often than not it was I wonder what is bothering him so badly.

That was his though, a deep mystery that he refused to answer and turn into a dirty secret. Mysteries were so much better than secrets. Secrets were dirty things to be hidden in shame. He didn't feel that though, all he felt was cold, empty, unless he felt the opposite.

Like now the point at which his anger was a flame that burned within him and made him push himself harder to finish whatever he was doing. It didn't matter what that was, it could be the most mundane idea of sweeping up around the forge, or running in the dark of night daring his body to give out on him.

It could be something more terrible though. What wouldn't he do to protect those he cared most about' He had told Brian rightly those months ago. I am no hero, I am a man who will give up the city to save one friend. The city stood, his friends lived. Was that his doing? Others might say yes, he simply said he did what needed doing. That thought had him increasing his pace even more. The thudding in his chest was what he craved now. The pound of blood was in ears used to hearing it on the outside.

The sensation was similar, it eased his mind some with the same effect that working the metal would. The treeline was thick, anything could be in the woods...anything was, though it wasn't near him. He could see lights of buildings from a city where at no time did everybody sleep. Distance though was difficult to judge. That was fine with him, the point wasn't knowing where you were but in getting lost. That was the way to run, lost from start to finish. Lost so that distance wasn't so daunting.

Nearing the gates was an exercise in details. The details grew crisper every few steps, eventually making the mortar in the walls visible and the great stones that made up the barrier. The gate stood open though he figured he would be the first to pass back into Rhydin. Dirt roads gave way to the paved paths of city roads. The forge wasn't far, not now, not by comparison to how far he had come. A right hand turn onto Market street would take him in the correct direction. Three blocks...maybe four.

He refused to count, or know them even until he found the driveway to the forge. He stopped his run but continued to walk, letting the lightness of foot and weakness of limb wash through him. That would bring the smile, the grin of finishing as well as he could. It was true he would break no records with these runs, All he would do is get where he was going.


Date: 2013-11-08 02:24 EST
Kruger sat in the center of the grounds. He had made it a point to be equidistant from every house there. The road was far enough away that he couldn't hear the traffic though the lights were visible. Cold rain flowed over him, it had long since drenched all his clothing and pasted his hair to his head. The shivers came more often but he wasn't moving, the discomforts of his physical body meant less than the need to feel grounded. The overcast skies had a dulling effect on the place, as much from the rains as from the mists that had begun to rise from the earth itself. How long before it encompassed him fully and left him invisible to plain sight' An hour more perhaps, but at least he understood his loss now.

Any who traveled close enough to him would hear him, questions firing into space and no one present to give him answers. "Is it possible to love something unseen" To miss the feel of something that has no physical form' I came here for answers but all I ever get is more questions. Yes, I know what I have given up. Yes I know that the choice was mine, and that I cannot make whole what I have divided myself. The truth is that I don't feel I belong anywhere but in your grace. Grace though is not meant for me it seems. Perhaps everyone is right about me. Tell me, if ever you wish to speak to me again, is this all there is for me" Am I to be the one who always loses" The one who finds a little happiness only to be forced to give it up because I want it too much' I've tried to make things, gone back to the place I began. I can still create, I do still have that mind. My victory is assured but it is as hollow as I am right now."

His words were soft and held no ounce of accusation, if there had been anger in him it had been pounded out of him long ago by the driving rain. Another shiver and the smith knew he should move but the need to just sit and endure had taken him early and wouldn't allow him to do anything else. "You have blessed those I touch, and for that you have my thanks. You have returned whence you came leaving me as a mere vessel that has lost its usefulness. I found you, I understand now and he needs you more than I do. I found you and know that you are where I should be, doing those things that are meant to be my duties.?


Date: 2013-11-08 02:30 EST
Kruger could find no solace in understanding, losses and gains were the same empty feeling that had taken him. "Where do I go to forget you? How do I make it not hurt anymore" I came here seeking shelter, to know the embrace of those who love me. Their touch just brings me pain because I cannot give them what they want. I can't be the man they know, this is who I am"alone, lost and forever seeking. I know they all mean well, wish they could bear a part of this burden, but it is all I have left and I will keep it jealously." The skin on his calloused palms was wrinkled from his time in the rain. He sat up straighter feeling the vertebrae crack and pop with the movement. Time was sliding away from him like the water that dripped from his nose and cascaded down his cheeks.

"I am just a man and mortal as any of them, my time here is short by the standards of so many that dwell within this place. I fight, but what do I prove with it' I work and that brings me nothing but monetary gain. You have been the best of me, taken me into places where I should never belong. Who am I to gainsay what you want"what you need" I thought perhaps, for a fleeting moment that I had found something special for me. Too late do I understand that it was temporary and should have been grasped with both hands and taken to whatever heights we could have achieved." He swallowed and shook his head as though deciding all at once to do nothing rather than something foolish.

"I am still alive, and I will live on to defy you, to tempt you with my song and my work. I will live on because I want this hurt to last forever, and the emptiness to last far beyond me. Take care of my flesh, and bone, and know that from me you will never be denied. Perhaps it is true that you have stolen my soul. That is fine, at least one piece of me still lives happy." Kruger's shoulders slumped forward once more, head dipping low to hide away his face from the world. He would let no one see him this way again. He would paint his smile and live his lie for those who needed him to be so.

His lips moved though, the words coming so softly that only the wind could hear him. "Never doubt that I want you back"never believe that it is too late'duo mo chroi chun tu." Finally he rose from his place, his breath forming clouds in the cold. He pulled free his drenched shirt exposing the abuses of the past across the wide expanse of his back. The dark hair of his head rose and with it the shoulders straightened in defiance of his pain. As promised he painted on his grin, and would learn again how to make it seem real to those who knew him best. Kruger turned his back on the street and walked towards Warrior House like a man who knew only joy. In his mind came the final spell.

Let the lies begin?now.
