Topic: Crash landing in RhyDin


Date: 2006-06-08 22:58 EST
When Wyheree awoke at last, she saw at once that the phase spell had gone horribly wrong. "I was supposed to end in the Ice plane" she thought, hands cradling her head. As she touched her hair, her eyes grew wide and she stood up and staggered to a nearby window. In the dim reflection, she was shocked to see that her hair, once black as the raven's wing, was now a pale icy blond. The eyes looking back at her were no longer dark, but palest blue with little silver flecks that caught the lamplight. As she ran her fingers nervously through her hair, she discovered that her hair was indeed ice - delicate strands of gossamer ice that tinkled in the breeze like wind chimes. The true horror of what happened slowly began to sink in. Now, instead of studying Ice Magic, Wyheree had become Ice Magic. "I must have gone straight through the Ice Plane and ended But, where is here?" She looked around the dimly-lit street, realizing that "here" was not the little village by her Keep. She looked at the sign on the building whose window she was using as a mirror. "Red Dragon Inn. Maybe someone here can tell me what and where this place is, and perhaps how to get home." Taking a deep breath, Wyheree opened the door and entered the Inn.