Topic: The ultimate pain


Date: 2006-06-11 19:14 EST
Wyheree next found hefself at the Red Dragon Inn, a near-empty bottle of Elven wine in front of her, tears drying in silvery lines down her cheeks. How could she have been so foolish, so utterly stupid? Taking a deep drink directly from the bottle, she stared into the Inn's fire, fresh tears falling as she turned the night's events over and over in her head. She had been played false....everything Bolt had said to her were lies, all lies....The realizations made her feel used, dirty, and cheapened...."a dragon skin might be a fine trophy indeed..." Wyheree thought grimly, finishing her wine, wondering how many more bottles it would take to make the agony go away....and then a new pain struck her, stabbing shooting pains thoughout her abdomen, stealing away her breath. Bending near double, she felt horribly sick, and the pain worsened, causing her to lurch to her feet and stumble out into the night, into oblivion, as the bottle crashed to the ground and Wyheree disappeared into the blackness...


Date: 2006-06-11 19:18 EST
"I have established contact off world..." A man's deep voice uttered complicated words - a counter-summon spell....then a flash of blue light, and the appearance of Wyheree in acute distress seemed to disturb the caster..."Is this...her? Wyh' Ye gods, she is injured...bleeding....Rivera!! We must staunch the flow of blood, or we will surely lose for good!" The spell-caster, a wizened old man with golden eyes, began muttering spell after spell - anything to heal the broken body of one of his dearest friends...


Date: 2006-06-11 19:22 EST
Within all the chaos, Wyheree's strange pale eyes fluttered open. Looking around, she recognized her study. "Somehow, I am back home..." then her eyes closed again as the pain across her belly bowed her back, tearing screams of agony from her lips. As she slipped deep into unconsciousnes, she was vaguely aware of the familiar hands holding her head, mumbling softly, and the deeper voice barking orders, but soon the whole room faded into a blackness where the pain finally ceased...