Topic: Wyheree vs. The Mithra


Date: 2006-07-06 20:23 EST
This morning found Wyheree at the Inn early, indulging in a glass of orange juice. Kerri the bouncing Mithra was there, talking with an odd girl Wyheree knew was Brian and Charlotte's daughter Lucy - that is, if you could call taunting the girl about her father and her lover talking. Kerri was not her usual hyper self - she sat on the bar, hardly moving - until she noticed Wyheree - then she flipped over the bar in a greeting of sorts.

Kerri then taunted Wyheree about the old wards she had placed around Brian's house - saying she needed better ones. When her suggestion of her wards transporting triggers into the Ice Plane was met with laughter and derision, Wyheree's temper began to flare, and the temperature around her began to drop.

Kerri's continued taunts and jabs about Brian served to worsen Wyheree's temper - for Kerri, with all her supposed intimate knowledge of "Raven", knew absolutely nothing about Brian. Kerri then returned to her verbal assault of Lucy, which the odd one disregarded with jabs of her own. Then, Kerri went too far.

She took jabs at Wyheree's love life - or lack of love life - even suggesting she would "do Raven" if Charlotte was not her friend. That was an utter lie, and earned Kerri a smack with her icy winds, then another, and finally - at Lucy's suggestion - Wyheree encased the Mithra nearly completely in ice. She moved toward Kerri, squeezing the ice tighter, "You wish to die - fine. You wish to take Brian with you? ::shakes her head:: I cannot allow that."

Just after Kerri was frozen, two shadow-things peeled away from the walls, and moved toward the icy Mithra. Lucy swiftly tore away the shadows to reveal two men, each one holding a collar - and a collar had suddenly become visible around Kerri's neck. The Mithra strained and flexed, cracking the ice nearly as fast as Wyheree could wrap it around her. Then, she broke through the ice, exploding shards all across the Inn. Lucy's shadows had made short work of the men, and she also seemed to know the significance of the collar - "Hey Wyheree, freeze the collar off her neck."

Which Wyheree attempted to do, her first bolt of ice missing, Kerri screamed loudly and ran dead for Wyheree, "YOU!!" A second, larger blast of ice was dodged nimbly by the charging Mithra, and Wyheree knew the time had come for darker magic.

"Wy-uh-ree" He will activate!"

That was the last Kerri spoke, for Wyheree's eyes glowed, and she called for the moisture within Kerri's blood, willing it to coagulate, to slow, to choke with ice. Kerri's body slowed, mouth muffled and still she fought. Her body began to increase in size, her eyes widened and took a red coloring, while she continued to struggle. Wyheree whispered to Kerri as she held the Mithra's blood, "Do not make me kill you.."

Kerri managed to free a gold ball-like device, which exploded in a flash, and Wyheree was forced to release her hold on the Mithra's blood and shield herself from the blast. Kerri took the opportunity to slip away, whimpering, the collar in pieces on the floor, then she was distracted by a shiny necklace tossed over by Icer, and then with a "mew", Kerri was gone.

Lucy identified the ball-like thing as a "stun grenade", and offered Wyheree a hand up. The morning had not gone well at all, and she snaked her tendrils behind the bar for the Lothlorian Gold. A chat with Lucy and Icer about the men now beaten to faceless lumps ended with Lucy and Icer - eating - the remains, which made Wyh feel quite queasy. Excusing herself, she left the Inn, fervently hoping the rest of her day would improve.


Date: 2006-07-07 12:43 EST
As Wyheree left the Inn, still shaken from her fight with Kerri, she happened upon Captain Black, out for a morning walk. After greeting him in typical pirate fashion, they walked together hand in hand, making plans to see each other again. As they wound their way to a lovely park near the Inn, Wyheree leaned her head on his strong shoulder, the horrible morning weighing on her mind.

Captain Black leaned his head on hers, "I'm so glad we ran across each other this morning. How are things with Charlotte and Brian' You still welcomed in their home?"

Wyheree nodded, then with lowered eyes, she told him about her morning - the Mithra's seeming madness, the fight, and ending with how she had been forced to freeze her blood to slow her down. She was afraid this darker use of her magic would turn James from her. Her tears flowed in silver trails as she breathed, "I do not like using my magic like that".

Captain Black's hands go to her shoulders, softly speaking, "If I were there, I would have tried to slice her too." Wiping the tear from her cheek with his thumb, he continued, "I'm just glad you are safe."

She turned her eyes to him, silver tears still falling, then Wyheree buried her head in his shoulder and cried, the awfulness of the morning just too much.

Captain Black's hand moved behind her head, holding her against him, kissing her hair, speaking softly, "I'm so glad ye be able to protect yourself, Wyh. 'Tis a dangerous place here. There's no denying that."

Wyheree nuzzled into his strong shoulder, calming as he held her close, "You do not find me frightening, then?"

He thought for a moment, then teased, "Oh, Wyh, I find you very frightening. Every time I'm near you my heart beats harder and faster."

She smiled at that, her tears nearly gone. "I feared you would run screaming.."

His fingers move to her chin, lifting her gaze toward him, near whispering, "I seldom scream unless someone steals my rum." a wink, and then lowered his lips to hers. Wyheree kissed him back, her hands reaching up to curl in his hair. James sank into the delight of her kiss, the feel of her breath, the taste of her mouth, holding her against his body, strong hands caressing her back.

His kiss drove all the awfulness of her morning away, and when she breathed, she gazed at him with sparkling silver eyes, "I must be off - James...Will I see you later?"

"I'll be lookin' for ye, can count on that!"

And from there they made their separate ways, Wyheree's heart light and her steps airy as she walked towards the Villa.