Topic: In My Time of Dying

Rachel Bristol

Date: 2013-11-12 19:49 EST
((Takes place following Fallen from Grace, and between the events of A Stop on the Way and Phone a Friend.))

Just as the angel had hoped, there was peace in the darkness - a quiet, deep, dreamless peace that was neither living or dying, neither Heaven or Hell. He surrendered himself willingly to the darkness, allowing it to embrace him like a lover, floating on a sea of inky blackness known as Oblivion. He let the dark waves take him and pull him under. There was no pain here, no conscious thought, no anything. It was peaceful at first in the darkness, but after a long while that seemed both an eternity and an instant, another sensation came over him - a separation, a oneness, an aloneness that he'd never known before. The only word that came to him to define the feeling was loneliness.

This was what it felt like to be really and truly alone, neither human or angel, alive or dead, mortal or divine. This sensation gave way to another he was only starting to recognize as fear, and with the fear, came unwelcome dreams of a mortal nature. He dreamed of a night a quarter of a century ago when he had failed to do his duty, when he had been defeated by a power greater than his own, by a being who had once been one of his brothers, but who had been cast out long ago.

Never being mortal, never needing sleep, he had never known a dream or a nightmare, not until now. He flinched in his sleep, his mind remembering the anguish brought upon him by his captors, crying out for help that he knew would never come, the hopelessness of his situation and the guilt of his failure only adding to the torment.

Not far from him, her small figure drowned in the loose fit of a night shirt, wrapped up in a warm blanket for comfort's sake, Rachel slept, curled tight into herself in the deep cushion of her only chair. Her face was turned toward the bed, toward the dying angel who had so unexpectedly broken her solitude, radiating the dreamless sleep of the truly innocent. She had no fear to mar her sleeping hours, no dread or regret, no understanding of danger. She simply was, in a way that few others throughout the history of the world had ever been or would ever be.

In the throes of his dreams, he unknowingly called out to the one person who might hear him, the one person who he'd been searching for for so long. No one else was there to hear him or to bear witness, but the one person he had failed, the only person who had ever showed him any kindness or compassion. "Rachel!" he called in the darkness as his eyes snapped wide open, fear making his voice tremble in a way that startled even him. He pushed himself up from the bed to gaze into the darkness, his breath caught in his throat, eyes bright with a fever that seemed to burn from inside him somewhere.

As the sound of her name - a name she had only known a few scant hours - broke through the silent stillness of the room, her eyes came open with a start, her body half-risen from where she had been sleeping almost before she was truly awake. There was no sense of disorientation - she had fallen asleep every night of her life in this room, and this was where every morning had woken her. She knew it, better than she knew her own self. Her gaze rushed to the bed, to where Zachariel sat upright, his body tense with the shock of his first nightmare. "Zachariel?" She pushed her blanket aside, dropping her bare feet to the floor to hurry to the bed. "I'm here," she told him, gentle hands cool on his fevered skin. "You are not alone."

But he was alone. There was no one like him in all the known worlds, not quite human and not quite angel, and the weight of that loneliness suddenly was too much to bear, and he found himself sobbing again, seeking solace in her embrace, weeping for all that was lost and all that he would never know. It seemed the saddest thing in the world that he had never known love or to be loved. He didn't know why it was so important in that moment, but it seemed to him that it in the end, it was really all that mattered.

His tears caught her by surprise, her arms wrapping about his shoulders, hands careful not to stray near the wounds on his back as he sobbed into her shoulder. The weight of sadness that radiated from him touched her heart all over again, and she found herself weeping with him, soft, silent tears to wet his shoulder as she sought to comfort him in the still gloom of their shared prison.

Time passed slowly in their shared prison, two lost souls bound together by a bond she did not understand and he refused to break, crying for themselves, crying for each other, lost in compassion and sympathy and sorrow. He wept until he'd wept himself dry, until he finally lifted his head, all the sorrow going out of him. He would find a way to triumph in the end; he would find a way to save her, somehow. His own life was forfeit and did not matter, his soul already lost, but there was still hope for her. "I'm sorry," he apologized again, seeking forgiveness for what he didn't know - for failing her, for losing her, for showing a weakness he had never known before. "I came here to save you, and I will not fail you again."

She met his gaze as he raised his head, those soft, gentle fingers wiping away the evidence of his tears from his face as she looked into his eyes. She didn't understand why he was so bent on having forgiveness, why he insisted upon apologizing to her. "You haven't failed me," she told him, sincere in her innocent ignorance of the truth. "You have nothing to be sorry for. You're the first person I have ever spoken to for more than a few minutes. I'm not alone with you here - that is something to be happy for."

He raised a trembling hand to touch her face, as she had touched his, wondering at the wetness on her cheeks. He'd seen mortals weep before, but he'd never done so himself. He knew it was something done out of sadness, loneliness, pain, grief. These things had only been words before, barely understood. Was she weeping for herself or for him' As far as he knew, no one had ever wept for him before in all of his many years of existence. "You're crying," he said, stating the obvious. He touched his fingers to his lips, tasting her tears. Salt like the pillar that had once been Lot's Wife when she turned and looked back at the destruction of Sodom.

She held very still as he touched her face, starved of any real contact throughout her lifetime. Just the fact that he was willing to touch her was enough to make her tremble, wanting to cry all over again with relief that she was worth spending such a touch on. "Because you're so sad," she told him, answering the question he hadn't spoken aloud. "I wish I could help you. No one should be so sad."

Rachel Bristol

Date: 2013-11-12 19:51 EST
"But I am sad because of you. I came here because of you." He didn't expect her to understand really. How could she" She had been locked away here, away from the world, away from those who would have loved her, who would have cared for her for all her life. "You are here because of me. I am your Guardian, Rachel. I was entrusted to protect you and take care of you, and I failed miserably."

"But ..." A soft frown touched her face as she tried to make sense of this. "But Oliver ....Cassandra ....they all say that there's something after me, that I'm not safe. They made this place after my parents were taken away, to protect me. Why wouldn't they tell you about it?" It made no sense to her, and yet there was that sense of wary suspicion, for the second time, that something was not right. "Didn't you tell them to do this to me?"

"No, child," he replied, with a soft frown of his own. He did not want to hurt her in any way, but she needed to know that her entire life, her entire existence had been a lie. As for himself, he was incapable of lying, even if he wanted to or knew how, but he knew she did not know that, and he knew she might not believe him, but perhaps she'd believe her brother. "They did this to me, Rachel, because....because..." His chin trembled as the truth of the situation and the truth of his own feelings came crashing down on him with enormous realization and responsibility. "Because I love you."

She stared at him, a myriad of emotion crossing her face as she struggled to comprehend what he was telling her. That the ones who had cared for her, fed her, clothed her, all her life had done so without the knowledge of someone who said he was her Guardian, someone she felt compelled to believe above all others. It was akin to the way she had felt when Rhys had come bursting in for just a few moments, that absolute certainty that here was a person who would never lie to her. "They ....they lied to me?" she asked in a hushed voice. "Oliver and Cassandra and all the others ....they lied to me" Why would they do that?" It was one thing to live your life in ignorance and quiet; quite another to learn that your comfortable safe home was nothing more than a prison. And then ...."Why' Why do you love me" I'm nothing."

"I'm sorry," he heard himself apologizing again, not for himself this time, but for those who had deceived her, for those who had hurt her. He wasn't apologizing for them, but for having to be the one to give her the truth, to burst the safe bubble of illusion that had surrounded her all her life. "They are evil," he told her, plain and simple. There was no other explanation. "They took you from your family, from those who loved you." He smiled at her sadly, compassionately as he dared touch her cheek again in a very gentle caress. For a moment, he was an angel again, and he could offer her this comfort, this warmth, this bit of compassion and understanding. "I am your Guardian and we have been together since the dawn of Creation." He was not sure if that was answer enough, but it was a start.

How could she possibly take it all in" To be taught in one moment the power of a deception that had lasted her entire lifetime, and to accept in the next that everything he told her was the truth' She didn't know how to handle so much at once. Her captivity had kept her uneducated, unaware of the world beyond walls with no doors. But she was by no means stupid, her ignorance unable to keep her natural intelligence from setting her mind to work. "My brother is coming for me," she said softly, even as her hand covered his on her cheek, green eyes meeting his gaze, the innocence in her lessened by the knowledge of what was. "He'll save us. He'll save you. You've watched over me for so long. I think maybe it's time for me to look after you."

After all these years, at last she knew the truth. He smiled a little sadly at her words, which came too late to save him, in his eyes, but touched him to the very core of his being. "He'll save you, as is his destiny and his right, but it is too late for me. I am broken, a mere shadow of my true self. I will set things to right and give my life for yours. It is my choice to make."

"No!" Her hands gripped his shoulders as she denied him that choice, that right of his own. If she'd had the strength, she would have shaken him for even considering it. Rachel didn't know what was going on; she didn't understand much of what she had been told. But she knew somewhere deep inside her that Zachariel was important to her, one way or another. "I won't let you do that. I won't!"

He winced as she gripped his shoulders, though he would not admit to her how it pained him, tensing for a moment at her grasp. "You do not understand. This is my destiny, and it is my choice to make. It is my way of atoning for my own failure. None of this..." He said, lifting a hand to indicate their surroundings which had made up her prison all these years. "None of this should have happened. None of it is real. This is not life, Rachel. It is not living. It is not what was meant for you or for those who love you. I know your brother. We have watched you together through millenia. He and I and my sister. He will come for you. He will save you. You must reach out to him again, let him know you are here. He will hear you, and he will come."

"How is it atoning for anything when you're talking about me all alone again?" Rachel heard herself demand, startled by her own selfish urge to keep him alive. "I don't want to be on my own. I can't stand the silence, not anymore, not now I know I have a brother, not now I know you! You can't just leave me, please." No matter what he urged her to do, she was caught in the fear of being isolated all over again, unable to simply ignore that possibility any longer.

He touched her cheek again, as if seeking to still her troubled heart. How many times had he touched her in the past, though she had never felt his touch, never known it was him, before this life, through so many others" "You will not be alone. You will never be alone." Unless they failed, but then she would be no more, just as he would be no more. He would not let that come to pass. They were only mere mortals, after all. He had vanquished half their number. When they returned, he would vanquish the rest. There was no other option. If they had left him but one feather, he could have given it to her in memory of him, but they had not.

There was only one other thing he could give her, and that was a small piece of his soul. He had seen it done only once before, a long time ago, in another time and another place. He leaned closer, gentle fingers trailing tenderly against her face and through her hair, before touching his lips very briefly and softly to hers. For the briefest of moments, they were connected and a surge of energy passed through them, as warm and comforting as sunshine on a summer day. He passed a piece of himself to her, a piece of his being, a tiny fragment of his soul. No matter what happened to him, she would never be alone again, so long as she kept that bit of him safe within her heart.

Rachel Bristol

Date: 2013-11-12 19:52 EST
She gasped as his lips touched hers, warmed by the unexpected intimacy. She, who had never been held, never been kissed, felt something pass from him to her; something that burned its way into her heart and made a place for itself there, throbbing and potent and unmistakeably him. But more than that, she felt something else stir inside her. A warmth, a heat, that seemed to make no sense, crackling through her veins as his lips left hers. She stared into his eyes, made breathless by a single kiss, her hand soft over his heart. "What was that?" she whispered to him, at a loss for words to describe how he had made her feel with a single touch.

"It is love," he answered as honestly as he could, having felt very nearly the same thing, like a flame bursting forth in his heart, unlike anything he had ever felt before during his existence as an angel. He had known love, certainly, but not like this. This kind of love was a human emotion, which resulted in a human sensation he had never felt before nor had a name for. It was like a yearning of the body that matched the yearning of the soul, but he was not sure what to think of it or what to do about it. Certainly, he knew the biology of procreation, but he had never before understood the physicality of it, or the power and potency of it. It was forbidden to those of his kind, known only to those who had Fallen, those who could no longer rejoin the celestial ranks of their brethren.

"Is it something only you can do?" The innocent girl was almost in his arms as she asked this sweet question, green eyes wide, the thought of his loss forgotten in the wake of the strange, prickling that was swarming through her body, the tender tug at her heart as she looked into his eyes. "Does it only happen for you?"

"No," he replied, looking down at her softly, knowing the answer though he'd never had to explain it before and had never felt anything quite like it before. So, this was what mortals sang about, what their poets wrote about, what they seemed to cherish and yearn for above all things - this mysterious connection to another life. It was nothing short of miraculous. It was a gift from God; it was what defined them as human. It was as divine a gift as any he had witnessed in all of Creation. "It happens among mortals. Humans. People, like yourself. I am not human, but..." He frowned softly, his eyes betraying his sadness, his pain that was not yet forgotten despite the wonder of this new feeling.

She didn't let him finish, touching his lips with her fingertips to still his frowning words. What an innocent lacked in knowledge, she made up for in curiosity, in an eagerness to learn what had been denied her all her life. This was a part of that eagerness, yet it seemed fueled by a longing she could not quite put a name to. A longing that urged her to touch her lips to his, to repeat that strange, mystifying intimacy as her fingers curled into his hair, surrendering only too easily to the warmth inside her.

His words trailed off, his denial of his own humanity, which until only a few short moments ago he had not known existed. His eyes remained open, watchful, curious as she touched her fingers to his lips, effectively silencing him, stilling his questions, but causing his heart to beat rapidly, almost frightening him with the urgency that was making itself known, unlike anything he'd ever felt before. He was as innocent as she was in this, each touch, each sensation new and different. He wondered at it and at the way it made him feel. Was this why it was forbidden to touch a mortal in such a way' Once it happened, it seemed there was no other feeling like it in all existence.

"Let me try," she whispered to him, her fingertips still stroking through his hair, forgetting the knowledge of the deception that had been worked upon her, forgetting everything but the man in her arms. For just a few short moments, nothing existed but them, and she felt that connection between them as though he were a part of her very being. Her breath warmed his lips as she gazed into his eyes, her own heartbeat fluttering as the tip of her nose stroked against his. As her lips found his in her first true kiss, her eyes fell closed, instinct guiding her to savor something wholly unique, almost sacred, between them.

He was not sure if what he'd done was right, but in that moment, he knew his words had been true. He had loved her from time immemorial; he had loved her forever. How could something this beautiful, this sacred, this loving ever be wrong" His eyes fell closed as she did it again. A kiss, they called it. Once more, he knew the word, but not what it had truly meant. He had never expected such a feeling as this, such a strong connection that could not be denied. In that moment, he accepted his fate. If he was only to live a few more hours, all of this made his own death worthwhile. He would draw strength from this kiss, this sacred union of souls, and he would defeat their enemies and free her body and soul from the loneliness of this prison cell they had made for her.

Innocent she might be, but Rachel was still human, with all the instincts that entailed. She didn't know this feeling, she didn't understand it. All she knew was that she didn't want it to end. She didn't want to stay cooped up in this room forever, forced to live the same day over and over again, alone. She wanted freedom; she wanted Zachariel. She wanted, for the first time in her life, something that had been denied her for too long. Her lips parted from his with another soft gasp, her pale skin flushing with the first gentle warmth of desire. The first taste of something that, unknown to her, could end her imprisonment for good.

As enchanted and astonished as he was with this feeling, he felt his strength flagging and knew he had to rest if he was to regain some of that strength so that he could fight for her when daylight came, when their captors returned to kill him. "Rachel," he whispered gently and reluctantly pulling away from her, sensing the need and desire that matched hers. "I cannot," he told her sadly. "I must not. Please forgive me."

For a split second, disappointment flared in her eyes, hurt by the first rejection she had been given, however gently it was done. But it did not last, her senses returning to her in a flood to remind her of his grievous injuries, his weakness, his certainty that he was dying. She nodded, her fingers lingering against his cheek as she leaned away from him once again. "I understand," she assured him, her voice barely above a whisper in the darkness. "You need to sleep."

"Stay with me," he pleaded, searching her eyes, asking for this one small thing in what he expected to be the last hours of his life. "I have wrapped my wings around you through so many lifetimes, and you never knew I was there." A single tear rolled down his cheek at his own admission. Those wings were no more and despite the opening of his heart to her, he grieved their loss as one might grieve the loss of some part of themselves that seemed imperative to their being. It did not occur to him that he could do the very same thing, using his arms, rather than his wings.

Rachel Bristol

Date: 2013-11-12 19:54 EST
"I'm here," she whispered back to him, not quite understanding what he meant by stay. "I will not be far." Her expression crumpled with that same empathy as before, watching a single tear track down his cheek, catching it on her fingertip. How could she possibly comprehend his pain, his loss? She couldn't, but she felt some echo of it, strong enough to feel her heart ache for him. "I know you are here now."

He wished he could promise that he'd always be there for her, but he could not. Not anymore. They had taken that from him, and he had no idea how to get it back. He reached for her hand in his own moment of need and loss, wishing he could make her understand. He'd never felt fear before, but he understood now why mortals feared death. For them, however, death was not the end, but only a door to the next lifetime. For him, death was final. There would be no coming back. He touched her cheek again, not wanting to know how any of this was tearing at him. Her freedom was the only thing that was important. There was nothing else. He held his breath as he laid back down on the bed, careful of the wounds on his back that seemed to pulsate with an ache that went too deep for any salve or balm. "I do not wish to leave you," he told her quietly, the only admission of his fear or his regret.

Drawn down with him, Rachel nestled at his side, careful not to jostle him too much, not to lay her hands on the wounds at his back. She could feel his fear, his sense of loss, his sadness, each growing emotion tumbling through her, making her ache with him for what he was so certain would never be. Wrapped in his arms, she did not think there was any difference between this and what she imagined his wings would feel like as they enveloped her, but kept such an observation to herself. She did not want to hurt him with reminders of what he no longer had. "So do not leave," she murmured in answer, watching his face in the gloom that enveloped them. "Fight to stay. Rhys will find a way to save you. I know he will."

His eyes shone in the gloom, glistening with tears like stars in the night sky that she had never witnessed in this lifetime nor remembered from the past. "There are so many things I wish to show you and share with you, so many wonders for you to see. There's a whole world outside these walls, Rachel. I cannot describe or explain what it is like. It is too much for one lifetime. Too much for one being. There are wonders you can not even imagine." His voice was quiet as he spoke of these things, wanting her to know that she had not even begun to live. "Your brother, he is what led me here to you. He will come for you, and he will save you. He loves you, Rachel. His life will never be complete without you." He could have just as well been talking about himself, and perhaps he was, in a strange sort of way.

"He will save you, too." She couldn't have said why it was so important to her that Zachariel believe her when she insisted on this. She couldn't even have said for certain that her brother, someone she had spoken to for less than five minutes, would do as she expected and save the day. But she felt certain of it, wanting Zachariel to join her in that certainty, that hope for a happy ending. "Don't give up. Please."

He smiled, more for her sake than for his own. Even now that he had opened her eyes, she was still innocent, still idealistic, still hopeful. "No," he replied quietly, his voice weakening again as he started to tire. "For your sake, I will not give up, but you must understand that I am fading. I am no longer immortal, and I feel my strength leaving me. I am not afraid of death, beloved, but I do not wish to leave you."

"No," she whispered, denying the truth as he said it, as stubborn as the brother she barely knew. "He will save you." He has to. Innocent as she was, she understood that her life was connected with that of this strange man who was not human, that he was a part of her she would sorely miss if he were to cease to be. Her hand moved, lying over his heart. "I won't let you go."

His smile softened, deeply touched by her words and the sentiment behind them. Whether Rhys would save him, he couldn't say for sure, but if there was anyone he'd put his faith in, it was the one who had once been Rathanael. "Perhaps," he admitted drowsily, his eyes growing heavy. "He saved the world. Perhaps." He grew quiet as his eyes fell closed and his breathing grew slow and steady, surrendering once again to the darkness that was mortal sleep, but this time, there were no nightmares to wake him, not so long as she was close.

Rachel lay in the darkness for a long time, listening to his breathing, watching the peace of oblivious slumber cast its spell over his face. She knew he was right; some part of her understood that he was dying, that his time was finite. But she refused to accept it. All her life, she had accepted what she was told without question, never once considering that there might be another way. But the suspicions had been there, buried deep, and now brought into the light by the presence of this wounded, fascinating being. He had told her not to accept what she had always believed. She could do that; for the sake of her brother, and for the sake of the man dying in her arms. Rhys would come for them. Zachariel would be saved. If not, there was no telling what the innocent they both loved would do.

((And the story moves on! We are kicking this one in the arse! Hugiflorious, magniwonderlous thanks to Zachariel's player for this one!))