Topic: Last Chance


Date: 2016-05-31 08:49 EST
((Warning - contains somewhat graphic imagery.))

There were distinct advantages to being in the company of an elder vampire who could insert her voice into your head at will. That was how Nick had known when it was time to usher Willow, Anabelle, Aly, and Lauren out through the back door of the club, toward the car that was waiting for them. As the fight began in the nightclub, the doors of the car slammed, the engine revved, and the vehicle shot out of the alley. Regardless of how certain the plan might be, Lauren was taking no chances. She wanted to be at the penthouse within minutes, and that meant a little speeding. In the back seat, Willow handed Aly to Anabelle, forcing the more delicate vampire female to sit in the middle of the seat. She wasn't going to take any risks with her daughter.

Nick was in the front seat beside Lauren, checking and rechecking his sidearm. Though he wasn't sure if it would be much good against Josef, it might, at the very least, catch him off guard. They were gambling on getting to Valerian's penthouse before Josef realized they were gone, but Nick knew from experience that they couldn't be too careful. "How much farther?" he asked, clearly anxious to reach their destination, more out of concern for his daughter's safety than any fear of Josef.

"A few minutes," Lauren told him in a tense voice, concentrating harder on driving than she might normally have done. But then, she didn't habitually travel at these speeds with Aly in the back. "The most dangerous time will be when I have to stop and key in the code to get into the parking garage."

Behind them, Anabelle gasped suddenly, her eyes snapping to the front of the vehicle. "Josef didn't take the bait," she said in alarm. "Julian thinks he's following us."

"Terrific," Nick muttered sarcastically, leaning forward to open and rifle through Valerian's glove box. "Your boyfriend didn't happen to mention hiding any weapons in here, did he?" he asked, not finding much of any usefulness thus far.

"Not my boyfriend, and no, he didn't tell me about any weapons," Lauren answered a little sharply, pressing down on the accelerator. She heard Anabelle squeak in the back seat, knowing the blonde was not as at home with modern technology as the rest of them, but had to leave it to Willow to keep any fear from getting out of control.

"I've seen Josef fight," Willow pointed out, her eyes fixed on the road behind them as the car weaved with terrifying speed through the traffic that still peppered the city. "He has no technique or tactics."

"And that's what makes him dangerous," Nick pointed out. He'd argue with her about what Valerian was to her later, if there was a later. "Jesus Christ. Who actually keeps gloves in their glove box?" he asked, tossing a pair aside and finding nothing terribly useful, except maybe a ballpoint pen. It might come in handy if he could shove it in Josef's eye or something. "We should have thought this out better," he grumbled to himself. "Did Julian say anything else?" Nick asked, glancing back at Anabelle, who had gone even whiter than usual for a vampire her age.

"It's too late to complain about it now," Lauren pointed out, pulling the car sharply into the dark overhang of the parking garage. It was quiet, and there was no sign from behind of their pursuers as Lauren rolled down the window and leaned out to punch the code in.

Anabelle hugged Aly protectively on her lap, her eyes wide as she looked at Nick. "No, he's ....they're fighting," she said worriedly. "I don't know what?s happeni-"

She jumped violently as Lauren let out a yell. The dhampir was struggling with a dark figure who had loomed from the darkness - a figure that reached into the car and pulled her bodily out through the window as the window behind Nick's seat smashed. Josef reached into the car as the trio shrank back, his expression dark with triumph as he aimed his touch for the baby girl ....and Anabelle did something remarkable. Scowling at the older vampire, she pushed Aly into Willow's arms, removed her stiletto shoe, and stabbed the heel into the back of Josef's hand.

Taken by surprise as they were, Nick's instincts kicked in, and he shoved his door open, sharp teeth shining in the moonlight, eyes turning fiendishly yellow as he gave himself over to the monster inside him. A clawed hand grabbed hold of Josef and threw him away from the car, only then leveling his gun at the vampire and taking a shot in the dark. Loaded with silver bullets, unless it was a lucky shot, it was unlikely to kill, but it would wound and hopefully slow the other vampire down.

Bleeding from the heel jabbed into his hand, Josef hissed as Nick's claws gripped his shoulder, stumbling away only to spring up once more and charge his erstwhile childe. The bullet flew straight and true from Nick's gun, slamming the burning silver deep into Josef's shoulder, yet the pain only seemed to urge the monster on. His charge did not slow, claws out as he lunged at Nick, forgetting all wish to make Tobias suffer. Now he just wanted Nick dead.

On the other side of the car, Willow heard Lauren howl in pain, tasting the tang of dhampir blood on the air before the car rocked with the force of Josef's minion being slung hard against it. Lauren's arm snapped into view briefly through the open driver's window, tossing the passkey for the elevator to the two women in the back. She reached to finish punching in the code for the door, and lurched back once more as another clawed hand raked at her bare arm.

A voice sounded in Willow's head, though to her, it probably seemed like Nick had shouted it aloud: Get Aly to safety! All his concern in that moment was for his daughter, innocent and helpless as she was. Even Anabelle was capable of defending herself, if she was forced to do so, but not Alessandra. Josef might as well want Nick dead, since Nick wanted the same for his sire. This was the man - no, monster - who had tried to ruin his life, who had made him what he was and then left him to feed on his own wife in his blood madness. This was his sworn enemy and tonight, at last, it was going to be over, one way or another.

Nick caught hold of Josef as he lunged close, digging his own claws into the other's chest to grab hold and then flinging him like a ragdoll in the opposite direction of the garage. Nick then turned and leaped to Lauren's side, not bothering to hesitate before shoving a clawed hand straight through the minion's chest and ripping his heart out.

Willow shuddered as Nick's voice - her sire's voice - sounded in her head, the order traveling down her spine to stiffen her resolve and release her from her paralyzed terror. Responding to her father's mental call, Aly woke up screaming, sobbing in fright as she fed off the pain radiating from Lauren, the anger from Nick, the fright from Willow. Josef slammed against the concrete as Nick tossed him aside, dropping to the ground. In that moment, he was almost vulnerable, but Nick's action was what saved Lauren from having her throat sliced open. Josef's minion didn't even have time to scream as Nick ripped the heart from his chest, the body dropping with a dull thump next to Lauren as she rose to her feet.

The dhampir was bleeding from claw marks to her arm, her back, her neck, her eyes turned dull yellow as she snarled in pain. "Thanks," she managed, straightening to look for Josef as she finally finished the code that opened the parking garage.

The older attacker had disappeared from where he had fallen, a hiss in the darkness the only clue as to his whereabouts. But Willow was moving, clambering over into the driver's seat to slam the car into reverse and stamp on the accelerator. There was another dull thud as Josef was hit by several tons of modified vehicle, preventing his more stealthy attack from the rear.

"Stop messing around, get inside!" Lauren screamed at the trio in the car, advancing to keep Josef from following as the car shot forward into the garage.


Date: 2016-05-31 08:51 EST
But even running Valerian's car over the mad vampire wasn't enough to stop him, as evidenced when Nick joined Lauren to stand guard while the car disappeared into the parking garage. "You should go inside," he told Lauren as he stood by her side, waiting for the others to get to safety before he renewed his attack on Josef.

"I'm not letting you do this alone," Lauren informed him succinctly, achingly aware that she was injured, and worse, the garage door felt like it was taking an eternity to close behind them.

Josef was slower to rise this time, spitting out black blood that proved he was at least taking damage. Malevolent yellow eyes studied the two guarding the door against him, hate clouding his judgment as he lowered into a crouch.

"We could pull his legs off," Lauren suggested mildly as they watched this display.

Another man or even another vampire might be disgusted by such a suggestion, but not Nick. He had suffered too much at Josef's hands, as had so many others. No, he deserved to die as horribly as others had at his hand. "With pleasure," Nick replied, an almost feral grin on his face, that hint of sharp canines gleaming in the night once again.

Lauren's face echoed that feral grin. Despite her injuries, she rolled her shoulders, ready to go on the offensive. "You take the left leg, I'll take the right," she suggested nastily, knowing that Josef could hear every word.

The insane vampire knew he was losing ground. He was spitting blood, his shoulder was burning with the silver embedded in bone, other bones were fractured or broken, but his insanity drove him on. All he could see was his quarry, a satisfying death just within his grasp.

It was a gruesome sort of death, even for a vampire, but it wouldn't quite kill him - not right away, anyway. Still, all Nick could think of was his hatred for Josef and all the pain he had caused. He knew he was in danger of becoming that which he hated, but he wasn't a monster, crazed with madness and rage. He wasted no time in rushing forward to meet the other vampire. There was no mercy in his eyes and no forgiveness as he and Lauren made their advance with preternatural quickness, intending to literally tear Josef to shreds.

Scowling, Lauren moved at Nick's pace, bending to grip Josef's right leg as they reached him. Her pace did not slow, even when she felt claws reach into her hair to slice through her scalp, altering her course just enough that Josef began to scream as his legs were taken in separate directions. It was a vicious, brutal killing, and yet it was the only way to put down the rabid dog that he had become. With the sickening crack and tear of flesh and bone, the pop of hip joints giving up the ghost, Josef howled, feeling his legs torn away from his body.

Nick, too, carried on, despite the sharp claws that dug into his shoulders and raked down his back, all the while Josef's screams rending the night. Nick might hear those screams for weeks and months to come, but for now, he only focused on the kill. Drawing and quartering had once been a hideous form of tortuous death in a past that was gladly forgotten, but in that moment, it was very real and very much what the vampire and dhampir had judged Josef deserved.

The screams faded as the mad vampire bled out, clawing at the tarmac with failing strength as he rasped in pain. Lauren threw the leg she was holding into the street, where the sun would catch it early in the morning, feeling the trickle of her own blood down through her hair, over her skin. It was horrific, what they had just done, but considering everything Josef had done to Tobias, and to Nick himself, she considered it earned. That didn't stop her from taking one look at the dismembered being still clinging to the vain hope of survival and turning to throw up, disgusted with herself.

Even Nick, as much as he hated Josef, became disgusted with what they had done. Were they no better than the monster himself then" As soon as Lauren's back was turned, he went over to the fallen vampire and whispered something low, for Josef's ears alone. "May God forgive us all," he said, before lowering his head to tear into the vampire's throat and give him a little peace at last.

Josef glared up at Nick, his strength gone. Only the hate in his eyes burned as brightly as ever, even as the understanding came to him that his one mistake in almost four hundred years was his undoing. "May you ....choke on ..." he rasped, the words disappearing into a burble of bloodied gurgles as Nick finally gave him the peace he had been denied for far too long.

Nick only drank until the vampire's heart was no longer beating, the blood of his own sire disgusting him more than he cared to admit, though not so much that he would retch like Lauren had. He closed the vampire's lids, only then allowing himself to look over the wreckage they'd caused, his heart sick with guilt and grief, but they were alive and Willow and Aly and Anabelle were presumably safe. "We can't leave them like this," he said, his voice sounding gruff and weary.

Weak from blood loss of her own, and her retching, Lauren staggered to her feet, wiping her mouth painfully. "It'll be taken care of," she assured Nick quietly, leaning heavily against the wall. "Freya, or Val ....they will have contacted the council. There'll be a team waiting to ....clear up." She sagged where she stood, dizziness sweeping over her.

"Oh, for God's sake," Nick muttered, there at her side before she could collapse on the ground. "We need to get you inside," he told her, his arm around her waist to support her. Though she was his elder, in that moment, he felt an odd affection for her, like one might for a sister or even a daughter. Without the passkey, they weren't going anywhere though, until the others let them inside, and it occurred to Nick that Willow might not have the code to let them inside Valerian's apartment.

She winced as he helped her stay on her feet, leaning heavily against him. In a strange way, despite there being no blood link between them at all, Lauren thought of Nick and his little family as being her family, too, unashamed of the need to lean on someone as she struggled. "I'm all right," she tried to insist. "I just need blood, that's all. I ....I can't heal like a vampire, I need the blood to start it off." She cleared her throat, looking to the keypad. "I can get us into the garage. Maybe ....maybe the girls can let us into the penthouse." It was a big maybe, especially with Aly's fright and worry for her father niggling at the back of Nick's mind.

Nick could feel his daughter's anxiety and somehow willed some soothing feeling her way so that she'd know he was safe and out of danger. He was just about to sweep Lauren up and offer her a taste of his blood when Valerian arrived, Adelia hot on his heels. He was bleeding from several wounds, his darkly-handsome face temporarily marred on one side by a raised, red welt that looked worse than it felt, but he was alive and none the worse for the wear.

"Lauren!" he called upon their arrival, his gaze taking in the aftermath of the battle with Josef and his minion. "Bloody hell," he muttered, shocked at the gory sight of what was left of the two bodies, but relieved to find Lauren and Nick alive and intact, albeit wounded.

"The cavalry has arrived," Lauren murmured, forcing her eyes open to offer a wan smile to Valerian as he called her name. "I'd say something witty, but I think I'm going to pass out," she informed the two arriving, still fighting that urge as hard as she could. "Is it done?"

Valerian had to pause a moment before he could answer, reaching out to those who were connected to him by blood to seek an answer to her question. The answer he received in return was brief but conclusive. "It's done," he replied. "Nick, can you carry her inside while I get the passcode?" he asked.

Adelia said nothing, but went about collecting the bits and pieces of body parts that were strewn about the area. She'd remain there until the clean-up crew arrived to take care of things, just in case anyone happened to wander by. The pair seemed to exchange some bit of silent communication and then Valerian was punching some code into the number pad to get the door open.


Date: 2016-05-31 08:52 EST
Relieved, Lauren let Nick lift her up, knowing that arguing with the two vampires would only end with her being overruled as it was. Looking over Nick's shoulder, she called out to Valerian's shadow. "Adelia ....thank you." A gentle smile touched her face, grateful that the woman had kept Valerian alive. They might never be the best of friends, but she hoped they could at least be allies.

Adelia glanced her way, brows arching upwards, a little surprised at the show of gratitude. She was used to being mostly unseen, or at least, unacknowledged, though she was gorgeous, in her own way. She offered a rare nod of her head in reply before turning back to the task of cleaning up the mess. Once the door opened, Valerian led the other pair inside and over to the elevator where he punched another code in which would take them to the penthouse.

There was little to be said on the ride up to the penthouse suite, but the moment the doors opened, there was an awful lot to react to. The first thing that hit them was the sound of Aly sobbing, utterly inconsolable without her father right there to reassure her that everything was all right. Willow was pacing with her, the relief on her own face stark as Nick came into view. The fact that he was carrying Lauren, who looked definitely the worse for wear, was not a reassuring sight, however.

"Oh my god," she declared, shocked. "Please tell me you won."

Behind her, Anabelle took one look at the injured warriors, and headed for the kitchen. She, at least, knew the importance of blood.

Valerian took up the rear and might have remarked that he kept the fridge well stocked with blood, but it seemed Anabelle had already discovered his cache. "We won," Nick quipped, the slightest hint of a smirk on his face as he very gently deposited Lauren on the couch and made a beeline for his daughter to assure her Daddy was fine.

"It's over," Valerian said, and as soon as he'd secured the door, he went to the couch to check on Lauren. He brushed some hair away from her face with gentle fingers, a relieved smile on his face. "Well, at least, we're alive," he said at last.

Aly reached for Nick as soon as he was in range, wrapping one arm around his neck to pull him close to both her and Willow, her sobs slowly beginning to fade. Relieved, Willow turned into that embrace, breathing Nick in as she kissed his cheek. "Thank God," she breathed softly, closing her eyes. "We were scared."

On the couch, Lauren stirred awkwardly, still fighting to stay conscious. "Wait," she complained feebly, arms moving as though she was about to sit up, unfocused eyes seeking Val. "Can't bleed on your couch ..."

"Don't be absurd," Valerian scolded, but then he was scooping her up in his arms and carrying her toward the bedroom. "Make yourselves at home," he called back to the others, clearly wanting some privacy. Anabelle was the odd one out at the moment, but with any luck Julian would come rescue her soon enough.

Nick said nothing, too filled with relief and horror to put any of it into words, glad it was over and that his family was safe, but wishing it could have ended differently. Still, they had won, and Aly was safe, and that was all that really mattered at the moment. He'd think on the rest later.

For the sake of the child in the room, Lauren bit down on the natural impulse to cry out as Valerian scooped her up, somehow managing to hold in even the whimper that tried to escape as he bore her from the main rooms and into the privacy of the bedroom. She heard the beep of the microwave as the door closed behind him. "Blood," she whispered. "You need blood, you're hurt."

He had tried to be as gentle as he could with her, but it seemed she was injured everywhere he looked. It was a good thing Josef was already dead, or he would have stopped at nothing to hunt the vampire down and do worse to him than even Lauren and Nick had managed. He laid her gently upon the bed, unconcerned about his own injuries, which should easily heal. The silver burn was the worst of it, but even that would heal in time without leaving a scar. "I'll be fine," he assured her once she was settled, crouching down in front of her to examine her wounds. "Let's worry about you first, shall we?" he said, more statement than question. After a moment's examination, he raised his wrist to his lips, sharp teeth biting down to pierce his own flesh before offering her a taste of his blood.

To her credit, she tried to resist the call of the blood he offered her, despite her instincts telling her to drink and heal herself. "You don't have to," she tried to protest, not wanting to pressure him into doing this for her. It was an incredibly intimate act, to drink of another's blood, far more intimate than anything they had done together thus far.

"I want to," he assured her, gravely. I need to. While it might have been easier for her to partake of the blood he kept stored in his refrigerator, his own vampiric blood was far stronger and capable of healing her wounds faster than human blood, either fresh or preserved. Not only aware of the intimacy of such an act, but also of the bond it might create between them, this was something he had never offered to anyone before, except with Adelia, and that had been for entirely different reasons. He didn't bother to ask if she'd rather decline; if that was the case, she was free to say so on her own, but he hoped she would accept.

Hating that it was not an offer made of his own free will, but made with the urgent need to see her healed, Lauren grimaced as she felt herself sob, so run down by the fight and her injuries that she couldn't put into words just why she was objecting. She reached for his wrist, sealing her lips about the oozing cut to swallow a mouthful or two of his blood.

Oh, but the wounds were just an excuse, really. The offer came from the heart, wanting to bond with her in this most intimate way of theirs. Yes, he was making the offer to help heal her wounds, but if that was his only motivation, he could have just as easily given her blood from his own private stash, which the others were likely now sharing.

"It's all right, Lauren," he assured her quietly, as she drank from his wrist. "I want this," he told her, hoping she understood what he was trying to say.

Vampire to vampire, this offering of blood came with a surge of memories and experiences. Vampire to dhampir, it seemed things were a little more and a little less complex. As Lauren drank, she felt Valerian's lifetime; the time before he embraced the dark was blurry, out of focus, but she felt what he had felt for the centuries after he had taken the night for his day. And even as she swallowed, lying back against the sheets while the open wounds over her flesh began to knit themselves together once more, she still felt that connection, raising her eyes to his in wonder.

He wasn't too sure what it would be like for her as she shared his blood, his life - a culmination of thoughts and emotions and experiences. There was a lot of loneliness there, as there was with most vampires, and an offer from a vampire who had come to be something of a father figure to him. That vampire, of course, was none other than Tobias, but it wasn't quite clear what had brought them together. Valerian's connection to Adelia was even harder to understand - friend, sister, child, companion, but never lover. It was clear she seemed to owe him some debt of loyalty and allegiance, and though he felt otherwise, it was a debt she felt was still unpaid. It was the connection with Lauren that came through loud and clear and with it, the longing and desire for a deeper relationship - to, at long last, love and be loved for himself and not for some debt he owed or was owed in return.

With her strength returning amid that onslaught of emotion, Lauren pushed herself up, curling her hand to Valerian's neck as she drew his brow to hers. She closed her eyes, breathing him in as she reeled from the implications of what she had felt from him. That connection she had felt from the first was real; he felt it, too, and like her, he felt the urge to hope for something deeper, something more profound, that might grow from that connection.

Holding herself close to him as her wounds closed, her skin flushing a healthier shade of pink, she held her wrist to his lips, opening her eyes to meet his gaze. "I need you to drink, too."


Date: 2016-05-31 08:53 EST
He'd been content as things were until he had met her, and then, it seemed, his whole life had changed. It had taken him as much by surprise as it had her, but now that he'd found her, he couldn't imagine his life without her. Was that what it felt like to love someone, he'd wondered" Even when Serena was tormenting him with silver, all he could think of was Lauren's safety. The others could handle Serena. He needed to find Lauren. Now that she was there, right in front of him, safe and sound, he felt a strange contentment come over him, like this was right where he was meant to be.

"Where have you been all my life?" he asked, a little cliched perhaps, but perhaps even more meaningful for those who had lived as long as they had. He met her gaze for a long moment, as if debating whether to accept her offer or not. He felt weary to the bone, but for the first time in a long time, he also felt hopeful. "Are you sure?" he asked, unsure what would happen if he drank of dhampir blood.

Her eyes had softened finally from the dull, sickly yellow back to the pale green he was more used to seeing, and in those eyes was the gentle warmth that had been there from the start. "I'm sure," she whispered to him, stroking her fingers through the hair at his nape. "Just don't get carried away." Her lips curved in a teasing smile. She was sure. He had given her an insight into himself that had been unexpected and unasked for; it was only right that she return that insight.

This wasn't about healing anymore; it was about sharing. He was deeply touched by her desire to share her blood, just as he'd shared his, but it was what he saw when she looked in his eyes that made his old vampire heart ache with yearning. He smiled a little at her warning, though he thought it unnecessary. He would have rather died than hurt her, and though he hadn't said so in so many words, he hoped she knew that already. "It will hurt a little," he warned her, taking her wrist gently and turning it toward him.

"I know," she promised him softly, though she had never shared her blood with anyone before now. But she had just been cut open by claws - she doubted a small cut from his teeth would matter much. "But I'll heal." Perhaps it was strange, to be doing this at a time when the loose threads of their evening were desperately being bound together once more, but it felt right.

Or perhaps it was because of those loose threads being bound together that made this the perfect for them to make this connection, to bond themselves in such a way that mortals could never understand. He was as gentle as he could be in the taking of her blood, his teeth piercing her flesh as gently as possible before pressing his mouth to the wound to taste her blood.

She gasped just once as his teeth pierced her skin, stroking her fingertips against his cheek as he suckled on the little wound left behind. Just as it had been for her, he did not relive her experiences, but how she had felt as she lived through them. He felt the way she had begun her strange life, aware in the womb; the way she had clawed her own way from her mother's body, only to grieve when that mother died. He witnessed through her heart and soul the joy she felt in life, the sadnesses she had experienced along the way. He sensed with her the warmth of her friendship with Tobias, brought forth when she had accidentally driven her first motorcycle in through Tobias' wall. He was witness to her youngest sister's birth; her father's execution at the hands of someone who might almost have been Freya; he met Julian through Lauren all over again.

Then came the modern age; her role as a nurse in both major conflicts of the 20th century; her disappearance into, of all places, Japan afterward, and the friends she had made there; her return to the States, and the sense of family that had returned with Nick and Willow, and Alessandra's birth. And finally there he was, a radiant force of nature deep in her heart, and there was the connection that she felt with him, and her own longing to build something greater from it.

It would have been easy to get lost in her memories, lost in the feelings she had felt and the experiences of a lifetime, all culminating, it seemed, in her meeting him. There were some overlapping connections in their pasts and their memories, especially where Tobias was concerned. In a way, it was him who had brought them together, when she had come to his nightclub seeking information about Josef and Serena. He remembered his own past while he witnessed hers. In some ways, he envied her, while in others, he sympathized. They'd led very different lives, and yet, somehow fate had brought them together. As his own flesh knit together, his wounds slowly healing, he realized she was healing far more than his flesh; she was healing his heart.

She stroked his cheek as he released her wrist, barely even glancing at the little wounds as they healed over. "It might not be love yet," she whispered to him tenderly, "but I do not doubt that I will love you, Val. You just have to let me." Nuzzling close, she curled her arms about his neck, hugging him to her as she breathed in a slow, cleansing lungful of air.

That was the tricky part, wasn't it' It wasn't loving her or even worrying about being hurt - it was letting her love him. It was letting down the walls he'd built around his heart and letting her in. And most of all, it was believing he was worth loving. That was the hard part. "I'll try," he told her quietly, as he took her into his arms. He couldn't make any promises yet, but he knew he was well on his way to loving her. It was a strange feeling, after so many years of trying to remain aloof and trying not to care, and while it scared him, he couldn't help but feel hopeful, too.

She held onto him for a long moment, just enjoying the feeling of being in his arms, that he had been there when she'd most needed him. And, of course, she couldn't let their moment stay serious for long. "And don't let Adelia chop my head off when we argue," she added, drawing back to show him her grin as a knock sounded on the door.

"She will not chop your head off," Valerian assured her, mirroring her grin as he reluctantly pulled away. After all, Adelia only did what Valerian bade her, and only acted without his leave when she felt his life was in danger. "I should explain about Addie ..." he started, but before he could go much further, there was a knock at the door. "Yes?" he asked, grateful whoever it was had at least had the sense to knock before bursting inside uninvited.

The door opened to reveal Anabelle with two cups in her hands, both just the right temperature. She'd discarded her other shoe by now, walking barefoot into the room to set the cups down by the bed. "I thought you might need these," she said softly, smiling at the pair wrapped about one another. "Julian says to tell you that Freya is escorting Tobias home before dawn, and that he is healing well. Nick and Willow have gone to their own home, too, but Adelia is insisting on seeing you before she leaves. I daresay we will all meet tomorrow or the night after, before we go our separate ways."

Valerian frowned at her last words. Before we go our separate ways ... What was the matter with him lately' He'd never needed anyone before. He'd never even cared ....or had he" Perhaps he'd been wrong all along. Of one thing he was certain - he was no longer alone in the world. "Thank you, Anabelle," he told her politely. "And what about you? Will Julian come for you, or shall I drive you home?"

"Julian is here," she told him softly, smiling at the care offered to her. She glanced at Lauren, who had already taken up one of the cups to renew her strength with some straight-forward human blood. "You should visit us in England, when you have the leisure. It would be a shame to lose the friends I have made here, purely because of distance."

England" It had been some years since he'd been to England, and he wasn't sure how he felt about returning. "I hope you and Julian will not take your leave of us without saying goodbye," Valerian said, though it was Lauren she was looking at and Lauren he assumed who'd become her friend. Still, he had known Julian for years and hoped that they were friends.


Date: 2016-05-31 08:54 EST
"We have no reason to sneak away," Anabelle assured him with a smile. "The danger is passed. And besides, I am reliably informed that you are in bed with the one person who knows how to fit those special windows." She laughed softly, stepping back toward the door. "Rest easy, Valerian. The city will not empty while you sleep."

It was a strange feeling after all those years of being alone that he suddenly had a small group of friends. Not allies, but friends - people who actually cared for his well-being - not to mention the woman by his side, whose hand he had taken in his own, and to whom he had given his heart. "Would you tell Adelia I'm well, but I'm weary, and that we'll talk tomorrow?" he asked, hoping Adelia would understand. He could have shared that message with her himself, but he was too tired, and dawn was quickly approaching.

"I will." Anabelle inclined her head to them both. "Sleep well." And with the danger passed, they would all sleep well today, though the haunted dreams might revisit some of them when they least expected it.

Lauren licked the blood from her lips as the door closed behind Anabelle, setting her empty cup down. "Drink," she told Valerian firmly. "I need to wash before I can sleep. I can still feel my own blood on my skin."

"Lauren ..." Valerian started, when they were once again alone, a question on his lips that he was not sure how to ask, deciding it could wait until sunset. "I'll be here," he said, with a faint smile, a little confused by his own emerging feelings.

"I won't be long," she promised, leaning close to kiss him before slithering off the bed. "Do not forget to at least take your shoes off before you fall asleep." Never mind that it was at least an hour before first light; the night had been long, and filled with tension and pain. They were rightly exhausted.

He smiled as she kissed him, before she slipped away to wash. He was not as bloody or tattered as some of the others. Lauren and Nick seemed to have suffered the worst of it, though he was not entirely sure how the others had fared at the nightclub. At least, they had all survived. Their long nightmare was over, though it would take some time before any of them felt safe. He wondered whether it had been Lauren or Nick who had torn Josef to shreds. There would be time for questions later, but some things were better left unsaid. The mention of his shoes confused him a moment, his thoughts getting fuzzy as dawn approached. He reached for the cup of blood Anabelle had so thoughtfully brought and took a sip, followed by another, until the cup was drained, but instead of feeling stronger, he only felt more weary. What they all needed was some well-deserved rest.

Under the streaming shower, Lauren forgot to keep herself under control. She could flicker in and out of her usual persona as much as she liked, but nothing could hide the fact that she had killed someone in brutal fashion tonight. Not only killed him, but suggested the manner of his death without even a hint of remorse. As her own dried blood washed down her skin to swirl in the drain, she cried ....tears for Josef, whose madness had left them with no choice; for Tobias, who had not been there to witness the end of the being who had set him on his path; for Nick, who had danced so close to the line of becoming what he was pursuing; and for herself, who had touched a darkness inside her that she had not truly known was there. It was horrifying, to realize that she was not only capable of those thoughts, but of turning those thoughts into actions.

Though his mind and body were weary, Valerian felt a strange grief come over him, a feeling of remorse like he'd never felt before, and he realized with shock that what he was feeling was Lauren - her thoughts, her feelings. Though he could not say what it was she was thinking precisely, he instinctively knew that she needed him. He soundlessly went to her, undressing quickly and joining her in the shower, his arms going around her to hold her close, as the water washed them both of the stain of blood and guilt.

Caught up in her grief, she did not hear him come to her, but there was no surprise as she turned to burrow into his arms beneath the steady fall of steaming water. For the second time that night, he had come when she needed him; he was there when she needed him to be. And she knew she didn't have to explain her pain to him. Valerian had been given a glimpse into the way she saw herself and the world around her. As soon as he knew that Josef's death had been her doing, he would understand her horror. And so she told him, between those wrenching sobs, holding tightly onto him with each staggered breath, trusting that this newly discovered darkness in her was not enough to send him running from her.

On the contrary, her confession only opened his heart to her more, understanding her horror at what she had done - at what she had helped Nick do. He held her close while she made her confession, never condemning or scolding or lecturing; only listening with an open heart and mind. He whispered soft, soothing words of comfort, caressing her back like a lover, until she at last turned quiet. It was nearly dawn by the time he got her settled in bed, the blankets drawn up over them both, still holding her in his arms, while the black of night turned slowly to the first gray of morning.

Lying in his arms, it seemed to take Lauren an age to find her voice again after crying herself hoarse for too long over something that was done and could not be undone. When she did, finally, find her voice, it was to whisper softly, "I'm frightened to sleep. Don't leave me?"

He stroked her hair, her face, leaving soft kisses upon her eyelids and cheeks and lips. They weren't the kind of kisses and caresses that were meant to entice, but to soothe and comfort. He thought perhaps he should tell her there was nothing to be afraid of, but he knew that would be a lie. As safe as she was there with him, she would never be safe from herself or of the horrors of her own past. He couldn't even begin to imagine what it must have been like for her to know she had murdered her own mother, and yet, it had been through no fault of her own. She was surrounded by people who loved and cared for her, despite that, and he was just one of them.

"I won't leave you. I promise," he told her quietly. He had kept his promise to stay alive, and he would keep this promise, too. "Go to sleep, love. I'll still be here when you wake," he told her, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

Love. Of all the things he could have said, it was one word, almost thrown away in his need to comfort her, that relaxed the tension from her form. One word that told her his promise to try was already being fulfilled. Nestling closer to him, Lauren brushed a soft kiss of her own to his chest, only too happy to be the one protected tonight. There would be time enough to go over the events of the night, to revisit what had been said and done, and to decide what else might need to be done in the future. For tonight, all she needed was Valerian to hold her close and keep the nightmares at bay.