Topic: Manhattan Lullabye


Date: 2016-05-26 12:34 EST
Left to her own devices in someone else's home, Lauren was glad she'd admitted before Valerian left that she was a nosy sort of person. He'd virtually given her permission to snoop about, but she managed to restrain herself for half an hour by having a shower in what had to be the most luxurious waterfall bathroom she had ever seen. Still, that didn't keep her curiosity at bay for long. The kitchen was not a surprise, containing little more than a fridge of blood for emergencies. The living room was very bachelor-pad-like, complete with stocked bar. She wasn't intentionally looking for anything in particular, just nosing around Valerian's private space to see what she could learn about him. A classical man, it seemed, with his library and his piano, but she found a few things that made her smile.

When Valerian returned, there was a surprise waiting for him. Not only were all the windows covered with their specially filtering curtains, ready for the sunrise, but on the table in front of the elevator was one of his own nerf guns and an invitation. Load up and find me, I'm armed too.

It was nearly dawn by the time he arrived back, just missing the traffic that always started cluttering the streets at daybreak and wouldn't let up until well into the night. It wasn't called The City that Never Sleeps for nothing. He wasn't sure what it was he was expecting to find when he got back - Lauren soaking in a tub full of bubbles, or maybe plinking at his piano; curled up on the sofa and paging through one of the books in his study, or sipping from an expensive bottle of cognac. Maybe he'd find her curled up in his bed, waiting patiently for the second course. What he didn't expect to find was a nerf gun and an invitation to find her. He chuckled to himself, unsure where she'd found them, and slipped out of his shoes. The hunt was on, and he didn't want the sound of his footsteps giving him away.

Well, Tobias had warned him that she embraced life. Having found something that opened up the option of playing, there was no way Lauren wasn't going to use it. She wasn't the most predictable when left to her own devices, after all. She was, however, hiding somewhere in his penthouse, armed with a nerf gun, and trying very hard not to giggle and give herself away.

He might have called to her and baited her from her hiding place, hoping she'd give herself away with a few giggles, but a hunt was a hunt, and if he was up for anything, it was a good game. He knew the penthouse better than anyone and knew there were only so many places one could hide. He crept quietly from one room to the next, the nerf gun in hand, peeking behind furniture and checking closets, as quiet as a mouse.

Of course, he could have listened for her heartbeat, but that would have been cheating. And doing that would have cheated him of what happened when he stepped into the library. There was the dull thunk of a nerf dart fired at him from behind the door, and Lauren let rip with a loud giggle, scrambling to get out through that door before he managed to retaliate. She was wearing one of his shirts ....and nothing else ....which meant the view as she stumbled on her way out was definitely distracting.

Oh, he'd heard her heart beating and knew she was there somewhere, but cheating would have taken all the fun out of the game. Thankfully, the dart was made of foam as it hit him square in the head, enough to make him turn toward the door in time to catch sight of her darting away in one of his shirts. He laughed, darting after her and pausing a moment to take aim and fire a nerf dart of his own her way.

She squealed, lurching upright as the dart bounced off her backside, and launched herself into cover behind the nearest couch, laughing all the way. They only had five shots each, but she was obviously planning on making him work for it, inching her way around to fire at him from ground level where she lay against the rug. "You can give in at any time!"

"Where would the fun be in that?" he asked, launching himself onto the couch and hanging over the back to fire at her backside from above, darting out of the way just as she launched another dart toward him. Whether the nerf guns actually belonged to him or why they were there, he hadn't said, but then, she hadn't asked.

Her dart went wild as she tried to fire and evade at the same time, rolling out of the way as he suddenly loomed above her from a far better vantage point. "You should get laser-tag," she told him, accelerating to try and find somewhere better to hide behind and fire at him. "No one beats me at laser-tag!"

"Laser-tag in my penthouse?" he asked with a dubious chuckle. "Laser-tag in the nightclub perhaps, but not the penthouse," he said, easily hopping over the back of the couch to pursue her, purposely giving her a head start. "You have to do better than hide behind a door, Lauren!" he called to her from the living room.

"That would be awesome!" she called back, very at ease with modern vernacular, and terrible at being stealthy, it seemed. The noise of her foot sliding on her own discarded underwear pinpointed her as having run for the bedroom.

"I have you now!" he called, a grin on his face, his preternatural hearing pinpointing her location. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" he warned as he silently crept closer to the bedroom.

In here, at least, there were several places she could have hidden. Under the bed, perhaps, where the sheets were disarrayed. Behind the door into the bathroom, though she would have cornered herself if she'd gone in there. For once, she didn't answer, knowing he had a better idea of where she was than she might want, but loving the game all the same.

He crept closer, knowing there were only so many places she could hide in there. He didn't think she'd corner herself in the bathroom; she was too smart for that. Behind or under the bed, maybe? Inside his closet, he wondered as he carefully pushed the door open and tip-toed inside, nerf gun poised.

Braced in her hiding place above the door he passed through, Lauren held her breath, not wanting to give herself away too soon. She needed him further inside if she was going to escape again. It was a game, yes, but it was also honing skills they had both learned over the years they had lived. As Valerian stepped further into the room, she took aim and fired, pushing off from her hiding place to pounce him with an outlandish yell.


Date: 2016-05-26 12:35 EST
He could sense her heartbeat, almost hearing it in his own head, and he knew she was close, but while she might be honing her skills, he was trying to ignore his. It almost made the game too easy, and this wasn't about hunting an enemy, but playing a game. He was just about to turn around, somehow sensing her behind him, when she pounced him, knocking him to the floor.

Cackling with delight at having taken him by surprise, Lauren completely forgot the weapon in her hand and instead threw her arms around his neck, stroking the tip of her tongue against the beating pulse at his throat. "Gotcha."

"Bloody hell, woman! You almost gave me a heart attack," he said, though they both knew that was impossible and only a figure of speech. He smirked as she touched her tongue to his throat. "Haven't had enough of me yet, eh?" he asked, dark eyes sparkling with amusement and maybe just a little ego.

Straddling him, she pushed herself almost upright, flicking her hair out of her eyes as she looked down at him. "Why, don't you feel up to it?" she teased him cheerfully. "I do realize you're older than I am, and old people need their rest ..." Pale eyes glittered down at him, giving rise to her teasing almost as much as the bright smile that curved her lips.

"Not nearly as old as some," he pointed out, sliding his hands up her bare thighs beneath the hem of his shirt she was wearing. It was nearly daylight, and with the sun, a certain amount of weariness came over him, but unlike the stories and legends, he wouldn't sleep like the dead until darkness returned. "Some of us don't have the best of both worlds, Lauren," he reminded her, though he wasn't opposed to going a second or even a third round before he rested.

"I know," she smiled, leaning down to kiss him softly. "But can you blame me for wanting to send you off to sleep with a smile?" The tip of her nose brushed his as his hands crept up over her thighs. "I don't do the walk of shame for just anyone, you know," she murmured playfully.

"The walk of shame?" he echoed, catching her meaning but never having heard it expressed that way before. "I should hope not. I don't like to share," he warned her, though there was another smirk on his face, so it was hard to tell if he was being honest or just teasing. If his hands were anything to go by, they were moving upwards over her hips in a possessive fashion.

"First in a hundred years," she murmured, nipping at his lips. "First nightwalker ever. You don't have any competition." Grinning, she kissed him once again and abruptly surged upward, pulling him with her toward the bed.

First in a hundred years and her first vampire. He could handle that, wondering if he should return the favor by telling her how long it had been for him, but before he had a chance, she was tugging him to his feet and pulling him toward the bed. "Miss me?" he asked, compulsively, not really expecting an answer.

"Little bit, yeah," she smiled, backing to the bed with that warm, teasing smile still on her lips. "Why don't you give me something to keep me going through the long day coming, hmm' Unless I'm just too much for you to handle on a regular basis."

"You sleep, too, don't you?" he asked, as she led him toward his own bed. He'd have to shuck his clothing again, but that was easily remedied. He made no comment regarding the rest of her statement, wondering once again if she was teasing or serious.

"Yes, I sleep too," she nodded, easing down onto the bed slowly. "But I have obligations, Val. A little girl who needs to enjoy the sunshine, and can only do that with me. I would stay all day, otherwise."

"Alessandra," he said, understanding that someone else needed her more than he did. And who was he to ask for anything when they'd only met a few hours earlier" "I understand," he said, easing down onto the bed beside her and reaching over to push a strand of her hair behind an ear. "Can you blame me for wanting to keep you close?"

Resting easily on her back, she sighed, her face tilting into the touch of his hand as he drew her hair behind her ear. The question hovered on the tip of her tongue - Do you want me to stay, or the precious rarity I represent" - but she couldn't bring herself to ask it aloud. She didn't want to know, especially if the answer was the latter. "Can you blame me for wanting to stay?"

"Then stay," he told her quietly, touching a surprisingly tender kiss to her lips, as if that might convince her. If he'd known she wasn't sure why he was asking, he might have explained, but there was no blood connection between them, and he was unable to read her thoughts.

Another soft sigh escaped her, this time drawn out by the tenderness in him as he kissed her. Who would have thought that she would be quite so easily caught up in the one person Tobias had told her to stay away from' Forgetting her uncertainty, she rose up to curl her arms about Valerian, deepening that kiss. There was more than one way to sing a lullabye.