Topic: The End of It All

Rhys Bristol

Date: 2012-09-29 16:41 EST
The sky over the Cirque de Gavarnie grew ominously dark, end of the world dark, the kind of dark that made the hearts of mortal men cold with fear. One minute, it was a bright, sunny day, and the next there was a storm brewing, or so it would seem to any mortals who were unlucky enough to be close by. But unlike most storms, no rain preceded the roll and clap of thunder. Angry, black clouds covered the sky, obliterating the sun from view, unnatural and foreboding. The mountains themselves seemed to shake and tremble as bolts of lightning struck the rocky peaks, flashing an eerie light across the darkened sky. Anyone who was watching might notice a lone figure appear as if out of nowhere at the breach in the mountains where the sword Durendal had cut the rock open and inadvertently opened the Gates of Hell.

One figure appeared surrounded completely by white light. For an instant, it seemed as though there were wings at his back. He stood tall and straight, with those white wings unfurled, a bright, shining sword held aloft in one hand, surrounded by a light that shined brightly in the darkness. He stood alone on the breach for but a moment, a beautiful lone figure shining like a beacon of righteousness against the gathering darkness. The mountains shook again, and the dark clouds rolled closer, another flash of lightning and the shining white figure was no longer alone.

Darkness lanced down from the clouds roiling above that open scar in the mountains, pooling deep in writhing coils of grey and purple that hissed and spat the dangerous sparks of lightning toward that shining lone figure. The dark mass that had fallen from the clouds dissipated slowly, to reveal a figure as stygian as the waiting warrior was radiant. This figure, too, was armed; the long sword held away from his form as black as the eyes that studied the being he faced. No words were spoken, but an understanding passed between the pair. Here and now, at the center of the breach, the time had come to end the conflict that had raged between these two beings for years. Here and now, the fate of mere mortals all over the world would be decided.

The Angel Rathanael stood his ground, waiting patiently for the arrival of his foe, a foe he'd sworn to defeat before he'd agreed to be incarnated as a mortal, born to a man and a woman who had been deemed worthy and given the name Rhys. He'd grown to manhood with no knowledge of his true origins, struggling to find his own destiny, a fate which had been determined before his birth. And now, after all these years, all of his struggles, all of the pain and the grief and the fight to stay alive, all of it came down to this final moment in time that would determine not only his own fate, but the fate of the humanity. No words were spoken, no words were needed. This moment had been destined since time immemorial. Two angels - one fallen and one chosen - only one could be victorious.

Swords flashed like lightning as angels and demons filled the space around them, locked in combat, Hell versus Heaven, a battle that would determine the fate of the world. Amidst the violence and bloodshed, two swords came together, clashing with a sound like thunder that would echo for miles around.

Back and forth the battle raged, angels and demons shedding blood, ending one another in blasts of light and dark, sending the roiling, thunderous sky above them into a terrible frenzy. Yet there was no sound but that of clashing blades, of falling bodies, of tumbling rocks from the stone gateway that loomed up on either side of the warring combatants. No sound, that was, until a mortal was allowed to join the fray herself, a single representative of the race this battle was being waged for, armed with a blade given to her by one of the many angelic warriors. She let loose with a battle cry that originated many centuries before her birth, forcing her way through the struggling masses to catch even a glimpse of the violence around which this storm raged ....the eye of the battlefield, where Rathanael and Abaddon fought one another for the truth of the destiny they both sought.

Rathanael's goal was three-fold. Not only did he seek to destroy his enemy, but in accomplishing that task, he would save Mankind from destruction and seal the Gates of Hell forevermore. He had agreed to this task because of his love for humanity, a love that was so profound that he had become one of them himself in order to know what it was to be human and to know human love, experiencing for himself the joys and sorrows of being human, the never-ending cycle of life and death, of loving and hating, living and dying. It was that love that gave him the strength and the determination to do that which needed to be done - to defeat Abaddon and his minions once and for all. Swords clashed and blood flowed as each struck the other in their final dance of destruction and retribution, both equal to the challenge, neither giving way to the other, until one's attention was distracted momentarily by the arrival of a mortal - a woman who was more important to the battle than she could ever know.

The Angel Rathanael heard the battle cry that rang out over the mountains, and the part of him that was human was distracted for a brief moment - the length of a single heartbeat - but it was enough, it was what his enemy had been waiting for.

The face of Abaddon's chosen vessel creased into an expression of deeply malicious triumph in that moment, the glint of black eyes seeing a hesitation that a mere mortal would have missed. With a skill beyond any seen by mortal eyes or known by mortal hands, he twisted the heavy black blade of his own sword from its engagement with Joyeuse, and thrust it into that minute crack in Rathanael's defenses.

Mortal eyes, brown and loving, acutely fearful for the life of a man who had proved to be an angel in their short liaison, saw too late the opening, the distraction ....the cruel opportunity her presence had given the evil Rathanael battled. A scream tore from her throat, horror and pain and fury intermingled in a terrible cry of loss. "Rhys!"

Time seemed to stand still, though the battle still raged around them, as the human part of the angel, the man known as Rhys, staggered backwards, glancing down to find a stain blooming darkly on the front of his shirt, pain the likes of which he'd never known dropping him to his knees. He knew it was over; he knew he had lost. He heard a familiar voice scream his name, and he recognized the pain and the terror in that scream. He turned mortal eyes toward the sound of that voice, and the part of him that was human, the part of him that loved her, acknowledged her by whispering her name, like a prayer upon his dying lips. "Natalya..." He seemed to forget his foe for a moment, all of his attention on that one lone mortal soul on the field of immortal battle, and suddenly he understood and remembered what it was he was fighting for. He wasn't only fighting for humanity; he was fighting for her, he was fighting for a future that had been promised before he'd been born

Rhys Bristol

Date: 2012-09-29 16:46 EST
Time did stand still for them, a long, painful moment through which the promise of a life lived together seemed to waver on the edge of destruction. Abaddon, hissing in delight at the prospect of victory, drew his black blade back, raising it high to prepare the final blow that would put an end to the battle once and for all. And suddenly Natalya Pimenova was there, forcing her way between her injured beloved and the being of evil that wish him dead. The athame in her hand was thrust hard into the shoulder that supported the weight of Abaddon's black blade, and the demon howled in pain. He reversed his sword, butting the mortal woman with the hilt, and Natalya fell back against the crumbling granite, blood blooming from a lip split open by the blow.

"No..." Rhys muttered weakly, clutching his middle as if he to hold himself together and stay alive a little longer. He saw Abaddon raise his blade to strike the final blow, eyes wide as his beloved stepped in the way. What was she doing there? How had she found him' Hadn't he told her to stay away' The angel and the man suddenly seemed to come together, finding the strength and the will power to finish what they'd started, what was their God-given destiny.

He would not let evil conquer, not while he could still draw breath and raise a weapon to fight, and he would not allow the angel turned demon to strike down the woman who had stolen his heart and who had become his reason for living. "Abaddon!" he called, summoning the strength of will to rise to his feet, face pale and strained, body beaten and bloodied and weary beyond the limits of his own mortality. "Your time is finished, brother," he warned, and he drew Joyeuse back, drawing on angelic strength and fortitude to strike the final blow that would end the conflict once and for all.

One arm hanging useless by his side, thanks to the knife that protruded from the shoulder, Abaddon wielded his black sword one handed, preparing now to kill Rathanael's mortal weakness before his eyes, confident in the knowledge that the angel was already dying. Thus, he had only a moment to look around when he heard that hated voice proclaiming his doom, turning to take the blow as it sliced down, heavy and implacable, breaking through collarbone and ribs, cutting open lung and heart in the same action, snagging finally on the spine it half-severed with the finality of death. The vessel was dead before Joyeuse drew back, erupting with light in convulsive spasms as Charlemagne's sword, forged with the Spear of Destiny set into its hilt, took the life of the demon who inhabited it, ending once and for all the pretention to mastery over Heaven and all her dominion. The body swayed and collapsed, blood pooling against the unwelcoming granite as a roar of bitter fury rose from the throats of the demonic horde.

The battle nearly over, there was one thing left to do, one final task that would forever keep Hell's minions from having free rein on Earth and the mortals who called it home, but the man was dying, the final blow stealing the last bit of his strength, angelic and otherwise. He dropped onto his knees once again, sagging weakly, unable to stem the flow of blood that gave him mortal life. The light around him faded, and he no longer seemed otherworldly, but just a man in his last moments of life. His arm fell, the Sword of Charlemagne hanging loosely from one hand. "Nat..." he called, weakly, unsure if she'd hear him, unsure if she even still lived.

He felt no joy in the victory, only a sense of relief that it was finally over, that he could finally rest, but mingled with that relief was regret. Regret for the life that could have been, for the life he could have had with her by his side.

Dazed but relatively unharmed, Nat had watched with a mixture of pride and horror as Abaddon was ended once and for all. But it was to Rhys she looked as movement caught her eye, shocking her into action as he sagged down onto his knees, no longer an angel in anything but name. She scrambled up, ignoring the pain in her jaw and dizziness that swept through her, skidding painfully over the broken rock beneath them to grasp her arms about his waist, holding him up in denial of the fatal wound that was slowly bleeding the life from him. "Rhys," she called to him softly in the midst of the sounds of battle, oblivious to the last push as the angels forced their demonic enemy back to the other side of the breach. "I'm here, dusha moya."

He lifted his head weakly to look on her for what might be the last time, tears filling his eyes at the sight of her, so beautiful and so precious, one to be loved and honored and cherished. There was one last thing that needed to be done, but he lacked the strength to do it. "You..." he gasped for breath, as she wrapped her arms around him, the only thing that was still holding him upright her embrace. "You have to finish it," he told her, words thick and slow on dying lips, as he blindly handed her the sword he was nearly too weak to grasp hold of. "Finish it, Nat. Seal the Gate." He had no time, no strength to explain. She would have to understand on her own.

She shook her head, her own cheeks wet with the tears that streamed from her eyes in hopeless denial of what she could see happening to the first and only man she had ever loved, the man who had awakened her heart and given her a purpose beyond that which she had been trained for. "Nyet," she tried to argue. "No, it is your duty." She shook him, angry that he had to die, angry with him for giving in so easily, despite the heat of his blood she could feel soaking her own clothes as she held him close. "Don't you die on me, don't you dare ....please, Rhys, don't leave me ...." Her protests were cut short as he swayed, all her strength needed to lay him down gently against the rock stained with his blood. Sobs wracked her body as she knelt beside him, unable to deny this last wish as he closed her fingers about the hilt of Joyeuse. Yes, she knew what to do.

Dragging in a shuddering breath that did nothing to ease the growing numbness of her heart, she nodded reluctantly to her dying lover, knowing as well as he did that there were some things that came above and beyond everything, even love and life. She laid a hand against his cheek, caressing tenderly for a brief moment, before rising to her feet. Her eyes focused with dull hatred on the legion of evil still struggling against the firm line held by the angels. Heavy, leaden feet drew her forward with slow, reluctant steps to the center of the breach, to a place where the rock was curiously marked beneath her. With shaking hands, she lifted Joyeuse high above her head, and with an incoherent yell of anger and pain, thrust the sword into the granite with one heavy blow.

The dense rock beneath her seemed to scream with unearthly pain, a split opening up from each side of the impaling sword that ran to each end of the cut created so long ago by Durendal, the sword of Roland. The ground shook beneath suddenly unsteady feet, the split opening slowly wider and wider, parting the ranks of demon and angel until there truly was a breach in the earth at their feet. Nat knelt on what seemed to be thin air, clinging to the hilt of Joyeuse, as darkness reached up from the flaming depths beneath her only to be forced back down by bright white light from the heavens above her. That light linked itself to the sword in her hands, the sword that bore within its hilt the blade that had pierced the side of Christ as he hung dead on the cross, a lattice-work of impenetrable brightness sweeping out over the opening in the rock, holding back the torment of Hell below.

Rhys Bristol

Date: 2012-09-29 16:50 EST
Some preciously unknown instinct touched the mortal woman, and she twisted the sword in her hands painfully, feeling the metal protest as it bent at her will. The rock began to close, drawing with it the heavenly seal placed over this Gateway to Hell, the edges of the chasm knitting together as it closed until there was no sign that it had ever been open. As the vibration of the earth beneath them all faded away, the angels turned once more to the demonic horde that faced them, now trapped on Earth with no access of their own to the Hell that had spawned them. To a man, the demons fled, abandoning the bodies they had taken, leaving the field littered with the dead, the dying, and the traumatised.

Sagging against the still upright sword, Nat gasped for breath, slow to draw herself upright once again. She set her foot against the hilt of Joyeuse, and the blade snapped from its setting, left embedded within the rock, never to be opened or retrieved again. The hilt clattered against the rock, and there, in the broken end, could be seen the darker metal of the Spear of Destiny, unseen by mortal eyes for decades.

But Nat didn't care. She left the hilt where it lay, turning to stumble back to Rhys, hoping against hope that somehow he would survive, that somehow everything would be right again. Falling to her knees beside him, she took his hand between her own, and for the first time in years, prayed for a miracle.

The pain was gone now, distant and remote, as if it was happening to someone else, not him. He seemed to float somewhere between life and death, his blood staining the rocks where another legendary battle had once been fought and where Roland had tried to destroy the angel-given sword Durendal, to no avail. Barely clinging to life, Rhys smiled weakly, the part of him that was angel knowing the task had been accomplished at long last. The part that was human could rest in peace, while the soul of the angel lived on, but it was the man who would not go quietly or easily into the darkness of death, clinging stubbornly to life as long as he could. His eyes fluttered open as he felt someone take his hand, and he knew it was her, calling him back for a final farewell. "Nat," he whispered, his voice sounding small and weak and far away, the effort it took to speak sapping what little waning strength he had left.

What should he tell her in his final moments" That he loved her" She knew that already. Tears streamed down his cheeks, too weary and too weak to hold them back any longer. She was his one and only regret, and in that moment, he thought he'd do anything to have just a few more minutes of life, a few more hours, a few more days.

She gasped, startled and stupidly joyful at the sound of her name from his lips, drawing his hand to her cheek as she inched closer. Her lips touched his palm, both hands squeezing his as though she could will him back to life with the sheer force of her heart's beating for him. "It's done, dusha moya," she promised him, her own voice thick and almost incomprehensible in the grip of her immediate grief. No force of will could keep what was happening from coming to pass, she knew that. But nothing and no one would ever take his place in her heart, however broken she might remain in his absence. She leaned down, touching her lips to his in a gentle benediction, ignoring the sting of the split that marred her mouth. Trembling, she stroked her palm to his cheek, her tears dripping onto his skin as she whispered to him. "Ya lyublyu tebya, angela moya." I love you, my angel.

He smiled weakly up at her as she drew his hand to her cheek, the last chance he'd ever have to touch her, his hand cold and listless in hers. The lips that met hers were still soft and warm, salty with tears, the kiss weak but tender. He tasted blood on her lips, her tears mingling with his own. "I don't..." He struggled for breath, wincing at the pain that lanced through his body, as if he was being torn in two. I don't want to leave you, he thought, wishing she could hear his thoughts, too weary to tell her all that he was feeling, all that needed to be said. I love you.

How difficult it had been to say those words at first, how simple and honest their meaning. Words that most people took for granted, words that he felt to the very core of his being, to the center of his soul. A single tear spilled down one cheek, and he struggled to find the strength to tell her one last thing before his body failed him. His lips moved silently for a moment, before he finally found his voice, his words quiet as a whisper spoken only for her. "Remember me."

Bitter sadness ripped through her as she took the goodbye for what it was, the last words he would ever speak to her, the last touch she would ever know from his hands. How could she do anything but remember him, even without that last, painfully-spoken request' The promise came to her lips unbidden, spoken in tender tones as she gazed into his eyes, watching the last light of life bleed away. "Always."

His final request answered, Rhys Bristol took one last breath and closed his eyes for the last time. If not for the wounds and the blood that were proof of his final struggle, one might think he was only sleeping, at peace at last, and in the arms of his beloved. It was over; it was finished. The world would go on, but the man known as Rhys Bristol was no more.


((And so, it ends. Abaddon is dead, the Gates of Hell have been closed, and the conflict between Heaven and Hell are over, but the story isn't over yet. Is Rhys really dead" What are Nat and Adam going to do now" Is Earth really safe from demons now that the Gates of Hell have been closed? Stay tuned for more, same Bat time, same Bat channel. ;) And as always, humongously humongous thanks to Nat's Player for her continued awesomeness.))