Topic: To Save a Life

Rachel Bristol

Date: 2013-11-15 19:07 EST
((Takes place immediately following The End of the Innocence.))

Avalon. The great secret. The heart of peace hidden from a world that no longer had the will or the belief to maintain it. A place where the soul could find nourishment, where the body could find respite. And into this peace, this serenity, came a unique being, beaten and broken, his life hanging by the merest thread. Gathered to the very deepest part of the Temple by the Handmaidens who had taken him from his rescuers, Zachariel lay by the Lady's pool, pale and unmoving. Created an angel, he was angel no longer, his grace flown, his immortal soul damaged beyond repair. No power on Earth, in Heaven or in Hell, could possibly be called upon to save him. Yet here ....there was a chance.

The Lady knelt at his side, gentle hands hovering over his form, ancient eyes closed as she sought some means by which to prevent a death that would only cause more harm. She had known the moment he had entered her domain, had sent her Handmaidens to bring him to her. She knew, also, that her Champion and Priestess waited outside her garden in the company of the little woman for whom this broken angel was glad to give his life. A little woman who might well be broken beyond repair herself, should he succumb to the darkness that reached for him. She had power, yes; she had the skill to save him, and yet it would all be for nothing if she could not find some way to anchor him to the mortal plane. His immortal soul would die, no matter what she did. A body without a soul was an abomination, robbed of all that made life worth living. She would not do such a thing, even in the name of saving his life.

Her hands passed over his chest, and paused, her eyes opening in shock. There was something missing, some part of that immortal soul that did not reside within him. But where ..." The Lady raised her head, calling to Helena, her most devoted Handmaiden. "Bring the girl here," she ordered softly. "Quickly. We do not have much time."

Rhys paced back and forth, as nervous as an expectant father waiting for his wife to give birth. He hardly knew the fallen angel whose life hung in the balance or even the sister who he'd lost all those years ago, but somehow that didn't matter. All the lost years didn't matter. She was his sister, his own flesh and blood, and whether he knew her or not, he loved her, and she loved the fallen one. That was all that mattered. He had given Natalya his jacket, bloodied and ruined as it was, to ward off the autumn chill, even here in Avalon. His wounds were slowly healing themselves, but the heaviness in his heart would not lift until they were informed of Zachariel's fate.

Rachel stood nearby, wrapped beneath the curl of Natalya's arm, both women silent as they waited with Rhys. For one, it was still confusing, the whole truth of the battle that had ultimately brought them here still shrouded in mystery. For the other, nothing mattered but the hope that Zachariel was going to live. Rachel didn't care about the ache in her body, the split at her lip, the cuts on her arms, the strange throb in her ankle. She wanted to see Zachariel, to know he was well. To keep her promise that he would not be alone.

As they waited, the vines that held the Lady's garden closed parted, and Helena, the youthful ancient who attended her, came into sight. She turned to Rhys. "The Lady requires the girl," she said in her quiet way. "You must remain here, for now."

Rhys stopped his pacing, turning expectantly as the vines parted and his heart leaped into his throat, hoping for news, the light in his eyes fading as he realized there was no news yet of Zachariel's fate, one way or the other. He looked to Natalya first, sharing his worries with only a glance, before moving over to Rachel and taking her hands in gentle reassurance. "Don't be afraid, Rachel. The Lady is going to do everything she can to save him. I promise."

The look in his wife's eyes was equally concerned, but like him, Nat didn't voice those concerns as she slipped her arm from around Rachel's shoulders. They had to have faith that the Lady knew what she was doing.

Rhys' little sister lifted her worried eyes to his as he took her hands, holding onto him as though she had nothing left to hold onto, as frightened as she could ever remember being. "But why does she want me?" she asked uncertainly, not even daring to look at the strange timeless woman who stood nearby.

"That I can't say, but is tangled with his. You should be with him. Try not to worry. The Lady is wise and good and loving. You can trust her." He leaned in to brush a brotherly kiss against her cheek, hoping to offer what little comfort he could. "We'll be waiting."

Somewhat reassured by his confidence, by the kiss he pressed to her cheek, Rachel nodded, turning her frightened eyes to the Handmaiden who stood by. Helena took her by the hand, drawing her into the Lady's garden as the vines knitted themselves together once again in their wake.

Rhys held his sister's gaze until she was led away, watching as the Handmaiden drew her into the Lady's garden beyond his sight or knowledge. He watched her go, turning to Nat once she was gone and wrapping his arms around her both to offer comfort and receive it. He found himself close to tears, though he wasn't quite sure why. Tears of relief now that the battle was over, of grief for his mother and the lost years with his sister, of concern for two innocent lives snared by an evil that didn't involve them. Tears for his sister and for the angel she seemed to so desperately love. But if there was anyone who could help them, it was the Lady. He had done all he could; they were in her hands now.

Guided into the very beating heart of Avalon, Rachel was silent as she passed beneath the beautiful boughs that sheltered the Lady's sacred space. She had no real understanding of what was happening, no way to be certain this was not just some awful dream. But Rhys had told her to trust this Lady, and though they had not known one another for more than an hour, she was prepared to stand by his word. He was her brother, after all. As her eyes fell upon the tableau by the pool, she gasped, fighting back a fresh sob at the sight of Zachariel, so still and silent beside a woman who seemed to exude serenity.

Rachel Bristol

Date: 2013-11-15 19:08 EST
The Lady looked up from the fallen angel at her side, raising a hand to beckon the girl over to her, seeing in Rachel a lot of her brother, hidden behind the mask of innocence that would soon begin to crumble to the natural ways of the world. "Come here, child," she told the young woman. "Do not be troubled. He lives, and will continue to do so, in great part because of you."

Confused, but comforted by the maternal assurance of the woman who called to her, Rachel stepped forward, drawn down onto her knees beside the Lady and Zachariel. "I don't understand," she confessed. "I'm so frightened."

The Lady's smile gentled as she laid her fingers against Rachel's lips. "Do not be afraid," she told her in the gentle voice that soothed far more than simply the surface of the girl's agitation. "Lay your hand over his heart, little one. I need your help, if I am to save him."

Though she could not have said why, Rachel found that she did trust this timeless, ancient young woman who seemed to be held in such high regard by her brother and his wife. She had no reason not to, no real understanding of the awesome power she could feel held in check by this one ancient soul. Without a second thought, she did as she was told, reaching out to lay her palm against Zachariel's cold skin, wishing she could feel his beating heart.

The angel lay pale and cold and still, just barely alive, his beating heart too faint for her to even feel it. He did not flinch or move, seemingly unaware of the two women who hovered close. His life hung in the balance and depending on what happened here, depending very much on these two women, that balance could tip either way. His life, his soul, his existence lay within their hands. He would have gladly sacrificed his life for hers, though some part of him yearned for something more.

Not even fifteen hours ago, the fallen angel had gifted to his young charge a tiny sliver of his immortal soul, a keepsake to warm her after he was gone. Now that tiny sliver was fastened to her own soul, as much a part of her as it had been a part of him. Unknowingly, Zachariel had given Rachel the means to save him from everlasting death.

The Lady laid her own hand over Rachel's, stroking the other against the girl's back with comforting warmth. "There is a piece of him inside you," she told the girl softly. "I cannot repair his immortal soul, but that piece he gave you ....It has become a part of your own soul, mortal, unique. I would give it back to him, with your permission."

Rachel forced her gaze from the silent angel to the Lady at her side. "And ....and that will make him better?" she asked hopefully. "He'll live, if I do that?"

The Lady nodded, her smile gentle as she held the girl's gaze. "He will be mortal, like you," she told Rachel quietly. "Human, destined to live his life on Earth, and to be reborn after death, forever connected with you, the woman who shares a soul with him."

That was all Rachel needed to know. The decision was made, even before the Lady promised her more than one lifetime to know and love the man beneath her palm. "Do it," she said quickly. "Please don't let him die."

The Lady's hand smoothed against her cheek affectionately. "This may hurt," she warned, her voice solemn, turning her focus onto the man who lay still beside them.

A surge of power welled up within her, echoing up along Rachel's arm from where her hand lay trapped between Zachariel's chest and the hand of the Lady. That power sank into her, carefully chipping off that tiny piece of her soul that belonged to Zachariel, gently drawing it back from her, reversing its course to spread from the center of her trembling palm deep into the fallen angel at her touch.

He had been aware of nothing, ever since they had crossed over into Avalon. It was almost as if his soul had abandoned him or was awaiting judgement, but the truth was that he was only waiting for death to claim him. He had already sacrificed his Grace and his immortality for the love of a woman and had given her a piece of himself so that no matter what happened to him, they would always be together, never knowing it would be that fragment of his own soul kept safe within her that would be his redemption. He had already made his choice when he had willingly sacrificed himself for her, and it was a choice he did not regret. But as the Lady drew that piece of himself back from his beloved and it was returned to him, whatever was left of his life essence embraced it, accepted it, absorbed it, and it grew within him shaped and molded and nurtured by her love, with the help of the Lady of Avalon, to give him a new life, a new soul, a new existence.

It was as though that fragment of his soul was planted anew to grow and begin again, but this time, that soul would be mortal, with all that entailed. Like a child, he would be born again. He would retain all the knowledge of his previous life, but none of the abilities that had made him divine. Like a child being born, he drew his first breath, color coming back into his face, warming his flesh, heart beating to pump blood through his veins. He would live a mortal life and die a mortal death, his soul - a mortal soul - linked to the woman who had given him back his life, sacrificing his grace to know love. Eyes the color of a summer sky fluttered open and he drew a deep breath, seeing the world for the first time though mortal eyes, and the first thing he saw was the face of his beloved.

There were no words to describe the sensation that passed through Rachel as that small piece of her soul was gently detached. She was aware of so much and so little at once, keenly aware of the beating of her own heart, the in and out of her breath, even the sound of her hair as it brushed her ears. Yet at the same time, she was numb to everything but the passage of that ineffable sliver of energy as it slipped from her to Zachariel, growing in strength even as it left her. The Lady's power lingered just long enough to heal her cuts and scrapes, the throb in her ankle fading to nothing, and for a long moment, she was as still as the man under her hand, every ounce of her being focused inward. It was as though she could see that seed being planted, as though she were watching it grow into a soul of its own, breathing new life into a body that by all rights should already have fallen by the wayside. As a heartbeat rose beneath her palm, she cried out very softly, her tears replaced with a smile of astonishment. A smile that softened with loving relief as his eyes opened and looked upon her.

Rachel Bristol

Date: 2013-11-15 19:09 EST
At her side, the Lady breathed her own gentle sigh of relief, glad that her strength had been enough to guide them to their happier beginning. It would take days now for her to recover fully from the exercise of her power, first with a vision turned real, and now with a healing beyond any an earthly power might have attempted. But such a sacrifice of strength was worth the joy of reuniting that which had been severed.

He didn't know where he was or what had happened. He had no sense of time or space, though somehow he knew he'd been close to Oblivion - that endless sleep mortals called Death. It was different for them than for angels. Once an angel had passed on, its life was snuffed out forever, like a dying star fizzling, or a candle flame guttering out. It was permanent, forever, everlasting. There was no coming back from it. He had accepted his fate, so long as his beloved was safe, but it seemed it was not yet his time.

As he opened his eyes anew to look upon her face, he was filled with a strange sense of wonder and new-found desire to live. How had this come to pass" He had felt himself slipping slowly away, fading like a star in the sky. How was this possible" It was surely not the doing of angels. "Rachel?" he asked, his voice sounding different even to him, seeing all of life through new eyes, like a child newly born to life. "You're crying," he said, wondering at her tears. He lifted a hand to touch her cheek, the wetness on her face, the soft golden halo of her hair.

"Zachariel." Her voice was softly tender as he reached out to touch the tears that dripped over her cheek, her smile bright with renewed hope. Her hand rose from his chest to curl against his own cheek as she tried to suppress the happy tears that now wanted to flow. "You're alive," she told him. "I said you'd be saved, didn't I?"

He could not deny that she had been right all along, more right than even an angel who had been born at the beginning of Time. He knew he'd been on the brink of Oblivion. Who or what had brought him back" He searched her eyes for an answer, but only saw happiness mirrored in those emerald green depths. "" he asked finally, needing to know how this miracle had taken place.

"I don't know." Deception was not something Rachel had even the merest understanding of; she couldn't lie to him, even if she wanted to. Her thumb stroked gently against his cheek for a moment before she forced herself to tears her gaze from his, looking to the Lady at her side. "But she did it, somehow."

The Lady herself, wearied by her efforts, smiled down at the newly mortal man beside her, a smile that encompassed all the loving maternity of any proud parents. "Welcome to Avalon, Zachariel, and your new life," she told him, her own summer sky eyes deep with protective fondness for them both. "You are a mortal man, gifted with a human soul. A soul grown from that of the woman you love."

Like Rachel, he was incapable of lying and nearly as innocent, though unlike her, he had a far greater knowledge of the world and the mortals who inhabited it. He had somehow retained all that knowledge upon his rebirth, but this Lady who knelt beside them was something new, an enigma even to him. "Avalon," he echoed. He'd heard whispers of the place among mortals - a fabled magical island shrouded in mystery. No angel had ever been there or knew of its existence, believing it to be nothing more than myth or legend, an ancient tale shared among mortals but with no real basis in fact. Was it possible that such a place truly existed and if so, how had it been kept from the angels for so long" His eyes widened further at what she told him, looking down at himself and this body he wore, which was both familiar and unfamiliar.

"I am....human?" he asked, in wonder and disbelief. He could not deny the heart that was beating in his chest or the blood that was flowing through his veins. He sat up slowly, reaching around to touch the place on his back where the heavenly wings had been torn from him. Just as before, they were no longer there, but there was no pain, no torment. It was not only a miracle, but a blessing.

"Not only human, but newly born," the Lady assured him in her quiet way, settling herself with her back against the tree beside her. "There are greater powers in the world than those you have always known. You gave a part of your immortal soul to a mortal woman. She, in turn, has given it back to you, mutated by love into a soul that is human, mortal, and above all else, yours. I could not restore your grace, but you provided me the means to give you life once again."

Intelligent blue eyes took this all in - eyes that had witnessed the Dawn of Creation and all that had come after. There was only one other angel in all of millenia who had become human, and that soul belonged to Rachel's brother, Rhys, who had once been the Angel Rathanael. If Zachariel was also now human, with all the gifts that had been bestowed upon Man by the Creator, then it meant his soul was once again immortal, able to be born again and again in a new body, to live as many lives as he so desired, not as an angel, but a man. He turned his gaze once more to Rachel, his heart leaping at the possibilities before him, at the realization that he could now love her as a man, not only during this one lifetime, but again and again. "You have given me this gift," he said, reaching for her hand, to link his fingers with hers. "My life belongs to you."

For her part, Rachel was lost in the sea of explanations. She did not truly understand what had happened since the moment Rhys had broken into the only home she had ever known the day before, only that something had changed. She had seen pain and violence and death, and something inside her had broken away, never to be recovered. Yet despite that strange pain, she felt happiness in the fact of Zachariel's survival, gratitude to the Lady who had made it possible. Hope that she might start to live her life now, with the people she loved - her brother, his wife, and this newly mortal man who loved her. As her fingers curled between his, she met Zachariel's gaze tenderly. "I didn't do anything," she whispered, uncertain in the face of his vow.

Nothing had changed between them, and yet everything had changed. He was no longer an angel, free to love and be loved, his heart yearning for love like any other mortal. As an angel, he was free to love, but never knew love in return, nor truly understood the concept of mortal love, and yet, his angelic soul had been linked to this mortal soul for millenia, watching her live and die through eons of lifetimes, unable to touch her or make his presence known - unable to truly love her - until this very moment. But what if she did not share his feelings, did not want his love" "Rachel," he started, blue eyes swimming with tears, not only those of joy, but those of fear and worry and loneliness, of feelings and emotions he had never known before. "I-I do not know how to make you understand..." He glanced at the Lady a moment, as if asking for help in forming the right words. "Is the link broken then?" he asked, knowing he might have been saved only to lose her.

Rachel Bristol

Date: 2013-11-15 19:10 EST
The Lady's smile was touched with dry humor, unsurprised by how quickly he came to the conclusion that he might have lost something that was so central to his being. "The link was broken," she told him, "but a new link has been formed, a bond between souls. Understand, your human soul was grown from a seed planted within you, a seed that was created by the soul of your beloved. She is within you, always."

Rachel blinked slowly, beginning to understand a little of what was being said as she glanced between them. "Always?" she repeated softly, charmed by the far off notion of never being apart from him. Of never being truly alone, ever again. Green eyes sought Zachariel's as she smiled hopefully. "I will love you for always."

He was starting to understand a little of what had happened, of the implications and consequences of their actions, both for good and for bad. Though he was no longer angelic, his soul linked forever to hers as a Guardian, he was now free to love her in another way and to relink their souls, not as Guardian and Mortal, but as Man and Woman. "Always is a very long time, beloved," he said as he turned back to Rachel and stroked her cheek gently, lovingly, as a man and not a guardian, with an open heart that was yearning to love and be loved in return. "I have loved you forever, since your creation."

She closed her eyes, reveling in his touch, in that strange part of her innocence that wanted to forget itself in his arms. "I can't say how long I've loved you," she admitted in return. "But I do. I love you, Zachariel. Don't leave me alone again."

"You will never be alone again, so long as I live. This I promise," he said, smiling softly, warmly, fondly, all the love he felt for her apparent in his gaze and his touch. "My heart belongs to you, Rachel, as it always has, as it always will. I love you with all my life, with every beat of my heart and every breath that I take. I will never leave you alone again, so long as you want me by your side. I swear."

"You may wish to hold off on speaking such words aloud in company until you have observed the forms, Zachariel," the Lady mused through a deeply amused smile. "There is a brother who wishes to know her, a new sister who can guide you both. And soon there will be a child to love and nurture. Your love may have to wait just a little longer. Blessings should be sought before you make such vows in my presence."

Rachel frowned, a little confused, until her brother was mentioned. Her face lit up with a smile that seemed to glow from the inside out as she looked back to Zachariel. "Yes, you should meet my brother, and his wife," she told him hopefully. "They will love you as I do, I am sure of it."

Ah, but there was one thing they were forgetting - he already knew Rathanael, who had once been his brother in arms, and though he had been granted a human soul and remembered nothing of his life as an angel, there was no doubt in Zachariel's mind that some part of the man named Rhys would remember him and accept him as a brother again. "He was my brother once, and so, he shall be my brother again," he stated, matter-of-factly without any doubt in his mind. As for Natalya, they would come to know each other in time. There was one thing that confused him, and that was the mention of a child. It did not occur to him that he and Rachel might be so blessed, and so, he could only assume the Lady was speaking of her brother and his wife.

The Lady, who knew the man Rhys had become a little better than Zachariel, simply smiled. She had a feeling it was either going to be straightforward, or a little sticky, right at the beginning. "You are both welcome to remain in Avalon as you adjust to living in this new fashion," she informed them. "My Handmaidens will clothe you, feed you, find you a place to rest until you choose to leave us." She looked between the pair fondly. "You both have a lot to learn."

"What of my sister?" he asked, with a small frown, as mention was made of Rachel's brother. That twin soul that had been created with him, yin to his yang, female to male. Though he'd had thousands of brethren among the angels, as numerous as stars in the sky, this one soul had been created in unison with his, and he knew she would be worrying about him and feeling his loss. As the Lady explained further, welcoming them to Avalon, Zachariel seemed to become aware of physical sensations he had never known before - hunger, weariness, cold. He looked around to find the trees stirring with a cool autumn breeze and he shuddered with cold, and yet, that sensation, as unpleasant as it was, brought a smile to his face in its newness and humanity.

"No angel may enter Avalon," the Lady told him gently. "Nor any demon. No one may enter without my leave. But your sister, Lailah ....she is well. She came through the battle unharmed. You will see her again."

Seeing his shiver, Rachel inched closer, curling an arm about his shoulders in an attempt to warm him against the seasonal chill. They were to be looked after, as she understood it, and like him, she felt tired and hungry, in need of the peace that permeated this strange place with all its mysteries.

The Lady's declaration startled him, though he did not find it surprising. This place - wherever or whatever it was - was unknown to him and his brethren in Heaven, believed to be nothing more than myth and legend created by Man. "It is hidden somehow," he remarked. The fact that he had been allowed to come here proved that he was, indeed, no longer an angel. "Guarded. Warded, perhaps," he guessed, though it mattered little. "You did not have to allow me entrance," he pointed out. She had placed a certain degree of trust in him by allowing him to come here, and he hoped he would never betray that trust, unknowingly or otherwise. He wasn't sure how he would explain all this to his sister, but it was not something he had to worry about just yet. "I owe you my life. I will do whatever you ask of me to repay that debt."

Rachel Bristol

Date: 2013-11-15 19:11 EST
There was no need for to confirm his suspicions. He knew, better than most, that he owed his survival not just to her, but to the man and woman who had brought him here, who had asked her permission to allow him entry to this sacred place. "I ask nothing," the Lady told him, smiling to see how gentle Rachel was with him, as though he might break at her touch. "Live well." She sighed softly, letting her head ease back against the tree she leaned against, her eyes falling closed.

Helena, her Handmaiden, stepped forward, gesturing for them both to come away. "The Lady must rest," she told them. "As must you. Come."

He arched a blond brow, once more surprised at both her humility and kindness. There had been a time when he could have healed her, when he could have refreshed her weariness with a mere touch of his hand, but he sensed that was no more. He was mortal now, as vulnerable to the needs of the flesh as any other human. He turned a questioning glance toward Rachel, who had wrapped an arm around him in a familiar embrace, though he did not realize she had done so in an attempt to keep him warm. Cold was a new sensation and as unpleasant as it was, it reminded him that he was truly alive. He met her gaze, waiting for her and the Lady's Handmaiden to show him the way.

A little at a loss herself, Rachel held his gaze for a moment before realizing she was probably going to have to move first. She didn't know what to say, or how to thank this strange, powerful Lady for her help, and something in the way the Lady closed her eyes suggested that now was not the time in any case. As Helena beckoned to them, Rachel moved to stand, reaching to help Zachariel up with her. "We can come back," she assured him, though quite how she could be so confident of that was puzzling in and of itself. The Handmaiden smiled, gesturing once more for them to follow her from the garden, as the vines parted to allow them freedom.

He, too, was at a loss for words, unsure how to thank this Lady who seemed to possess some sort of power he did not yet comprehend. Perhaps in time, he would understand it, but for now, he could only accept it and be grateful for what she'd given him. He glanced at her again before drawing his gaze back to Rachel, allowing her to pull him to his feet. Even the feeling of cool grass beneath his feet was a new sensation and one he found both pleasant and troubling at the same time. He was not sure what was going to happen now, but he was content to follow, trusting Rachel and the Lady's Handmaiden to lead him onward to whatever awaited.

Helena led them from the Lady's garden, to where Rhys and Nat still waited for news. "The Lady bids you take them to your home here on the Isle," she informed Rhys in her lilting voice. "Food will be provided. Clothing will be provided. A shelter for them is being constructed." She nodded to the Champion and Priestess, stepping away to walk through the stone halls as the garden closed behind them all.

Rachel stared after her for a moment, turning her wide-eyed gaze to Rhys. "What does that mean?" she asked, her arm wrapped warm about Zachariel's back as she glanced between her brother and his wife.

Natalya smiled, relieved to see both Rachel and her angelic guardian safe and well. "It means, sestrenka, that it is time for you to eat and rest," she said, a touch of fondness in her expression. "Both of you."

Rhys sprang to his feet as they were rejoined by his sister and her guardian, who looked far healthier than he had back in Iowa, a relieved smile on his face. "Zach! Rach!" he exclaimed, full of excitement, unable to contain the joy he was feeling at knowing they were both safe and well. He even laughed a little as his sister's question, realizing how little they both knew of Avalon or of anything really. "You two have got a lot of catching up to do," he said, noting the way his sister had her arm protectively wrapped about the angel's back. "A lot of catching up," he repeated with a wink to his wife.

"So, what did you think of the Lady?" Rhys continued, his mouth getting the best of him, a million questions on the tip of his tongue, as he snatched hold of Nat's hand, linking his free arm with Rachel's and starting toward the quaint and comfortable home the Lady had provided for them in Avalon.

Zach looked between the other couple for the split second Rhys allowed him to before tugging them both in tow. "You recall nothing of your life as an angel?" he interrupted Rhys' monologue curiously.

Nat might have given the rather innocent pair a less hyperactive hello, but she couldn't blame her husband for being pleased to see them both alive and well. His less than subtle allusion to the relationship between Rachel and Zachariel made her snort with laughter, given little chance to make sense of it for them as Rhys took them all in hand, marching off in the direction of the towerhouse that was their very own. She leaned around Rhys' back to speak directly to Rachel, her lips quirked in a teasing smile. "Don't mind him too much," she warned familiarly. "Just don't say yes if he offers to give you a bath."

Despite herself, despite her confusion and ignorance and uncertainty, Rachel actually laughed, the first true laugh she could ever recall having made, a real release of years of tension and unhappiness in a burst of mirth brought on by her new sister's teasing of the brother who had saved her life.

"A bath!" Rhys echoed his sister's laughter, his mood lighter than it had been in weeks and months. "The only one whose back I'm scrubbing is yours. And your front, too!" he added with a cheeky grin at his wife. The teasing remark probably went straight over his sister's head, but Zachariel looked confused.

"Is she not capable of washing herself?" he queried.

Rhys laughed again, resisting the urge to give the former angel a friendly smack on the back. "That's not the point, but you'll get it eventually."

"And what of my question?" Zachariel pressed further, when his first question was not answered.

That brought a small frown to Rhys' face, but it was only temporary. "No, nothing," he said, hoping the angel turned mortal wouldn't press him further on the subject, at least not at the moment.

"Interesting," Zachariel continued. "You have become something of a legend among your brothers and sisters."

Rachel Bristol

Date: 2013-11-15 19:13 EST
"He is something of a legend here, too," Nat told the newly mortal angel with a smile, simply rolling her eyes at her husband's playful mood. "How much do you understand of Avalon?" she asked then, knowing that Rhys probably didn't want to talk about his angelic origins right then and there. "I believe it is one of the best kept secrets of the ages, but I did not intentionally leave Lailah behind when we crossed the mists. There must be some reason she was denied permission to enter." For as much as Nat wasn't inclined to like Lailah, she wasn't so cruel as to deny the angel the reassurance of knowing that her twin was well and sound once again.

"Angels are not allowed entry to Avalon," Zachariel replied, practically quoting the Lady's explanation, blond brows furrowing a little at the mention of Lailah, who was not only his sister, but a twin soul. "I do not know if she will be pleased with what has happened." Though the alternative would have been a far worse fate. Zach turned from Nat to look at Rachel, and his gaze softened considerably, his affection for her and devotion to her obvious. "I am content with the choice that was made," he said, his gaze lingering on his beloved.

Rhys whistled low, another smirk on his face. "Oh, boy, he's got it bad," he remarked, a bit cryptically, though Nat would certainly understand his meaning.

"Reminds me of someone else I know," Nat murmured back to Rhys through a smirk of her own, watching as Rachel's gentle features seemed to soften further under Zach's loving gaze. "And he's not the only one." Clearing her throat, she raised her voice for them all to be able to hear her. "What has happened?" she asked, though she thought she could make a guess. "You are no longer an angel, Zachariel?"

"No..." Zach replied, furrowing his brows again as he search for a way to explain what had happened, though he did not understand it completely himself. It occurred to him that Rachel's brother and his wife knew very little if anything of what had happened before they'd broken through the pocket dimension to where they were being held. Being an angel, he was given to long-winded explanations, though he unsure just were to start. "I have been linked to her since her soul was created. I am....was her Guardian, just as my sister is yours. She was chosen when you agreed to be incarnated as a human."

"Mine?" Nat looked startled, turning an accusing look onto Rhys. "You did not tell me Lailah was my Guardian as well. I might have been more polite, had I known. You should tell me these things, milaya." Sandwiched between Rhys and Zachariel, Rachel did a poor job of hiding her faint smirk at seeing her brother on the receiving end of an very affectionate scolding.

"What' No, Lailah isn't your guardian! Yours is named Nuriel," Rhys blurted. Whoops.

"Nuriel is an exceptionally watchful angel. He will serve you well," Zachariel interjected. "Though another will be chosen to watch over the child that grows inside you," he added, helpfully, without having been asked.

Rhys coughed to cover his laughter. "Someone needs to learn to be a little less honest," he muttered, "And make better use of pronouns."

As Rachel dissolved into quiet giggles at the look on Natalya's face, the woman in question rolled her eyes, raising a brow at Rhys. "Nuriel. I am not even going to ask how you know," she informed him, acknowledging Zachariel's input with a smile.

Rachel, on the other hand, frowned up at her brother a little accusingly. "Lies make people hurt," she said rather solemnly. "I would rather he was completely honest, than followed the way of deception." Fighting words for a girl who was looking increasingly as though she was about to keel over and sleep for a week.

Rhys shrugged his shoulders, a teasing smirk on his lips for Natalya's sake. "Sometimes I just know these things." Yeah, right. And if she believed that, she really didn't know him very well. "That's all well and good, Rach, but sometimes it's necessary to tell a little white lie." He didn't press the matter. She'd learn for herself in time that there were times when honesty wasn't always the best policy. His smile faded as he noticed how weary she looked, tempted to scoop her up in his arms again, but she had Zach for that now. "Come on, it's only a little farther," he said, letting go of his sister's arm and tugging Natalya ahead of them, allowing the other couple a moment's privacy or perhaps it was them who needed it.

Drawn ahead as their towerhouse loomed in front of them, Nat glanced up at her husband curiously. "There is a lot of explaining to do," she warned him quietly, holding out her empty hand and concentrating. The key to their home on Avalon formed in a single thought in the center of her palm as she flicked a glance back over her shoulder at the pair behind them. "An awful lot."

"Yeah," Rhys agreed, presuming perhaps incorrectly that she was referring to how he knew the name of her guardian angel and what had happened back in Iowa before Lailah had come to collect her. "Um, I meant to tell you, you know. I just haven't had a chance with everything that's happened."

"No, I know you will tell me all of that," she assured him with a dismissive wave of her hand. "I was referring to your little sister and her fallen angel. They do not know the world, Rhys." She set the key into the lock, opening the door. The house looked almost exactly as it had when they had left it last - cleaner, in fact. It seemed upkeep was also a perk of holding a home on Avalon. "Perhaps they should stay here a little while longer than you thought."

He glanced back over his shoulder at the pair of innocents that trailed behind him as she unlocked the door. He considered a moment, realizing she was probably right, but then Natalya was almost always right. It was one of the things he both loved about her and sometimes found annoying. "They don't look exactly ready for the hustle and bustle of New York, do they?" he replied, in agreement with her assessment. "You think the Lady will be okay with that' Letting them stay, I mean."

"If she did not have a place for them here, they would not have been allowed to cross the mists," Nat pointed out quietly, drawing him inside as his sister guided Zachariel to the door that stood open. "I cannot begin to imagine how much strength it took to make a human soul to inhabit his body and heal him. She would not expend so much on a being who was to be expelled in his next breath." She reached up, gently stroking her fingers against her husband's cheek as she smiled, familiar impishness flickering through her eyes. "I wish you luck in the battle to preserve your little sister's virginity, milaya."

Rachel Bristol

Date: 2013-11-15 19:15 EST
His attention was drawn back to that of his wife as she touched his cheek, a smile forming on his lips. "The way she's looking at him, it might be harder to preserve his," he told her quietly, carefully lowering his voice so the pair in question would not overhear. He wasn't as concerned with his sister's virginity so much as he was about her heart. If the angel - former angel, rather - broke it, Rhys might just have to break him. "I just hope he doesn't ever give me reason to regret saving him." It wasn't just Rachel's life he'd saved when he'd broken into their prison. Had he not broken through when he had, they would not be having this discussion as the angel would already be dead.

Nat smirked faintly. "Rhys, love does not form on a whim," she reminded him. "You, of all people, you know that. Look at them." Her head turned to take in the sight of the inseparable pair as they negotiated the doorway and entered the towerhouse. "How long do you think he has loved her" And would the Lady truly risk the chance of your sister's heart being broken by bringing him back, if he did not love her?"

"Doesn't it' I seem to recall falling in love with someone in the Mile High Club," he remarked, pointing out their first meeting. Whether he had actually fallen in love with her on the plane was another matter. "Since the beginning of time," Rhys replied, turning to glance at the other two again. Okay, so the angel had been willing to lay down his life for her, and for that matter, vice versa. "I just don't want to see her get hurt. She's been through enough." Though he suspected had the angel not survived, that might have done far more harm than any scenario he could conjure in his mind.

"I think, if you were to ask him, he would say exactly the same," Nat murmured, touched by how simple the love between the other couple was. She watched a moment longer, before her practical side made itself known. "There are clothes still, in the closet in our room," she said abruptly, looking up at Rhys. "They need to wash and to sleep, and I'm sure we can put something together for them to eat when they wake up. The question is ....are you going to help Zach, or Rachel, to wash and dress?" She smirked up at him, eyes twinkling mischievously.

Rhys watched the other pair thoughtfully, silently absorbing what Nat was telling him and once again finding her more right than wrong, even if he didn't openly admit it. He couldn't deny the love the pair seemed to share for the other. He snorted at her question, turning back to find her smirking up at him. "I don't think so, Obi Wan. They can figure that one out for themselves."

"Actually, dusha moya, no, they can't," she told him with a gentle chuckle. "They are both so tired, they could drown themselves in a glass of water, and I am not going to let them settle in for a long sleep while they are still covered in blood and dirt." She pinned him with a decidedly no-nonsense look. "Your call, milaya. Little sister, or fallen angel?"

"Oh, come on!" he whined, turning to look at the pair again. Either way, he was screwed. He didn't want to see his sister naked. That was just too weird, and there was a big Eww factor in helping the Clueless One learn how to wash his naughty bits. He sighed. "Fine, I'll take the cherub. You can help my sister, but I'm not holding it for him!"

"It will be good practice for you," she teased him affectionately, reaching up to kiss the corner of his mouth. "Do not forget to dress him afterwards." She winked, slipping away to gently disentangle Zachariel and Rachel with a promise that it would not be for long. They were all going to have to get used to each other, one way or another, and the first step on that road would be to get the newest additions to the family comfortable. Unfortunately for Rhys, that now involved helping another man wash his manly bits.

"As far as I know, we're not birthing a full-grown adult, and our firstborn is supposed to be a girl!" he pointed out helpfully. He sighed in resignation, despite the kiss, glancing at the man-angel. "Come along, Clarence. I have to show you how to wash your naughty bits," he grumbled, making his way toward the bathroom.

"My name is not Clarence," Zachariel pointed out, looking confused again, echoing, "Naughty bits" To what are you referring?" His gaze followed Rhys as he started toward the bathroom.

"Your you know..." Rhys continued vaguely, gesturing with a hand in the general direction of the front of his pants.

Zachariel furrowed his brows a moment before he realized at last what Rhys was referring to. "Oh, you mean....My phallus?" he asked, uncertainly.

Rhys rolled his eyes and audibly groaned. "Oh my God....I am not teaching you about the birds and the bees."

The conversation continued, their voices fading as the two of them stepped into the bathroom, with Zach a little too close on Rhys' heels. "But I am already aware of what birds and bees are..."

Behind them, the two women watched them go, the one tucked beneath the arm of the other. "What are birds and bees?" Rachel asked curiously, looking up at Nat.

The Russian woman smiled down at her, choking back her laughter at the fact that, of all she had just heard, the innocent little woman had chosen to ask about that. "Come, I will explain," she promised warmly, drawing Rachel toward the stairs and up to the next floor, where the second bathroom awaited. Whatever else life was going to be for a while, it was certainly not going to be boring. Not with these two around.

((Adventure over! Sorta. The adventure's never really over for this lot. :grin: Hugimungus thanks to Rhys' player!))