Topic: Winter Dawn

Natalya Bristol

Date: 2013-02-23 08:33 EST
Avalon in summer was a glorious sight. It had borne witness to the making of a new Champion, to the beginnings of a new Priestess, the first to be chosen in more than eight centuries. Summer with its warmth and dappling sunshine had brought with it a love renewed and promised wholly once more, restoring the faith and healing the hurt of those not only within its bounds but of those who lived in the mundane world, across the sea. And those of the mundane with no direct connection with Avalon had been granted a favor given to none in years gone by. The Lady had invited them here - Adam, Gina and her son, Vadim and his wife - to Avalon in the depths of winter, to bear witness to something truly unique.

If Avalon in summer, cast in gold and green, was glorious, then Avalon in winter was crisp beauty in blue and white and clean grey. Snow lay over the hills and fields, decorated the roofs of the town itself. Mist curled in the early mornings against frosted windows turned golden by the flame of the hearth fires inside. Ever-greenery hung from doorposts and wound about garden boundaries, and even the Temple seemed more still than in summer, a stillness that brought every footstep over the crisp snow into sharp contrast with that encompassing, embracing silence.

Yet into that silence in the depths of winter, as February began to turn its face from winter toward the coming spring, bells rang out across Avalon, from churches and Temple alike, filling a particular morning with the sound of celebration. The sun shone, at the behest of the Lady, to illuminate the Temple grounds where a canopy had been laid, hung with primrose and violet and rose, the gathering place for this truly unprecedented, never again to be repeated event. For this was the day that had been awaited with degrees of patience and impatience since the turn of the spring before, when a man had asked a woman to be his wife. On this day, before the council of Avalon, their friends, and at the hand of the Lady herself, Rhys Bristol, her Champion, would take Natalya Pimenova, her Priestess, to be his until time itself reset and the world began again, a promise made in love and trust to hold close for this lifetime and all others to come.

Natalya had awoken that morning in a bedchamber apart from Rhys, almost forcibly removed from his side the night before by the ever patient but sternly firm Handmaidens of the Temple at the Lady's instruction. She had been sure she would not sleep a wink without him, and indeed, had spent an hour or more gazing up at the stars sparkling silver against the velvet black sky. But sleep had come, formless and dreamless, a gift from the Lady to the bride and groom that no nightmares would plague them while they slept beneath the canopy of Avalon's night.

The bells had woken Nat, and she had found herself swept up in a gaggle of excited Handmaidens of differing ages who structured her morning with ruthless efficiency. She had been bullied into eating breakfast, bathed in the sacred waters of the Chalice Well, and had discovered to her amusement that there were some among the Lady's solemn maidens who had a true enjoyment of the feminine arts. And through it all, she could feel the butterflies in her stomach growing stronger as the noon hour approached and with it, the bell that would call her to the Temple to slip from bride to wife in the space of a heartbeat.

Rhys' experience had been similar to Natalya's. There had been no bachelor party, no drunken revelry, no strippers, and thankfully, no hangover. To be honest, Rhys had little interest in strippers or getting drunk. The night before the wedding was to be used for reflection, and Rhys had much to reflect on. He thought about everything that had happened in his life that had led to this moment, some good, some bad. Looking back, as hard and as painful as much of it had been, he realized he wouldn't change a thing.

Everything had led him to this place and this point in time; everything had eventually led him to Avalon and the Lady and most importantly, to Natalya. He knew he was about to enter a new phase in his life, a new adventure. With the blessing of the Lady and with Natalya by his side, he knew he couldn't go wrong. This was the first day of the rest of his life, but it was more than that. In many ways, it was the first day of a brand new life, shedding all that had come before - a brand new life with his beloved. All his dreams were about to come true, and there was no one more excited or more anxious on this the happiest day of his life than Rhys Bristol, except perhaps for his lovely Natalya.

He'd spent the better part of the morning in preparation - breakfast and ritual bathing and prayers, cleansing of the body, as well as the mind and soul. A young squire by the name of Hal had been appointed to assist him in his preparations, and the young man made no secret that he felt honored to have been given the opportunity to serve the Lady's Champion. Rhys was surprised to find that instead of the knightly or courtly attire he'd become somewhat accustomed to during his stay in Avalon, the apparel that had been prepared for the day was modern - a black and white tuxedo with a white boutonniere pinned to the lapel. He was clean-shaven, the scruff of beard he'd been sporting for the last few months gone. He was filled with nervous excitement and anticipation as the noon hour approached, knowing his time as a bachelor was nearly done, ready to start a new life with Natalya as his beloved bride and wife.

The crystal chimes of the Temple bell rang out across the Isle of Avalon as the hour approached, calling all those who wished to witness the joining to the Lady's side as the final preparations were made. Sir Lionel Cavendish, the Grandmaster of the Knights Templar of Avalon, took his leave of the Lady with a bow and a grandfatherly wink to Joey where the boy stood between Adam and Gina, turning to make his way to the little bower where Nat was waiting to join the throng. A Handmaiden in turn slipped to the bower where Rhys had been left, to summon him to the Lady with a joyful smile. The time had come.

Like Nat, Rhys felt butterflies in his stomach, knowing that from this day forward, his life was going to be forever changed. He was about to make the most important decision of his life, and he was going into it with joyful anticipation. To think that one fateful meeting on an airline had set the dominoes tumbling, one fateful day that had forever changed their lives. He often wondered if it wasn't so much chance or Fate that had brought them together, but the hand of the Lady guiding their lives, guiding them together, guiding them to her. Rhys drew a deep breath when the Handmaiden came to fetch him in an attempt to calm his nerves. He knew all eyes were on them today, but this wasn't the first time that had happened, and over the last few months, he'd grown accustomed to the place of honor he'd been given and the attention that came with it.

"Well, my girl," Sir Lionel told Nat warmly as he looked her over, approval glinting in his usually stern face, "is it foolish of an old man to express regret at letting you go?"

Natalya laughed, grateful to her former Master for breaking a little of the tension that wrapped about her, navigating the heavy fall of her skirt to wrap her arms about the old man in a warm embrace. His hands came up to hold her, awkward but affectionate, rubbing against her shoulders as a faint frown touched his brow. "Goodness, girl, you are frozen," he declared, releasing her to look her over once again, seeing the threat of a shiver in the way she held herself. "I rather think your Champion would not like to spend his wedding night ministering to a new wife with hypothermia, do you?"

Nat swallowed, twisting her fingers together as she shook her head. "It never occurred to me to find something to keep myself warm," she admitted a little guiltily.

Sir Lionel smiled, reaching to his throat to unclasp his own short cape of blue velvet and gold, wrapping it about her shoulders. "You will do," he assured her, gently patting her cheek, tilting his arm toward her. "Shall we?"

Natalya Bristol

Date: 2013-02-23 08:36 EST
Adam kissed Gina on the cheek and ruffled Joey's hair affectionately, before making his way to join the friend he'd long thought of as a brother in a place of honor himself. He'd had a few months to wrap his head around all this, and he was not only happy for both Rhys and Natalya but amazed by the wonders of Avalon. He hoped it wouldn't be long before he, too, said goodbye to his days of being a bachelor, but he was patient and it would come in good time, when Gina was ready. For now, this was Rhys and Natalya's day - a day of joyful celebration. He nudged his friend with an elbow as he joined him, both of them waiting for the arrival of the bride, one patiently, one not so patiently. "Not going to pass out on us, are you?" Adam whispered with a small smirk.

Rhys drew another slow breath as his friend nudged his arm. "No, but I might throw up on you if you get too close," he remarked, looking entirely too serious, but Adam only chuckled.

"You'll be fine. Take a deep breath and try to relax."

"I've taken so many deep breaths I'm going to hyperventilate," Rhys replied with the nervous twitch of a frown, but Adam only chuckled. Of course, it was easy for him to laugh - he wasn't the one getting married.

They didn't have long to wait. It seemed that the Lady was aware of just how nervous her Champion and Priestess were, and had arranged things to go as smoothly as was humanly possible. Thus, barely two minutes after Adam had escorted Rhys to stand before her beneath the canopy, amid a circle of candles, the choral sound of many voices raised in song filled the air, signalling the arrival of the bride.

Nat came into view slowly, her hands hooked loosely at Sir Lionel's elbow, her cheeks flushed with nerves and the faint chill in the air as her eyes went straight to Rhys. She had warned him that she wasn't going to be particularly timeless or chic for their wedding, that her choice of gown was entirely her own preference. What she hadn't told him was that her choice was something of a fairytale princess' gown.

A corset for a bodice, overlaid with lace that bordered her shoulders worn as sleeves, that flared into a skirt of meringue-like proportions and rustled cheerfully as she walked. One could only imagine the number of petticoats required to make it stand the test of walking so closely beside the Grand Master. Her chestnut curls tumbled down over one shoulder, pinned back delicately to show off the elegant line of her neck and jaw, sapphires sparkling at her throat and ears. The Grand Master's cape merely set the ensemble off, taking nothing away from the vision she presented to all those present. But only Rhys saw the love in her eyes and knew it was his alone, dominant over the nervous delight that held her smile so brightly in place as she was escorted to his side.

"Good lord! She's beautiful!" It wasn't Rhys' voice who made that declaration, but Adam, taking in the beauty who was about to make herself Rhys' blushing bride. As for Rhys, he'd caught his breath as soon as he'd caught sight of Natalya, blind to everything and everyone else. Had it only been a day since he'd last seen her" It seemed she was lovelier than he'd ever seen her before. She simply took his breath away. He met her gaze as she was escorted to his side, his heart racing in his chest, his face beaming with love and happiness at the sight of her.

Beside Rhys, the Lady of Avalon had to duck her head to hide a smile at Adam's declaration, unsurprised that it was his friend and not the groom himself who had managed to vocalize what was being thought in that moment.

Nat's own smile widened as she laughed a little at Adam's announcement, inclining her head to the third member of the Triad that had finally defeated Abaddon and his army before her eyes returned to Rhys. She barely noticed Sir Lionel releasing her arm, jumping just barely at the sudden contact as the Grand Master folded her hand into that of her groom. "You shaved," she heard herself murmur, laughter sparkling in her eyes as she realized how inappropriate that comment was, squeezing her fingers about Rhys' warmly. "But even if you had not, you would be breath-taking to me."

In another other circumstance, he might have found himself replying with some smart remark, but not today. Today was too important, and his mood, though happy, was serious. Still, he wouldn't be Rhys if he didn't say something, if he didn't utter some words that popped into his head. "It's a special occasion," he said, linking his fingers with hers, green eyes shining with warm affection. "You're beautiful," he told her quietly, echoing Adam's remark. Even the Lady couldn't shine a candle to his Natalya on their special day.

"If you are quite ready, children." This came from the Lady herself, spoken without moving her lips as she looked from one to the other, truly proud of them for coming so far together. As she raised her golden head, silence fell on the Temple, all attention turned to the ceremony about to begin.

"In this sacred circle of light, we gather to bless this couple, their love, and their marriage," the Lady intoned, no longer merely the guiding hand over the couple before her, but once more the ruler of Avalon itself. "For as long as they shall live in love together, may they each enjoy a healthy life filled with joy, love and stability ..." She paused, eying Rhys and Nat with a secretive smile. "....and fertility."

Rhys heard the Lady's words but found he couldn't take his eyes away from Nat. She was more lovely than ever, and she was about to become his forever. He couldn't help smiling a little at the mention of fertility. If his dream had been right, he knew what the future held - not the nightmare part of the dream that had been tainted by Abaddon, but the glimpse of a possible future with Natalya and their children. It was all that he'd hoped for.

It was the Lady who had shown him that future, and Nat who continually promised it to him. And even now, as the Lady made allusion to that prophecy of the future before them, it was Nat who shared his smile. She would have stepped closer, were it not for the voluminous skirts that would have drowned his legs in taffeta if she'd tried. That could wait a little while longer.

The Lady let the pause ring out, opening her hands to take the rings from Sir Lionel and Adam, holding them in her palm as she continued with the blessing. "Like a stone should your love be firm; like a star should your love be constant. Let the powers of the mind and of the intellect guide you in your marriage, let the strength of your wills bind you together, let the power of love and desire make you happy, and the strength of your dedication make you inseparable. Be close, but not too close. Possess one another, yet be understanding. Have patience with one another, for storms will come, but they will pass quickly."

She smiled still on them both, opening her palm to Rhys with an encouraging nod. "Rhys, I have not the right to bind thee to Natalya. Only you have this right. If it be your wish, speak your vows at this time and place your ring upon her finger."

Rhys pulled his gaze away from Natalya finally, if only for a moment, the words the Lady was saying filling his heart and his mind, her blessing for them striking chord in him, filling his heart with deep emotion and hope for the future the likes of which he'd never known before. He reached over to pluck the ring from the Lady's hand - a traditional Russian wedding ring made of three linked gold rings. He hadn't prepared a speech or any special vows, hoping to find the right words when the time was at hand. He knew the vows that were traditionally spoken at weddings - to have and to hold from this day forth - but this was no traditional wedding, and it called for words that came from the heart, not from some book.

Reaching for her hand, he slid the ring onto her right ring finger, at least for now, choosing to acknowledge and honor her Russian heritage. "Natalya," he started, his voice uncharacteristically quiet, feeling just a little bit nervous, his words meant for her and her alone, though they were surrounded by those who had gathered together to bear witness.

"I'm no poet. I'm not good with words. You already know how I feel. I love you, plain and simple. I know they're just words, but I don't know how else to tell you. My life is yours. You hold my heart in your hand. I promise to love and cherish and protect you from this day forth, until my last dying breath. There's no one else but you, and there never will be. You are my life, my breath, my heart, now, forever, and always. I promise to share my life with you, to share all that I am. And as we grow old together, I promise to only love you all the more with each passing day. I promise to be a good husband and if we are so blessed, a good father. I promise to love you all the days of my life. I belong only to you."

Natalya Bristol

Date: 2013-02-23 08:40 EST
As if the words weren't enough to bring the suspicious sheen of loving tears to her eyes, Natalya found herself quite suddenly choked by the gentle slide of the delicate ring onto her right hand, the hand her own countrymen and -women wore their wedding bands on. She had never mentioned it to Rhys, and yet he'd somehow found out, bringing a tender, tearful smile to her face as the Lady turned her attention onto the bride.

"Natalya, I have not the right to bind thee to Rhys. Only you have this right. If it be your wish, speak your vows at this time and place your ring upon his finger."

The two women shared a glance as Nat's fingers closed over the masculine form of the ring she now wore on her own finger, settling it about the first knuckle of her forefinger for a long moment as she drew together the shreds of her composure to attempt some kind of coherence in a language Rhys, and their guests, would understand.

"Rhys," she breathed, uncaring that few among them could actually hear her as she spoke, drawing his hand into hers, acknowledging his Western roots in the slip of cool metal onto his left ring finger as she spoke. "When we met, the first words I shared with you was a lie. I did not have you upgraded because you looked sweet. I saw you, and I wanted to know you. I did not know then that the lies would give way to the truth so readily. I have shared more of myself, more of my heart, and the past that has made me, with you than I have ever given any other. And I have never regretted it. You have tasted the grief I felt when I thought you were lost; that is nothing, now, to the death of my soul should I ever lose you again. You taught me what my heart was for. I love you, with every fiber of my being, every breath, every beat of my heart. And I have run out of things to say."

She laughed at herself, shaking her head as her hands tightened on his once again. "I love you. And I promise I will love you and cherish you, and keep you from harm, all the days of my life."

He grew quiet as she slid the ring onto his finger, his heart beating slowly, steadily, thumping in his chest as if to count the beats of their new life together, almost afraid to breath lest he break the spell of magic that had settled around them. He found his eyes growing misty with tears as she returned his heartfelt words with words of her own, sharing her innermost feelings, her thoughts and her dreams, no more secrets between them, linked together in every way possible. "Ya tebya lyublyu," he whispered to her in her native Russian, the words growing less clumsy on his tongue each time they were said. Like her, he had no more words, everything he was feeling there to see in his eyes, green and bright with tears of happiness, a warm smile on his face, anxious to kiss his bride and claim her as his own.

A slow ripple of laughter rang through the crowd gathered around them as the Lady forestalled any attempt to circumvent the final part of the ceremony by placing a single finger on each mouth as Nat leaned toward Rhys. A bright blush lit up Natalya's face as she felt that finger, sharing a thwarted smile with her groom as the Lady spoke once more.

"Rhys and Natalya ....May your lives together be joyful and content, and may your love be bright as the stars, warm as the sun, accepting as the ocean and enduring as the mountains." Very slowly, the Lady lowered her hands, allowing herself to smile widely as she looked from husband to wife. "Now you may kiss your bride."

Even Rhys chuckled a little as the Lady held them off, if only for a moment, as anxious to kiss his bride as she was to her groom, it seemed. He waited a moment longer, glancing to the Lady as he waited for her permission, turning then back to Natalya, taking both her hands in his. He needed no prompting, leaning in to brush a soft kiss against her lips which quickly deepened, impassioned and ardent, his kiss sharing what his words could not.

The congratulations seemed muted, faraway, as Nat felt Rhys' lips on hers in their first kiss as man and wife. Any thought of keeping it chaste went straight out the window as she felt his passion rise, her own leaping to meet it. Her hands left his, and she finally took that step closer, throwing her arms around his neck to linger intimately in that kiss, despite the good-natured heckling from their friends nearby.

Gina nudged Adam in the back, grinning through a ridiculous sheen of happy tears at finally seeing Rhys so fantastically joyful. "I thought wedding kisses were supposed to be a foretaste, not foreplay," she commented audibly, drawing a loud laugh from the Grand Master who stood nearby.

"Hush, you..." Adam whispered back, turning with a wide grin for the girl he'd loved from a distance for as long as he could remember. "Or you'll be next." He tossed a wink to Joey, who he was starting to think of as his own son, before turning back to smile upon his oldest and dearest friend, overjoyed that he had finally found the elusive happiness he had always craved - they both had.

Rhys followed Nat's lead, drawing her into his embrace, letting that kiss set his passion free, letting all there who witnessed know how very much he was in love with her, how very much they belonged together.

"Promise?" Gina's smile was as wide as Adam's in that moment, not at all dulled by the loud "Ewww, mom" that resounded from the boy standing between them, not wanting to be party to the mushy stuff.

It was that, more than anything, that brought Nat out of the kiss with a delighted laugh, pressing one last caress of lips to Rhys' mouth before she reluctantly released him from her grasp, only to be enfolded into a warm embrace from Vadim, her oldest friend, who had kept his silence throughout the ceremony in vague awe of the sheer fact of its happening at all.

The Lady's smile had not dimmed throughout the bold kiss, her patience lasting just long enough to see Nat enveloped in her friend's arms before she stepped forward to touch a summer's kiss to Rhys' cheek. "Be happy, Rathanael," she murmured to him, a mother's touch finding his cheek before she, too, retreated to allow the well-wishers close.

Happy was an understatement. Rhys laughed aloud, happiness bubbling up out of him, happier than he could ever remember being. It was almost as if he'd been reborn to live a new life, one bright with hope and promise and love. Sure, there would be challenges along the way, obstacles to overcome, but so long as he had Nat, he'd never be alone again, and they'd overcome them together.

((Took 'em long enough, huh' :lol: Finally married, it just wouldn't be Rhys and Nat if the wedding night wasn't on its way too. Hope you enjoyed the wedding! And spongiflorious auroraborialious thanks to Rhys' player!))