Topic: Dig. Dig Deep.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-04-24 02:51 EST
Author's Note - This thread is a continuation of another thread located HERE. Please read that thread first! Thanks! ]

I knew the minute that I set foot in Bordertown, it was a bad idea. Even though the calender SAID it should be starting to warm up, there was still a bite in the air that made me huddle deep in my jacket and hoodies. Or was that just me being nervous.

Now, mind you, I'm not one to feel that way a when I do, you KNOW that something has to be wrong. I folded my arms across my chest, holding what warmth I could to my body. My hair, still wet (which was a terrible idea), was flapping in my face even though I had it drawn up in a tight ponytail. At this point I didn't give a crap if I had to explain myself to Flint sixty times over. I wanted to get warm, and I wanted to get warm NOW.

"Yo, Flint! Hey man, you in?" I smiled at thinking that he wouldn't be here. Because when I thought back on it, I'd be able to truthfully say 'Nope, I tried to tell him about his brother" He wasn't there. His loss.' I was just about to turn around when I felt the twinge of his mixed heritage in my stomach - a spotted amount of magic that felt fuzzy and hidden under a blanket. Such was the life of a halfie. Not like I was one to talk anymore.

"Hey hey, Schway!" he called, thundering down the stairs from the flat above. His black hair was getting long and messy, even more screwed up from the fact that it looked like he just woke up. He burrowed his long fingers into his eye sockets, stumbling drunkenly in my direction, and once reaching me, wrapped his arms around me in a bone crushing hug. Don't let the guy fool you, he's stringy, but he can SQUISH. The last time he did this, I couldn't do squat about it, but when I hugged him back, he yelped and wriggled in my arms. I drew away laughing. He smelled of smoke, alcohol, and perfume, and I flicked my eyes up to the ceiling, wondering if there was a chick up there. I couldn't feel any concentrated sources of magic, but it could always be a human.

"Hey yerself, dude.." Fricken lettin' yer hair grow out'r what?" I said, tousling it for him. He gave me his trademark goofy grin that hadn't changed in fifty years, even though he had. I could see the starts of wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and mouth and felt my heart sink.

"Heheh, helluva grip ya got goin'! An' yeah, man, Elli's likin' it this way, so I's thinkin' I'd be obligin', yanno," he nodded several times, and I bumped his shoulder with my fist.

"So I was right' It was a chick." He laughed and nodded a few more times, turning on his bare heel. His heavy steps took him to the back counter, a display case actually, with tee shirts, instrument pieces, and other band memorabilia that ranged from posters and guitar picks to used kleenexes and ABC gum. I never found out, nor did I WANT to know how he was able to get the last few types...

"S'not like you ain't dun' nothin' with yer hair, Schway' What happened t'th'wantin' t'be true'n white all the time?"

"Nyah.." I dunno really," I said, snorting. I really didn't. I always said that Kiki had helped me, but I swear she did it when I was sleeping, and I just didn't care enough to make her change it back. Which was odd considering how I'd reacted to the shade a year and a half ago..."Guess I got th'changin' bug again, yanno?"

"Yeah, yeah, I be knowin' how that be," Flint said. His voice was muffled because he'd disappeared behind the display case and started rooting around like a gopher. Sounds like exploding balloons, belches, and breaking glass echoed throughout the store, and I was frozen in place between curiosity and wanting to fricken run. "I be havin' somethin' fer you too, s'why I'm glad'ja came over, see" I din' wanna hafta be goin' t'find'ja."

I didn't have time to even decide to move because just as fast, he flew back in my direction, waving a tiny, shiny thing that had a white cord dangling towards the ground. I blinked. "Th'roundies be callin' it like an....eye podd" Meh, somethin' t'that effect.." Plays music like th'dickens. This'n here," he said wiggling it in my face again as if I didn't see it the first time, "normally, they gotta be charged'n whatever. Batts, right' This'n here dun' never hafta be'n it comes aaaaaalready equipped wi'cher favorite songs." Flint beamed proudly, expertly winding the cord up into a loop and holding it out to me. It WAS adorable, and green. I laughed. He knew I liked green. "Happy birthday, Schway-babe." It took me a few seconds, but I reached for it slowly, feeling a catch in the base of my throat. He must have noticed. "Aww, whassa matter, ya dun' like it' I thought'choo would.."

"No! Nonono, I do I like it, it's just.." You really shouldn't have done this, Flint.." I closed my fingers around it.

"Why not, Schway, man.." Yer m'sister, birthday's gonna be comin' 'round in a few months, an' I KNOW I'm gonna be fergettin' it." He placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it, but when I didn't look up, it trailed from my shoulder, up my neck and onto my cheek. His fingers were calloused from guitar strings, and they prickled my skin as he forced me to look at him. "Whassa matter..?"

"Flint....I need to talk to you about something..."


"And that's all I know....Alex thinks that the language he used might match a dialect of Mount Yasuo's. It's a place about like....a week's journey from Rhy'Din city' I was planning to go straight there but....I didn't feel right leaving without telling you."

His black hair shielded his face from me, hanging in front of his bent head like a curtain. It was amusing how now that my own hair was black" We looked damn similar. I stood on the opposite side of the display case, my hands gripping the cool edges to keep myself upright. He was killing me with this silence thing of his, and on some level, I think he knew that.

I was closer to Flint than I was with Flick. There was a time when I swear we would have started dating each other if Flick hadn't found out. Flint was like my lovable big brother, the one I needed to about stuff to when I felt like I needed to. Which means he fricken knew me back to front, and would ask me in juuuuust the right way to get me to spill. It always irritated me when he did it, but now I couldn't have been more grateful. He was just trying to help. I never had that with Flick. We were close but not the way Flint and I were.

It'd been nearly twenty minutes since I started explaining the whole thing start to finish, and all he could do was stare at the paper, the last bit of his brother he had left that he didn't know existed until just now. I was trying to formulate answers to the questions I was figuring he was going to have. Like 'Why didn't you tell me about this"' or 'You knew all this time, why didn't you try to do something about it sooner?' The truth was I didn't know. I couldn't even think. My mind kept coming up blank, so I opted to just....stare down at the paper like he was.

He startled me a few minutes later by straightening and folding the note as delicately as someone would tuck in a newborn. His lengthy fingers slid it back to me across the glass, and when he looked up, I flinched away. His icy blue eyes were ringed in red, but his expression....I knew he was holding back the urge to punch me. And he could do it. Flick trained him, too.

Flint slowly walked out from behind the display case as I grabbed the note and shoved it in my back pocket next to the music thing he gave me. I couldn't even MAKE my head move to see him.

Next, he wrapped his arms around me, which was fricken surprising, considering. But he felt distant, like he was trying to keep from actually touching me. I was just grateful for anything, though, and hugged him back as fast as I could. His fingers brushed against the earrings on my ear and they jingled, an old signal he used to make sure I was listening.

"If'n anyone could bring m'brother back, it'd be you, Lain," he whispered. He always used my real name when he was serious. "You bring him back-"

"Flint, you dunno how much this means that yer not pissed...Yeah, man, you know I will-"

"And then I don't EVER wanna see your face again." I immediately felt sick and cold, as if someone had dunked me in a pail of ice water and threw me outside. All at once, he dropped his arms and drew away from me, leaving me standing there with my arms out and my mouth open. I barely saw his hand move before the back of it smashed into the right side of my jaw. I spun around with the momentum and hit the floor dumbstruck. I lifted my fingers to my lips and touched them gingerly, feeling the immediate swelling and tasting a pinprick of blood. I knew he could have hit me much harder than that, and part of me wanted to know why he didn't, but the rest....I just didn't care.

I kept my head down as I pulled myself to his feet, gritting my teeth to keep from screaming. Flint paused halfway up the stairs, and they squeaked, letting me know he turned around.

"You can let yourself out."

Without saying anything, I bolted from the store in a blind dash. There had been more malice in those five words than I had heard from Alex on one of his worst days. The corners of my eyes stung as I burst out onto the street and shouldered past those on their afternoon whatevers. I kept nearly tripping over my own feet as I ran, but despite everything....I laughed.

"Yeah....I knew it was a bad idea..."

Fei Chai

Date: 2008-05-05 03:40 EST
The tall woman's delicate fingers released the fabric that hung before her window. Beyond the wooden thatch pattern dripped a mild rainstorm whose sound soothed her ears. A gentle breeze sifted in from outside, and it rippled the magenta curtain she had previously touched.

Upon a small table beside her right thigh was a large bowl filled full of fizzing water. When she looked down into it, however, she didn't see her own reflection, but one of an elf of average height running at breakneck speed through a crowded street. Her crimson painted lips pulled wide in a smile.

"Lai*," her strong voice commanded without lifted her eyes from the bowl. The woman's fingertips began to caress its edge and sides as she continued to observe the elf from afar.

From the corner's shadows stepped a tall, muscled man, his hands behind his back. His long black hair was tied in a tight ponytail at the base of his neck. His red eyes, like his pointed ears, were sharp and they narrowed as they rested on his summoner.

"Yes, Lady Chai?"

The woman's head lifted, and she tamed long locks of blue black away from her oriental face. "Ready yourself, for she comes swiftly."

The male stiffened, his lips flattening into a thin line as he sucked in a breath. Could it be? At long last..."

"You're sure..?" he asked, his voice filled with more anticipation than he would have liked for his mistress to hear. One of Lady Chai's eyebrows piqued on her porcelain forehead, causing no wrinkle, as if it had just decided to change location.

"You question my abilities" After all this time under my tutelage, perhaps I've expected too much of you.." The male lowered his head in subservience.

"My apologies, Lady Chai, I....Forgive me, I was overwhelmed with emotion." Her full lips puckered in distaste

"Well, get rid of it. Emotions are-" she began.

"-useless and have nothing to do with furthering oneself," the male finished with a tight smirk. Although he didn't want to interrupt her, he felt it prudent. Her throaty chuckles confirmed that. "I wouldn't ever forget your wisdom, Lady Chai."

"I should hope not. But if you need verification....this girl you have been tracking, she goes by the name of Lain?" He nodded. "And she has been also known to use strange words?" Once more, he nodded. She returned her gaze to the bowl where the crystal blue eyed elf was wiping her face. Lady Chai sneered at the tears. "She doesn't match your description exactly, but she can be no other, come have a look," she said, gesturing to the bowl. The male stepped back quickly.

"I no longer doubt your judgment, Lady Chai. If you say it's Lain, I will believe you. When will she arrive?"

"Within a week's time," she said down into the bowl. She then straightened, and passed her hand over the surface of the water. The images faded, and it calmed instantly. "Who is she to you? Even after all of these years, you've been adamant about withholding that information from me. This is upsetting." Her silk kimono rustled around her body as she moved slowly in the male's direction and cupped his cheek once she was close enough. He smiled to her gently, nodded, and stepped further away. Lady Chai watched him like a hawk stalking its prey from above.

"My apologies once more, Lady. I shall be carrying out your orders immediately." He bowed and turned on his heel, striding briskly from the room. As he slid the fusuma door closed behind him, Lady Chai returned to her window, her fingers pulling back the silken drapes and holding them there as if she had never moved, although her mouth now held a cruel smile.

*Author's Note - 'Lai' means 'Come' in Chinese.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-06-02 01:05 EST
The wind raked her hair out of her face, stung her ears, and made her jacket fly behind her like a cape....and she loved it. Beneath her legs, the rumbling of the motorcycle's engine sent tremors through her body, and she gripped the handlebars tightly, hunkering down as she put on the burst of speed and tore up sod in her wake.

There was no road. She'd make one.

Above her head, the blue sky was speckled with clouds that looked like shredded cotton. The air was crisp and clean, and she inhaled deeply, holding her breath for the five minute extent she'd discovered she possessed and then let it out in a sharp huff as she got dizzy and the world began to grow darker beyond her sunglasses.

Lately, solitude was something she didn't like. She found herself venturing out of her room more often than not in search for conversation, or just pulled by the urge to watch others.

But now, as she flew down the expanse of lush grass, nothing to any side of her but pure wide open space, she couldn't have felt better. A smile crept upon her lips for the first time in two days, and before long she was laughing.

Laughing aloud, with only the heavens to attempt to restrain her gradually escaping sanity.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-06-02 02:26 EST
Author's Note - This post comes with a song! Get it HERE!!! ]



"GET UP!" The boot sailed into her already bruised ribs, her mouth and chest. "YOU DON"T GET BREAKS IN THE REAL WORLD, PRINCESS; IT"S ABOUT TIME YOU WOKE UP!"

Through the blood in her eyes, she saw Flint sprint into the room, trying to hold off his muscled twin with spindly arms. He was thrown away like garbage.

"GET UP!" Another kick to her gut. "COME ON!" Her eye. "FIGHT BACK, YOU WORTHLESS, INCAPABLE PIECE OF TRASH!" Ribs, legs, mouth.


"STOP IT!" She heard the loudest shout in the room coming from her, and they spiraled through the air away from her to collide with the far wall and slide down it in a pathetic heap.


Her hair snaked in knotted tendrils over her bleeding forehead, and she stared murder at the small group, silver eyes flashing white off and on like a broken light bulb. Weapons from the tables rattled and floated into the air and flipped around so their sharp edges were aimed at everyone.

Tick scowled. Flint swore. Flick smiled.


She was standing up, moving, meeting Flick's venomous gaze. The weapons rocketed through the air"

"NGH!" Lain jerked awake to the sound of pounding at her door, but she didn't get up to answer it. The wide open window to her left allowed a cool breeze to flutter the lace curtains. A crescent moon glowed a gentle blue in a rather pitch black sky.

She groaned, and pulled the covers over her head once she realized whoever her visitor was wasn't going to stop knocking anytime soon.

"Miss" Miss, are you alright' I heard odd noises coming from in there." Lain's closed eyes rolled.

"I'm fine," she called, although not loud enough it seemed. Because they kept at it. A demon, from what she could tell, but with a ruddy mixture of older magic. She was usually wary about those that went to great magical extents to try and hide who they were, so the fuzzy uncertainty of her first glance analysis bothered her.

Rather than yell, Lain threw the covers from her sweaty skin and rolled out of bed onto her feet. She scaled her small inn room in three strides and wrenched the door open, screwing up her face into an annoyed look that she would have recoiled at had she seen it.

"What." She swallowed at hearing her own voice. It cracked and broke like she'd been crying. Bringing her fingers up to her eyes, she found that she had without knowing it. It didn't help her mood.

"I-I uh..." For a demon, he was unusually lacking in the suave department. He wasn't overly tall, about six one, she'd guess. His long black hair was tied back in a tail at the base of his neck, and his bright red eyes were blinking like crazy as he tried to muster up a fragmented sentence that she figured wouldn't be coherent to begin with.

"You what, spit it out already, I've got sleep t'be doin'."

"I'm....I apologize. Like I said before, I heard strange noises coming from this room." Lain massaged her temple as she leaned into the door frame, her sleepy eyes still trying to adjust to the spill of light the open door made.

"Did'ja ever think I might not'a been alone in here?" The man's face flushed a gentle pink, and he straightened, clearing his throat.

"They were not that form of noise, if I may say so."

"Oh, I see," Lain muttered, her irritation increasing. "So yer th'type'a dude who goes around fricken listening to other people's walls fer yer kicks, huh?"

He waved his hands frantically, which had been clasped behind his back since the start of the conversation. "No no no! That's not what I meant!"

"Sure it's not. Look man, as you can see I'm fine, I aint' dead'r doin' whatever th'hell else you thought you heard, schway' Good night." Lain stepped back and moved to slam the door, but the man wedged himself between the door and its frame, and stopped it easily with one hand. She blinked as she saw a shadow pass over the scowl he gave her. Something about it seemed incredibly familiar...

"It appears we got off on the wrong foot," he said gently, but his expression didn't change. Her hand tightened around the door handle as she readied herself to put this freak out of his misery.

"It ain't gonna get any better if you don't get th'hell outta here." There was a brief silence.

"Is there a reason for all of this hostility?"

"Yeah, it's completely fricken justified. You dunno how t'keep yer nose outta other people's business and then think it's fun t'not let'm sleep." He chuckled.

"No faith in your fellow man, I take it." Lain shook her head, but it was more of a movement to toss her bangs aside as they slipped across her forehead.

"I was taught never to trust anyone. Guess it sorta stuck."

Why would she say that.." She had inadvertently detailed a good portion of her past to some random, peeping Tom weirdo who was all but forcing himself into her room.

But it seemed to work. He blinked, and his hand slipped from the door in surprise. In fact, his whole face wore a look of shock that she didn't bother to try and think on.

The door finally slammed shut like she'd wanted it to, and she threw every lock it had into action before belly flopping on her bed. Her hands slipped beneath her pillows and closed around the tiny green device that Flint had gifted her. Long fingers gingerly pushed the ear buds deep into her pointy ears and she punched the touch pad, causing the thing to light up and cast ghostly shadows over her face.

Lain laid her head onto the plush pillows as a loud guitar screech erupted in her ears. Tired as she was, she couldn't let her eyes drift shut, and she watched the curtains flutter like a dress as she listened, for the first time in years, to the song that launched her from nobody status into the Schwayer.

" ...I thought he wasn't able to make it..."

As tears stabbed the corners of her eyes, she buried her face in her pillow, and cried.

Fei Chai

Date: 2008-06-02 05:05 EST
Being the only light in the room, the faint blue glow from the moon outside easily caught the surface of the water he poured from the antique, porcelain pitcher into its equally old, matching basin. Oriental designs and markings in a dark blue ink described lush flowers and graceful squiggles that were invisible in the dark. The man's crimson eyes narrowed as he passed a hand over the surface of the water and it immediately began to fizz. He set the pitcher aside and awaited his call's response.

"Ahh, how are you my dear?" Chai's silky smooth voice, with just a hint of laughter, permeated the heavy air. Even with his windows thrown open, the heat still bothered him. Made him itchy and uncomfortable. He tugged his clothing from his body as he spoke.

"I'm fine, Lady Chai. Perfect even. This journey has proved....indefinitely better than expected." He smiled, casting his shirt onto the foot of the bed and stretching his muscled torso. Sweat gleamed off his skin in the light of the moon outside. His mistress must have seen it for she laughed.

"Do not tease me so, or I shall not be held responsible for my actions." The water rippled over her pale, perfect visage. Her coal dark eyes shone a gentle blood red, and full smiling lips were painted to match. However, even with this vision of beauty before him, he could only find his thoughts preoccupied with another female.

"My apologies, Lady," he said absently, not really meaning it. His own gaze lifted from the basin full of water to the wall he shared with Lain. His fingers itched to touch it, knowing that she would be doing so at some point in time. "I have found her. She's....she's hardly as I remember, however, her attitude has not changed." He smiled. "I was fairly surprised to find her repeating my teachings to me."

"Oh' And how did that come about?" He knew she wasn't really interested in his recount of the event, although he didn't begrudge a chance to go over it again in his mind. This would make the hundredth time.

"She was crying out in her dreams, and I went to her door to see if she was alright. She was quite cranky when I did so, and blamed it on the fact that she'd been taught not to trust anyone." He couldn't help but laugh softly at the thought.

"A funny thing, dreams. Some believe they are harnessed desires ready to run rampant, and others believe that they are nothing more than hallucinations and pay them no mind. What do you think, dear?"

"She was dreaming about me.." he said, his tone taking on a wistful sound, seeming not to have heard the question. "It would be too easy to pry into her innermost thoughts and desires. If I am to learn anything, I want it to come from her."

One of Lady Chai's perfect eyebrows arched on her forehead. "But you do want to, don't you? You know you have the-"

"Of course I know I have the power and ability to do so!" he snapped, yelling down into the basin. Chai's face stayed impassive, and she held his gaze until he flicked it off towards the open window. "My apologies, Lady Chai. I don't know what came over me."

"Oh, I think you do. But I shall let it slide, my dear, for your emotions, thoughts, and otherwise about this strange girl mean absolutely nothing to me. You do not need to explain yourself."

He merely nodded.

"You will contact me if you feel the need?"

"Indeed. Please forgive my outburst."

Lady Chai chuckled lightly, the mirth returning to her voice. "If it helps you sleep this night, my dear, and from the sound of things, you will need all the help you can get."

Without another word, he passed his hand over the surface of the water, and the fizz and Lady Chai's image faded out of view. Heaving a great sigh, he cupped the cool water in his hands and splashed it over his face, rubbing his wet palms down his throat and bare chest. The water evaporated instantly, leaving him somewhat cooler than before. He pulled the leather band that restrained his hair free, and ran his hands through it as he swung himself onto the bed, the soft sheets feeling scratchy and foreign on his skin. He was too used to silk, it seemed.

Staring up at the canopy overhead, he soon lost himself in his thoughts, a smile halfway between genuine and mischievous riding his thin lips.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-06-07 08:18 EST
It was no use. She couldn't get a wink of sleep.

Crystal blue eyes drifted slowly open above dark circles and stared at the bathroom ceiling, although not really seeing it. The stiffness had settled into her limbs, and she forced them to move. Her knees poked through the surface of the water, droplets trailing down her skin and causing goosebumps to form.

How long had she been lying here" Five hours" Maybe six"

Her shiver was the final straw, and she heaved a sigh, wasting no time in toweling off and throwing her wet hair up in some manner of style. She stepped out of the bathroom, over to the small vanity by the door, pulling a simple snug tank top and flannel bottoms on as she went. The pile of jewelry on the dark cherry wood surface glittered in the morning sun. She stared into the mirror at the shadow of her face, her thin hands performing the mechanical motions of sliding on her bracelets and rings. When finished, she flexed her fingers and rubbed her eyes.

"Ahhhhhhh, I look like crap." Lain laughed softly at that. It was the first time that she'd really made any sort of comment about her looks with any sort of interest. She brushed the large garnet earring in her left ear, one of a pair, the other of which was on Tenzo's ear someplace. "Wow, is it a good thing he ain't here t'see.." She managed a few more moments' worth of preening and then still grinning, slipped a red button down shirt around her torso and padded out of her room.

Like the Red Dragon at this early hour of the morning, the small inn was quiet with the faint scent of cinnamon rolls and toast its only occupants. As if a testament to that, a huge silver platter with sticky buns gleaming with slick frosting all but dragged her over to the counter. She made a beeline for them, punching herself gently in the stomach when she heard it growl in response.

"Ah, I see I am not the only Early Bird," came an amused voice, and Lain looked up, one cinnamon roll hanging out of her mouth and another in her hand, at the same demon guy from the night previous. His long hair was still tied back, and he wore a simple and tight sleeveless top and pants. He exited the kitchen carrying a plate of toast on one palm and a few jars in his other hand and he gave her a smile as he settled those alongside the cinnamon rolls. "How do they taste" I'm afraid my culinary skills are slightly out of practice."

"Oomayveez?" she asked heavily, pointing to the roll clutched between her teeth. He seemed to have no problem discerning it though. And his smile never wavered.

"Yes, I did. I found myself quite bored this morning, and figured I was behind on my five minutes of charity for the year."

"Seriously.." They're good," Lain nodded as she swallowed and brushed crumbs off her face and fingers. Which proved to be more difficult than she first thought because of the frosting's addition and the fact that she only had one free hand. Noticing her issues, the demon quickly retrieved a clean plate and rag, a combination she'd never seen before at any inn. "Dang....never thought clean things fricken existed in a place like this, man?" she said chuckling. Although, this inn was surprisingly comfortable, calm, and quiet. Why wouldn't she expect cleanliness" She stacked her cinnamon rolls onto the plate and grabbed the rag with a muttered 'thanks'. Lain was glad that guilt wasn't an everyday emotion for her, because if it was, she'd go insane. While one hand slid the wadded up rag forward on the gleaming counter, the other lifted to the green guitar pick at her neck and began to maul it relentlessly. "Look, about last night-"

"What kind of morning beverage do you prefer?" he asked turning suddenly away from her and casting his red eyes over the shelves behind him. "I believe we only have coffee, tea, fruit juices, and water available. The more exotic drinks, well....I haven't been able to locate them." Lain blinked. He didn't seem to have heard her, though something about him made her think that he was avoiding the subject. For what reason, she had no idea. She wasn't THAT intimidating last night. She'd hardly even tried. Maybe she'd discreetly humor him.

"What no ale" Pssh. S'fricken unschway, that."

"Yes, but note the lack of mess and passed out, smelly, grotesque individuals," he said as he waved an open hand towards the rather spotless interior without turning around. "I daresay other establishments should take a leaf out of this one's book."

"Either that or they're way too damn uptight," she said, tearing off another piece of her cinnamon roll and tossing it up into the air. It landed neatly into her waiting mouth, and she smiled, proud that she was able to do that when she was running on less than half of her normal energy. The demon chuckled and glanced at her over his shoulder.

"So what shall it be?"

", coffee" I guess."

"Coffee it is. The usual accoutrements?"

It took her a moment to figure out that he was asking if she wanted cream or sugar. "Nah, need it black t'day, man." He nodded and began the preparations, choosing a huge, dark red mug from one of the shelves. Lain continued to munch at her breakfast as she claimed a stool, watching him as he worked because he was the only other thing besides her that moved in the commons. She couldn't put her finger on it, but something about him seemed strangely familiar. His mannerisms, his appearance. Even the smooth, graceful way he moved as he took his time boiling the water and pouring it over a filter filled with ground coffee beans. The sweet smell of it began to waft into her nose, mingling with the scent of cinnamon, and she felt a good amount of tension in her shoulders melt away.

She hadn't ever sensed him before, that part she was sure of. Usually when she met someone who housed stores of magic, she was able to remember their feeling, but this guy....He was different. Still, she couldn't help ask.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" His broad shoulders stiffened, his head tilting. He seemed to be thinking it over.

"Not unless you've met someone named Kilf before. Have you?" he inquired, turning around with two large mugs in his equally large hands. Lain shook her head and tore off another hunk of roll. She didn't eat it right away, just sat playing with it. Her gaze lifted when he moved to stand before her.

"Nah, thought so, though. Cuz you seem damn familiar t'me, and I dunno why."

"Oh, so I'm not the first to try and barge into your room during the early hours of the morning" I'm hurt." He feigned a pout and she snorted as she finally nibbled at the mangled pastry between her fingers. He slid her mug to her, and gave her an upnod that she didn't see. "You were saying....about last night."

"Huh' OH! Right uh....Yeah, I.." Wanted to apologize fer that. I ain't been havin' th'best'a days lately, schway' And you did mean well, right?" One of her dark eyebrows arched as she asked, and he gave her a smooth grin that reached his crimson eyes. He took a drink from his own mug first, and Lain saw the thin string with a tag attached indicating he chose tea instead. He was fast. She didn't even tell that he'd made anything for himself

"I assure you that my intentions were most honorable."

Lain nodded several times, sweeping up her own mug. The coffee burned her tongue, mouth, and nose, but she savored it anyway, feeling it tear at her insides when she swallowed. Lain cleared her throat and made a show of digging the tips of her fingers into her eyes to hide the fact that it had caused them to water. It'd been a whiiiiile since she'd done that.

Kilf chuckled. "A little too toasty, I presume?"

"Just a bit," she said grinning. The silence descended on them like a blanket, and she found herself twitching and swaying in her chair while she ate. The only noises that permeated it were sips, swallows, and the sound of her own mouth chewing in her head. Rhythmic thuds emanated from below the bar as she kicked her heels against the rungs of her stool. Thud, thud, thud.

"It sure is quiet.

"Tch, yeah, I'll say. 'S'freakin' me out, too. I hate silence," she muttered, scowling. She clacked the thick rings on her fingers against the handle of her mug and it created a merry little tune with the accompanying thuds.

"Well then, what better way to avoid it than conversation, mm' Tell me, where are you from?" Both of her eyebrows rose in unison.

"Like originally'r where I was b'fore I came here here."

"Either or, or both if you like," he said with a gentle shrug. He crossed one arm over his stomach, and propped his other elbow upon it, holding the large mug of tea lazily between his fingers. Somehow, he seemed to muscular to fit that pose.

"Ah, gotcha." She leaned her elbows into the counter, poking at the other, uneaten roll still on her plate. It'd be cold by now, not nearly as good. "Rhy'Din city. S'like....couple'a days worth'a journey that'a way." She jerked her head towards the western windows, and he followed the gesture.

"Do you like it there?"

She blinked. "S'alright, I guess....It ain't no B-Town, that's fer sure. Cuz there, right' There, turkey sandwiches'r only fer eating."

His expression suggested he was lost. "And this....B-Town, that is your hometown?"

Lain upnodded at his correct guess. "Yeah. S'right on th'border b'tween Urth'n th'Lands. Waaaaay too many fricken Roundies, uh, humans," she clarified, and Kilf nodded, "fer their own good, schway' But it's a good place, always alive, too much noise'n crap t'do'r run away from t'be bored, really."

"Ah, I see. You do seem to abhor silence," he paused to sip and savor his tea, and even though she wasn't looking up at him, she felt his intense eyes boring a hole into the top of her skull. Lain shifted in her seat and tugged her loose shirt more closely about her. He was quiet for so long, it made her jump when he finally spoke. "You are of the musical sort, right?"

All she was able to manage was a nod, and she busied herself with sipping from her coffee. She heard him lean, and was soon face to face with his inspecting gaze.

"A guitar player, I see. Yes....I never learned to play that instrument, I didn't have the fingers for it," Kilf said wistfully. He held up one of his hands, fingers splayed, and Lain saw that unlike her own thin, long, nearly delicate hands, his were broad and beefy with short fingers that resembled sausages. She snorted.

"Ya never know. Anyone can be taught t'do anything if they have th'patience for it."

"Yes, although that is something I was lacking of in my youth. In my later years I discovered a talent with the piano, and not only did it make beautiful music, but I found it rather relaxing."

Lain grinned, thankful that her nerves were starting to unwind from the tight ball in her chest they were beginning to form. No doubt the black coffee didn't help that at all, but she prided herself in keeping well away from being effected by beverages.

"So what uprooted you from your hometown" You seemed to rather enjoy it there."

She trace the rim of her now half full mug with a few long nails as she thought over her answer. Thoughts of B-Town ultimately led to thoughts of the only home there she'd ever had, and now wasn't allowed to set foot in ever again. Her teeth grit together and she swallowed the building lump in her throat. Kilf, who was ever surprising her in how much close attention he was paying, stiffened and cleared his throat.

"My apologies, I had no right to-"

"Nah,'s fine." She was able to produce a convincing enough smile, and the fact that she was met with a genuinely concerned expression on his part made that a whole hell of a lot easier. "I ain't th'typical chick who got upset with how mom'n dad were runnin' things'n then got all mixed in with th'wrong crowd'r whatever. I dun'really have a family, just'a lotta close friends'n..." It was her turn to pause, and Kilf waited expectantly, silently. "S'kinda a lie, schway' I had a couple'a brothers." Flicking her eyes off to the side and out the window as she was, she didn't see the color drain from Kilf's face, nor the severity that his crimson eyes hardened to.

"What do you mean....'had' a couple of brothers?" She could tell that he didn't want to tread into something else that may be none of his business, but there wasn't going to be any helping it if he continued asking those kinds of questions. If he was curious, and he seemed like he was, she was going to have to tell him off some time.

"I....ah.." slowly, she lifted her right hand and cradled her cheek in it, keeping her gaze trained out the window. Several large, dark birds flew by, and her eyes rolled in their sockets as she followed them as far as she could without turning her head. "Well, one disappeared....a long time ago. And th'other.." We dun' get along really that schway anymore."

That was all she was able to say about that, and quite abruptly, Lain pushed herself to her feet and smoothed her damp bangs behind her pointy, decorated ears. It was only then that she saw Kilf's ashen expression, his gaping mouth, and noticed that he was dangerously nearing the point of dropping his mug.

"Ya schway man, ya dun' look too good.."

Kilf snapped himself back from his daze with a rough shake of the head, and took a long gulp from his tea. "Yes, I am, thank you," he mumbled, but it sounded rather forced to her. His head tilted in question, then. "Are you, though' I'm afraid I've stumbled upon a rather sensitive subject."

"Yeah," she nodded slowly. Her attentions were caught by both the mountain of cinnamon rolls to her left, and the fact that another patron had just entered the commons via the front door, and proceeded to cough up, what sounded like, the entirety of his inner organs. "I'll be fine, thanks Kilf. Fer these." Lain flicked a curled a finger at the plate of rolls and a couple separated themselves from their fellows and landed neatly onto her plate. She swiftly took hold of it and her coffee mug and shuffled to the stairs.

"W-wait!" he called suddenly, and she froze, her leg lifted in midstep. As her head turned to regard him, she felt the fatigue of last night return full force, and fought to keep her balance. At least she knew she'd get some sleep now. "What's your name?"

"Lain. Or Schway. I respond to both," she said, giving him a weak smile. She was all too aware of the old man trudging into the room and eavesdropping, because hell....what else was there to listen to besides them.

"Lain....I really am sorry."

She bit the side of her tongue as she noted the amount of remorse lacing both his voice and face. She lost herself watching him for a few seconds, then chuckled. "I'schway Kilf. I'll see ya 'round."

"Yes....I do indeed hope so.."

Lain disappeared up the stairs with the soundtrack of the old man heckling suggestively echoing in her mind.

Fei Chai

Date: 2008-06-07 23:59 EST
"I have no doubts that you saw all that?"

Lady Chai's musical laughter twinkled around the room like wind chimes in caught in a gentle breeze. Kilf didn't mind, though. That sound meant that his Mistress was amused, and overall content. Such states would bode well for the underlings down the chain.

"It seems I must refine my stealth tactics in spying on you, my dear."

"Or, you could always try the diplomatic approach of asking me direct questions. They'll yield the same result, Lady Chai. You know I have nothing to hide from you." To that, she said nothing, but Kilf was hardly paying any mind at this point. He was still going over the short, but enjoyable, conversation he'd had with Lain, and he felt his mouth pull into the first true smile he was able to make in many years. As he sat on the foot of the bed, his elbows resting on his knees, fingers clasped, he let his gaze wander about the innards of his small room. No doubt something akin to the one she was occupying.

Once entering the hotel room, one would find a vanity set made of dark cherry wood on their immediate right. Continuing in a counter-clockwise direction, large bay windows opened out to a petite terrace where one could partake in the serenity and seclusion of nature. On the northern wall, there was the massive white bed, complete with down pillows, cotton sheets and lacy strips of material that made the canopy and the curtains. In the northwest corner, a small hallway led to a bathroom that opened on the left with a free standing antique tub with clawed feet and fashioned out of snow white porcelain. Likewise, in the southwest corner, a velure upholstered wing-backed chair sat beneath various tiny paintings of scenic beauty. It wasn't by any means lavish or a dump, and Kilf smiled. 'It was exactly the kind of place that had always caught her eye.' Lady Chai's voice broke him out of his reverie.

"On the contrary, there are many things that I think you're hiding from me. Although, I must admit I entertain ideas and thoughts of betrayal from all my employees. One must follow one's own advice, no?" She chuckled, a throaty 'hmm' of a sound. "Tell me, did you learn anything of interest in your investigation?"

"Many things," he breathed, moving to stand. Folding his hands behind his back, he began to pace the length of his small room. "She behaves the exact same way she did back then, if not a little toned down. I hardly think it has anything to do with old age. She would have just reached over a century by now, and I doubt that when she does begin to reach the more mature years of her race, her spirit will be dampened in the slightest. But....she seems different."

"You have not seen her in some years, correct' Times change, my dear, beings change. Look at how you yourself have changed."

Kilf shook his head, sending the ponytail at his neck swaying. "No. Not Lain. Lain is different from all the rest."

"And yet she is different from how you remember her," Lady Chai's tone suggested that she was becoming slightly annoyed at the circles Kilf was running with his thoughts. "Let us change the subject. Tell me more about her. I do not mean your impressions or your memories. What is she, the elf, like?"

Kilf sighed deeply, and his pacing ceased. He passed his hands roughly over his face, drawing them down his cheeks as he fixated his crimson eyes on the afternoon sky outside his open window.

"She is fierce and proud," he began, immediately regretting it, for a hundred stories came to mind to show just how strongly he felt. But as per Lady Chai's request, he bit down on any surfacing rambles. "She smiles often, and what a smile. No shadow, however dark, will ever restrain its light. She's thin, but made of hardened muscle. Only her hands are delicate, and she decorates them with a plethora of jewelry along with her wrists and ears." That brought him to pause, and he studied Lain's appearance in his head. "She never used to do so, only her ears....and she didn't even stop when she had one torn off. Her eyes, too. They weren't bright blue, but silver, and her hair..."

"Kilf, you are coming dangerously close to derailing my subject." He ignored her.

"Lady Chai, might I ask a favor of you?" Having not been keeping any close eye on his Mistress' mood, the forced sigh that sounded from the large porcelain bowl caught him by surprise, and he waited slightly more on edge than he was previously.

"Indeed, my dear."

"I wish for you to check your Black Records and see if anything arises concerning Lain Amthras." Once more, Lady Chai laughed, but it was hard and sharp like a dog's bark.

"There is no need to do that, Kilf, for she is obviously very much alive."

"No, that is not what I mean....How could I have not seen it before.."

"You do realize that my archives are vast and detailed. Even if she was somehow recorded, it would take an extensive amount of time to-"

"I do not care. I will provide you with the time you need. Despite my teachings, she has remained extremely na've and trusting. She has always hungered for acceptance, though she wished for it on her own terms, and thus....the proverbial shit hit the fan."

"I do not like to be interrupted," Lady Chai spat, and even though she was still miles away, the water in which her image floated began to boil and hiss, steam rising into the room at a hastened pace. He quickly moved into an apologetic speech.

"Lady Chai, you must forgive me, I.." he began, but his voice trailed off into nothing. Gradually, the boiling water simmered back down to a calm fizz.

"Don't waste my time with flattery, Kilf. You do know that I only put up with your perpetual spikes in disobedience because you are one of the very few, if not the only, employee that I value most greatly. Do not....take my good nature with you for granted, for if I must, I will peel the flesh from your body with acid and a metal comb." Kilf swallowed deeply, and moving over to the bowl stared down into it. Their crimson gazes met, hard molten lava meeting dark smoldering blood. He could only nod to her, his voice suddenly lost on him.

"Now..." Lady Chai breathed, seeming to have calmed herself from her own frowned upon outburst, "If it will help you with this assignment, I shall do what I can. You must remember that the client is paying a rather hefty sum for her removal. And they have confidence in me, and I in turn have confidence in you. Do not make me regret my feelings."

"Yes, Lady Chai."

"I know you seem to abhor this notion, my dear, but have you ever tried revealing yourself to her" I'm sure she would understand, and be much more open and helpful in your research."

"No, Lady Chai. As I have said....anything that I want to know from Lain is exactly how it will be gathered. From Lain. I will not invade her person. I wish to discover her again because she feels comfortable with me," he spoke insistently, placing a splayed hand on his chest. Lady Chai's dark brows lifted gently.

"And who are you exactly, my dear?"

"I'm afraid I don't understand, Lady Chai." She chuckled throatily as her image started to blend with the fizzing water.

"Are you the valued employee of Chai Fei known as Kilf.." Or are you the other half of the hybrid twins, Flick McGreggor.." He froze as he watched her perfect visage twist into a maniacal sneer. Her blood red eyes flashed a brilliant yellow, and then she was gone.

It would be hours before Kilf would be able to pry himself from that spot.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-07-10 05:05 EST
It was a good thing that the porch to the Lucky Lotus bar and inn was large enough to store her bike. After a few hours of undisturbed sleep, she awoke to the explosions of thunder and lightning through a pale gray sky and in the end was relieved. It saved her from reliving her dreams, which had begun to grow steadily worse as time went on. She was greatly considering injecting herself with coffee so that she wouldn't have to deal with it.

She got a few looks as she strode outside with nothing covering her but a couple skin tight wife beaters and baggy jeans. Most of those people were human, and didn't possess a lick of magic. Or they just thought she looked weird. Lain had given them bright smiles just to freak them out further.

Currently, she sat on the porch before her bike, a brown cinnamon-scented clove dangling from her lips and spewing blue smoke to the now gentle, lethargic rainstorm. The aroma of woods, water, and dirt canceled out the sweet tang of her cigarette. Next to her were two bottles of beer: one empty, one half-empty, one of those infamous clean rags from beneath the bar, a fork, a spoon, and a large rubber band. Lain leaned back against the wall of the Lucky Lotus, her knees propped up, and her elbows resting atop them. Even though there was hardly any light, the lonely glass ring on her left ring finger seemed to shine, mocking her, telling her to look at it....and remember what was inside. She chose to close her eyes and hang her head instead.

And she had only just done so when she felt rather than saw him join her.

"I take it your ride has chosen to be difficult with you."

Lain chuckled and forced her head back up. Her damp hair clung to her forehead and cheeks, and her earrings clattered when she rested the back of her head against the wall. Her eyes felt sticky, and she found it hard to just open them, let alone move them so she could see Kilf standing beside her.

"Ahh, I see you've located some of the more exotic beverages."

"Beer's not th'same as ale, but it'll do," Lain said quietly, her voice like a gravel road: uneven, scratchy, rough. She cleared her throat and plucked her cigarette from her mouth, freeing it of the collapsing castle of ashes. "So what?s up, dude" 'ja wanna see th'storm too?"

Kilf nodded his head. He had changed, she noticed, into a rather beaten up tee shirt and jeans, and it did absolutely nothing to conceal his muscle mass for he still looked bulky and way out of place. Like her, he was barefoot, and the hem of his pant legs were dark with water. "May I?"

"Yeah sure, dude." Lain found it weird to be asked permission. She didn't think she exuded that type of aura. Pushing aside her pile of treasures, which resulted in the empty beer bottle falling over and rolling off the porch, she scooted over a bit and knocked on the bit of porch beside her. The bottle was given a look, or at least the place she assumed it fell. Like hell she was going to pick it up.

"So what?s wrong with her?" He cleared his throat loudly, and Lain jumped, twisting her head around ad warp speed. A chunk of her hair whipped across forehead and stuck there. She hadn't seen Kilf's gesture towards the bike. Lain scoffed.

"Hell if I know. Maybe it hates rain. S'not even mine, anyway if ya know what I mean." Kilf laughed and scooted his way over to one side of the bike, the one opposite Lain, and reached between the wheels for her pile of makeshift tools. He chose the fork, and started to tinker.

"So you've just been stabbing at it with anything you could find then?"

"Pretty much," she said through a sigh. Her ass was cold and numb from sitting on the porch for this long, and a jolt of pain shot through her tail bone, making her wince. She plucked up her half empty bottle as she shifted around, and tipped it up to her lips. "Hey look, dude, not that I dun' appreciate the midnight call, and the breakfast, and the whatever th'frick you think yer gonna do to my bike....why are you doin' this" You dunno me from a hole in the wall."

There was a lengthy chuckle, and a loud metallic POP before he continued. She watched his hand snake out between the wheels and grab the spoon.

"You remind me of someone. My sister to be exact. She was a lot like you."


"She died. A long time ago."

Lain winced. "I'm sorry, man.."

Another loud POP. "It's perfectly alright, you didn't know. But yes, she was a lot like you. Very strong, very independent. She did what she wanted when she wanted, and she acted like a royal pain just for kicks but....deep down, you knew she was good; honest."

She snorted good and hard to that, finding herself laughing for the first time in who knows how long. Sticking what was left of the brown clove between her teeth, she held that grin. "Tch, I dun' think so, man. Whoever yer sister is, she ain't nothin' like me, schway?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm one of those chicks yer warned about, but never really meet. An ACTUAL badass who ain't just lookin' fer th'right guy t'come along and straighten me out. I've lost.." Heh...I've lost everything that I'd ever considered important to me, and now" I don't care what the hell happens to me....I doubt yer good sister was one'a those."

"And that includes your trust issue?" She could tel lhe was speaking through a smile.

"Yeah, if you must know." Lain swapped her clove for her beer and finished it off, tossing the butt into the bottle with a gentle flick of a slender finger. They sat in silence for a while, but the rain was enough to keep her from completely losing it.

"Do you believe in God?"

Lain just stared at him, with gaping eyes and mouth alike.

"Alright, perhaps not....Then I should ask have you ever heard the Idiot story?"

Lain shook her head violently with a jingling of earrings, and slid her gaze over to her bike. She could see his curled legs and a bare foot between the wheels. "Dude, man, I've met a lotta fricken idiots in my time, so yer gonna hafta be more specific'n that."

Kilf laughed. "Alright, alright. But from your answer, I deduce you haven't heard my version," he said lightly, clearing his throat and sucking in a long breath.

"Long ago, in a poor village, lived a young man in a house he built. One day, a terrible storm swept up, and his roof caved in. His neighbor came rushing by with supplies to fix it, and pleaded with him to let him help. 'No,' the young man said, 'I'm waiting for God to help me.'

"Some hours later, because of that hole and the torrential rains, the water began to rise in his house. Another neighbor came by on a horse, pleading with him to get on, and that he'd help him to safety. 'No,' the young man said again, 'I'm waiting for God to help me.'

"Finally, the water rose in his house to the point that if he was nearing the roof. Yet another neighbor came by in a boat with his family, and reached out to the young man, wanting to take him with them. 'No,' the young man said again, 'I'm waiting for God to help me.'

"He drowned."

She blinked owlishly at Kilf, shifting around as she listened, ignoring the second jolt of pain climbing its way up her spine. A series of metal crunches and pops were heard from his end of the motorcycle.

"When he got to Heaven, he was pretty angry with God, and started to argue with him. 'Why didn't you help me"!' he shrieked in God's face. 'I was waiting for you to help me!'" Lain jumped in surprise at the ferocity his tone took on. She could only imagine the expression on his face. Her only thought was that he was getting too into telling this story. "God said 'What do you mean' I sent you the supplies, the horse, and the boat, what more did you want from me"'" Kilf stood with a groan, and stretched, dropping the spoon and the fork to the porch with a resounding clatter. "Do you know why that young man was considered an idiot, Lain?"

She wrapped her arms loosely about her bent knees and thought for a second. "To not fricken depend on something else to help you outta a mess?"

"No," Kilf shook his head, and leveled his a crimson glare upon her that made her feel small. "Your way of life is fine, trust no one but yourself. Because, usually, you will always wind up with that in the end, but..?" He curled his fist and smashed it against the seat of the motorcycle. Immediately, it roared to life, and Lain jolted to one side, staring incredulously at the machine, then the demon. "There's nothing wrong with accepting help when you need it. You can not trust someone, but still take what they offer from you."

"Huh.." she expelled in what she hoped was a thoughtful tone. Her heart was hammering in her chest, and she settled a hand to it as she pushed up to her feet. Kilf reached over and coaxed the engine off.

"You're heading towards Yasuo, correct?"

Lain nodded, and began to fiddle with a lock of blue black before pulling it behind one ear.

"I live near the Barrier. You see, magic is not quite....abundant there, and as such, a being like myself must abide by that. I would be more than happy to travel with you so you both do not get lost, and will have some company. Besides, it would only make sense. We're going in the same direction, after all."

"Nah, man you don't have to, i'sch-!" Her hands stopped mid-wave once she caught his expression. 'Remember the story' it said. But that thought was unnerving. Did he tell her all of that just to get her to agree to this? If he wanted to come along, why didn't he just ask, she would have turned him down in the same way anyway. "You know what? Why th'hell not. Cuz it ain't like I'm gonna enjoy th'fact that yer followin' me at some distance." She shrugged her shoulders, and folded her arms. Kilf's lips spread into a broad, handsome smile, and he nodded his head deeply.

"Thank you, Lain. I look forward to this journey."

She waited until the heavy door had closed behind him, still following him with a crystal blue, knife's width stare. "Yeah. Me too."

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-07-26 00:45 EST
It had been two days since they set out together. Five days since Lain set out originally. Yasuo's enormous peak cut into the skyline like a fist coming out of the ground, stretching for the clouds. Alex had said it was a week long journey, and she was nearing the tail end of it. She tried for the life of her not to get nervous or excited. Tried to keep a pessimistic mindset. After all, it had been fifty years since Flick had disappeared. She'd heard that the Urth search parties were called off after a week. Lain had less than zero chance of finding anything. But she had to try. What else did she have to do with her life?

They took turns driving the motorcycle, and Kilf had even summoned a small seat to attach to it so that she wouldn't have to hold onto him for dear life. Sitting like this now, the wind threatening to tear all her hair from her scalp, earrings singing as they whipped around, she watched Kilf's back. There was something about him that was extremely familiar. And it had been bothering her ever since they met. He was like a ghost; hazy, faded, and she was unsure that she had really even met him before. Cuz he didn't feel familiar. But he was.

She opened her mouth to ask again, but quickly shut it. It'd be the same answer as before. That, and he wouldn't even be able to hear her over the roar of the wind and the engine. She gripped her pack in her arms and rubbed her thumb along her newest glass ring. Her eyes found Yasuo's jagged outline, and flocks of butterflies were set free in her stomach and her chest regardless of how much she was trying to reign them in.

She just had to accept it.

She was going crazy.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-07-26 02:18 EST
July 27th to add in missing pieces that could very well changes perspectives. ]



"GET UP!" The boot sailed into her already bruised ribs, her mouth and chest. "YOU DON"T GET BREAKS IN THE REAL WORLD, PRINCESS; IT"S ABOUT TIME YOU WOKE UP!"

Through the blood in her eyes, she saw Flint sprint into the room, trying to hold off his muscled twin with spindly arms. He was thrown away like garbage.

"GET UP!" Another kick to her gut. "COME ON!" Her eye. "FIGHT BACK, YOU WORTHLESS, INCAPABLE PIECE OF TRASH!" Ribs, legs, mouth.



"HAAAAAH!" Lain snapped to attention, her dream ripped from her mind, and repeatedly drove her fist into the chest of her attacker. What kind of numbnuts was this" Attacking while she was sleeping. A smart numbnuts, but a numbnuts none the less. Whoever they were drew back with a yell, and she curled her legs, thrusting her heels into them next. They were propelled backwards, and landed in the campfire that was still burning brightly. Smoky the Bear would not have been amused.

Adrenaline singing in her veins, Lain pulled one of her black Manaforge weapons from the depths of the pack she was using as a pillow, and fired a neon pink round into the creature's chest. It screeched like a banshee and waved its skeletal arms and legs. Moments later, the power crystal was licked by the flames, and they exploded, blasting her from her laying position backwards a fair distance away.


"That voice.." So it wasn't just a dream....he was really yelling at her. It was coming from the shadows. Just out of the campfire's reach. She heard grunts and meaty thuds. Kilf was fighting another one of those....demons....she'd killed. Bare fisted. She stayed on the ground, and watched as the bone thin, dingy brown demon stumbled into the light. Now that she saw it properly, she reeled. From its nose and up, its head had been cut off, leaving disgusting muscle and dark blood out in the open. Kilf ducked numerous clawed swipes with ease. She thought she even saw a smirk on his face.

With his last block, he caught a hold of the demon's arm and swerved to the side, forcing his elbow into its diaphragm. There was a crispy crunch, and Kilf's arm came back drenched in black blood. He threw the demon's arm from his grasp, delivering punch after punch at lightning speed; so fast she could hardly see, so fast the hits sounded like a drum roll. A terribly fast roundhouse kick had the demon's half of a head spinning around on its neck and flying off into the distance. The body crumpled like a wet noodle; lifeless and bloody. Kilf had barely broken a sweat. But Lain was drenched.

She forced herself to her feet and entered the halo of firelight surrounding the first trashed corpse. It smelled vaguely of frying bacon, and oddly enough, was making her hungry. Crystal blue eyes were fixed on her companion, and when he turned, she lifted her gun. She had only seen moves like that from two other men. One of them, she'd buried. The other was Flick.

"Who the hell are you. Really. And don't try to lie, schway' I'm in a trigger happy mood." She licked her lips and tasted blood. That thing must have cut her when she was sleeping, or it happened when she was thrown back. Either way, she paid it no mind.

"Lain, thank god. When I went to get more firewood and returned to find the Kla'dega near you, I nearly-"

"Answer the question, Hellspawn, or I'm'a fricken take that mouth'a yers right out!"

"Lain, calm down, please.." He had raised his hands before him, trying to plead with her. But she wasn't going to buy it.

"That's strike two. One more, and yer out, Bucko." Her gun whined in her hand as the internal power core whirred to life. Her index finger was tightening on the trigger. Just a few more seconds...

"WAIT! Wait, no don't. I'll tell you whatever you need to know.."

"That's better."

"I was sent to come and get your brother."

"You're lying." It was barely a whisper, but she got it out. Lain squeezed the Forge gun's trigger in rapid succession, plunging round after round of crystallized magic into his chest. Dark cherry blood spurted into the air and splatted on the ground. Kilf fell to his knees, bringing his shaking hands to his wounds. "I changed my mind. You can't come with me. Thanks for th'cinnamon rolls."

Lain heard him groan and fall forward, but she didn't spare him a glance. For some reason, killing him seemed easy. Too easy. She didn't hold any remorse at all. It was just something she'd done.

She shoved her gun back into her bag, shouldered it, and jumped on her bike. It roared to life at her touch, and she revved the engine. Seconds later, the wheels ground into the dirt and left ditches in her wake. The wind dried the blood and sweat on her body as she sped towards Yasuo's dark shadow with moonlight her only beacon.

"For a minute there, he looked like my brother.."

Fei Chai

Date: 2008-07-27 19:22 EST
The woods sang to her. It was her domain. The many miles belch of tall green trees, fluffy underbrush, and plush grass that surrounded her quaint estate was known to her like the back of her hand.

Lady Chai wore clinging leathers, an Oriental shirt, an open and flowing kimono robe, and a sour expression. Her long hair glimmered sapphire in the moonlight and rippled behind her with the rhythm of her hard, purposeful steps. Beneath her feet, the grass choked and turned brown. As lengthy fingers, tipped in yellow claws, touched the trunks of trees, they split and cracked, withering on the spot. She knew that many more Kla'dega - remnants of a bitter war, their bodies mangled from battle and experimentation - were nearby. And a smirk creased her painted lips as she heard them shrink away. Rightly so. For Lady Chai was in a foul mood.

The light of the bonfire cut through the shadows like a machete, giving the woods a rather peaceful glow. She stood at the edge of its halo, flickering orange licking at her booted toes. Slanted garnet red eyes slid from one detail to the next. Two Kla'dega dead, her employee lying face down in a pool of his own blood, and no sign of the Trueblood woman. Lady Chai inhaled deeply as she strode towards Kilf's body, and when she got there, ruthlessly kicked it over. She was disgusted to find his face matted not only with dirt and grass, but with tears as well. His usually crimson eyes shone an eerie ice blue, that disgusting Halfbreed color that she had not seen in nigh on sixty years.

"Get up. She's long gone, you imbecile." With a well placed kick, dark blood flew off her boot, and she stared down at him with repulsion. "You cannot die again, Flick McGreggor, so pray tell, why are you pretending to be so now?"

He didn't answer, and for his silence, received a sharp heel into his chest. Lady Chai stepped down on a protruding power crystal, forcing it into his flesh like a bright pink nail. He cried out, and gripped her ankle, but she didn't relent.

"You make me sick, do you know that' Your feelings for your pretend sister are disgusting. Human even, in nature. As well they should be. You started off half human, did you not' And when you realized that side of you was taking came to see me."

"I-I....can't believe sh-she.."

"Can't believe she shot you, my dear" She seems to have something of a spitfire attitude. Were they not your own words? 'Very strong, very independent. She does what she wants when she wants and acts like a royal pain just for kicks..'" She saw his eyes widen, and she sneered. Her teeth, usually perfectly white, were yellow and serrated, thin and curved like sabers. "I watch you even when you do not want me to, Flick McGreggor. I see what you do not want me to see. I know your feelings about your sister, and they are not entirely platonic. You are obsessed with that little worm, you always have been. And it tore you up inside to know that she harbored no feelings towards you, whatsoever.."

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" She found her leg torn from his chest, and she stumbled as he threw her back. Lady Chai stood five foot ten in bare feet, six foot three in heels. Her height denoted power, and her posture, her pride. She towered over him even as he forced himself to his feet and stared murder at her, the crimson eyes of his demonic infusion flickering to life. Red orbs with no whites, and serpent slits for pupils.

"You will mind how you speak to me, ungrateful cur!" The trees shook and creaked with her roar, her voice echoing through the whole wood. For a moment, all was silent. Even the wind had died in fear. "Keep in mind, I did you a favor....transforming you into one of us, pulling you back from the brink. I could just as easily take it away from you, you know this..." Lady Chai hissed through her pincer-like teeth. Her right arm lifted, and her fingers closed into a fist. In response, Kilf crumbled, splaying his hands on his bloody chest. Wheezy breaths racked his lungs, and he fell to his knees with a thud. She took slow steps towards him, leaving footprints of dead grass behind. Her fist shook as she clenched it tighter, and tighter. She held his demonic heart in the palm of her hand, and she was skewering it with her claws.

" ...p-....please!" In one fluid motion, Lady Chai hauled back, and cracked her balled fist into the side of his face. He was lifted from the ground and flew in an arch, crashing and rolling with pathetic thuds. As he rolled onto his stomach, and pushed to his knees, fountains of blood poured from the wounds on his chest. When he coughed, he vomited more.

"Clean yourself up. I shall give you one last chance to salvage this fiasco of an assassination, until I call our client into the picture. And let me tell you, Flick McGreggor....she is not amused by your antics."

She left him to his own devices, knowing very well that by this time, Lain would be at her gate, reading that note of hers, and putting two and two together.

"And by the way, you were correct. She isn't the same woman you knew. She died for her great love, a man by the name of Alexander Ravenlock, who is now also deceased. She was possessed by a dark entity, and took her own life. Long before Alexander died himself, he called her soul back from the Other World, and transplanted it into a human body. There you have it, your information. I will do no other favors for you."

Lady Chai strode off towards the dark and hazy horizon with a smile forming around her mouth.

"I'm sure you were watching."

"Yeah. Yeah, I was. You really need to start hirin' new people, Chai."

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-07-29 01:47 EST
It rained a lot in Yasuo. That was her only explanation. Either that, or the weather decided to mirror how she felt. Normally, she thought such ideas were weak and useless. Now she couldn't care.

Soaking wet, her clothes and hair clinging to her, Lain left her motorcycle against the dark red torii style gate and strolled into the cobblestone courtyard. The woods still bloomed up and around the random architecture. Before her were tall, nearly black double doors set within a white cement stucco wall. It stretched in either direction as far as she could see. On the left side, mounted on the wall, was a plank of polished wood with Oriental symbols carved into it and inked black. She reached out and traced them with her fingers, not even needing to double check it against Flick's note to know that they would match.

She was in the right spot. After fifty years of not even giving a damn about it, she had to wonder why she was even trying in the first place. What was she expecting to find; Flick welcoming her with open arms" Or a ghost' Or some fricken answers as to why Kilf said he knew her brother" The last would have been an easy explanation as to why he seemed familiar.

Lain smacked herself in the head with one hand, and forced the gate open with the heel of her other closed fist. It opened with an ominous squeak to a picture perfect, postcard rendition of a Japanese garden. Cobblestones led up to the steps of the two level wooden and fusuma mansion before her. Cherry blossom trees, sans their blushing pink flowers, spotted the front lawn which was plush and green. Two fountains made of rocks overflowed with the added water from the rain. Even with the gorgeous setting, she scowled, and cast a wary glance around her. Demonic residue was flooding her senses.

The wooden porch before the main circular door stretched all around the sides of the mansion, and squeaked loudly with her applied weight. She rapped her knuckles against it, and it was opened immediately by a tiny, waif-like woman dressed in elegantly hued and embroidered silk.

"U-uh....hey there, this is gonna sound janky but um....I was kinda sent here by my brother." To her surprise, the woman pulled the door wide open, and motioned her in. Lain felt kind of bad, being a drowned rat and being ushered into a clean house. "You don't have a place I could like....dry off, do ya?"

"Hai. Douzo....kochira e." As she followed the woman down one of the many halls between the fusuma walls, she caught a glimpse of a fluffy white cat slink away and hide.

Fei Chai

Date: 2008-07-29 21:03 EST
"Do you mind filling me in on your motives for this mission?"

"Yeah, I kinda do. It's not your place to really ask questions, is it."

"I beg to differ when my best employee is turned into a snot-nosed teenager over some half-cocked lilliputian. The girl is absolutely worthless and has no redeeming qualities save that she was able to shoot him multiple times in one second."

"Heh....she always was talented. When we were younger, she kicked some serious tail with staves and the like, yanno' Never would have thought her to be a gun toter. That's what all the Roundies usually are."

"Yes, yes, leave your Trueblood supremacy at the door, Ms. Amthras."

"Do not call me that. It's Tilda, and that's what it's gonna stay, you got that?"

"Ahh, as you wish. So....Tilda, explain this to me. Why would a woman want to torment her own family?"

Tilda smirked, and scratched the white cat's ears as it passed by her. Its red eyes, with serpent yellow pupils, closed in pleasure and it purred at the touch. In her other hand, she fingered a stoppered tube that held undulating threads of ink black and a lone snake of ivory.

"I thought you already knew that, Chai.." Playing with your prey is so much more fun than just outright killing them. And besides, Lain could do with some torture. She hasn't experienced nearly enough. And neither has he."

"I see. And so that is why you are letting this continue. Very well, I shall step back. The observatory was always my favorite location."

Tilda merely shrugged and flicked a finger at the far fusuma door. It flew open, revealing a waif-like woman. Lady Chai turned and granted her a gentle smile.

"Yes, Chiyama. Make sure she is settled and bring her some food and tea. I do not wish to look like the ungrateful hostess. My entourage should be along in a while." Thunder crackled across the sky as she waved her servant off. The door closed without a sound. "I have but one request."


"Snot-nosed teenager though he has become, he is my greatest employee, and it would inconvenience me greatly if I should have to look for another one."

"Tch, that's not my problem. I don't plan on killing either of them. But if they die? Whatever."

Lady Chai heaved a sigh and shook her head. Long, luxurious strands of blue black tickled her shoulders and back. Before long, she waved a hand. "You are a woman who sticks to her mission, I respect that. Do what you will. With or without casualties, it should prove to be a rather tearful reunion, regardless of the fact that the girl seems too dimwitted to realize his true identity."

"You yourself should also know that transplanting and fusing souls and bodies changes people. She'll find out soon enough."

"Indeed..." She spoke through a wicked sneer.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-07-30 02:10 EST
Author's Note - This post comes with a song! Get it HERE!!! ]

Lain tentatively peeked out into the hallway and turned her head all around, searching. There were two other magical presences in the house. One was clearly demonic, and the other.." She couldn't be sure. She hardly had any care to find out.

She slipped out of her room in stocking feet, and pulled a second hoodie around her. She had been able to draw out at least five buckets of water from herself and her bag, and she tossed them out the open window before she'd gone to start exploring.

Since it was still pitch black out, the halls and rooms were lit with candles and tiny paper covered lanterns. It had an eerily peaceful quality to it that made her feel on edge and calm at the same time. Lain scratched her head, and ran her fingers through her hair. Some strands broke off, and she shook them to the ground.

Tenzo had told her stories of how the homes in his village had been crafted. 'This is what they must have looked like,' she thought to herself, drawing back door after door and inspecting the tiny rooms within. She was lucky enough to not have barged in on someone sleeping or worse. 'They're so pretty..'

"Hello..?" Her voice carried through the thatch walls, and she winced. "Whoops.."

"Omataseshimashita. Douzo, kochira e.." Lain jumped in the air and whirled around to the sound of the small woman's voice. Her sparse knowledge in Japanese couldn't help her at this point.

"You scared th'fricken crap outta me.." The woman looked behind Lain, probably seeing if she was serious, then motioned to the circular archway some ways down the hall. Lain followed her reluctantly, a hand settled onto her chest and trying to calm her nerves.


The room was incredibly spacious, and in the center of the floor, with two small steps leading down to it, was a shiny piano, on top of which sat a bowl of green tea and a plate of sushi. The smell of fish hit her in the face as she stepped over the threshold.

"Hey, is someone gonna-" Lain began, but turned to find herself alone. "Well great. It's a real good thing that doesn't freak me out anymore!" Her voice echoed to no one, and she scoffed, padding her way into the room. Someone else was here if they were serving her food. Either that, or the chick was just being nice. But she doubted it. She'd taken too long, and because of that, Lain figured she went to go and tell her master all about their visitor.

The piano bench squeaked as she sat down upon it. She could see her reflection in the polished wood, and she scoffed again. Hands ran through her hair a couple more times, then rubbed at her face as she tried to coax color into her skin. When she dropped then, they banged into the keys and made a horrid sound that shredded her eardrums.

Pianos were never her thing. Flint always took over the boards whenever they were on stage together, which was rare. He didn't like to be in the spotlight much. Lain tilted her head and dragged her nails along the keys. They clicked rhythmically, and the ivory felt cool against her fingers. Without knowing it, she cracked her knuckles, and set her hands firmly against them. Sad notes spiraled out into the air as digits moved deftly over the keys, black and white alike, like she had been playing forever. Like music always did, it formed a tight ball in her chest, and made her adrenaline pump. The song was sad, but it made her smile. In some screwed up way, it was therapy.

She hit the keys harder and harder as she played, aggression working its way into her fingers. Anger slowly took over depression, and in a defeated motion, she slammed her palms onto the keys, and the same horrendous sound pierced the air. Somewhere afterwards, she heard a chuckle to her right, and her head spun around.

"The last time I heard you play that song was on your guitar. You never told me you played piano, Lain..."

She stood so fast the bench toppled over behind her, and stacks of sheet music spilled onto the tatami floor. Kilf strode forward with his hands held up, dressed in dark clothes, clean....Like she hadn't even shot him. Lain felt the color drain from her face, and she shuffled back, already digging within her pockets for a collapsible staff. Her mouth was dry. She couldn't say anything, couldn't even swallow.

"Do you finally remember me..?" There was a rustle of movement, and suddenly he was no longer by the door but right before her. Her knees bent, and she sprung into the air, the hard punch he delivered sliding right beneath her stocking feet. In the next instant, Lain shot her leg out, and her shin hit his jaw with a metallic CLANG, and his head jerked to the side as he flew backwards. He landed on the tatami floor with a thud and a grunt. But he laughed. "You've gotten better."

After what felt like forever, the eight way emotional tug-of-war finally ended in her chest, and she landed with a thud, shooting him a grin.

"Always one t'not give enough credit where it's due, eh, Flick?"

Fei Chai

Date: 2008-08-01 02:28 EST
His jaw still hurt where she had kicked him, and it felt awkward to talk. Flick dipped another roll of sushi into the small bowl of sauce on the platter and tossed it into his mouth. His other hand massaged his face.

They sat outside like the had yesterday morning, the fusuma door thrown open to allow the candlelight to spill onto the portion of porch they occupied. Every so often a gentle rumble of thunder stirred the air or a flash of lightning rocketed across the sky, but he wasn't paying attention to either of those things.

He had a hard time not staring at Lain. After all, it was something she abhorred. Lady Chai had mentioned that her former lover, the bastard, had transplanted her soul into a human body....But he couldn't tell. Her face, her body. Even the smallest detail like her hands, now covered generously in rings, were the same thin and delicate creations he remembered. He could go on for hours how she made a fist or how her fingers flew over the strings of a guitar. Not able to stand it any longer, he chanced a glance to her, and found her looking at him.

Her eyes were something that had definitely changed. They were blue now, bright, and sharp as knives. He recalled dull pools of thick molten silver, like a melted spoon, that couldn't seem to focus on anything. But that had all changed, and he only had one guess why. It wasn't her old body. So she didn't need the drugs.

"How long have you been clean?" He watched her quit rolling the sushi around the plate and fold her arms around her drawn up knees. One side of her mouth quirked upwards. She was a master at smiles.

"Figured'joo'd notice. S'been about, like, crap man, like nearly two years" This fall?" She flexed her right hand and dragged it through her dark hair. He liked it better when it was white. She was the pure cream in their darkness cookie. Flick gently blushed after thinking it, and cleared his throat.


"Tch, yeah....I just thought it was time fer a change, yanno?"

Flick blinked. So she didn't want to talk about it. He was against probing her mind on all accounts, but his curiosity was getting the better of him. He looked to carry on a normal conversation as images of blood red jackets and tall men with lavender hair coursed through his mind. His jaw tensed as he watched his private television show.

"You mentioned and Flint don't get along too well anymore. How is he, and what happened?" He took a drink of the sake that Chiyama had bought for them as Lain and this mystery man snuggled and kissed behind his eyelids. There was a rustle of clothing, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself face to face with a spellstaff. One of the very same he had made for her all those years ago. Jealousy and poignancy battled in his chest, making it hard to breathe.

"If you're curious, you ask. But read my mind one more time, and you'll be swallowing this bitch whole, you understand?"

Flick had to smirk. So she could also sense magic now. He was proud of his little prot"g". Frankly, he had seen enough of her love life to last him six lifetimes. "As you wish." The silver staff shrunk away from his throat, and Lain pocketed it slowly.

"Now....Flint'n I don't get along anymore because of y-....well me, actually. Since I was the only one you left anything for, it was sort of my duty to tell everyone what happened. But cuz of how we left crap," she shrugged, "I couldn't be bothered to give a damn. Just recently, I had the sudden urge to start the search since pfft....s'not like I have anything better to do with my life, schway?"

"What about your lover" That," Flick waved his hand to illustrate, taking great care to make sure it was the one holding the sake so he had to look like he was in complete control. Which he wasn't. Within the tiny bowl, the liquid vibrated with barely contained rage. "Tall man, with the long hair."

"Alex..?" He couldn't stand hearing the amount of love in her voice when she spoke his name. Or watch the pain that washed over her face like the water that was cleansing the world around them. "He's....he died."

He fought to keep from smiling. "I'm sorry, Lain."

She snorted, and broke into dramatic laughter that he knew was fake. Could she finally see through him.." "I thought apologizing was a sign of weakness?"

Apparently not. "Sometimes it takes strength to do so."

"Daaaaamn, dude, yer really int'contradictin' yer old philosophies now, huh?" There was no resentment in her voice, or on her face. She wore the same sad expression that she tried so hard to keep hidden behind her mask of mirth. Flick merely chuckled, and they fell silent.

The more he thought it over, the more he saw that other woman in Lain. This....experiment, was it' Yes, that was it. It was Lain's soul fighting against a body that was rejecting her. He couldn't imagine how hard it must have been. To wake up for the first time after being dead and find yourself in another's body. Lain's spirit was powerful, however. And she was changing this body to fit her. Slowly but gradually. But he hated it.

How could she accept that' How could she let that....Alex character do this to her" How could that Alex character do this.." To his sister, to his Lain. It was something he couldn't ever forgive.

"Why did you leave?" It was a question that cut right to the core, and Flick stood abruptly, and walked to the end of the porch. He forced his hands into his pockets and sighed.

Did he even know the answer to that question' Thankfully, he was saved from answering it when Lady Chai presented herself to them. Lain, showing a great deal of neglect for manners, just gave her a look like she was interrupting.

"Ahh, I see you two have become better acquainted with one another. I must apologize for my tardiness, I had a few matters to attend to." Her painted lips spread into a smile, and Lain waved her hand.

"I'schway, chicklette." Flick had to smirk. There was that word...

At least one thing hadn't changed.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-08-01 21:47 EST
It all happened so fast, she didn't know what to do. She was running now, running for her life. But every corner she turned down looked the same as the last....Just how big was this house"

It was the cat that clued her in....a flashback to those horrid days as a feline. At least she finally had her explanation.

But then came the voices.

'Flick was the one that turned you into that, do you remember.." Battery acid for eyes...You almost lashed out at him, didn't you.." What would you have done if you did.." Alexander already hated you, what if you made him despise you...'

"STOP IT!!" Lain lashed out, and the fusuma walls tore with a unanimous shredding noise and fell to the floor. Flick was blasted from his feet, but somehow, the only things on Chai that moved were her hair and clothes. The cat, too, stared at her with eyes like his mistress; blood red, spliced vertically by fiery yellow. The same eyes she'd had...

Lain stumbled to her feet, and found Flick with her angered gaze. Her dark hair whipped about her in a breeze that wasn't connected to the storm now raging around them.

"You kept this from me.." After all you've done.." AFTER EVERYTHING YOU PUT EVERYONE THROUGH"! WHERE DO YOU GET OFF"!"

She was so angry....All the pent up rage that had festered in her chest exploded in that single instant. Towards Flick for his pile of complete retardation, towards Chai for her intrusion into her mind, towards Aka for killing Alex, towards Alex for letting himself be killed and for leaving her, and lastly for herself. For not being there to even try to do anything.

'That's right Lain, it is all your fault. Maybe if you were better than this, he wouldn't have had to leave.." It was your fault that he did, you know.'

"HE CRIED FOR YOU FOR A WEEK!" The porch beneath them split, jagged fissures surging down the planks of wood with sickening cracks; straight for him. Although somehow, they stopped before they reached his fallen body, and the eruption that was meant for her brother created a crater in the porch and took a massive bite out of the overhanging roof. The instant confusion took over her annoyance at Chai's continuous prods.

"You....whore!" He was too fast. She could see him, but she couldn't do anything about it. Flick zipped to the left, then the right, and his meaty fist sailed right into her mouth, knocking her back and off her feet. She'd landed with a thud, and dented the porch even further. Chai, who had simply moved out of the way of her falling body, gave her a sneer. Lain had barely gotten a spellstaff out of her pocket and extended before he was on top of her, trying to force it down into her throat.

She would never forget his face. Beet red, contorted in rage. His demonic eyes were ablaze, pointed teeth coated in bright yellow acid that dripped down onto her face and burned it.

"EXCUSE ME"!" Chai was saying things to him too, she could feel it. Lain flicked a look up to the Oriental through slitted eyes while she forced Flick's legs apart with her own. Her hands were busy holding the staff across her body, trying to keep him at bay. She had no choice but to accept the headbutt to her already bleeding mouth, but she retaliated by jutting her knee upwards into his groin. He screamed and spat, but she was able to get out from under him. He grappled a hold of her ankle and she cried out as she fell with another metallic thud. He began to drag her back to him, claws now extended from his fingertips digging through her jeans into her skin. Growling, she twisted, and swept the staff in an arc that ended in a hard crunch when it smashed into the side of his head. Blood spewed from the point of impact and splashed onto the porch. Lain clawed at the ground, scrambled up to her feet, and began to run.

'So this is how it's going to be, Lain" Will you run away' Don't you want to get revenge for everything he has done" Or are you still that weak....Perhaps you are, perhaps you did not deserve all that you had.'

"HE'S YER FRICKEN RESPONSIBILITY NOW!" Lain screamed behind her. Chai's voice still echoed in her head, striking chord after chord with each syllable of her lilting words.

She was running now, running for her life. And she had been running for the past ten minutes. For some reason, nothing she could even attempt to do worked against him now. She should have seen it. He wasn't the same as before, obviously. Hell, he had the residues of countless black magics on him, and she couldn't tell where the half-blood ended and the demon began.

It was supposed to be different....She was supposed to find her brother, and get enough answers for Flint so she could finally wash her hands of this whole mess and just....wither away in peace. Tenzo deserved better than this. She felt terrible for how she was with him, and it only made the lump in her throat grow.

Feeling heat at her back, she whipped around, and found herself face to face with two vicious dragon heads, wreathed in flame. Their roars sounded like a raging blaze put up to a microphone. They ate the walls and floor as they undulated and curved around each other to get to her.

Lain about faced and stood her ground, fists clenched. The air before her rippled with the heat, but also with the beginnings of a shield. If her magic wouldn't work against him, she knew it would work for her.

But just before she was baptized with Hell's fury, a hand jutted out through a small portion of still intact fusuma, and yanked her through it. Her stomach jumped into her throat, and that same hand smothered her screech of terror back into her mouth.

Fei Chai

Date: 2008-08-02 02:58 EST
It all happened so fast, he didn't know what to do. He was running now, running to kill her. To maim her. To tear her to pieces like the chunk of trash he always knew she was. He couldn't believe he'd even tried to see her differently.

"You kept this from me.." After all you've done.." AFTER EVERYTHING YOU PUT EVERYONE THROUGH"! WHERE DO YOU GET OFF"!" Flick's eyes flared wide at this exclamation. Was Lady Chai saying things to her.." His musings were validated instantly.

' do know that Alexander is not the only man she's had. Why in fact, just now, she is seeing a young human male named Tenzo. A human, can you believe that' How can she do this to you.." You're the only one that really loves her, isn't that right"'

He wanted to ignore his mistress. He wanted to straighten this out with Lain. He had waited fifty years for the chance to see her, to know that she wasn't still angry with him. It was why he stayed away so long...

"You do-!" He was cut off when, much like a few seconds earlier, an unseen force ripped through the air and shredded the paper walls. The porch came up fast, and he had to dig his fingers into the wood to keep from flying off the edge. Black claws grew from his fingers and curled, giving him a better hold.


'You know what she's doing, don't you....She's trying to make you forget about her, and what she did. How she threw away your love, your affection, your time, your effort. She threw it all away....First it was your brother, then it was however many countless men when you were away, then it was this Alexander, and now...'

He couldn't take it anymore, the images flashing through his mind. No longer were they tools used by Lady Chai to perpetuate a negative response, no....They were truths. They were concrete pieces of Lain's past. Things that she had always put before him when he did nothing but live to ensure her happiness. If she wished it, he would have gladly killed himself for her. Thousands upon thousands of times...

And now. Now, she was attacking him like he was the central problem. It made him crack a smile at least. Her stupidity knew no bounds.

His connections with the demonic and the Other World were greater than hers, he knew. That, coupled with the fact that he had been granted fifty years to get used to his newly acquired powers, while she had but only a year. Killing her was going to be easy. Making her pay was going to be a cinch.

The porch beneath them split, jagged fissures surging down the planks of wood with sickening cracks; straight for him. But they stopped before they reached his fallen body, and the eruption that he knew was meant for him created a crater in the porch and took a massive bite out of the overhanging roof.

"You....whore!" There was so much more that he wanted to say, but he knew it would make his tongue bleed. Such profanities and foul curses weren't fit for even the lowliest of demons to hear, but she deserved every single one of them.

He came at her fast, and he could tell she was surprised. She shouldn't have been. He had, after all, taught her everything she knew.

He felt her lips split beneath his fist as they went down together. But she was fast too, faster than he had remembered. In the next second, he was struggling to strangle her with her own spellstaff. Her red teeth her grit, her crystal blue eyes were on fire. She was beautiful, even like this, even in someone else's body. The passion, the fire. She was everything he wished to possess in life, and without her, he knew he would be nothing. 'That's it,' he thought, 'I will kill her, and then myself.'

The next second found Lain scrambling to her feet, and disappearing into Lady Chai's vast mansion. Unspeakable pain burned in between his legs and in the side of his head. She fought dirty....He taught her that.

"Are you just going to let her get away, Flick McGreggor" Are you going to leave her sufficiently unpunished like you did the last time? Come now....I know you have more pride than that. Take back what she stole from you....Kill her. Paint the walls red with her blood.."

He was running now, running to kill her. To maim her. To tear her to pieces like the chunk of trash he always knew she was. He knew Lady Chai's estate like the back of his hand, and he cut through room after room, ready to head her off at whatever pass she had chosen.

He skidded to a halt and squatted down, placing his right palm flat on the tatami. Immediately, orange-yellow dragons constructed of fire spewed upwards and twisted all around each other in the air. Red eyes met red eyes as the beasts awaited their summoner's instructions.

"Find her."

It only took them moments. Once more, his feet slid to a stop, and he faced Lain through the flaming dragons. Her face was set in determination, scowling. He knew that look. Defiance.

It took him by surprise for only a moment, and then he threw his arm out. His dragons ate the walls and the floor between he and her, and he watched her stay right there, even as she herself was eaten. They disappeared once the task was done, and all that was left of Lain....was nothing. Little did he know what was occupying the room beneath him.

Flick sank to his knees and an agonizing wail wreaked havoc on his body. Now, there was only himself to eradicate.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-08-02 08:45 EST
I knew she was my sister the day she appeared outside my shop. Half drugged, and the other half drunk. Sure, she was skinnier, had black eyes. And was obviously possessed, but....she was still my little sister.

Back when we were younger, she used to talk to me about everything. Our Father was a high ranking noble who was obsessed with reputation and upholding the family image. And even though our Mother was kind and gentle to us kids, she was the same way. Our older brother Vantrir, named after Father, was like his clone, and thus really couldn't be talked to about anything that didn't concern court or business. 'You're being Human,' he'd say, and wave his hand at her. So she turned to me.

She used to tell me how much she'd miss Father when he went away, or ask me if I had ever met a Human before. She didn't carry the resentment that the rest of our race had towards them. She always thought it was beautiful how they came in so many different colors and us" We just looked like walking snowstorms - all crystal, gray, blue.

'Why"' she always asked. 'Who says I have to wear these ridiculous clothes that make everyone look fat anyway, or keep my hair long, or attend these stuffy parties" Why am I not able to speak with anyone who isn't a True" We are our own people, and we should get the chance to choose how we want to spend our years. Especially if we have so many of them.'

She didn't just tell me, she told anyone who would listen. Everyone saw her as a brat for thinking such things. But they didn't see her like I did. She accepted everyone for who they were and never questioned them. When others were ridiculed, she opened her arms to them. And to our parents' dismay, this behavior was also extended towards humans.

When she met our Grandfather, things got worse.

In fact, I didn't know that we even had a Grandfather until Lain located him. He called himself Papa Tras, lived down in Bordertown, and was ostracized by Father. Or so the story goes.

I remember the very night my sister ran away from home. Because that was the day our family broke apart.

She looked at me, her face contorted with rage. I was her confidant. How could I do this to her" How could I tell Mother and Father about her frequent trips beyond the Border" She was so much smaller than me, but she slapped me, and I fell. It tore me to pieces inside, but....I could remember thinking that this was for her own good.

'This family is not a family,' she hissed while grabbing our brother's sword from its sheath hanging on his hip. No one dared stop her, because I figured they all thought she didn't have a clue what to do with it. Her specialty was always the staff. She took a hold of her hair, which was waist length at the time, sheared it off, and threw it at us. 'You don't care about anything aside from yourselves, and yet you blame me for doing the same.'re just too damned scared that I'll ruin the pristine Amthras name. What name do we have" You, Father" You're a fricken mama's boy. You disowned your own Father because he did not comply with your goals. And Mother" I see you're still waiting on the spine to replace the pole stuck up your ass, because that is only thing that's keeping you upright. Vantrir, you would marry your reflection if you had the ability, and Shalleia..' She turned to me, and her silver eyes were filled with so much hatred and malice, I shrunk back.

'You disgust me to my very core. The only true members of this family are the twins, and one day, you'll not have them anymore..' She stormed out moments later, and that was the last we would ever hear from her. Her statement about our younger siblings Naeren and Naemil didn't ring true until they both disappeared about a month after she did. No one knows what happened. Rumors circled that Lain had killed them, but I didn't believe a word of that. There wasn't an evil bone in her body, and she was the best parent to them than Mother and Father had ever been.

I left too, directly after Mother passed. I wanted to find my sister, and find out what exactly was so damned great about these Humans that she would choose them over her own flesh and blood. Over her people. After whoring her description out to any I came in contact with, I finally found her playing guitar in a nightclub with a Halfbreed. Come to find out, she had been the upstart named 'Schway' that everyone was so jazzed over.

I stared at her, seeing her for the first time in two years, but at the same time really seeing her. She shined on that stage. I hadn't ever seen her so elated before. She smiled so wide, I thought her face would break, and it nearly did as the crowd erupted in applause and arm waving. All for her. I smiled, and clapped my hands along with them, waiting for the chance to get to talk to her, finally. Had she forgiven me.." Or did she still hate me.." What I was met with floored me ten thousand times over.

'Who're you.." You wanna autograph.." Yer totally gonna hafta wait in line like everyone else, yanno"'

I gaped at her, and she gaped at me. We each thought the other was completely insane. And then she was led away by the Halfbreed.

I didn't know if she had actually forgotten about us, or was just being the biggest bitch on the planet. But the more I thought about it, the more it seemed plausible that it was the latter. I didn't even bother to try and read her mind, mostly cuz I wasn't as skilled a telepath then as I am now. So I just let it go, figuring that hell.." It had been what she wanted, right' To be totally free, talk to whoever she wanted, do whatever she wanted, not be tied down" Fine. Let her have her fun. I walked out of her life from that point on.

So the question remains....why would her big sister want to, after all these years, after helping her in the first place, want to kill her"

Well, you see....I didn't help her. The way she died was no coincidence like our meeting was. Killing the Entity would mean killing herself" Heh. There were better ways to exorcise Entity from her body, many resulting in no side affects whatsoever. But I chose the one that would surely end in death.

Cuz what she didn't know, and what she didn't see....was that Father worried himself to death within three months. Because, suddenly, three of his children were gone. He was inconsolable for the first two, and apathetic towards everything up until the end. Mother strung herself up from a chandelier with her own bedsheets a year later. Vantrir was distraught, and turned into a sniveling, spineless abomination that still, to this day, is trying to salvage a reputation that means squat back in the Lands. No, Lain didn't see that. She left to pursue greater things. Tch, yeah right.

I used to think she was something grand, and someone who would amount to great things one day. that I held her with one arm, and was nearly smothering her with my other, my mind could only register one thing.

I hate this little bitch. And her suffering is now my responsibility.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-08-03 01:39 EST
The smell of sweat reached her nose as she fought against her captor. Her feet sunk into the firm but soft mat of the floor; and her eyes registered plaques hanging on the walls with Oriental writing, stacks of weapons along one wall, a row of practice dummies against the other. Lain stopped struggling in realization. It was total d"j" vu. This was, if she wasn't mistaken, an exact replica of the training room beneath the music store.

It made her sick. So this was where he was coming all those years ago....This is where he got all his teachings from. That....woman. Thing. Whatever the hell she was. Suddenly, her life felt extremely filthy to her.

"You okay now" You sure you're not gonna break my ribs or something?" Lain whirled around to face Tilda, crystal blue eyes flaring with surprise, her mouth hanging open.

"Tilda..! Wh-.." What the hell are you doing here..?"

"Well fine, don't thank me for saving your ass. I mean, this is the only second time I've done it, yanno.."

Lain lifted her head up to the ceiling and stared. There was no hole to come through. Had they just....fallen through the floor.." Regardless, she needed to pack her crap, and hightail it. Like now.

"Tilda, yeah....I mean thanks'n whatever, but I gotta get th'hell outta here. My brother, he's blown a fricken warp coil, and I have to-"

All of a sudden, she found herself frozen in place, seized by the irresistible urge to just....not move. It was a wonder she didn't fall over, because at the moment, she was half turned around towards the only door that led from the disgusting wrestling room of her past, one leg curled, ready to run.

It was weird. She was wanting to run, she was thinking 'Run, go!', but her body wouldn't respond. Tilda walked into her line of vision and stared down at her with her ice chip gaze that cut into like scissors.

"You're not going anywhere."


I was never really good with split second decisions. I always took way too much time to think. I folded my arms as I stared at her. She was scared. I knew she was scared, I could feel that she was scared. But she had too much pride to show it. Not that I blame her...I mean, who really wants to piss their pants in front of their murderer" It would only make them laugh more.

But as I looked down at her, the more I came to realize that the entire thing, the demise of our family and the abrupt neglect and lack of care for even wanting to get in touch with us....the more I came to realize that it wasn't her fault. Lain was the one to hold grudges like no tomorrow, but a sixty year grudge.." Come on. Especially because of the fact that I know she would have come back if only to rub her success in our faces and try and show us that Humans weren't as bad as we all thought they were.

I reached out and touched her face, smoothing her hair back from her cheek. Her eyes narrowed at me.

"I swear t'fricken GOD, the ENTIRE world is out t'get me t'day. Look, if you want to kill me, just get it over with cuz....well hell, I just don't care anymore. I dun' even know why I ran in the first place."

I slapped her, and she yelled a string of new profanities that I'd never heard her use. "It's because this isn't you, Lain. You're acting like an idiot. You don't hate Humans, you never have. You're not always this incredible sack of ridiculous rage that explodes on anyone that tries to get close to you. You trust, you're sweet, you were better than this..." She was fighting against my will, and it was a nearly even match. Her spiritual power had always been exceptionally strong. "You love life, you dumbass."

"What the hell do you know about it, Crop Top. You've known me a total'a two months in the two years since we fricken met."

There were holes in her mind, big gaps where her memories had been erased previously. I watched her body live fifty years in the blink of an eye, and I watched my little sister play piano in a white room that used to hold the furniture of our manor. Someone had taken us out of her life on purpose, and in realizing, I let my hold on her mind slip. Lain stumbled forward, and I caught her, but she clawed my face with her sharp nails.

"Get outta my way."

Seething hatred bubbled up in my chest. I couldn't just let go of everything that happened because of her. Our parents withered to death because of her. Our little sister and brother were possibly dead because of her. Our big brother had turned into a woman because of her. And all because she wanted to spend time with Humans.

I was never good with split second decisions, but this time, I knew I wasn't wrong. I pulled out the stoppered tube from my pocket and held it in my hand. The cool glass bit into my hand, and I heard a cackle in my head. Like I had told Chai, my intentions weren't to kill anyone....but to make their greatest fear come alive.

"One more thing, Lain."


We turned around at the same time, and I took a deep silent breath. Then, I strode forward, and clamped my left hand onto her shoulder. Before she was even able to respond, I plunged my hand into her chest.


Bones creaked and dented inward with the impact, her flesh breaking with the sound of potato chips. Lain coughed the remainder of her breath at Tilda as blood began to dribble from the corners of her mouth.

That shouldn't have been possible....Tilda couldn't have been that strong.." To punch her hand into her chest like that..

Tilda's stern face swam in and out of her vision as dark threads of black swam before her eyes. She felt her former friend's fingers wiggle around between her ribs, and then they were pulled from her with force. Her knees hit the mat, then her hands, and finally, she tipped over on her side, fighting the urge to vomit, and trying to breathe. Before her world went permanently dark, Lain felt Tilda kick her in the stomach, and watched her fuzzy legs take her out of the training room.

Then, she descended into darkness.


Okay, so, like, remember waaaaay back when I said that this trip was a bad idea.." Tch, it only got worse...

I was weightless, and it was completely dark. I felt water under my feet, and I heard the rattling of chains behind me. The pain in my chest was too great. It burned and throbbed, and I couldn't do anything as manacles were clamped around my wrists and feet. I screamed and whined as they drew me upwards, and pulled my limbs spread eagle. Before me was a fuzzy, sideways image of the forest surrounding Chai's estate. My bag was in front of me.

" ...h-how did..?"

"Why, that nice Trueblood woman sent it with you, Lain. Lain....wasn't that kind of her..?" I heard the familiar heckle, the voice..."Lain...Lain.." Do you remember me, Lain..? I remember you.."

Oh god..
