Topic: Blonde Bombshell Transport Gets a New Co-Captain


Date: 2016-12-23 17:46 EST
Duci grumbled, staring at the complex advertisement board with twitchy fingers, like perhaps she wanted to throttle it. It was located in the center of the main entrance to the spaceport and tons of different ads flickered across the multiple screens. While the blonde didn't look like she didn't belong, she did stick out. She wasn't dressed as most pilots were, wearing glittering rhinestone heels and a metallic pink dress. It was supposed to be part of the appeal of using her ship for transporting people and goods, but it was also because she loved to dress up and made her feel comfortable.

"Gods above," she cursed, opting to cheat by touching her hand to the main port and internally uploading the data. Now all of the screens flashed with her dazzling smile before the screen slowly panned out to show her oops expression at her dress being blown up. "Can you fly a spaceship" Need a job' Contact Blonde Bombshell Transport today!" scrolled across the screen in several languages. Looking smug and satisfied, she let go of the terminal and stepped back to briefly enjoy her success before stalking off. Eventually the other ads would flicker back.

Sure, he needed a shave and a hair trim, but he didn't look too out of place among those gathered at the message boards. Waiting wasn't his style, so he pushed to the front. He scanned the offers and wanteds, but the blonde caught his eye. When he wasn't a sucker for a redhead, the blonde was a close runner up. "Nice gimmick," He chuckled seeing the smiling woman. "Probably another of the Yantak captains. Three heads, twenty four eyes, and mouths full of razor sharp teeth." He glanced at one of the Yantak near him and offered a sympathetic smile. "Unfriendly from lack of gettin" laid."

He shifted his gear pack to the opposite shoulder and typed in a rough response to the ad. "Here now, can we meet' Explain my skill then.-M."

Malik walked away after linking up his wrist com to check any replies. A bar. A drink and then a shower. Maybe even in that order. The bar was easy enough, and he slid onto a stool. The drink ordered, and decision made that two outta three ain't bad.

It wasn't a surprise how many sexual advances she had to weed out from the actual responses. She was pacing around her office as she sorted through messages she was receiving on a holographic computer. "Hm," she stopped when the newest popped up, turning to fully face to the screen, "This actually appears to be real." Dark eyes slid to the time before she replied to this mysterious M.

"I'm in my office. You can come up here or I can come find you. - Duci," she thought out loud, the words appearing in the message line before sending with a simple swipe of her hand.

His com beeped, and he read it out. Luckily there was a map. He picked up the beer, thinking about taking it with him, but then drained it. Carrying a bottle to an interview could be a deal breaker. Smelling like booze" Who knew. He plucked a few stale mints from a bowl of candies on the bar top and made his way to the office. It hadn't been that hard to find. Still, the same smiling face played across his display. "Ain't holding the breath." Pack shifted to the right and he pressed his palm to the reader near the door. "Ashley. Malik M. Interview for Duci?" He wasn't sure he was saying the name right.

While waiting for his reply or for him to show up, she swiped down the screen and picked up her bottle of water before settling into the chair behind the desk. He must walk fast because she nearly jumped out of her skin when the office beeped at her that there was a visitor. Her eyes swung down to the screen on her desk, smirking at the man waiting at the door. "Well, good looks never hurt anyone, even if their accent is terrible." With an index finger, she swiped the door button and it opened with a mechanical "whoosh."

(( Many thanks to the player of Malik Ashley for the words!! ))


Date: 2016-12-23 17:48 EST
(( Many thanks to the player of Malik Ashley for the words!! ))

She stood again, hands on her hips. "It's Do-see," she corrected, drawing it out slightly. "I'll forgive it this once," she teased before continuing, "Nice to meet you, Malik. Have a seat and tell me about yourself," Duci continued, gesturing to the seat on the other side of the desk before comfortably plopping back into hers.

"Well, I was thinking it might have been..that." He was shocked it was the woman from the ad herself. "I thought you were a gimmick." Brief flash of bright white against his dark face.

He stepped into the office, after watching her a few minutes waiting for the glitch of hologram or some shimmer of magic. "Thanks for forgivin" me, I think." He lowered himself down into the chair opposite her after placing his pack down in the floor nearby.

"I've been a pilot in the Stravin Wars, then after that, mainly working as a co-pilot, junker, whatever paid at the time. I was workin" with Captain Wallace til he lost his ship in a poker game, and honestly, I just want to get back to doing what I do best. That's flyin" and buildin"." He was making eye contact, not letting eyes wander. It wasn't easy, but he maintained a professional aire.

She laughed, deep from her belly, and slapped her knee. "I haven't heard that one before, but no, not a gimmick. I'm the real deal." Opting to let him begin his history, she didn't reply and just smiled instead. Her head bobbed a few times before she said, "So you don't want to be the one in charge and just want to make money doing what you're good at?" Lucky for him, she wasn't going to be making that difficult for him by being coquettish. "What kind of building" You intimately familiar with engines at all" Computers?" she leaned forward, elbows on the desk so she could rest her chin in her palms while studying him.

"I see ya are the real thing, just wasn't expecting it." Grinning quicksilver quick again. The bigger guy watched her a few minutes, still processing. Wondering if it was a joke. "Nah, I don't need to be in charge, if the Cap is worth a damn. Besides, we know the Co-pilot makes the final decisions." Playful wink at that.

He thought about the questions asked, then started again. "Been turning a wrench since I was old enough to hold one. Laser cutting, you'll find no better hand. Engine work is mandatory, on any ship of any size. I've done things from the huge freighters to the smallest racers. What sort of work do you need?" He wasn't cocky, just sure of ability. "I've built weapons, I've built coolant rods for D38s on the fly. Basically, just adapt, scrap and put it together."

Casting a look at him, she rolled her eyes, waving a hand dismissively. "Yeah, yeah, suuure." Quieting again as he continued, she nodded a few times before briefly interrupting to reply, "I'll get to that after you finish." She chewed absently on her lower lip, a telltale sign she was thinking.

"BB doesn't usually have any issues, but after we got blindsided by a meteor shower, I'd like to be a little more prepared. I'm all hands on deck with the computer system on an intimate level, so I don't normally have any concerns with needing help there. Sometimes a welding job takes two people, sometimes landing in questionable places with a mechanical failure really requires a second body, you know" I'm not at the top of the barrel when it comes to repairs, but I know what I'm doing for the most part." Pausing, she leaned toward him. "Look, I need to know how serious you are. I do transporting locally, but a bulk of my shipments go across the universe. We could be gone for days or months depending on the situation. Occasionally we cross parallel universes, but that requires a lot of money and a lot Magic, so it is rare. Do you have any family that you're reluctant to leave for long periods" Are you concerned about travelling so far?"

He listened to what she was saying, occasionally looking around her office. She was distracting, but the more he listened, the more it seemed like she knew what she was talking about. "I can handle computers, it's not as natural to me as most, but I can get by and do what I need to do, should you need a hand. My tasks usually involve heavy lifting of some sort, no matter what ship I've been on or against."

Leaning back then a shake of his head as a hand ran over the growth of beard. "No, no one anywhere. So, if I have a comfortable bunk, I'm good with whatever. As far as a parallel spot, as long as we don't run into another Malik" We're good. I mean I don't care what galaxy we are in, none could contain that much awesome." He finally laughed. His own joke cracking him up, obviously.


Date: 2016-12-23 17:49 EST
(( Many thanks to the player of Malik Ashley for the words!! ))

It took her a moment to get his joke, but she laughed, too. Shaking her head, she continued, "Alright, I just needed to be sure. This isn't a cushy job for the faint of heart, I'm just tired of doing it by myself. It's exhausting even with my endurance." There may have been a slightly wicked curve to her lips at that, but she picked up a glass screen and swiped it on to reveal a contract. "If I'm being honest, some of the clientele we get are a little sketchy, however they all deeply value their privacy. I've got a nondisclosure agreement for the business itself and the individual contracts themselves typically have a secondary NDA included. As co-pilot, you're entitled to a 25% cut of every contract. This can be done electronically or if you prefer to hold your wealth in your hands, I can make that happen as well." Duci held out the glass for him to read through the contract.

"If you would like to take a look at BB before signing, I understand that and am willing to take you to port to get a good look at her."

He took the contract and looked it over a long while, reading fine prints and expectations. "Endurance huh?" That one word stuck out above all, first. "If you need me to take a look at her, I will, but I think you've kept her in good shape." Maybe there was an innuendo in there, maybe not. He didn't let on as he read then pressed his finger to the screen to sign. "Maybe a few dents knocked out after the meteors?"

He leaned back, watching her. His mind going all sorts of places. "How long have you been flying?" Hand dipped down to his pack for a stick of gum of all things, the pack offered to her. "As far as my "wealth", electronic is fine. I get too much in my hands, it's gone and I have nothing to show." Chuckling then.

Duci grinned, chuckling a little. "We'll take a look at her later. Do you need a bunk immediately, or do you have a place in Rhy'din?" She actually grimaced at the mentions of the meteors. It was woefully more than that considering she ended up crash landing on a planet. "It was a little more than that?" Okay, a lot more. Getting up from her seat, she headed to the wet bar and poured two fingers of scotch in two sparkling snifters. "It's been over 20 years since I designed and flew my first plane," she replied, looking back at him over her shoulder while replacing the canter. A silent declination to the gum with a shake of her head.

"20 year, the good stuff." Another chuckle as she headed back to the desk, extending a snifter to Malik. "Alright, let's set you up electronically so you can't piss away your earnings." Wry smile disappeared into the glass as she took a sip. Pulling up the hologram screen again, she used two fingers to navigate through the system. Ending up in the banking information, she loaded the direct deposit screen to the glass in his hand. "Enter your banking stuff, please."

He took the offered snifter. "Man, I feel high class." A taste taken and dark brows rose. "Much smoother than my homemade. Even with the gum." He had already taken to chewing a piece from the pack offered to her. "So, really we've been in the air nearly the same amount of time. That's good. Meaning you won't be rigid to change, should we need to adapt like some of the old Caps."

Malik took the screen again and pushed in his information and passcode. "I mean if I need it, it's just a click of buttons, but yeah, too many credits at once means I get more junk and bigger guns, or wind up in a brig somewhere, waiting for bail. It's ugly, truly." He grinned. Maybe it was the truth, maybe not.

The screen was passed back to her. "What's a little more than a meteor storm' Boulders the size of cargo movers slamming into your ship's hull are bad enough.? The glass lifted to lips again. He was trying to make it stretch out. Good stuff isn't cheap, or easy to come by.


Date: 2016-12-23 17:50 EST
(( Many thanks to the player of Malik Ashley for the words!! ))

"I'm a high class kinda captain," the blonde winked. "Homemade" You make it yourself?" she asked, an approving look crossing her features. That could come in handy. His comment made made her laugh, though. "Everything about flying requires you to be adaptable to change, so I find that interesting." She took another sip, giggling. "Nothing wrong with bigger guns."

Wrinkles her nose when the meteors are brought up again. "Crashing is more. I was stranded for months because the coms went out and of course the planet I landed on was as primitive and isolated as you can get. It took forever to jerry-rig the coms to work again." It could be easy to come by if you knew the right people. And for cheap.

"Do you have a place here in Rhy'din, or do you need a bunk tonight?" she asked, looking up at him after taking the screen and filing it in the bottom right drawer of the desk.

"If you don't mind, I'll just bunk on the ship. Haven't been around here long, and had the time to really look." He finished the glass off. "Besides, if we are gonna be out as much as you said, why would I really need a place" All I have is in this pack here, honestly." He was trying not to laugh about her crash. "See, you need me, Cap. I coulda had you off that rock in a day or two. Sitting around there messing with stuff, geezus." Teasing of course. "Homemade hooch, I'll make some when we are out. Kills brain cells, degreases engines. Good stuff all around!"

She laughed again, smiling brightly. "Point taken." Sticks her tongue out at him. "Nyah. Well where have you been all of my career then, huh?" She winked. "I look forward to trying it out if it can degrease an engine. Sounds smashing." Following his suit, she polished off her glass with a satisfied smack of her lips and set it on the desk before rising to her feet. "C"mon, I'll introduce you to BB." Heading for the door, she paused to wait for him.

He pushed up to stand and looked down at her. "You looked taller in your ad." Smirk. "You know what they say about people crossing paths when they are meant to and all that. If you put stock into it, I reckon the cosmos decided we needed to cross now." Two steps behind her as she lead him toward her ship. Maybe casting the occasional look over her form, but damn sure not looking like he was gawking. "What about you, Cap" No one waiting around, missing you while you're gone all that time?"

Flips him the bird since she's so ladylike. "I'm taller than most women in Rhy'din, thank you very much," Duci huffed, giving him the stinkeye. Her expression eased into a more relaxed, upward tilt of her mouth though. "Yeah, I suppose I can't argue that logic," she mumbled, headed toward the starport. His question made her laugh again, her head shaking out blonde curls. "Nah, not anymore. I'm a solitary kinda gal for the most part. The only one who misses me when I'm gone is my pet polar bear, Mez." Her face lit up fondly at the mention of her bear.

"Polar bear" I didn't realize they were the friendly sort." Every one of them he had heard about was in a zoo, or in the wild tracking down people to eat. "Remind me not to come over to your place if he's out of his cage or whatever." He chuckled at the thought of a polar bear loose in a house. "I agree, you're tall for a midget." More chuckling. "Kidding, kidding." Long strides easily keeping up with her as he looked around, anything not to stare at her, or worse, get caught doing so. "Solitary for the most part. Side dude?" He was nothing if not curious. "Don't want some guy thinking the wrong thing about your Co."

"You'd be surprised," she replied, looking over her shoulder at him before shouldering through the double doors to the port. Leading him to the bustling to queue to get to the docks, she turned to face him. "*She's* the perfect home alarm," she declared, emphasizing the she part. "And she doesn't have a cage," she replied matter-of-factly, waiting to see his expression.

"Side dude?" Duci repeated, confusion flickering briefly across her face. "I'm not sure what that means, but any person I'm with doesn't particularly have the business of questioning who I'm with seeing as if I want to be with someone, I will, you know?"


Date: 2016-12-23 18:28 EST
(( Many thanks to the player of Malik Ashley for the words!! ))

"Ain't trying to get under your skin, Cap." Hands up defensively. "Just kiddin" around, ya know?"

He cleared his throat and fell silent walking through the port and that queue looked daunting, as everyone seemed jammed together.

"So, your bear is a girl, no cage" How, who watches after it while you're away' I mean like auto door or something?" Change of subject, no need in getting fired before setting foot on the ship.

If it was possible, she looked more confused as she hadn't been mad. "O..kay. And yeah, yeah she's a girl. Real cuddly. I have friends who drop by to check on her while I'm gone and a robot who goes out to replenish her food supply and take care of her." She was relatively nonchalant about it before she turned to smile at the security agent.

"Hello there, Earl. You're looking awful dapper, is that a new tie from your wife?" she greeted, twisting his tie around her finger coquettishly. Earl, meanwhile, turned as red as his hair and mumbled a few incoherent things before gesturing to the handprints. She laughed, kissing his cheek and pressing her hand to the scanner before passing through, her name and business license popping up on the screen. "Send the family my regards!" Motions to Malik to do the same, her business name showing up when he does to show that he is now an employee. "C"mon, we're almost there."

"Just taking care of a bear, nothing to see here." Hand pressed to the scanner, and a really unflattering picture of him popped up. "Really need to see about getting that changed. Two weeks into a bender, fresh out of a lock up on Danjax Six. That's when they decide to update the holopix."

Easily enough following her again, after a shift of his pack. "I think you almost gave ol" Earl back there a stroke...or he'll be having one later." Chuckling to himself again. He was a twisted sort at times.

Fortunately, she always looked fabulous and also that she couldn't see his picture. Laughs at him regardless. "You know you can do that here, right' It's a simple request, just costs some gold." Climbing the stairs, she looked back at him impishly. "He's my favorite agent. He's the sweetest and his wife more so. She always brings me cookies." Yeah, she had friends in high and low places.

She led him to landing dock 13, revealing her mid-class ship. It was a faded grey-green, and her likeness was emblazoned on the side of it with the words "Blonde Bombshell Transport' accompanying the picture. Sensing her presence, the aft ramp opened and lowered slowly to allow them to board. An android voice greeted them, "Good morning, Deuces." Her lips split into another wide smile, a bounce added in her step as she skipped forward, only glancing back to see if Malik was following. "Good morning, BB!" She called out in reply.

He was following, watching her interact with the AI was amusing, the bounce wasn't unnoticed. He was a male after all.

"Mornin"." Said as he followed up the aft ramp, eyes went from the woman to the ship. Malik was checking design, metal structure, looking for any sign of fatigue, but as guessed the ship was in decent shape. "So, no...I was told that to get our holopix redone we had to file a complaint, fill out forms, and an annoyance list of crap.?

His pack was placed on the deck as he decided to investigate things closer, but he was staying close to her. In case she said something, or wanted him to go into another part of the ship itself.


Date: 2016-12-23 18:29 EST
(( Many thanks to the player of Malik Ashley for the words!! ))

Fingertips trailed the wall of the passage in a gentle caress, leading Malik through the galley. "Are we leaving today?" BB asked, clearly thinking Malik was a customer. "No, girl, I'd like you to meet your new co-captain, Malik M. Ashley."

She gestured to him with a flourished wave before pointing to where the rooms are. "You can help yourself to a room. Largest is mine and locked so you wouldn't be able to get in."

"You underestimate my skills, Cap." He grinned and winked. Pack was plucked from the deck and dropped in the doorway of the bunk furthest from her claimed one. Distractions. "I have a toolbox I'll have them drop off tomorrow to load." Said so she and BB could hear. "Large, but there seems to be space."

Everything seemed to be in place and in good shape. One of the nicest ships he had been on in his career.

"Hello, Malik. It is nice to meet you. You can call me BB. What do you think?" The ship's AI asked, knowing he had been checking her out.

Duci grinned caking after him, "You might be surprised by my tech skills!" She remained in the galley while he set off to pick his room. Pressing a button, she brewed a fresh cup of coffee, and even a second for him. "Yeah, space shouldn't be an issue, you can add it to the other stuff we have below deck tomorrow." She replied loud enough so he could hear her.

He looked back and came back to the galley. "Coffee is good, yeah. And, think about what?" Eyeing Duci dubiously when she mentioned her tech skill. "I can leave my stuff in storage, just kinda nice to have my own tools, unless you're sure." Cup picked up and put to lips for a temperature test, then taste. "Nice to walk through and not bang my head...yet." There was always something to bang his head on. (e) "She's fishing for a compliment," Duci replied snickering as BB made a disapproving noise. Sips her coffee, squinting at Malik. "Nah, bring them aboard. Can never have too many tools." Laughs, looking at the small expanse between his head and the ceiling. "You're lucky I upgraded the ship, my last one was much smaller."

"She's fishing for a compliment?" He laughed then and patted the hull. "Fine lines, Love. Really." A nod to Duci then, "I'll make the call, have it here in the morning." A glance upward then he walked toward her not unlike a crazed ape, hunched over and arms hung low. "This is how I am used to walking through most ships."

"Thank you, Malik." BB chirped before quieting.

"A travesty, I'm sure," Duci remarked drily, a smile twitching from behind her mug at his ape-like posture. It wasn't really morning when they boarded the plane, it was late afternoon, but it was a common greeting between herself and BB. "Is there anything else you'd like to know?" She inquired, leaning against the counter comfortably.

"I think I've seen it all, and if I'm keeping you from something I'm sure BB could answer or show me the way." He watched her as she took a lean. "The bunk will be appreciated, anything softer than those Junker bunks. They didn't believe in bedding of any kind, or a mattress even. It was bad."

Duci debated leaving for the night, but the truth was that she didn't particularly have anything else to do. "She probably could." Takes another long sip from from her mug, considering her options and wondering if there was anything left to do on the ship for now.

"That sounds pretty terrible," she admits, smiling again. "I wouldn't dream of putting bad mattresses in, can't have my heavy lifters with a bad back." He winked playfully. "We might be taking off tomorrow, if not, it'll be the next day. Got a guy who wants us to fly to Ceres to pick up his family and household goods to finish his move to Rhy'din.?


Date: 2016-12-23 18:31 EST
(( Many thanks to the player of Malik Ashley for the words!! ))

"Moving a family?" That was new. He was used to crates and questionables, even the occasional rare vehicles. "Ceres that bad that he wants to come here?" Grinning.

He pushed a few buttons on his wrist comm and said his name again. He then gave the name of ship, and landing platform. After nodding a few times and pressing more buttons, he finally spoke again. "Looks like they may move my stuff over here this evening. All the better. It's locked up tight, but you know how some people are. They see something shiny and they want to hawk it."

Malik turned and moved back toward the bunk and stepped in to check everything out. MUCH nicer than his last digs. The pack was placed on the table, and he reappeared. "So, tell me about ya, Cap?"

"Yep. I don't move passengers very often, but Izsak was referred to me by his business partner who I've been working with for a while now." Giggles, coffee dribbling down her chin. Promptly wipes it off with the back of her hand, shaking her head. "Nah, nothing like that. Ceres is nice. Just moving operations here as Rhy'din is a better home base for their outfit."

She nodded. "Yeah, that's the truth. Gotta be careful in lawless places." Winks before he steps off to head to his bunk briefly. Duci licked the coffee up from the side of the mug and blinked at his returning question. "What would you like to know?" she countered hesitantly.

"Whatever you'd like to share. I figure workin" together in a tight space, may pay to know some." He flashed that quicksilver grin. "I mean I'm sure I'll find out as we fly, but just curious I guess."

He pushed the same button he'd seen her push for the coffee. He needed a refill. "Any sugar on board, or do you stick your finger in to sweeten it up?"

"That's a double-edged sword, my friend," she teased. Not that she was particularly a private person or anything, but she felt awkward talking about herself. "I prefer it as black as my soul, but sugar's in the cabinet," she answered, pointing to the cabinet above the coffee machine. There was also lots of creamer and other spices and condiments as well as mini liquor bottles. Hey, everyone has their vices, don't judge. "However," she clarified, "Everything is sweeter after my touch." Waggles her brows mischievously.

She rubbed her face with a hand before conceding to tell him a little bit. Duci was animated, speaking with her hands in a way that gave life to her words and accentuated her points.

"I've got three older brothers, none of us talk though. Our parents were killed when our home planet, Gyozodelem, was bombed in the Cylon Wars. I used to be a fighter pilot in said wars until I was abducted?" Pausing briefly, she blew a curl out of her face, appearing frustrated. It was a sore subject.

After another sip of her rapidly cooling coffee, she continued. "I came back a Cylon and was stripped of all my ranks and titles and offered a political position in the fallout. I did that for a while before I met my former employer, Alper Ergin, when in negotiations with Turkey on Terra Nova. I ended up working with Koch Holdings for a while after moving here. But...A few years ago I decided that I missed being in space and used my small spaceship to lug people and things around before I decided to upgrade so that I could do more." Looking around the galley, she sweeps her arm. "And here I am."


Date: 2016-12-23 18:32 EST
(( Many thanks to the player of Malik Ashley for the words!! ))

A lot more than he expected to hear from a first "about me", session. He nodded along, nothing seemed to phase him. He watched her as she spoke, and took note of the way her hands flew about as she did. He wasn't going to point it out. His last ship's mechanic spoke in such a way as well.

"And here you are." Sipping his coffee after adding some sugar. He was NOT going to comment about her sweetening things. He'd save the commentary like that til after he knew her a while longer. "I don't have any family anymore. Had a sister, lost her, found her, lost her again in the Creshnek Wars. Whole villages wiped out, it wasn't a pretty scene at all." Another taste. "Never married, no kids, etcetera." Hand smoothed over his face. "Damn it sounds like we are filling out a dating app, doesn't it?"

Duci wasn't known for holding back. Making a sympathetic face, she put a hand on his shoulder in a silent consolation before she stepped back and laughed. "Gods, no. I would never go into that much detail for a date." Flips her hair over her shoulder for emphasis or something.

Upturning the mug, she finished the remaining contents and set it down in the sink. "Help yourself to anything short of taking the ship or its parts. BB would be very upset and I'd hunt you down and kill you." With that dazzling smile, it was hard to tell if she was joking or not. "I've gotta go run some errands and do some paperwork before we take off in the next day or so, but here?" i.e. go get drunk. Maybe.

Reaching out, she touched his comms device and uploaded her mobile to it internally. If he hadn't figured it out yet, she could communicate with most electronics just by touch, which gave her instant access in most cases. Fortunately, she was pretty good about not invading anyone's privacy and had entered directly into his contacts to insert her name and mobile number. "Give me a ring if you need anything, I just added my personal number for just in case you can't reach me on the business line." Another flash of teeth.

"So, since I know more about you than a dating app, maybe have dinner with me later tonight?" Bold move, Co-cap. It just sort of popped into his head, and he had no filter most times. "I mean I'd hate to eat alone, again. Not that BB wouldn't be company, I think." Grinning. "If ya can't make it, it's cool. I may get settled, after I explore out BB and get my bearings on her layout. I won't take anything off her, may wind up improving something and bunking out early if we are heading out soon." A bubble of laughter erupted, her eyes twinkling merrily. "Oh, you're bold. I like it." Shakes her head, though. "I'm sure BB would love the company, though. She might surprise you!" Like by popping out of her closet as a full fledged android. Yeah, that's a surprise best left for later.

"I'd rather not," she began apologetically, "however I'll make a deal with you. When I'm done running my errands, I'll bring takeout back with me. How does that sound to you?"

Laughter and shot down is better than just shot down. Make a girl laugh, maybe you've got an in. He read that waiting for a flight somewhere in a women's mag. "Takeout sounds good." He bobbed his dark head in agreement. If he was at all bothered by the rejection it didn't show. "BB and I can chill until then. I don't want to hold you up, Cap."

She patted his arm before turning to go, looking at him over her shoulder. "What's your favorite food?" she asked, hoping for a breadcrumb on what to get for dinner. Maybe she would pick up some beer, too. "What about beer" You a fan, what do you like?"

"Beer" The kind you drink. Never been one for the fancy micro brew thing. I don't see the point in paying as much for one as I can get a twelve pack for." The way he looked said that he didn't drink enough to get a beer gut though. Some bulk, some lean, just a massive mountain of male. "Food, pretty much the same. Maybe Szechuan' Fritter chicken, S&S Pork" Nothin" too spicy for me." He grinned then made a shooing motion. "I'll hit the head and get a shower while you're gone."

Eyeroll. "Alright, I'll grab some Badsiders." She didn't particularly have any preferences, but Jakey might be her fave person ever so' Snickers. "No spicy, eh' Got it, I'll grab something out of Little Korea on my way back." Her nose slightly wrinkled when he said "hit the head" like it was unkosher or something, but she saluted him lazily. "Make yourself at home, I'll be back later.? A double thumbs up before she headed out, exchanging good-bye's with BB with a touch to the hull en route.