Topic: Dawns Early Light.

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2009-12-29 08:44 EST
"Get them!"

The massive skyship, The Xiuhcoatl, hung in the sky over the village with dozens of rope ladders hung over her rails. Quick as they were able, people were climbing upwards toward the ship. On the horizon was a massive wave of water. A dam built by an Elven nation in the East, had been destroyed just before dawn. Who'd destroyed the dam of old, was as yet not known. Several small villages had already been swept up and wiped from the face of Rhydin by the hungry waves of water.

"Duncan, get those people by the blacksmith shop!" Zayveon pointed down at a family upon a rooftop. The blue skinned bulk with horns that was Duncan gave a nod of his head and motioned to several crew members with jet packs strapped to their backs. A spread of wings and Duncan swooped downward from The Xiuhcoatl with the others in jet packs to retrieve the family. Antaeus, a green furred, upright walking bear with a rather large set of wings, was busy with other crew members helping people up over the railings and onto the deck of the skyship. "Come on...easy now...we've got you."

Waves started to attack the first homes made of earth. They stood little chance and fell quickly the heavy slap of waves as they were crushed. Like homes made out of toothpicks and paste, they were broken up and swept along as easily as a feather upon a rushing river.

"Zayveon! There's two children by the well !" Lena, a smaller gargoyle pointed over the railing at brother and sister huddled by town's drinking well. Zayveon tapped a quick fingertip to the railing and then motioned to Antaeus. Grabbing up a rope from the deck, Zayveon quickly bound it around his waist and tossed the other end at Antaeus. "Tie it off...and get ready to pull." A nod exchanged between the two and suddenly Zayveon leapt onto the railing, standing but for a moment before he dove down at the ground below. Just as Zayveon drew near in his plunge, the waves met the town's well. Antaeus, instead of tying off the rope motioned to several other crew members and they all grabbed hold of the rope. "Hold fast!" A sudden lurch of the rope in a strong tug. Everyone holding on gripped firmly as they scooted a few inches toward the railing with the force. "Hold...hold....Pull lads! Pull...pull...put your backs into it! Pull damn you!" Antaeus shouted at the others. Slowly, they ushered the rope inch by inch upwards. As the drew each inch upwards, more crew members flocked over to grab up an open section of rope and help in the tugging. Duncan and Eltar, a serpant of reddish tone who held wings like most of the crew, moved to the railing. Each reached over the rail and slowly, they pulled Zayveon over the railing to settle him onto the deck. He was soaking wet from head to toe. As was the two children he held within his arms. "Medic!" Shouted Duncan as he worked the rope from around Zayveon's waist, were the rope had cut into his clothing and in turn, his flesh. Blood of deep crimson stained the deck while the village below was swept away from view by the rushing waves.

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-01-01 16:07 EST
"Commander Eltorra Demarnix. It is a pleasure to meet you finally in person." Zayveon smiled as he gave a nod to the view screen before him on the bridge of his star ship. The Grace'sin were an interesting race. Humanoid in appearance by all means, except their skin tone. Gray, sometimes light and sometimes dark in tone. But always, gray. Their hair color ran as any normal humanoid. Brown hair to black hair to even red. One such redhead now gazed back through the view screen upon her saucer shaped vessel. "Lord Zayveon. It is a pleasure indeed to finally put a face to the one we've held a treaty with for several months now. You may call me Eltorra." Zayveon gave a nod gently. "Eltorra, by all means, ladies first." Eltorra perked a brow and with a tilt of her responded. "We are here because you asked." Zayveon in turn lifted a brow as he slowly stood from his command chair upon the bridge of his vessel. "I asked?" Eltorra glanced about her bridge and then nodded back to the view screen. "Yes, your message said to meet you here for.." "My message" I sent no message. We received a message that you wished to meet due to ship yard issues..." For a moment, both looked curiously at the other through the communication screens. "If you didn't send a message...then who...did?" Zayveon perked a growl unlike anything human. No, indeed it was more draconic in nature. "Eltorra...your shields, now! We've been set up!"

From the far side of Regis IV's second moon, massive dreadnoughts slid forth. The 1900 meter long vessels were a mixing of black red. The forward heavy particle cannons opened fire upon Zayveon's ship as well as his escorts. The Grace'sin vessels, wouldn't be left without a scratch either. "Ion cannons fire! All torpedo launchers fire! Ready the railguns!" Zayveon shouted at the tactical station while his ship took several direct hits. A droid frigate moved in close to the command ship taking a direct hit from one of the dreadnought's heavy particle cannons. Already damaged, the droid frigate exploded. Shockwaves hit and rocked Zayveon's command ship. The Grace'sin saucer shaped vessels moved in to attack one of the massive enemy vessels. their antimatter cannons cutting into the ship and sending explosions rippling through her hull.

"I've lost control of the port side torpedo launchers!" The tactical officer shouted over at Zayveon, who was checking to find a pulse upon his second in command. With a shake of his head, Zayveon lifted to his feet once more. "Signal the Grace'sin. Tell them to jump out of the system. We'll make contact after we lick our wounds. Helm, bring us about and open a jump point. Signal the droid frigates to cover our retreat. No...on second thought signal the remaining droid frigates to ram them."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-01-01 16:25 EST
"A Grace'sin listening outpost identified the attacking vessels." Zayveon moved over toward the communications station. The ship and one remaining droid frigate limped into space dock in orbit above Rhydin's largest moon. "Sir, it's the Ork Empire. We have word that while they were engaging you and the representative of the Grace'sin, both our sides were hit. Shared intelligence with the Grace'sin shows that they lost seven shipyards and four listening outposts in their sector. We've lost nine listening outposts and four shipyards. Sir, those four were working on applying the bio armor to the new strike cruisers. We lost ever cruiser in dock upon those yards." Zayveon ran a fingertip along his goatee, holding back a growl wishing to perk deep within his throat. "The Admiral?" "No sir, he and two prototype ships are untouched. They didn't attack the shipyard where they lay. I guess they didn't know about it." "Signal the Admiral. He is to break dock and leave with both ships within the hour. We can't chance they merely left that dock to attack at a later point in time. Have him signal here, when he is away from dock and safely within our territory." Zayveon turned his head toward at data padd given by an android. The damage to The Summanus was extensive. Hull breaches on several decks. Damage to several of the Ion cannons, not to mention the port side torpedo launchers and nearly half of the railgun turrets. "She's a mess. signal me when we're secured in space dock."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-01-02 00:13 EST
"We have to explore all options." Nodded Zayveon to the command staff that was left of the surviving shipyards. "Options...all of them on the table now." There was a moment of pause, each commander piped in through transmissions to vid screens about the conference room considered what they had and what they needed. "We could stop production of the new classes and instead start building droid frigates. They don't need crews, so once completed they could roll out of dock." Commented one Commander. "There are many moth ball yards of various Empires, Federations and other Governments according to our intelligence gathering. The ships in these space yards aren't in use and we could steal them. We'd need a crew, if even a skeleton crew to pilot them away." Zayveon gave a nod toward one of the view screens. "Keep that option open. Review the intelligence reports on various moth ball yards. Figure out what it would take to steal these, sleeping ships from their bed. Other options?" Zayveon turned his head about at the various view screens and each Commander upon them. "We have design plans for several capital class vessels. We need only to pick one or two and then devote our efforts in the remaining shipyards to build them as fast as possible. Utilizing every spare worker droid and android we can. At the same time, command crews could be trained to operate whichever vessel or vessels, we pick to construct. Once the ships roll out of space dock, a command crew will be ready to take over." "Commander, such true words. We have countless design specs on capital ships that have been stolen by our spies. Indeed, we need to pick and begin construction." Zayveon ran his fingertips over the design plans laying upon the table before him. One was pulled forward by a fingertip as his eyes gazed over the design specifications. "I-2. That's the vessel. Slightly smaller then some of the others but holding a well amount of fire power for her size." Zayveon lifted his gaze and nodded to the commander on the screen at his far right. "Your shipyard will begin work on the bio armor for the vessels once the other yards finish construction, the ships will travel to you. We're behind, double our efforts and work around the clock to finish this task at hand. I will send each one of you a legion of battle androids to aid in the construction process. If I have to divert them from battlefields and installations I will. Finish them, and quickly."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-01-09 18:54 EST
Zayveon picked up the Desert Eagle XIX. A slow walk around the table would proceed then. A draw of the hammer back. His arm lifted toward the Ork's large head and without a word spoken, he cast a single large caliber round into it's head. Blood burst against the back wall. A brilliant display of brain matter and blood like that of a dark painting.

Zayveon lowered the large caliber pistol at his side. Looking over the quite, dead Ork now laying on the floor. "Find me, another prisoner. Sooner or later, one will talk. I have time and no lack of bullets." Taking up a data padd from the table and glancing over the report brief. "Ah, so now they wish to send that of magic at me, hm' Let them pass through our territory. I'll met of them once they arrive on Rhydin. Once they've landed, ensure their ships have been terminated. Let's show them, they aren't as strong as their ego's would believe them to be."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-01-09 19:53 EST
"I said I wanted them an hour ago! Now you're late, which makes me late and that my friend is simply unsatisfactory for our Lord Zayveon." General Jennifer Vega was cursing out several of the officers in charge of seeing to the combat android construction. Hidden deep below the Northern mountains and not all that far from Zayveon's Castle, the underground factories had been working day and night to meet their quota.

"I want another thousand by tomorrow from factory one and factory two better be up to speed by midnight tonight. Please tell me the phased plasma rifles and gatling plasma guns are coming off the line at speed?" A woman nodded toward the General. "Yes General. Tested and ready for the androids soon as they come off their assembly lines. The aerial units are on schedule, General. Another fifty were just assembled and are heading out to the transports. We're having trouble finding a suitable transport for that of the tanks however. They're simply quite large and not fitting in the transports we currently hold for off world transport, General." Gloved fingertips ran over the table before her, General Vega felt a high obligation to Lord Zayveon. She regarded him as her Commander and savior. It was but a short few years ago he plucked her from a doomed battlefield. She eagerly learned the ways of technology. Giving up carrying a sword onto the battlefield and now carrying that of an energy weapon. She pushed herself everyday to repay the one that had given her a second chance at life. Zayveon's android army could walk for days. They didn't need food nor that of rest. One of the reasons he put money and effort into the underground factories a few years ago. An army that didn't need rest nor food, was a dangerous one indeed. Orders were given by that of the few living commanding officers. General Jennifer Vega, Captain Deltorro, Captain Necronis and Captain Dakar who managed forces in the deep frozen south for Zayveon. These were just a few that gave orders to the advanced androids who held those eerie eyes of crimson red.

"I want reports every half hour, on the dot. No excuses."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-01-13 02:57 EST
"Lord Zayveon, I thought you'd went to bed long ago...I.." Zayveon waved a hand at the man. "No, but I should of. Where are the reports?" "My Lord, they can wait till the morning." Zayveon tilted his head to the side as he looked at the man standing in his study, at the manor located just South of the famous Inn the city held. "I asked for the reports, Samuel. If I have to inquire again about them it'll be after I've thrown you out into the cold streets and the waiting snow." The man blinked and then turned to shuffle through some folders and files on the large oak table. Gathering a few and turning to hand them over to Zayveon's waiting hand. Which snatched the papers free with a low draconic growl perked from his throat. "These are current?" The man nodded to Zayveon. "Ye...yes. They are less then an hour old." Zayveon's eyes moved over each page, one by one slid behind the next as he examined the reports from the Syndicate's outposts. "Gather fifty droid frigates. Send them to the Duba' system. I will send instructions once they've arrived." "But...I thought we were leaving that system to the Orks for now?" Zayveon glanced up from the papers with in his hand. "I want ten thousand combat androids dropped to the planet the Ork's hold in that system. They are to attack every Ork compound, out post, base on that planet until there is nothing left but death and destruction."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-01-13 03:12 EST
The Ork, large and growling spit at the red eyes of the android gripping it's neck. A crunch, the neck broken and the large creature was tossed aside like it was light as a feather by the android. Plasma rifles and gatling cannons roared within the compound. Orks of blue, brown, gold and green coloring found their final resting place upon the flooring.

High above upon that of space, Ork corvette and dreadnought alike prepared themselves for the oncoming droid frigates from the Syndicate. 10,000 meters. 8,000 meters. 6,000 meters and closing. And then the droid frigates did something quite unexpected. Suddenly their engines came to life in a brilliant aggressive display. The first Ork dreadnought didn't have much time to move, how could they' At roughly 1900 meters in length, you didn't turn on a copper now did you? A pair of droid frigates rammed into her bow. Glorious explosions rippled through the forward compartments. This wasn't normal. The Orks had prepared to duel it out with whatever ships the Syndicate dispatched. But how do you fight suicide" One by one the massive dreadnoughts fell prey to the 120 meter long frigates. The corvettes tried to slow the dreadnought attackers down, but only found themselves victims of the suicide runs. Needless to say the Ork transport ships carrying thousands of troops destined for the planet below, met the same fate. Helpless to do anything but wait for their doom upon the transports and that unmistakable sound of the alarms just before their ship was impacted by a droid frigate. It was glorious the sight from the planet below.

If Zayveon was anything, he was unpredictable. The Orks, weren't the first to find this out...

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-08-08 09:10 EST
The over six hundred meter long Aubrey Elven cruiser decloaked off the starboard bow of the smaller, roughly four hundred seventy-six meter Lysandros Syndicate strike cruiser. As the view screens came to life upon each vessel, the talk turned immediate and to the point of the meeting.

"Paion. I haven't seen you in sometime." Perked the Elven Captain. Paion shook his head onboard the Lysandros cruiser. "Captain Delnara Respin, let us cut from the small talk as they say and get to the point. You've a wolf among your fold." The female elven captain smirked a bit. "Paion, aren't we all wolves among the Syndicate?" "Don't get smart with me, Delnara. There's been an increase in information leaked outward bound and it's been traced to one of your sectors. Only the Aubrey Elves patrol there, you have a traitor amongst you." Delnarra lifted a hand to tap at her chin, watchful of the older human on her screen. Though fit for duty, Paion held the scars and marks of age along with his long gray hair drawn along his back in a pony tail and the gray among his mustache and goatee. "I'll do some checking on my own, Paion. All know the price of a traitor amongst the Syndicate. Only a fool would bring them self into the line of fire." Paion gave a slow nod of his head as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Perhaps, it is a fool then that has struck out on this venture. I meet tomorrow with a representative of the Grace'sin. We're moving forward with the removal of the Ork Empire in the currently occupied systems. They are still suffering the loss taken by the bulk of their fleet being destroyed by the ram ships sometime ago. We've already taken out several of their shipyards to reduce the Orks ability to fill their fleet once more. Lord Zayveon would very much like for you to dispatch a force to remove the Orks from one of the systems in question. I leave from here to head to the Kel-Tarian System. The planet I.W. - 6628 holds a number of Rangers in training I am to instruct." Delnarra gave a shiver and shook her head. "Why Zayveon insists on using such worlds as that one made of snow and ice is beyond me." "Because few others use of such worlds, or even give them a glancing eye. Myself, Khristos or Chariton will contact you. Keep your eye on Captain Malicris and Captain Necar." Delnarra perked a pointed brow. "You believe them to be the traitors?" "I didn't say that. We just would like them to be watched for a few is all. They've made some interesting moves recently and Lord Zayveon is curious of their actions."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-09-28 03:57 EST
Twin blades, made of pure energy faded into nothing as the weapon was turned off. The brilliant blades of violet light disappearing as the dual saber was settled back below his robes of crimson. A step forward upon a large reptilian foot. For his size, it was quite a sight to see the quicken spin of his form. The flash of that long tail like a whip and the impact and then airborne toss of the man across the room into the wall. Truly a sight not many had ever seen, nor would they even consider.

Vangelis laid near the wall now. Part man, part machine. A groan perked from behind the metal brace at his mouth. The vocal device crackling at his throat as pain wracked his body. Yorgos stood still, some feet away. His energy blade held in hand, ignited upon a fine red glow. The metal mask worn below the already coverings of the cloak, hid well of the last of his features. His pause was one of uncertainty. To engage again, or to withdraw. Zayveon's dual saber had been put away, this could allow him a first strike possibly. Then again, he'd seen how Vangelis had been the target of several seemingly electrical discharges from Zayveon's clawed fingertips. The metal suit laid below the cloak, truly would conduct such an attack quite well and possibly render Yorgos unconscious or worse.

"Take Vangelis and go back to Osiris, Haemon and Drakon. Tell them this is their final warning. The Lysandros Syndicate lays claim to this sector. If they continue to challenge such, I will be most displeased. You go back to your Masters. Tell Osiris if he wishes to clash with Kings, then he should come himself. Not to send pawns, where Bishops are required. Tell him, I laugh at his lack of intellectual stamina." Zayveon shook his head slowly at Vangelis and Yorgos. "Speak to Haemon and tell him to stay in the dark and out of matters beyond his abilities. Oh and do tell Drakon that if there is anything of pride left with in his Draconic hide, to see if he has the courage to face me again with out any tricks. This time I hold no apprentice, for him to manipulate against me."

Yorgos held his stance for a moment longer and then the crimson of his energy blade faded out of existence as the weapon was switched off and latched to his belt. Turning he grabbed up Vangelis and aided him for the door. A pause and glance back at Zayveon, before turning and stepping out into the night.

Zayveon growled at their departure. "Children...every last one of them."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-10-21 21:25 EST
Clawed fingertips tapped upon the table before Lord Zayveon. His eyes moved over the several displays shown by the holo projector. Five star systems, fleet listings of both that friendly and not so much, along with ground troop counts and supplies.

"As you can see, we've pushed back the Ork forces to these five outlying systems. Supply ships have been cut off from aiding in three of the systems. Given the Orks prefer their projectile weapons in combat, I would wager they've two weeks before their supply of ammunition will run out." Abram turned his attention to the a holo projector displaying bio vessels of The Lysandros Syndicate. "As you can see here we've surrounded two of the three planets occupied by.." "Abram." A pause and turn toward Zayveon. "Abram, I want you to have Khristos and Abraxas accompany you for a meeting." Abram perked a brow and turned toward Zayveon further. "A meeting with who, exactly?" "A meeting with the current General heads of the Orks in these systems. The ones running the show, so to speak in each." Abram's curiousness perked further at this odd request. "I was under the impression you held the desire to extinguish the Orks in this sector of space?" "I was." Started Zayveon. "Things change however. Thus is the way of life. If you'd be so kind as to arrange a meeting with their current Generals. They can pick the system if they so choose." Abram nodded to this, all be it curious still. "I see, well then I shall inform Khristos and Abraxas we've a trip to take and a meeting to try and put forth."

"Abram, the Rhydin star system. There's a high volume of capital class vessels in orbit, more then I'd care to see. When your wife Aella returns from her current mission, I'd appreciate her input on combing elements of the Second and Third Fleets with the Fifth." "Helene mentioned to me you were curious of the Fifth Fleet's current ready status. Would I be too bold in saying you are considering taking command of the Fifth?" "Helene, should be more quiet with my inquires." Zayveon's tail gave a flick upon the air behind him, but his muzzle perked some and with a bit of imagination one might consider he was smiling. "I'm merely curious of combing some of the bio fleets together. Chariton spoke yesterday of another forty-five droid frigates operational from the shipyards in the Ordaxus system. I've a few meetings to attend in the next three days. Depending on their outcome we may be near finished in this game with the Orks."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-10-24 15:51 EST
"You set it up. You did it! And now look at what they've done!"

The representative from the Telnarix Federation, Rear Admiral Diana Nester, was anything but pleased with the failed peace talks with the Ork Empire. Commander Eltorra Demarnix, of the Grace'sin, shook her head at the Admiral. The Grace'sin were quite humanoid in appearance, except for their notable gray skin collor and bluish fingertips. "Admiral, you cannot lay blame to Lord Zayveon. Peace would do all involved a worth while vacation from the destruction over the past months. He had to try at least a peaceful resolution to this conflict."

There was a slow shift of the long reptilian tail behind Zayveon as he stood at the table with the others gathered. A long pink tongue licked at a corner of his muzzle before retracting. "We gave them a chance to end this, with out further bloodshed. They decided not to. It should be noted not everything was on pause during the peace talks." Admiral Nestar perked a brow over at Zayveon and then the seemingly smirking Commander Demarnix of the Grace'sin. "Why do I have the feeling, The Telnarix Federation has been left out of another plan?" "You haven't, Admiral." Started Zayveon. "You ventured with others to the peace talks. Someone had to go forth. While you and others of the delegation were in talks, we were busy working on a sort of, plan B. The Lysandros Syndicate has eighty-one strike cruisers sitting just outside the Ork primary system. Standing by to jump into the system to join them, are two hundred droid frigates of the Lysandros Syndicate. I had orbital factories working day and night around the clock to finish out the last frigate this morning. Captain Delnara Respin, along with Captain Julian Necar and Captain Welrin Deltari are waiting with their Aubrey Elven cruiser task force behind the third moon just inside the Orks star system. They will decloak their cruisers and engage orbital defenses of the third planet in that system with in one standard hour from now. Once the orbital defenses are taken out and given the Ork fleets are currently out of the system currently engaged, this is our chance to hit their home worlds. Once the first attack begins, Commander Demarnix here will give the signal for the Grace'sin cruisers to move in and attack the second planet in the system. Most of the orbital defenses are stationed near the third planet, thus they should be able to slip through the planet's atmosphere and rain havoc on the ground below. Intelligence reports suggest their support troops on the ground only hold aged anti-aircraft weaponry. The Grace'sin heavy cruisers and fast attack cruisers should have no problem dodging and staying clear of them."

Admiral Diana Nestar looked between the two and crossed her arms over the chest of her dark uniform. "We are not children, Lord Zayveon. The Telnarix Federation is a strong one and prideful. Our cruisers can engage and we do hold the fire power.." "Yes...yes....Admiral." Nodded Zayveon as he cut her off from her rant. "However, your cruisers don't hold the shield technology as of yet to take several direct hits from heavy weaponry. Though your deflector shielding is impressive and works quite well at holding off, for a time, energy weapons, it fails to keep out fast moving projectile weaponry. Your defensive lasers can only keep out so much from hitting your cruisers before letting one slip by. But, if you're so eager to get your Federation into the fire fight, so be it. The first moon nearest the core of the Ork system holds seventeen orbital shipyards. We know for a fact there are at least five capital ships in dock there and not completed as of yet. The moon itself has troops stationed there and four command bases on the ground. I give it to you and The Telnarix Federation to eliminate the shipyards and the forces on that moon, Admiral. If you clean up fast enough, you can join the rest at the home planets." Admiral Nestar tapped a fingertip against her sleeve. By all accounts the Telnarix Federation were the spitting image of humans. Their vessels weren't among the strongest upon the stars, but they weren't the weakest either. Their powerful Ion cannons could hammer away at an aggressor ship and render them harmless. Though their weapons had grown in recent years, their ability to defend against weapons used on them had not. Relying on defensive lasers and deflector grid projectors to protect valuable portions of their ships. They were one of the newest races to advance among the stars. Ten years might seem like a long time, but among space, it was a drop of rain upon an ocean.

"All right, Zayveon. I'll signal my fleet and have them ready to strike. I'll see you both to toast a victory upon the Ork's home."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-10-24 16:16 EST
The Aubrey Elven Cruisers decloaked on time and with their disruptor cannons laid waste to the orbital defenses. Two Ork Cruisers engaged them but were out gunned by sheer numbers and quickly fell prey to be disabled and then destroyed.

Combat androids of The Lysandros Syndicate landed by the thousands upon the Ork home worlds. Their heavy plasma rifles cut deeply into the Ork armor. Not needing that of food or rest, the androids pushed into the night. Knocking the Ork troops back further and further from the front lines. Algatrosin city fell first. Then Bentadda II. Buildings toppled over from explosions and fusion cannon fire from the Syndicate fast attack corvettes as they darted through the sky above. Once the Syndicate droid tanks were dropped from orbit to the planets surface, they rolled over everything that came in their path. Standing several stories high, their heavy dual plasma cannons rained down destruction on the Ork troops moving about. The wounded would find themselves simply run over by the massive tank like treads. Locking on using heat signatures, the tanks cut the Orks down by the dozens.

The orders had been clear. No mercy, no quarter was to be given. Every Ork was to be eliminated. Already intelligence reports were flooding in from out laying systems. The Ork fleets had disengaged upon other systems and were currently moving as quickly as their engines would carry them back to defend their home worlds. Not much would be left for them. Except perhaps the burial of their dead.

High above the second core world, laid one of the Syndicate's Strike Cruisers. Her bio organic hull almost gleamed in the star light. Given the sheer number of bio cruisers and droid frigates that had been created in the factors upon mass production, most held not names but numbers. The living crews, that ran the Strike Cruisers and Corvettes of the bio fleets, at times, did name their vessels however. The strike cruiser in orbit watching the chaos below held the number "78" upon her aft port and starboard side tails. Old 78, was what some called her. Lord Zayveon sat upon the large, modified chair in her command bridge. Clawed fingertips tapped away at a console to his side. The Syndicate had taken it's licks upon the beginning of this war. Today was the day they took back what rightfully belonged to The Lysandros Syndicate.


Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-10-24 18:59 EST
Helene moved through the complex upon Ice World - 6628. Several installations, bases, had been set up long ago by The Lysandros Syndicate here. The planet laid deep upon an outer rim upon the Kel-Tarian System. The Ork Empire had pulled out of the fighting on the closest planet to the sun in the system, H.P. Vol - 62. A warm planet given it's proximity to the sun and mostly desert landscapes. However vegetation could be found below ground in the thousands of giant caverns and underground river ways. With the Orks on retreat to try and get back to their home worlds before nothing was left but to perform final rights for the dead, the system had a quiet calm to it.

Helene paused inside a large room over looking a training area below set inside the complex upon the Ice World. A glance to her side and note of Khristos sitting cross legged on a table in what appeared to be meditation. "The students, are doing well." He didn't need to open his eyes to know who was upon the room. Khristos species hailed from strong telepaths. Their humanoid forms held slightly taller heads with raised foreheads. The long locks of his hair that made way around the sides and back of his tan skin perked out over the back of his robes. Helene had to perk a smile over at him. She admired him for his calm under fire in past days and held a pride in calling him friend. "I was curious of how the triplets were doing." "Isidora, Adonia and Eva are doing quite well against the droid training bots upon the course below. Their skill with a sword is improving each day. The others below are Selene and Agathe. Elektra one half hour ago to meditate by herself in the student quarters on sub level six." His eyes still closed, Khristos perked his head in the direction of Helene. "Yes, I too believe Ektor, Priska and the others will make a find edition to Syndicate Knights." Helene smiled with a light laugh. "You know I hate it when you answer me before I can even speak the question upon my mind. Tell me, what do you think of the six soon to be graduates?" Khristos shifted upon the table, his legs sliding out as he slid to the floor in order to stand as his eyes finally opened over toward Helene. "Kyra is proficient with both that of a Syndicate energy pistol and an energy saber at her side. Cocky, strong willed, but she is loyal to our cause. Ektor will be a fine edition to the skillful engineers and his saber skills are as good, if not better then Priska's. Even with his left arm being more droid like, I look forward to going on mission objectives with him in the future side by side. Priska is a bit high strung. Perhaps too, by the book, as the saying goes. Well with the workings of her saber, I would list her better with defense then offense in the ways of an energy sword in her hands. Domina and Estara are good in the way of the saber and decent pilots. There is something odd in Domina however. I sense as if she holds doubt about herself or those around her perhaps. Far as our soon to graduate Twi'lek Estara is concerned, she is still hesitant to always act on a situation. In time, she will be a value however. Which leaves me to speak on Theseus." Helene was holding a smile over at Khristos. "You have been hard on him in his training, Khristos. One might say you dislike him even." "I don't dislike any of the students or the ones about to graduate. I simply do not like his boldness and attitude. He is far too sure of himself and is more prone to ignite his saber for a fight then talk things through. But, he did get a passing grade so he will graduate with the other five. I look forward to the day the next six are up for graduation. Selene, Elektra, Agathe, Isidora, Adonia and Eva." Helene nodded and glanced out over the training course below. "Have you seen Abram' I am to speak to him of his recent mission and dispatch a coded report to Lord Zayveon." "I have. He arrived this morning here from his last objective and after checking in, went to visit with his wife Aella. I would suggest, you wait until tomorrow to inquire for your report. It has been sometime since Abram and Aella have had even a day together to enjoy each others company. And their door is locked." Helene laughed softly with a nod. "I see. Well, then I'll wait until tomorrow morning to speak with him. I wouldn't want to disturb them." "Argos is back." Commented Khristos. "His report shows a small fleet of ships near an asteroid belt. He believes Drakon and Haemon are onboard the star destroyer there. He was unable to confirm if Osiris was there as well. I heard of the condition Lord Zayveon sent Vangelis and Yorgos back to Osiris in." "Do you hold anger for Vangelis and his leaving, Khristos?" "No. He was my friend but he made his choice and though we are no longer allies, or friends, I hold him no ill will. Upon a battlefield of course I will have no trouble in dispatching him should he prove to interfere with us. We all have to make choices. He chose to follow Drakon and Haemon to Osiris." Helene nodded quietly as she looked toward him and then back out over the underground training arena. "Everyone needs a place to call home, Khristos. For the past two years we've acquired those not fitting into the Jedi Order or that of the Sith. We've given would be students a third option. They no longer have to pick left or right, they can pick the middle." "Agreed, Helene. You know, I find it odd how some of the students refer to Lord Zayveon as Father." Khristos perked his head toward Helene as he folded his arms over his chest. "Many see him as a Father figure, Khristos. Perhaps some never had a father or theirs was unkind to them. I have noted how the triplets in the next set of six students have taken to him." Khristos nodded as he turned to look down over the training grounds below. "Isidora and Adonia act like girls trying to get approval when he is around. Showing off their skills best they can. Their other sister however, Eva, is more reserved when Lord Zayveon is around. I believe, he means to take on some of her training himself. Did you know Eva has picked the same unique color Lord Zayveon holds to his sabers?" "I did. I found out just the other day actually, Khristos. I believe Eva idolizes him. Looks up to him. No pun intended of course, given his height." A smile at Helene's lips. Paion is up this evening to instruct the six of them, Selene, Elektra, Agathe, Isidora, Adonia and Eva. Markos and Chariton are to watch and grade the students. Khloe and our large feline friend, Leonidas, are upon the Syndicate bio cruiser Fourteen. When their mission is finished they are to report back to Rhydin and the sea installation there. It seems our bio submarines are monitoring a disturbance currently in orbit as well as in certain areas on the planet. The new stealth and jamming equipment integrated with the bio hulls of the submarines is proving to show little ability for them to be tracked. At last report, their coming off as large schools of fish or a grouping of whales. Of course, only when with in a hundred meters of the surface and even then it would take a direct hit with a sensor to pick up anything. I am quite glad Lord Zayveon went with the more advanced bio hulls for the submarines instead of the cheaper submarines I accompanied him to inspect. Myrina and her sister, our resident Ambassador Phaidra, are currently on Rhydin. Rather, the diplomatic pair are under her oceans. They are confirming the new treaty with the Yautja installation upon the abyss. From Phaidra's last report, they don't seem to hold any interest in the conflict above the water's depths on land. She did note in her report that there are several mother ships of theirs in the Rhydin Star System however."

"Khristos" Do you believe Lord Zayveon could beat, Osiris? In a fair match of course." Khristos gave a slow nod of his head toward Helene. "I do. As long as it was a fair fight. Osiris along with Drakon and Haemon are well known for their tricks. Our bio fleet is faster then their vessels however. Our ships don't hold as many weapons, but they pack a hard punch, as the students would say. Plus our droid frigates can be produced from the orbital factories to replenish lost in record time. They need no crews, thus the cost of food and time needed for a living crew to sleep is unneeded. They can operate around the clock with out pause or change of shift. We lose twenty, fifty, it is not so large a concern. In a few weeks, more can be made and sent out into space under the Syndicate flag. I must say, the choice for combat androids on the ground and droid frigates in space was a wise one. No need to train troops or crews. Until this issue with the Ork Empire is finally put to rest, I don't see Lord Zayveon committing to a full scale attack on Osiris and his allies."

Helene gave a slow nod while crossing her arms over her chest and turning to look back downward over the students training below. "Khristos, when you have a free moment, please tell Abraxas I wish to speak with him privately."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-10-27 18:39 EST
Six Lysandros Syndicate Strike Cruisers shot by the massive Ork Battleship. Tearing into her hull with their pulsed fusion and neutron cannons. Too quick for the tracking laser defense cannons of the battleship. Two Ork Corvettes exploded as Captain Lilith Anubis onboard her ship The Valdis, along with four droid frigates, shattered the corvettes with their combined torpedo and missile launchers at close range. Two heavy prow plasma cannons of the heavily modified frigate Kerberos, impacted with an Ork Battlecruiser's port side. As the Kerberos moved along the Ork vessel's side, her rail guns opened fire on their crippled engineering section. Captain Markus Ramius narrowed his eyes onboard the Kerberos's bridge. "They don't leave. Not one Ork survives." Captain Jonathan Wayne of the Charon Destroyer and Captain Frank Neytof of the frigate, Gray Nebula, ensured another Ork Battleship didn't limp away from the action. Using their ships to box in the battleship attempting to come about so she could engage her star drive. Captain Nathan Barcuza of the modified Corvette, Thanatos, swooped in with his vessel from behind. Opening fire at close range with his ship's heavy plasma cannons.

"Ork Corvettes coming in on your six, Captain Anubis." Signaled Captain Wayne as his destroyer monitored the incoming Ork vessels attempting to buy their battleships time to withdraw. Heavy plasma cannons snapped at Captain Lilith Anubis' modified corvette. The sleek blackness of her ship giving way to an explosion as weapons fire knocked out one of the heavy plasma turrets. A Syndicate Strike Cruiser swooped in behind the Ork corvettes. Opening fire first with it's pulsed fusion cannons before tearing into one of the Ork vessels with the 'nose' Quantum Discharge cannon. The starboard wing of the Ork ship directly ahead cut clean away, disabling the vessel as the second was hit with a series of neutron cannon blasts to her port side defense grid. "Valdis, you are clear..." Came the deep tone rumbling over the communication system. Captain Lilith perked a smirk at her lips. "Thank you, Father." Zayveon's ship, Old 78, pulled away and moved to engage three Ork Corvettes running interference for an Ork battleship.

Ten droid frigates moved to engage a pair of Ork battleships, attempting to guard several troop carriers, holding nearly five thousand unprotected Orks upon the blackness of space. Rail guns of the frigate, Kerberos, fired hungrily at four Ork corvettes. Six Aubrey Elven Cruisers decloaked and entered the fray. Their disruptor cannons hammering away at the damaged battleships. Looking to pummel them into oblivion. Three jump points opened in space. Nine Syndicate Strike Cruisers pouring out with five droid frigates to each in follow. Paion onboard one of the strike cruisers turned to his bridge mates. "We cannot allow any to leave. Today, we decimate the Orks and knock them back from the stars." "Paion, this is Khristos, we're starting our run on battleship row. Once we've completed a run through, follow up with a second. Signaling Markos and Khloe, going in."

Grace'sin ships cut to shreds the Ork supply ships with their anti-matter cannons. Explosions perked along the surface of the second and third planet in the system. Ork installations went up in brilliant displays of light as both that of missile and torpedoes from above rained down upon them. A crippled destroyer, not of Ork decent, limped from the system. Drakon growled onboard the bridge of the destroyer. His vessel was out of commission as far as fighting was concerned. He didn't look forward to speaking with Osiris upon his return.

As a Syndicate droid frigate opened fire upon the destroyer, it jumped into hyperspace.

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-11-03 07:36 EST
"Lord Zayveon, we've taken the third planet in the system."

Zayveon gave a slow nod toward the view screen off to the side upon the bridge to his vessel. Paion perked a rare smile on the other end of the view screen. "I have droid frigates mopping up several Ork Corvettes still in the system. We lost six strike cruisers from the bio fleet. I as yet do not have the numbers from our Elven Allies, or that of the Grace'sin. I do have promising reports from the Grace'sin on the second world. Their ships have taken out the orbital defenses along with the aid of the Elves and the ground forces have been beaten back to two remaining installations as yet left on the planet. I have reports of Elven Cruisers moving into the atmosphere to prepare bombardment of said installations with their proton mines. We have another twelve hours, before Ork vessels from outer systems would be able to make it here. Going past their ships abilities, I'd say at the earliest, eight hours. We have conflicting reports on the core planet of this system and if the Orks have gone underground or have been wiped clean from the first, second and third continent. Android forces have landed and are moving into the cities as we speak. As per your request, I inquired for word of the blockade back at the planet Rhydin. There are forces pushing inward to attack."

Lord Zayveon tapped a clawed fingertip upon a console at his side, as he turned back at the screen. "Dispatch five ships. Orders are to watch and report only. Let's see how they do. The Lysandros Syndicate may acquire another ally before the year is out."

"Understood. Did you wish for any prisoners from the planets of this system?"

"No. The Ork shipyards of this system are in ruin, drift upon space. Continue to knock out and level their factories and planet bound yards. We'll pummel them into a position where they won't be a threat for quite sometime again. Send Forty Droid Frigates in a close cluster behind the second moon of this system. When the Ork ships rushing inward finally arrive, have the frigates engage. Actually, have my daughter Captain Anubis wait with them. Her ship can finish it's immediate repairs while they wait and then she may lead the attack with the frigates. If she gives you a hard time, Paion, tell her simply that her Father asks of it."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-11-22 14:23 EST
"Interesting how we've chosen such, isn't it?"

Drakon looked over the table at Zayveon. A slow nod and lowering of the mug upon Zayveon's large reptilian hand to the table. "Indeed, though I'm not always so sure I'm as much of the 'light' as some put me up to be." Drakon nodded slowly as he glanced around once and then turned back. "I"d still consider, you more in the light then the dark. You've aided quite a few over your lifetime. Even now, you give aid and ask so little in return. You ask for not song, or poem, or even monument. You simply offer help to those that seek it. I've drifted from the path our grandfather set out for us. I've strayed."

Zayveon gave a slow nod of his head, a light shift of his tail out at the side. "It is never too late, to try and make amends for what you've done." "It is too late for me." Replied Drakon quickly with a shake of his head. "Osiris is massing a fleet. He has risen an army of nearly six hundred thousand so far. They are not battle harden, but they will carry our his orders upon the battle field. Haemon is weak, but Vangelis and Yorgos if pushed, will not retreat. When you see Abram next, tell him...tell him I regret killing his brother. An act I cannot take back, like so many others."

"I will tell him." Commented Zayveon quietly with a soft nod of his head. "We'll meet again soon in battle. It is written to be. Do you remember the battle of Tel'portho' We saved an entire city after that month of slaughtering the attacking force. We lost several hundred, they lost thousands. In the end, you and I, Zevrous, Thembodi and Cavaro stood over the piled dead. We beat the odds. We survived and succeeded in protecting that city with our armies." "Zevrous died in a battle two years later." Spoke Zayveon quietly. "Thembodi passed over two hundred years ago during the battle of Za'kada. Cavaro, lived to a ripe old age before passing on." Drakon looked over at Zayveon, nodding gently. "I see. You always did keep track of those we knew. I always seemed to lose track of our friends, comrades. Is it our destiny to follow them?"

"Not as yet, Drakon." Came Zayveon's reply. "You don't have to follow through, with Osiris and his wishes. Everyone and everything, can change." Drakon lifted from the table with a shake of his reptilian head. "Not everyone, can afford change. Can go back to what was. The Telnarix Federation is close to a civil war. What I tell you is enough to cost me my own life. Trivial it is though these days. Osiris has already spoke with the side splitting faction. I'd suggest you speak with those you know and start your aid now. Before Osiris has the splitting side out among the stars looking to attack the Syndicate. Someday, a hundred years from now we may look back upon these days and laugh. Someday."

"Safe travels to you." Zayveon spoke as Drakon turned to walk away. "Dear brother."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-12-03 22:49 EST
"A five year contract." Paion nodded over the table toward Zayveon. The table before them was full of life as various displays with in the frame showed reports from all over the galaxy where The Lysandros Syndicate held business or other matters. "A five year contract with the Mandalorians, not bad work, Paion. Khristos has recently returned from securing contracts in the outer system." Paion nodded as he tapped a display with in the table to bring up 'said' contract. "I figured we could have their first battleships ready with in the time of six months. Utilizing the new shipyards in the outer systems. I did receive word back from Helene, she managed to acquire a two year contract with the Bothans to produce for them cruisers. They of course, wished to have our weapon systems added to the designs, but Chariton talked them out of it. I guess it pays to have a Bothan working with us, hm?" Zayveon gave a slow nod of his head in return. "True. The Syndicate doesn't keep out any with skills to which may offer aid in our cause, Paion. Have you heard from Argos recently?" "Indeed I have." Nodded Paion as he tapped his fingertips over the table and brought up a coded transmission. "The droids you've selected for the Syndicate should be delivered by monday. The first group is two hundred fifty thousand. Are you sure, you want to change out what we currently are using?" "These other droids will cost us less to replace when destroyed then the current combat androids we use. Even the 'elite' series of guardian droids will cost less in the long run. That's of course not to say, I won't keep a decent number of the combat androids for protection of key items. The hover craft and the massive tank droids will still be manufactured I've decided." "Have you decided on which design for the new droid warships?" "I thought I had, Paion, but I guess I'm still unsure which design would do us best. Larger droid cruisers, or smaller more maneuverable droid frigates. The current frigate is nice and small, easy to produce from our shipyards, but it only holds a few weapon systems. Granted, they are powerful and worthy, but I'm unsure if I should allow a newer class with more weapon emplacements or simply go with a slightly larger class, or indeed keep what we have and go from there. Aella suggested we simply put our resources into the construction of more bio cruisers and simply convert the majority of them into droid controlled. Producing just the bio cruisers we currently have and the smaller bio corvettes, instead of putting time and resources into a third design of spacecraft. Of course if we ventured that route, it would mean we'd have to open several new facilities for the production of the bio armor itself." "We have three new worlds in the outer system for the Syndicate's use." Perked Paion with a smile as he rubbed the gray stubble at his chin. "Indeed. That we do. The oceans upon them are perfect I hear. Something I'll have to take into consideration." "The newly graduated students are anxious to get out there I hear." Paion smiled over at Zayveon. "Yes, some more then others. Theseus is at times too bold and quick to ignite his sword rather then talk things out." "You should have him go with Helene on a light mission." "I did, Paion. He made passes at her the whole time she said." Zayveon shook his reptilian head with a flick of his tail out beside him. Paion chuckled and nodded in turn. "Well, then I suggest putting him with Khristos, Chariton or Markos. Given his nature, I wouldn't put him with Abraxas or Khloe." "Khloe? Seriously Paion' She'd be inclined to knee him in the groan if he made a pass at her. Actually, that may not be such a bad idea. Would teach him a lesson. And Abraxas would leave him beaten to a pulp. Given his quiet nature, you know he'd not care for Theseus and his loud mouthed comments long." "The Four Horsemen, are complete I heard. Quite a promotion for Captain Neytof and Captain Ramius." Paion looked up from a report popping up on the table. "Yes, finally." Nodded Zayveon. "Two years in the making and they are finally completed. Captain Ramius was always a choice for one of them. Captain Neytof was my second choice for 'The Famine' actually. Captain Wayne preferred to keep his much smaller destroyer instead of taking what I was offering him." Paion reached for his tea off to the side as he glanced over at Zayveon. "I noticed a certain Lieutenant was placed onboard the 'Conquest' according to the roster." "She wanted onboard one of them, I felt her having Captain Brooke Barlow for her commanding officer would do her some good instead of tossing her onboard the 'Death' with Captain Ramius. I had considered her be placed onboard the 'Famine' with Captain Neytof and his wife, Natalia. However, I think she'll do fine where she is. Let me know by morning about that space rift in the outer systems. Perhaps The Four Horsemen, will see their first bit of service sooner then expected."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-12-16 04:13 EST
"We cannot allow the bulk of their race to go out like a candle in the night, Zayveon."

Zayveon nodded over toward Abram as he looked out among the stars from the view port onboard the bio cruiser. "No, we cannot. How many ships do they have?" "Not enough to lift even a quarter of the population off the planet before the meteor storm will enter the system." "It's going to take a lot of ships of put a dent in the storm. The meteors have been colliding. Making hundreds more of various size and configuration. From projections, it looks like the northern continent will be hit first, along with the coast line. Estimates show the entire eastern seaboard will be lost in a matter of twenty minutes or less from the waves created by the impacting meteors to the sea." Zayveon nodded slowly. "Pull eighty droid frigates from the Ork system. We'll pummel them further at another time, Abram. The Telnarix Federation requires aid with this planet upon the outer systems. In truth, they were fools to set up and populate a world so near a system with two asteroid belts. You'd think they would of set up a defensive system, station or something near the edge of the system in question." "Perhaps the last fifty years they've been too busy trying to acquire new worlds and treaties instead of acquiring common sense." Smiled Abram as he ran a hand over his light beard. "Indeed, perhaps." Nodded Zayveon from his watchful glance out the view port into space. "The new droid cruisers?" "They aren't finished as yet, Zayveon. Shielding and weapon systems are not yet online." "We may have to use them best we can anyway." "I think if we squeeze them in, we can get two hundred onboard the bio cruisers." "Population on the planet, Abram?" Abram lowered his gaze as a frown perked his features. "Twenty-two million." "We don't have enough ships to save them all, do we, Abram?"

"The Grace'sin cruisers can hold roughly fifteen hundred, Zayveon. The Aubrey Elves and their cruisers can hold nearly the same if they pack them in tight."

Zayveon nodded slowly. "Signal Captain Delnara Respin of the Aubrey Elves. Commander Eltorra Demarnix of the Grace'sin. We'll need what ever ships they can spare. Signal The Four Horsemen. We'll need all the fire power we can gather to buy time for those on the planet, Abram. Have evacuation points set upon the planet. Ships will land and take off as quickly as they can be filled with civilians. Do they have any planetary defenses?" "Three massive Ion Cannons. Only two of them will be facing the direction the meteors will be coming in on however. The third is on the far side of the planet."

"Summon every Syndicate Knight not on a level five assignment, Abram. We're going to do our best to save as many as possible. By the Galaxy's grace and dawns early light."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-12-16 04:51 EST
The rift burst open with the back drop of space behind it. Outward poured ships of various design. A few thousand meters from the rift laid The Four Horsemen. Each ship was over seventeen kilometers in length. Black as night and carrying a variety of weapon systems, along with primary and secondary shielding. Instead of building one large station, The Lysandros Syndicate built four mobile ships of massive size. Each able to produce more droid soldiers, along with resupply and repair to smaller vessels of the Syndicate.

Onboard the 'Death' Captain Markus Ramius narrowed his gaze at the view screen ahead of him on the command bridge. "Captain I'm running scans on the ships. So far I believe them to be from dimension 187. An off shoot of the Federation of Starfleet." "Do we have a treaty with that dimension, lieutenant?" "No sir. This form of the Federation is highly corrupt and is a large trader in slave labor upon their dimension of space." "Very well. Signal the other three, open fire."

As soon as that simple transmission was acquired by the War, Famine and Conquest, anti-matter cannons went active. Super lasers located on the forward tip of each vessel opened fire. The four ships targeted by The Horsemen had no chance. Their shields stood for nothing against the power of such weapons. Instantly destroyed, while pulsed fusion beam cannons fired upon the ships from dimension 187. Ion cannons softened up the vessels by pummeling their shields before anti-matter cannnons along with the fusion cannons tore into the ships. Most of the ships, didn't know what hit them as they exited the rift into our galaxy. Each ship before, was unable to warn the next. Two smaller ships broke free from the direct slaughter and made a courageous run at the Death. As they drew in closer firing their phasers, heavy dual railgun turrets greated the vessels. Quickly they looked less like space fairing cruisers and more like swiss cheese as the rounds tore through the hulls.

It all was over and done in less then fifteen minutes. A flux and a pulse before the temporal rift slowly closed up to leave nothing but the blackness of space behind. Like nothing had been there to begin with.

Commander "Tiger" Teldorian, of the War, turned toward Captain Jamees Aldaris. "Sir, we have an incoming coded transmission from Abram. We're needed at a Telnarix Federation colony. I'm receiving an incoming report detailing the situation." Aldaris nodded to his long time friend. "Contact the others. I'll read the report once we're in route."

Onboard the Death, Commander Kira Neytof had just relayed the same message to Captain Ramius. "Confirm with the others, Commander. Prep and make way." "From what I've seen of this report, there is little chance of us saving most of them, Ramius." "Zayveon wants us to save as many as we can and that's just what we're going to do, Commander. I want weapon status and power routed from the engines once we arrive to the shields. Get me a firm read out of how many plasma torpedoes we have onboard along with railgun ammunition. I want to be ready for action once we slip from Jump. We're a long way out, double time on those engines. Signal the droids I want a 120% on the drives."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2010-12-31 20:29 EST
"Commander Eltorra Demarnix of the Grace'sin."

Forty-five Aubrey Elven Cruisers decloaked near the grouping of Grace'sin ships proceeding for the planet ahead of them. "Captain Delnara Respin of the Aubrey Elves. Good to finally meet of you, Commander. I've heard much of you. Perhaps after we could have a drink and exchange stories of war?" "Anything is possible, Captain. Our heavy cruisers will squeeze a little over fifteen hundred per craft. I wonder which of us has the more deadlier of duties." Captain Respin perked a smile upon her lips as she gave a nod toward her view screen. "Indeed, Commander. I almost wish it was us on the ground picking up the population rather then facing off with the meteors. Almost. It seems the others have beat us here."

As their fleets moved into orbit of the planet, Lysandros bio cruisers were already in orbit. Accompanied by four dozen droid frigates. "This is Abram to all ships. Proceed with your objectives. The clock is ticking. Transmitting safe departure zones to all ships, now. Once the asteroids reach zero point, it'll be a find your own path from the surface. Designated pick up points are marked on the maps being transmitted, now. Weapons ready, all craft."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2011-01-16 05:25 EST
"Here we go.." Fusion cannons cast their brilliant beams of light across the blackness of space from that of the Syndicate's bio cruisers and droid frigates. Disruptor cannons of the Aubrey Elven Cruisers opened fire upon the incoming asteroids as well. Upon the planet Grace'sin cruisers were packing in civilians like sardines. Telnarix Federation fighters hurried into the atmosphere to try and be ready should any asteroids break past the 'the line' and fall into the planet's atmosphere toward the population below. "How's the 'pick-up' going down there?" Abram was watching the ships in orbit from his bio cruiser. Neutron and Fusion cannons were running hot in the constant firing. A woman with long locks of brown, tied loose upon braids looked back through the communication display. "Another twenty Telnarix transports are departing right now. Ten minutes and another fifteen will be ready to leave." "Aella, debris is going to be coming through near the eastern sea board. We're knocking down to size the larger ones but there isn't enough fire power fully remove them. I've sent another seven Aubrey Cruisers to the southern continent to help with the evacuation. Get on the next transport." The woman on the other end of the display perked a faint smile. "I'm over seeing a hospital being evacuated my dear husband. Another twenty minutes and I will. Promise."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2011-02-10 03:40 EST
"I said divert ships to the left quarter!" Shouted Abram onboard his bio cruiser. "Sir, Aubrey Elves report they've lost another six of their cruisers from collision with asteroids." "Lieutenant, tell them to hold the line. The city directly behind them upon the planet is nearly evacuated. They need to give them another thirty minutes for the transports to all lift off. Have you heard from my wife, Aella?" "No sir. No transmissions from her last position."

Fires started to run uncontrolled in several cities upon the planet below. Dozens upon dozens of smaller asteroids, running in size from a foot across to several meters were slipping through the blockade in orbit. Aella winced at the pain from the rubble laying upon her leg. Broken no doubt. She wiped a bit of blood from the cuts at her forehead. The two children she had shielded with her own body were snug below her form. As another thrill of pain ran upwards along her leg, she felt the rubble being lifted free of her form and looked upwards at the tall figure before them. Debris was tossed aside as easily as if was made of foam material rather then rock. "Are you all right, Aella?" "Z'ev?" A flick the Draconian's of his long tail gave motion to two of the new series of Legion combat droids. Looking more like Knights of the sci fi era of technology, the towering droids moved to ease Aella and the children from the remaining rubble. "Carry them to the transport waiting down the road, what?s left of the road." A simple nod from the droids, before they turned and moved into a quick sprint for the transport with their human cargo in hand, literally. Zayveon pointed a clawed fingertip at eighteen of the Knightly' droids. "Search the debris, we have five minutes. Set your scans for heart rhythms. Move!"

In orbit a Jump Gate formed against the blackness of space. Outward poured four massive vessels, moving to take up positions before the planet. "Abram, this is Ramius. We'll hold the line. Take your ships to the planet below and gather as many people as you can. Help with the evacuation." "Ramius, this is Abram. I'm taking ten bio cruisers off the line and proceeding to the planet below. Keep those asteroids off our tails, and Ramius...Lord Zayveon is on the planet below." Ramius narrowed his brows at the large view port ahead of him upon the bridge of his vessel. His gaze moved over the seemingly endless supply of asteroids heading their way. "Get as many as you can, Abram. We're not going anywhere. Not till the last leaves the planet. My word."

Captain Ramius' second in command, Commander Kira Neytof, perked a brow over at her commanding officer. "We're going to take a few hits. The current readouts show we have some massive asteroids headed right our way. You think..." "No. But my word, is my bond. Just as Zayveon gave me once and long ago, Commander. Divert power to weapons and shields from the engines. Signal the others, weapons free."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2011-04-06 04:00 EST
"Shields weakening on the port side. Those twenty-seven asteroids that got through sure did some damage."

Captain Markus Ramius glanced over at his Commander, Kira Neytof and then at the display screens onboard the bridge. "Redirect defensive lasers in that area to compensate for shielding. Status on plasma torpedoes?" "We've run dry." Commented Commander Neytof as she looked an incoming read out of the fleet in orbit. "Captain Barlow's Destroyer is pulling back. They've taken too much damage from this report and are moving off from their position in orbit." Captain Ramius growled. "Get me Brooke on the line! If she pulls off that leaves that whole area unprotected from incoming asteroids!" "I'm having trouble raising them, Sir. Possible their communication system is down." Nodded over a Lieutenant. "Commander, gather up a dozen droid frigates and dispatch to that area to cover. We haven't finished launching the transports from that city. I'll deal with Miss Barlow later."

On the planet several massive asteroids impacted into the oceans. Giant tsunami started to roll forth and a matter of minutes entire coastal cities were wiped clean from the planet's surface. Several transports just taking off were clipped by enormous waves, two spun about and disappeared into the waters embrace.

"Captain Aldaris is reporting in that all transports and cruisers in his area have departed the surface. His vessel has taken heavy damage but he is moving to take up a position parallel us to block further asteroids from slipping through as we've lost seven Aubrey Elf Cruisers and Sixteen Droid Frigates from out defense line." Spoke Commander Kira Neytof over at her Captain. "Send transmission to James, tell him thank you for the support. Hopefully the rest of the ships on the planet will be off and running soon and we can break orbit. Where is your brother?" Kira ran a hand over a console and several ships showed up on the display, including the third vessel in The Four Horsemen. Commanded by Captain Frank Neytof, Kira's older brother. "My brother and his ship have suffered less asteroids in their defensive line. Over two dozen cruisers and transports from the surface have rerouted their escape through his sector of space, given it's more clear of incoming threats. Sir, we've lost another seven heavy railguns. I have confirmation from Abram that a final order for all ships to lift off has been given. Should only be minutes now, Sir."

Captain Ramius looked at the holo projector and the incoming asteroids size and volume. "Let's hope so, Commander. A ship this size can't dip and weave through this sea of rock."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2011-04-20 20:45 EST
"Captain Ramius, this is Captain Aldaris. We're parting from the planet. Last of the transports have broke free from the cities below and are heading off quick as they can. We've lost our port shields and are pulling free but are taking heavy impact points from several decently sized asteroids."

The massive 'Horsemen' slowly pulled away from the planet. Captain Barlow and her ship had already broke free of orbit after taking heavy damage. A matter Captain Ramius was not at pleased with. In his mind, you stayed until all transports were away from the planet's surface. In his mind you held the line, even if it meant you would not venture home again.

"Captain Ramius to Defense Fleet, all remaining craft break and evade. Code Epsilon Blue."

Aubrey Elven Cruisers, only seven remaining from the dozens that once stood in orbital defense of the planet, darted this way and that to avoid asteroids as they hurtled through the planet's atmosphere. Five, Droid Frigates remained from the over one hundred that began this effort to save life. If they'd been manned by the living, thousands of lives would have been lost. The sure perk of having droid frigates over manned craft proved itself wise. Four transports were hit by asteroids breaking through the atmosphere. Clipping them and sending them into their deadly decent.

"Status Commander." Came Ramius' deep voice over the bridge of his ship as he watched the various view screens. One after another, asteroids impacted with the planet's surface. Super tsunamis swept across the oceans. Impacts to the land laid waste to once great cities. Commander Kira Neytof looked over the read outs coming into her display console on the bridge. "Captain we have partial shields on the starboard and port side. Bow shields are down to ten percent. I need to take anti-matter cannons off line until the droids can repair link-points. Twenty-seven tractor beam projectors are out of commission. We'll need full replacement on them, not repair. Three of the gravity well projectors need serious repair. Fourteen of the heavy ion cannons are off line and probably need some serious repairs. We have damage to multiple decks and engineering is holding it's own." Captain Ramius ran a hand over his mustache and goatee slowly. "Where is the Conquest, Captain Barlow's ship?" Commander Neytof paused as she considered her Captain and the look upon his face. "Her ship jumped out of the system ten minutes ago. I believe they will head for the Lysandros repair yards in the Kel-Tarian System." "Commander, signal what?s left of the fleet to head to the Kel-Tarian for repairs at the docks there. Tell Captain Aldaris and your brother, I thank them for sticking it out till the very end. I'll deal with Miss Barlow myself when we reach dock."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2011-05-07 04:45 EST
Lysandros controlled planet. X-3244 / Earth Like. Orbital shipyard platform.

As soon as Captain Markus Ramius stepped off the docking shuttle to the station, Captain Frank Neytof moved up along side him in match of his stride. "Now before you go and start breaking faces and injuring people, remember you're a Captain of one of The Horsemen. The biggest, most armed and dangerous vessels in the Lysandros Fleet." Nodded Captain Neytof aside to Captain Ramius. "I won't kill her." Muttered Ramius as they walked down the corridor to the operation center of the orbital yard. "Not good enough, Ramius. I want your word." Snapped Neytof. "Did your sister send you to make sure I don't tear up the station with Barlow's ass?" Ramius narrowed a brow aside at Neytof. Indeed Captain Neytof's sister Kira, was Ramius first officer onboard his ship. "Doesn't matter if she did or didn't, Ramius. You can't kill another Captain without exact orders from Lord Zayveon. Now fricken promise me." Ramius growled as they neared the ops center and glanced to Neytof. "I promise I won't kill her." With that, he turned and moved into the large command room of the station. Neytof ran a hand over his cleanly shaven head and muttered before following after the fellow Captain. "Should of made him promise not to touch her instead.."

Captain Brooke Barlow turned around to face the approaching Captain Ramius with a nod of her head. "Now before you say anything my ship was..." And that was all she got off. Due to a fist impacting her square in the jaw and sending her back against a console. Captain Barlow's first officer, Commander "Tex" Dallas grumbled and moved over. A size of a man, older, but he held some bulk to him and he proceeded to place himself between the two Captains. "Whoa...hold on. We were talking damage." "We all were taking damage!" Shouted Ramius as Neytof came up to help push the gap further between Ramius and Barlow. Himself and Commander Dallas using themselves as human wedges to work them further apart from each other. Barlow spit a bit of blood from her cut lip onto the flooring. "I'm reporting this!" "Are you going to report how you pulled off the line too soon as well?" Snapped Ramius. "How you pulling your ship out of the line left a huge gap for asteroids to slip through to the planet below. How thousands died because you didn't cover the sector you were assigned to' Every ship took damage. Some even lost themselves while holding that line in defense of the planet. You should of grew a pair and stayed where you were supposed to in formation above the planet until is was evacuated." It was then Ramius noted another figure standing near the group. A young female with long dark hair done up in a type of pony tail twist. Her uniform held the markings of a lieutenant. "Real Captains do what they are supposed to do. A good Captain doesn't leave until that last moment where they have to make a choice of either going or being destroyed. Someday you might make it to Captain your own ship, Lieutenant. Remember that." The young woman, who looked no older then twenty years, nodded slowly to Captain Ramius. "Yes, Sir. I will Sir."

Ramius nodded toward the young officer. "You have your father's eyes. I hope you live up to his heart." A glance over at Captain Barlow, before Ramius turned with a shake of his head and strode off the command deck of the station. Captain Neytof smirked as he shook his head and proceeded after Ramius. Captain Barlow rubbed at her lip and turned to exit the deck, using another route, while Commander Dallas grumbled and turned toward the Lieutenant. "Let me know about the repairs to our vessel. I want reports every four hours till you take a break, kid." The lieutenant nodded quickly. "Not everyone gets along and not everyone does things the same way. Some are more bold then others. See to the repairs to our vessel and keep me informed to the repairs of the other Horsemen. Oh and don't think I haven't forgotten you have shore leave coming up soon. With the Horsemen in for repairs, there's no reason you can't take sometime and go see your father for a few days." A nod from the young officer. "Yes, Sir. I will try to make time."

Commander Dallas moved away to see that the Captains didn't tango again. "No try. When your shore leave comes up, you go and see your father. That's an order Lieutenant Zayveon."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2011-06-28 05:51 EST
"Good, very good. Your are improving everyday, Eva." Paion nodded to the eighteen year old. His short gray locks set off by the lightening with in the training center. One of the older 'teachers' but by no means beyond his usefulness. "Your skill with an energy sword is almost out matching your sisters, Isidora and Adonia. You are one of the few that has strived for a more unique art form of combat and defense. It's not many that take to such a border line form." Eva nodded slowly, her long locks of brown hair shifted against her back with in the pony tail's hold. "Yes, Sir. I wish to attempt and hopefully succeed in mastering one day the art form Lord Zayveon adopted. All the students talk of it nearly daily. It's complex but I hope to learn it well, Sir."

Paion nodded with a slight smile. "I see. Lord Zayveon will be honored to have another student seeking to master the unique combat style he has adopted. I've noticed you also taken it upon yourself to put use of the same style and color as Lord Zayveon's energy sabers." Eva smiled faintly, a bit embarrassed actually being called out on the matter, yet again. "Yes, Sir. Do you think Lord Zayveon will be touring the Temple here soon?" Paion smiled and chuckled gently, reaching to give Eva a light pat on the shoulder. "Soon enough no doubt. You are eager to show off your talents before him, yes" In truth, he has already been inquiring about you. It seems you've caught his eye with your skill of the energy sabers. I want you to train with Leonidas later this day. Now his large feline stature can be intimidating, but keep in mind he is here to help train as am I and the rest. I want you to work on your telekinesis with him. Your mind is still set on size being a problem. It matters not moving a tiny pebble or that of a fighter craft. You simply have to retrain your mind to accept this." Eva nodded slowly. "Yes, Sir. Helene has been helping me try to focus better. Is it true that several recently graduated students are missing?" Paion paused and nodded slowly. "Not so much missing, as being held. A plan is being worked together to retrieve them, worry not. Concentrate on your skills. Tomorrow we'll start you at the second level of mastering a saber in both hands. One day soon you will start traveling with others to be evaluated. You can only learn so much while here training. Much you need to learn while out in the galaxy."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2011-07-10 06:21 EST
Lord Zayveon looked over the read outs and various information moving over the large display screen at the wall. The sisters Tasoula and Zenovia, along with Helene and Paion were discussing recent events for The Lysandros Syndicate.

"Peace has been made in the Cetaiyia System." Commented Tasoula with a light nod of her hooded head toward Zayveon. "Myself and my sister removed the Pirate forces in that system and the Governments upon the four planets there have signed trade agreements with us for taking care of their Pirate problem." Paion nodded and then motioned with a hand toward a display coming in through a relay station in the depths of space. "A few Pirate type vessels identified by long range probes and hidden installations. Some Mercenary groups a few Rebel Factions. There was a Narn Convoy under attack by one such Merc group, but Khristos dispatched droid frigates to intervene and the Mercs were chased off. Three lost their lives from the convoy we were told. Argos and Chariton discovered a small fleet of seven Ork Ships. Their position was relayed and several of the bio cruisers met them in less then four hours time. End result, the Ork ships were reduced to two before escaping."

Zayveon nodded slowly, eyes moving over the multiple displays and information coming from all ends the galaxy where The Lysandros Syndicate had moved into. A perk of an eye ridge at one display in the top corner of the massive screen. "There...stop image and go back!"

Paion paused suddenly from speaking, turning his gaze toward where Zayveon was not pointing with a clawed fingertip. "My Lord?" Paion inquired curious. "That ship! Go back and display!" Paion hadn't seen Zayveon worked up about something since the beginning of the Ork war. Reaching over to a console, he tapped away and the small image moved down to center screen then opened up larger to fit the entire wall. "This ship" It's one of many our hidden outposts and relay stations record My Lord. Most are new species or small time vessels from various worlds we've not yet explored but have some idea.." Zayveon cut him off. "Enhance." Helene perked a brow now as she crossed her arms over her chest. Looking at Paion who shrugged some and then tapped the console to zoom in best he could with the image. It was of a large vessel. Arrow head in shape with a massive curve at her aft section almost like a curving moon in the night sky. From the center of this, outward poured a long section of the ship. Nothing fancy or glittery about the vessel except it seemed rather old. "My Lord?" "Paion, can you tell me from this image if the ship is over twenty-four thousand feet in length and roughly seven-teen hundred feet in width?" Paion blinked but nodded. "I can have the computer estimate it's dimensions given the vessels close proximity to a moon in the background."

"Z'ev?" Helene started quietly as she stepped to his side with a glance between his tall frame and that of the ship image on the screen. Paion glanced at Zayveon and then at the console to his side. "The computer has estimated the ship to be close to the figures you spoke of." "I want all data gathered by the outpost. Now." Paion reached over to tap away at the console. Suddenly the ship image grew a tad smaller, so that information gathered about the vessel could be shown to it's left and right on the screen. "From what the scans could gather before the ship moved on, it seems to hold solar collector panels in the curving section. Possible a method to gather power. Both that of energy and projectile weapons were detected, but not active. A shield was up and running and the scans couldn't penetrate it to detect if a crew was onboard or anything internal it seems. She's old. Been out a long time as scans show her hull to be damaged in some parts. Weapons fire from other vessels probably with little sign of them fixed. Perhaps her crew is returning home to fix of the holes in her or recently ventured from a battle somewhere in the out laying systems."

Zayveon was intently gazing at the image of the ship. Helene slowly reached over with a hand to touch Zayveon's large reptilian hand. "Z'ev" What is it' You recognize this vessel?" Zayveon lowered his gaze downward at Helene. "Yes. I recognize it's design. It's Draconian. It's one of the over two dozen capital ships constructed long ago for us to venture out into space. To explore. None have been heard from in several hundred years. They've all been thought lost and thus until the construction of The Lysandros Syndicate I've not given another thought to space and beyond. Paion, I want you to dispatch every available vessel be it droid frigate or bio cruiser to that sector to find this ship. Are The Four Horsemen ready to leave the shipyards yet?" Paion shook his head. "No, all four are still under repair I'm afraid. But there are forty-six brand new droid frigates just finished. I will dispatch them to that sector immediately along with all available bio cruisers." Zayveon nodded slowly, turning his gaze back toward the image on the screen.

"We have to find that ship."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2011-08-14 04:42 EST
- Orbit of Ice World - 6628 -

Captain Markus Ramius looked over the newest readouts on the display table in front of him. In orbit was two of the Four Horsemen. SSD3 and SSD4, the Famine and the Death. The other two vessels were in orbit of Planet X-3244, upon the same system. The underground installation of the Ice World was at times more soothing to Ramius then that of the orbital station at X-3244, even given the extreme cold of the planet's surface he was on or in this case below.

Captain Frank Neytof stepped past the sliding door into the communications room of the base. A smirk perked his lips and he shook his head as he walked over toward Ramius. "Here I thought nothing would get you off your ship in orbit. I'd think you'd get enough cold from space." Captain Ramius glanced up from the readouts and gave a nod of his head. "Who'd of thought I'd find some quiet in a communications center below a frozen landscape. Your vessel nearly repaired, Frank?" A nod from Captain Neytof. "Yeah, I hear yours is nearly finished as well." "No doubt from my first officer." Captain Neytof chuckled as he neared the display station. "Yeah well not my fault you picked my sister to be your second officer and Commander of your ship, Markus." "She's a good officer in the Syndicate. I picked her for her skill as an officer." Nodded Ramius over the table, while incoming reports were flowing in from the Rhydin star system. "Yeah well my own commander onboard my ship tells me it's something more then that." Neytof reached to touch a screen, an incoming report enlarged some for better viewing as Ramius glanced up again from the table's readouts at Neytof. "Your wife is sometimes too good at her interrogation skills, Frank." "She doesn't need to use her telepathy or empath skills, Markus. She's female and you know how women talk about things. Besides, my sister is a grown woman. If she wants to kiss the likes of you that's up to her. I just hope she's had all her hypo shots to date." Ramius actually, perked a slight smirk at that remark. "You're fault. You and your wife introduced me to your sister before I took command of SSD4. Commander Dallas was already selected by Captain Barlow for her vessel. Commander Teldorian had served with Captain Aldaris already, so figured he'd be signed on with him. Your sister already had a decent service record. Lord Zayveon even mentioned how she lead a rescue team on Solara III. I suppose I was a bit impressed and wanted to see how she'd perform in person." "No pun intended?" Smirked Captain Neytof over at Captain Ramius. "I was speaking her skill as a military officer." Ramius nodded down at the display screen on the large table and the incoming reports. Muttering then. "Though she is a good kisser." Neytof laughed. "Interesting, she told my wife you were pretty good yourself." Ramius shook his head now. "Yeah...women talk all right." Captain Neytof nodded in agreement. "You and Miss Barlow ever gonna get along?" "Doubtful." Commented Ramius quickly. "She's a fool and a pain in the ass. You know I'd ride whatever ship I Captained' to the end in a fight. I'm so sure she ever would for the cause." Neytof nodded some. "Maybe, but she's all bad. At least try not to deck her in public again hm?" "Yeah...yeah..." Nodded over Ramius. "Come on...quit looking at reports for a bit, Markus. Come have dinner with me and the wife." "Fine...I should give a call to my ship in orbit however, let your sister know I won't be back onboard for a bit." "Actually, she's with my wife onboard your ship currently." Captain Ramius shook his head, though with a slight smirk as he looked over at Captain Neytof. "I should of known. We better join them for dinner before they talk about us too much."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2011-10-24 03:11 EST
"Captain, gravity well projectors active and at full power. The enemy vessels are unable to make the jump into hyperspace."

"Good, lieutenant. Ion Cannons, fire."

The large array of ion cannons opened up from massive vessel, hammering away at the three Imperial Star Destroyers. "Anti-matter cannons, fire."

"Captain, Superlaser is charged and at the ready." "Target vessel in the center, fire laser."

A brilliant stream of light short forth from the bow of The Horseman vessel known as Death. It struck the Imperial Star Destroyer and cut right through her. Setting off explosions near instantly. Debris impacted to the star destroyer at her port, damanging the shielding.

"Fusion cannons, target far left. Fire."

The bridge section of the second star destroyer was severed upon the shields failing. Several impacts tore directly into turbo laser mounts.

"Captain.." Called over Commander Kira Neytof from her console. "The third Star Destroyer is hailing us. They wish to surrender." Captain Markus Ramius stood with his gaze at the massive view port ahead of him. Looking over the chaos and mess of the former two star destroyers. His gaze slowly slid over toward the third star destroyer.

"We have an appointment with the Mon Calamari, per Lord Zayveon's request. I hate being late for a meeting. Railguns and plasma torpedoes target and fire. I have no time for Remnant Imperials. Set course and engage after they are dealt with, Commander."

Massive heavy railgun turrets popped up and targeted the Imperial Star Destroyer. As the large railguns opened fire, torpedo launchers let loose with a series of plasma torpedoes. Onboard the Star Destroyer, the Imperial Captain watched out his view port window at the volley heading his direction.

"Damn she's a beast..."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2011-12-12 21:54 EST
"Sir, we're at the edge of the system."

Commander "Tiger" Teldorian nodded over toward Captain James Aldaris. The Captain lifted a hand to slowly remove of his glasses before turning his gaze toward one of the large display screens on the bridge of SSD2, or The Horseman known as War. The massive vessel, one of four, had taken up a position at the edge of the Rhydin Star System.

"All right, Commander. Anti-matter cannons set to full power. Target them as they slip from hyperspace."

Pirate frigates started to slip from hyperspace. All at once the Anti-matter cannons started firing from the War. The first pirate frigate was hit directly at the bridge and engineering section. As she exploded, the second and third frigate fell to heavy fire from the massive cannons of their attacker.

"Captain, all frigates have been destroyed. I guess they should of picked someone else to steal from, instead of Lord Zayveon." Captain Aldaris gave a light nod of his head as he carefully put his glasses back on and looked to a console display off to his side. "A mistake they won't make again. Contact Captain Ramius, we'll meet up with him and the Mon Calamari vessel. Captain Neytof should be almost done with his patrol of the Fringe System. I have a feeling Captain Ramius isn't going to contact Captain Barlow, so we might as well do it and see if she's on schedule. Probably best to give those two space for now. Reset scans to check for ships in the area and make ready to jump inter hyperspace, Commander."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2012-02-12 11:58 EST
"The Mon Calamari Ambassador was met on time and the talks went well."

Captain Markus Ramius nodded toward the large view screen onboard the bridge of his vessel. On the other side of that screen was Lord Zayveon. "Ahead of schedule, Captain Ramius. I applaud your quickness in this matter. Captain Aldaris spoke of the matter with the Pirates being a finished issue. We can proceed now. The Telnarix Federation wishes to join The Lysandros Syndicate, however I have my reservations about such a matter." Ramius nodded again and ran a hand over his face slowly. "Rear Admiral Diana Nestar is a good soldier of her people, but there is much political unrest in her government. Their ships aren't on par with our own, but they do hold dozens of space stations through various systems that would benefit us in using for supply and storage." "Indeed, Captain. My daughter Lilith, will meet with the Admiral to talk on grounds of cleaning up their political situation." "Understood. I heard the bio fleet as well as the droid frigates, have grown in number these past six months." "True, Captain. I have divided with the increase in numbers, them into three main fleets. Currently, twenty droid frigates will be assigned to each of the The Four Horsemen. That number will be raised shortly to forty."

Captain Ramius made note of the droid frigates being assigned with a tap to the console beside him. "Lord Zayveon, how goes the installation on Rhydin's large moon, Arabrab?" "It goes well, Captain. Four hundred of the new droid star fighters have arrived and been tucked away in the underground installation. Haven X-22 will be fully operational by mid day tomorrow."

"Intelligence reports I've received show a growing number of Imperial capital class vessels gathering near Hoth. My bet it's Osiris and not merely a remnant force." "Agreed, Captain. Drakon and Haemon have been spotted in the Outer Rim with Imperial soldiers. Considering how the New Republic left them the last time, no doubt the soldiers will follow any showing a lick of power. Given the growth in their ships numbers, a shipyard or several are to blame. I've dispatched eight Lysandros Knights to investigate a few possible locations where a shipyard could be off our scans. Once they are found, The Four Horsemen will be sent to eliminate them. I do not wish Osiris massing a great fleet that we will have to meet down the road."

"Understood, Lord Zayveon. I was curious if you wished a certain Lieutenant transferred from The Conquest to my vessel here." Zayveon perked a somewhat smirk with his jaw, clawed fingertips tapped quietly to the arm rest at his side. "I am aware of your dislike of Captain Brooke Barlow, however I don't believe moving my daughter from her ship to yours is required at this time. She is a decent Captain, however she will never gain the respect you have with me unless she steps up. Perhaps Commander Dallas is the one keeping her focused in duty onboard her ship. I'll give her sometime to see if she improves in all of our favors. For now Linnea stays where she is, Captain." Ramius nodded. "Are you headed to the Kel-Tarian System soon?" "Indeed, Captain Ramius. Paion and Khloe are meet scheduled to meet me with a bio cruiser and escort me to the Ice World in that system. I hear they are bringing along three of the padawans as well." "The three sisters?" Inquired Ramius. "I believe so, yes." "I've heard they were doing rather well in their training. Markos and Leonidas were tough on them while they were assigned to them." Zayveon nodded. "True, but having a few tough instructors is always well." "How is Abram' I've not spoken to him in sometime." "He and his wife are well. She has fully recovered from her injuries. Currently she was dispatched with Solomon, Thanos, Panos and Petros to meet with several Ambassadors at Coruscant. They should return if everything goes well in talks, by next week's end."

"You should be underway to meet with Captain Neytof. Until next I speak with you, safe travels Captain Ramius."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2012-03-01 03:19 EST
"I have nearly fifty ships spread along a large asteroid field waiting for the word to slip from their hiding."

Haemon seemed proud of his accomplishment over the past few months. Gathering forces, obtaining ships that were partly decommissioned and or sitting in an aging scrap yard somewhere in space. Osiris shook his head as he looked over the read outs upon the screen before him. "It'll have to do, however I had hoped for far more in the time I'd given you. Where is Drakon?"

Haemon's expression shifted some, hard work and no praise was something he was used to. "Drakon is bringing us in another thirty-seven ships. They are pirate class vessels, but their weapons will be enough to engage other craft with. He should be gathering with us upon the next few days if not sooner." "How did he persuade the pirate Captains to join us?" Inquired Osiris as he glanced over at Haemon. "He broke the neck of one Captain. After that, the rest fell in line." "Hm, I knew I liked him for a reason. Vangelis and Yorgos have been given a second chance. They are to lure and attack Lord Zayveon's vessel as it passes through Kel-Tarian System." "Do you expect them to succeed this time?" "No, but if they can slow him down in some way and or cause harm it would be to our advantage. His fleets have grown faster then mine over the past ten months. His automated space docks are too efficient. I'm managed to obtain seventy-two torpedo bombers. You will direct them with a small force of capital ships to the Kel-Tarian System where they will engage the ship yards there. You and the few capital ships I'll be sending with you, are to hold off any capital class vessels until a significant amount of damage has been dealt to the stations."

"I don't expect the bombers to all make it back. I would find it doubtful that Zayveon hasn't built up the defensive systems around these stations." Nodded Haemon as he adjusted the thin visor over his eyes. "Less then twenty percent, if that, I suspect will return. We'll need more pilots for future fighter craft no doubt after this."

"Do you believe we can win this?" Inquired Haemon as he glanced from Osiris toward the computer screens.

"Time will tell."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2012-09-15 13:30 EST
Abram ran a hand over his light beard, nodding Paion as they looked over read outs on the various displays upon the command center on Rhydin's largest moon. "All bombers were destroyed. Along with over half of the capital class ships they sent." Commented Paion. Abram perked a light smile. "Our trap worked. They sent what they were able to gather believing Zayveon would be arriving in that system. Orbital defenses kept any vessel from getting too near the planet while the droid frigates stationed behind the ice planet were able to box in the rest. It will take sometime before the ships that did escape, will be up to speed from much needed repairs." "Indeed." Nodded Paion. "And truth be told, this whole time Zayveon was visiting with family. Nowhere near the K-T system. Osiris is going to be furious when he finds out. But perhaps that could work to our advantage as well. Using his anger to steer him a certain path."

Khloe entered the center. Her violet locks of purple spiling over her shoulders as she moved toward the other two. "Treaty completed. The Lysandros Syndicate is now in an understanding of peace with the Yautja. Their Arbitrator's daughter was present during the negotiations. Medical supplies along with star bases were the main topic. The first shipment of medical supplies should reach several of their mother ships within two days."

Abram nodded to Khloe. "Good work. Make contact with Khristos and Abraxas with in the hour. They should be about finished with their objective. Find Tasoula and Zenovia and make way to link up with Khristos and Abraxas. Priska has found a possible shipyard that could be salvaged."