Topic: Scarred ? The Blockade


Date: 2010-10-13 20:37 EST
From his command chair, situated upon a raised dais where he could easily survey the entire command bridge, the Dark Lord of the Sith Romax Pol sat watching the holo-projection of events transpiring from within the hangar deck of the Abyss; Travanix's personal star destroyer which was already in orbit. The scarlet light of a blaster bolt flashed across his hooded face as his compatriot blew a hole through the head of a young man from the city watch and then turned to face the gathered corrupt and gave the order to begin the invasion.

Romax tapped several keys on the control console built into the armrest on the right side of his command chair, terminating the holo-projection being received and switching it over to transmit his image to the bridge of each ship in the fleet. "The order to begin the invasion has been given. Prepare to make the jump to hyperspace. When each element has reached their final coordinates you are to assume a standard blockade of the planet. Final coordinates for your places in high orbit will be relayed to you from the command ship of each element. Mistakes will not be tolerated and those who fail me will wish he'd never crawled out of the cloning vat." He tapped the last key again to close the transmission and turned his head slightly towards the man waiting at his left hand. "Admiral, signal the fleet and take us in." The dark lord watched his men spring into action at his command and couldn't help the small, satisfied smile that spread across his face as the stars outside his viewport quickly became elongated into long, streaking lines as the Interrogator II hurtled towards Rhy"Din from the outside of the system.

It took less than two minutes to make the jump from the edge of the Rhy"Din system to the planet itself and as the counter on the console reached zero the bright, elongated lines began to rapidly shrink back into the small field of pin-pricks that surrounded the modest planet. "Take up a high orbit and send deployment coordinates to our element of the fleet and make sure that the other two do the same," Romax said as he stood and took the three stairs down onto the main deck and headed forward to stand at the viewport to watch his fleet take its place around the pitiful ball of rock that would soon be theirs.

The fleet of ships at the Circle's command consisted of three elements, his own being led by his flagship, an Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer and consisting of two Nebula-class Star Destroyers, three Corona-class frigates, and four Carrack-class light cruisers; each with their full compliments of TIE Phantom star fighters, bombers, and support ships. Each of the other elements was made up of the same number and type of ships except that they were each commanded by a single Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer instead of an Eclipse. When the capital ships were finally into their assigned positions they began to release wave after wave of TIE squadrons into orbit to surround their mother ships and to give cover for the troop transports that were heading to the surface to meet up with Travanix and his corrupted ground commanders.

The attack had been underway for a little over an hour and Romax had been drifting along through the Force as he monitored the battle raging in the marketplace below when he could feel the tugging sensation that always preceded a telepathic connection to another person. Travanix's voice rang loud and clear in his mind, "Lord Pol, please begin an orbital bombardment of the marketplace. Our troops are pulling out now and you should have a clear field to fire in by the time you relay the command to the closest ship." The Dark Lord's eyes opened as he spun on his heel to look at the communication's officer. "Signal the Abyss and alert her Capitan to begin an orbital bombardment of the marketplace. Send him the exact coordinates." As the man began to relay his orders to the Abyss, Romax turned back around to stare out the viewport again for a few moments before allowing his eyes to drop closed as he drew on the Force and began a battle meditation to enhance his troops here in orbit.

William Aldritch

Date: 2010-10-14 17:04 EST
The night watch.

His favorite time. Just him and the few bridge crew, sitting back, relaxing, watching the stars through the viewscreens and occasionally chatting it up.

He runs a loose watch when he's manning the command chair, doesn't mind his crew BSing and even playing cards so long as the instruments are properly monitored. Thus far, in this system, there hasn't been much to do in the long hours of the night watch, and he doesn't want his crew getting bored and falling asleep on him.

Not like Captain Nikare, who the crew complains makes them practically have their eyes glued to their consoles. Vasudans...


The female voice overlaying the growling Vasudan dialect draws his attention to the sensor station. Probably some sort of spatial anomaly again - this system, it seems, is rife with them, and like a good scientist the junior officer wanted an objective opinion on every one she came across.

Then he sees her face. Over the years he's gotten pretty good with Vasudan facial expressions, and hers looks disturbed and...worried"

Walking over to the station, he feels a slight frown forming on his face. "What is it, Lieutenant Pyhia?"

She gestures to the console. "I think you should look at this, sir."

His eyes meet hers, ready to reprimand her for calling him over to the station without a good reason, until he sees the other emotion in her eyes.


Looking down at the console, his own eyes widen as he takes in the readings. Some thirty combatant craft, it looks like, plus support ships...including three that are nearly three times the size of the Perses, if not larger...

Without taking his eyes from the console, he addresses the lieutenant. "How accurate are these readings, Pyhia?"

Her voice is subdued. Everyone knows that tone of voice from the Admiral - it means trouble. "I confirmed them from the Parmenion and the Seti, Admiral." She refers to the two AWACS (Advanced Warning and Control) craft in close orbit around RhyDin with the Perses squadron.

He nods, not looking at her still, watching the console. He knows a battle formation when he sees one. It could be something else, of course - this place isn't like most of the other systems they've been in, after all - but just looking at those ships, particularly the bigger ones, makes the hair on the back of his neck stand up.

That prickle, from his old days as a lowly grunt, of the approach of trouble...

He straightens from the sensor station, walking back over to the command chair with a long stride and taking his seat. "Ops: Go to Battle Group Condition Yellow."

He taps the console on his chair to send messages to his captains to summon them to the bridge as the alarm begins sounding throughout the ship, a distinctive synthesized tone that tells everyone to get to battle readiness.

Edward Trentini

Date: 2010-10-14 17:30 EST
He's awakened by the sound of a familiar klaxon from dreams of battle with Shivan juggernauts and - oddly - an old, space-borne sailing ship from ancient Earth. Sitting up in his bunk, he rubs the sleep from his eyes and slaps the intercom.

"Commander Amu, you had better not be running a drill."

The Vasudan voice comes back a moment later, sounding harried and anxious despite being synthesized. "Negative, Captain. We received a message from the Perses stating we are now at Battle Group Condition Yellow."

That gets him awake, all right. All thoughts of sleep are gone - in the middle of the night the Admiral is not prone to running fleet readiness drills. Something must be up.

"I'm on my way to the bridge, Commander."

Ten minutes later he steps on to the command deck, heading not for the command chair, but for the sensor station. "All right, what do we have, Commander?" he asks, talking to his Vasudan XO.

"Captain, approximately twelve minutes ago a fleet of ships came out of what appears to be lightspeed close to the planet, numbering at least thirty craft of combat configuration and their support craft, according to scans taken by the Seti and Parmenion. Their intentions are unknown at this time as no hails have been recieved, though there have been communications between the craft. The ships do appear to be in an assault formation, divided into three elements. Three of these ships are approximately three times the mass of the Perses. Weaponry according to scans does not indicate the presence of beam weapons, but the craft do appear to be shielded and heavily armed."

He nods throughout this, looking the scans over for himself. Straightening, he turns back to head for the command chair of the Odysseus and drops into it, reaching down to rap his knuckles on the oak panel on its side.

"Commander, what?s the status of the Odysseus?"

The commander is now in his own seat, checking the console. "Captain, I show the Odysseus is at full combat readiness."

He nods and looks at the viewscreens, watching the necomers settling into orbit. As he and his Vasudan XO look on, the first flashes of turbolaser fire flicker out towards the planet.

"Well...we didn't get dressed up for nothing, Commander..."


Date: 2010-10-14 18:32 EST
~The Perses~

The words are out of the Admiral's mouth before the first salvo reaches the planet.

"Ops, set Battle Group Condition Red. Sound general quarters."

As the klaxons begin blaring throughout the ship, he turns to his own console, consulting his tactical display, now being fed by the sensors of the Odysseus, the Parmenion, and the Seti, all augmenting the Perses' own sensor array, to give him a better view of the field of battle.

This isn't good. Those ships are in perfect position for an orbital bombardment, troop deployment, and blockade - their commander is good, very good. He checks the tally of his own battle group. And with twelve combat-capable craft in this group, we're far outgunned...

"Fighter bay control, I want half our complement spaceside now. Nothing but fighters for the moment. Fire control, charge the plasma beam cannons and get everything hot and ready to rock. Helm control, how long before our subspace drives are charged?"

The helmsman makes a few swift calculations before answering. "About fifteen minutes, Admiral."

He sighs, shaking his head. "We may have to fight for our lives here..." Spoken low, softly, he shakes his head. "Call down to Engineeering and tell Jacent to get his ass moving, see if we can shave some time off of that. In the meantime, let's get this beast moving into a higher orbit."

Turning again, he eyes the communications officer. "Comms, issue a transmission to the Heracles and Amenhotep battle groups to rendezvous with us by the second gas giant out in the system."

Turning back to his tactical display, he starts typing in commands again...

~The Odysseus~

"Captain, receiving transmissions from the Perses. Battle Group Condition Red."

He'd already figured that, of course. Even as the first salvo had been hitting the surface, he'd sounded the alarms and got everyone moving.

"Helm get us into escort position for the Perses. Fighter control, get everything we have into space that isn't a bomber. Fire control, let's get everything we have warmed up and ready."

~Death Viper Lead~

Commander Sheppard had wasted no time, especially when he'd seen the amount of fighters he'd been given to go with. Twenty wings - 140 ships, fully half of the Perses' fighter complement - had been ordered to launch.

Pulling up the tactical display in his Perseus fighter, he'd been shocked at the sheer size of the attacking force. Tapping his comms, he started issuing orders as they came in from the Admiral. "Wings Beta and Gamma, form up on the Democedes. Delta and Omega, form up on the Moschion." The medical frigates were the number one priority - they might be needed later. "Stay with the medical ships until they're able to get into subspace, then rejoin the main escort group. Everyone else, form a fighter screen between the main battle group and the attacking ships. Stay alert, people - they don't appear to have noticed us yet, but don't count on it staying that way."

Jace Moceanu

Date: 2010-10-14 22:35 EST
"Ops: Go to Battle Group Condition Yellow."

That had him out of bed and into his fatigues before you could blink. The Perses was his baby despite what Corina and the Admiral say and he was going to make sure everything was running at optimal.

"Ensign Lewis, What's our status?" He was already at his console making the calibrations that need.

"15 minutes sir."

He shook his head, "Not good enough, Ensign."

"Ops, set Battle Group Condition Red. Sound general quarters."

He was shouting out Orders, "Max out the subspace drives. We need maximum charge. 15 minutes isn't going to cut it. Divert what you can from non-essential systems. "

Jacent's fingers flew over the console, coaxing more response out of the engines. Life and death, and he was going to do it in 10 minutes or less...

Or there won't be a next time.

Corina Moceanu

Date: 2010-10-14 22:57 EST
Klaxon's, she truly hated them. About as much as wearing skirts. With the first strains of that annoying sound she was up and dressed. She slipped into BDU's and a freighter gray tank top with her boots. She grabbed her jacket and was off like a shot for the bridge.

As she moved to the lifts she slapped her comm badge. "Captain Moceanu to the Bridge. What's our status?" As the Klaxon shifted to general quarters, Phyria was giving her the run down of the activity. "Copy that, I'm on my way."

She didn't need to be told that she was needed on the bridge. She was already there. There was a nod as she shrugged into her uniform jacket to the Admiral. She slipped into her command cradle and started running her fingers along the controls she needed.


Date: 2010-10-21 23:44 EST
The reports were flooding in from the jumpgate to RhyDin. Admiral Arrowny was interrupted in the middle of a meeting with Exodian town officials. Within three minutes, he was back in the Forces compound there on Exodii and again recieving reports from the gate in orbit. Not only was the city under attack on the ground, but from orbit as well.

"Gods, please....don't let my mother be involved in this." He knew already she was somewhere in the mix.

The battle with her on Exodii had taken its toll in many places. His forces were depleted and everything was still under repair, but he couldn't sit by and not do anything. RhyDin was a livelihood for many of the Exodians with the trades they accomplished between the two worlds.

"Ready the Armegeddon, we're going into battle. Send 500 troops into RhyDin to help with the defense on the ground, with another 500 for backup. Offer to bring civilians to safety here in Exodii and lock the gates from use by anyone but us...tripple our guards. Errect a hemispherical forcefield over the gate in the city, protecting it from some of the damage being thrown around there yet allow access to the portal. Contact RhyDin city official and let them know what we're doing. And get in contact with Kegan and his crossbowman! See if he'll go into RhyDin with my men. And make it fast! We needed to be there twenty mintues ago!"

Grabbing a few items, Alex moved to the transporter room and beamed up to the Armageddon II Star Destroyer. The giant gate in space was big enough to allow a star destroyer through.

"Attention crew of the Armegeddon. Red Alert! Everyone to Battle stations! Prepare the Armegeddon for transport through the gate."

Alex waisted no time giving orders the moment he stepped on board. Quickly making his way to the bridge and the command chair, and with preparations swiftly done, Alex gave the order.

"cloaking device, shields and engage us through the portal."

The massive starship fizzled out of view and off the sensors as it manuevered through the jumpgate and came out on the other side. Here the jumpgate over RhyDin was placed in a very high orbit of the planet. The moment they passed beyond the gate, a shield was placed round the device, preventing not only it's use by others, but also protecting the gate from potential bombardment.

Orders were swiftly given and the x-wing fighters were launched in stealth mode, thirty to begin, while the massive ship slowly moved further out, to the outside of the other ships. He also brought the ship round away from the jumpgate.

Star Destroyers were not easy to miss. Unless they were equipped with cloaking devices, like the Armegeddon. That other one was definitely not using one. Clearly they were attacking the city below and Alex wasted no time in turning his ship around on the outside edge of their ships. He couldn't believe how many ships there were, and for the moment had no clue of who was on who's side, though he sensed even before the scans showed it that there were two sides playing against each other up above the planet. Communications were quickly monitored.

"Admiral, the star destroyer is known as the Abyss belonging to one Lord Travanix." The comm officer informed him.

"What a fitting name....That explains much. It appears he's trying to either destroy RhyDin for his own sadistic pleasure, or else he plans to only destroy it enough to take over it himself. Start sending more fighters out in stealth. Position them accordingly and the moment we uncloak, surprise! He's got some competition. Keep an eye out for others who potentially would be an ally. Hail them immediately."

Moments later and the Armegeddon uncloaks, shields already raised and x-wing fighters in position around the Abyss unloading their weapons as they flew by. Phaser and photon torpedoes were launched from the Armegeddon.

The battle in space was on!


Date: 2010-10-27 20:02 EST
~The GTVA Perses~

"Admiral, Chief Engineer Moceanu reports subspace drive is charged and ready."

The Admiral nods as the word comes from Ops, a tight smile on his face as he turns to Navigation. Count on the man to shave a third off the expected time in a crisis...have to give that man a commendation.

He's about to give the order to jump to subspace when the officer at the sensor station speaks up. "Admiral, another ship has appeared in the field of engagement...and several fighters...they appear to be engaging the aggresors."

That gives him a moment of pause as he looks down at his panel. The sensor officer wastes no time in relaying the information to the Admiral's station.

Looking over the sensor feeds, his eyes widen and an eyebrow arches. The ship in question is just over a tenth the size of the ship it's targeting - just shy of a fifth the size of the Perses - and - other than the fighters - he can't see any other ships that are with it.

"Tactical, I need the full sensor feed on the lead aggressor ship."

within seconds he's being given the entire readout, looking over the feeds and statistics in moments.

"Son of a b*tch."

He'd thought to be making a quick,expedient exit to meet up with the rest of his fleet and re-organize.

But he can't leave this lone ship - whose commanderis either crazy, foolish, supremely brave, or a combination of the three - to its fate without at least giving them a helping hand.

The decision is reached without much trouble. "Captain Moceanu, relieve the helm. Navigation, I need you to plot a subspace jump from our current position to bring us around to the rear of the lead aggressor, in position for a broadside barrage from the starboard side Mjolnirs. Fire control, coordinate with Engineering to overcharge the beam cannons. Ops, once Navigation has a plot relay the coordinates to all ships in the Perses battle group."

He waits for the chorus of acknowledgements before going on.

"Communications, send orders to the medical ships to jump out to the second gas giant in the system to meet up with the rest of the fleet while we pull this guy's nuts out of the fire he just stuck them into. Tactical: keep one AWACS in close to us, the other in close to the Oddyseus."

He looks over the tactical plot again, thoughtful for a moment.

"Assign one corvette and four crusiers to the Oddyseus' command. The remainder come with us. As soon as they exit subspace, I want them to open fire on the closest smaller ships to our formation. Fighter control, get pilots to six wings of bombers and three wings of fighters, targets to be designated as soon as we exit subspace."

~The GTD Oddyseus~

"Captain Trentini. Incoming coordinates from the Perses."

The Vasudan at the Nav station gets is attention as she speaks, and helooks down at his console as the anv coordinates come across it.

A smile blooms across his lips as he sees them. Just behind the flagship of the invading armada" Looks like the Admiral wants to make a fight of it after all.

"Navigation, confirm these coordinates. Tactical, give me the sensor feeds."

As the feeds scroll across his screens, he raises an eyebrow. "Any ID on this smaller ship?"

The Terran officer at Tactical shakes his head. "Negative, sir. The ship appears to be of a similar type to the aggressors, but it simply appeared out of nowhere."

Interesting. "All right. Navigation, I want us to make our exit point..." he looks over the scans again, "...two point five kilometers below the Perses, nose down attitude to give our Mjolnirs a clear shot. Fire control, as soon as we exit subspace I want both beam cannons targeted at these coordinates on the super-heavy." He taps in the targeting coordinates.

"Fighter control, get pilots to four wings of bombers, armed with Helios torpedoes. As soon as we clear subspace, have them launch and make runs on these ships." He designates the targets. "Communicate with the fighters we already have out to give them some cover."

He looks over the tactical display again, noting that he'd been assigned the Ramose and four of the cruisers - two Mentus and two Aeolus. "Tactical, have the Ramose come out of subspace 500 meters above us and half that to the rear, firing upon the same coordinates I gave to fire control. Two cruisers each to port and starboard on level with our path, firing upon the flanking ships as soon as they exit subspace."


Date: 2010-10-27 20:30 EST
The Abyss was alive with activity as the command crew rushed to launch defensive fighters. TIE Defenders and Phantoms were spilling into space. Comms were back and forth coordinating offense and defense with Lord Pol's ships. All the activity stopped when the chill hit the air.

The commander turned sharply, bringing himself to attention."My Lord, I did not know you would be returning to the ship!" He was shaken visibly at the sight of the black clad man.

"You worry too much, Commander." He moved towards the front windows. "Bring us into range. All batteries open fire, full power."

Corina Moceanu

Date: 2010-10-27 20:32 EST
She didn't move from her command cradle, "Aye, Aye, sir." She acknowledged. "Transfer helm controls to my station on my mark."

She earned her wings in just these situations and she was about to demonstrate why.


The controls shifted over to her console with an ease that had become routine. All of her concerns with Bryan still on the surface receded to the back of her mind as her fingers flew over the controls. The lives of the people on these ships depended on her focus.

That was the thing about having a boyfriend that understood duty as much as you did...

....And she wanted that time later.

The Coordinates were set as she moved the ships into position for that short hop.

Once more into the breech...


Date: 2010-10-27 20:57 EST
~ GTA Parmenion - several minutes earlier~

Commander Menyara sat in the command chair on the bridge of the Parmenion when all hell broke loose. The former SOC operative watched with growing dismay as the smaller ship appeared and opened fire on the blockade.

"What is that man stuck on stupid?" She growled, "Alert the Perses."

She was monitoring all transmissions when the Admiral's orders came in.

"Commander Verksh, Move the Seti in close to the Odysseus. Helm, Shadow the Perses." She ordered watching the view port and the firefight that was ensuing. The AWACS altered its course to stay close to the flagship.

Her eyes widened at the energy readings coming from the blockade. She tagged the Fleet comm-link.

"Commander Menyara to Admiral Aldritch. Enemy batteries coming on line at full power."

Raleigh Sheppard

Date: 2010-10-27 21:46 EST
He blinks as the coordinates come in for a subspace hop, and suddenly grins.

At the same moment the squadron frequency comes alive with war whoops and cheers. Seems he's not the only one that's spoiling for a fight.

Of course, his fighter squadron has had little to do since the fleet's entrance to the system but run drills, and he's been able to feel their restlessness. It's about time they got to relieve some pent-up frustrations.

The links start coming in from the two AWACS ships to the rest of the squadron as he puts his hand on the subspace drive controls and thumbs the comms button on his stick. "All right, Vipers, get ready to jump on my mark. We're gonna have bombers coming out as soon as we get out of subspace, and I'd bet anything we'll have some serious fighter cover to deal with, so let's get our heads on the swivel and watch each other's backs."

He can already feel that familiar rush of heat through his veins, that same old feeling of impending battle and the beast inside just waiting to get loose...


Date: 2010-10-29 12:49 EST
~ The Perses - Prior ~

Mairead had been burning the midnight oil. She had reports and supply acquisitions to go over before heading to her bunk. Today had been a round of drills to make sure each of the Medical Frigates were ready for action.

There had been the usual round of training mishaps when the crews start getting restive. Luckily none of the Death Vipers though.

She was putting away her work when the Condition Yellow Klaxon sounded. There was a frown on the CMO's face, knowing Aldritch did not pull drills on the overnight.

"Dr. Gyasi, Sickbay is yours. Ah'm needed on the bridge." She gave the order to her Vasduan second. It was good having him around, especially when one of his people were injured. She never regretted choosing him.

Mairead didn't wait for an answer as she made her way to the bridge. Coordinating the Medical Ship took a load off of the Admiral and let him concentrate on the battle.

She slipped into her position and was monitoring the ship when the fleet went to Condition Red.

She was listening to the Admiral swear and had a few choice words in Gaelic as she turned to watch the monitor.

"Commander Bhrighde tae Democedes and Moschion. Ye are ordered tae Jump tae the second gas giant an' rendezvous wit' the fleet. Perses Control is transmitting coordinates. We ha'e condition red, all emergency response teams mobilize fer battle protocols. This is nae a drill people." Stress or excitement tended to bring out that burr in her voice.


Date: 2010-11-01 22:29 EST
"Have you ever seen what a Star Destroyer can do to the surface of an unshielded planet' Stones run like water and sand turns to glass." ―Carnor Jax to Mirith Sinn.

"Can you imagine what that thing could do to RhyDin?" Alex asked of no one in particular as the scans ran on the Abyss while the Armageddon II passed over the Super Stardestroyer.

Ground troops were reporting the surface condition. The market area was hit hardest of all. Yet stones were not running like water and sand was not turning to glass across the surface of the whole city let alone across the face of the planet. It was clear to him now that Travanix was looking to take over the town.

Ship scans were revealing enemy ship target coordinates and Alex had his crew reacting accordingly"With X-Wing fighters strategically placed, they and the Armageddon II flew past the Abyss while they each targeted weapons and shield capabilities with phaser and photon torpedo fire, along with turbo lasers lined along the Armageddon, primed with Agrocite, a rare crystalline substance used to enhance the power of the lasers. It was a lot of fire power for such a little ship compared to others, not that the star destroyer was that small to begin with. Alex knew the odds of them taking out both shields and weapons on the Abyss was slim, but he hoped to at least take one out, some of it or damage them both enough to give Travanix something to consider.

As all batteries from the Abyss fired, the smaller Exodian ships dodged many of the attacks. Those that they couldn't, the shields of the Armageddon and their X-Wing fighters each deflected and turned back the power of those attacks in the direction they came from " back at the Abyss and back to the TIE and Phantom fighters. In essence, the Abyss was attacking itself the more it attacked the Exodians.

The shields of the Armageddon and their fighters were enhanced and added factors were involved both by technology and magic, causing the over all shield effect to truly deflect and turn back a good portion of the attacks rather then letting all of them pass through and deplete the usual shielding capabilities. It extended the power and life of their shields along with enhancing their strength and endurance.

This wasn't the only surprise about them. While the Armageddon kept a true solid flight, the X-Wings did a maneuver they referred to as Prairie Doggin" dodging by taking short jumps from one location to another along the way whenever an enemy seemed to have one cornered. Just when they thought they had one, the X-Wing would disappear with a jump, sometimes to reappear behind them and fire on them instead. Other times, they used the tactic to lure the enemy along and another x-wing fighter would pick off the unsuspecting enemy, without allowing themselves to be caught.

The pass was being made while fire power was traded on both sides".

"Report!" Alex commanded.

"Shields still in excellent shape. Over all, shields deflected 96% of the attacks. We've only lost 4% of effectiveness. Fighters report similarly, worst case down to 89% effective strength. No craft were lost."

Under normal shields that came with the Star Destroyers and x-wings, the attacks the Abyss alone was returning would've dropped their shields almost in half if not destroyed all thirty fighters. The improvements Alex and others designed into the ships were more then worth their weight. Not one X-wing was lost yet. Alex afforded a small grin. Tests most certainly had been done, and some battle traded before, but this was the first time they'd really been put into action on this level. Alex couldn't help but afford a grin of pride for it. All those years were finally paying off for him.

"Sir, we have a few ships who turned to the fight. They appear to have positioned against the Abyss. Fighters positioned on the Super, " several ships actually. I believe their flagship is the Perses, if I understand correctly." the comm officer inform.

Alex allowed his gaze to drift over the information as it showed up on his console. As crazy as it seemed, Alex was confident he'd get himself and crew out of there in one piece. Still, he would worry for the other ships turning to the fight and hoped enough were out there to join up.

But who was he kidding" He knew there would be losses" big ones. It didn't matter how well planned or thought of the attacks would be, there were going to be losses. He knew the moment he heard Travanix was involved that there would be no real surprises other then the one's done on the spur of the moment, and even then"

Alex was not uninformed about the man. After all, his mother had suspected him of attacking Ravensheart Academy and therefore, knowing his past with slavery, and with his grandfather". all efforts were being made to watch for his involvement in Exodii" or traces of it. Nobody expected this attack on RhyDin, though.

For now, He shielded his mind and hoped his surprise on the Dark Lord would be enough to throw Travanix off, giving the defenders a chance to save RhyDin.

"Hail the Perses" thank them for the aid, but advise them we're not on a suicide mission, and neither should they be. I would not expect them to stay if they feel they can't get out in one piece. Nobody has time for a rescue mission." He grinned even while his gaze took in the severity of their situation. "Otherwise, we'll send some of our X-Wings to their aid. Ask them to please not fire upon them, even accidently. It would be " unavoidably, very bad."

"Aye sir! We're coming to the end of the ship. Orders?"

"Inform all craft Cloaking devices on. Now. Evasive maneuvers. Jump to secondary coordinates, right in the middle of their fleet, real close and personal to them. Send each craft the proper coordinates. Then launch a hundred more fighters in stealth, send them on a jump to lend a hand to our new neighbors. It's time for a little Priarie Doggin with the Phantom and TIE's while the first thirty take another stealth run on the Abyss. We have to get their shields and weapons down. It's like dealing with Orcs. Take out the big guy and the rest will follow. In the mean time, we'll play like a grenade in the middle of their armada".let them fire on us there!"

Alex knew that would certainly put a wrench into their tactics, not to mention take a chunk out of their defense fighters.

His crews were trained well, some with mind shields, others learned to pick their moves on the spur of the moment in order to thwart any mind reading techniques. Still others had magical capabilities to help shield their locations from other means of detections. Combat was something Exodians, especially those from Exodii City, were well versed in. And Alex was a Woodshadow at heart' a strong, powerful family with a long history in the art of infiltration and warfare.

"Aye sir."

And as quickly as the Armageddon and its X-Wing escort came to the end of the huge super star destroyer, they disappeared into the cover of their cloaking device, jumping from this location to another while Admiral Arrowny's orders were being carried out "..


Date: 2010-11-02 10:21 EST
He wasn't fazed by the action going on around him. The ship's shields were holding well enough, the other cruisers were moving in and out - few of them standing still. Any ship not moving was going to be an instant target. The wings of TIEs that filled space could easily keep anything up to a runner busy while the larger ships could keep the everything else at bay.

The Abyss began moving away from the low orbit after the orbital bombardment had been completed. The comms officer were busy relaying information from ship to ship. All ships were acting as once as Travanix and Romax communicated through the Force, the space battles opening up between the two of them. The defended jump gate had no interest in them. "All power to the forward batteries, open fire on the closest corvette. Begin bringing them down one at a time." The deck officer nodded and relayed the orders.

The captain approached from behind. "Sir, they are trying to flank us."

Travanix nodded. "I see it, captain. Thank you. Deploy a contingent space troopers. See to it yourself. Make sure they have enough torpedos to bring down one of the ships. Tell them if they have an opportunity to directly assult a ship, they should take it."

The captain nodded and bowed slightly before turning on his heals and moving towards his command station. "Deploy another ground transport. Send in the walkers."

A moment later, lanuching from the heavier ships came huge transports. Destination: Rhy'Din.


Date: 2010-11-02 12:56 EST
"Your generic TIE grunt is just plain suicidal. And the TIE Defender jockey is bloodthirsty. But the TIE Interceptor pilot, he's suicidal and bloodthirsty. When you see a squad of those maniacs flying your way, you'd better hope your hyperdrive is operational." ~Kyle Katarn

The Admiral oversaw her Lord's orders with a ruthless efficiency. She was monitoring the action from the bridge. When Travanix orders were relayed to her. A reproving look was given to the Captain.

"Navia, You have been given a direct order. Either fulfill it or report to the Lord why you failed to do so."

The order came through for the transports.

"Bridge to Shuttle Bay....Green light has been given for the Walkers. Good Hunting, boys."

The Admiral watched the space battle with interest. Seems the other ships were joining destroyer on a suicide run. She watched the smaller ships form up for an attack. Interesting, aside from the more familiar ship designs of the aggressors, she could make out two distinct design patterns within the newcomer fleet.

"TIE Fighter Squadrons, Concentrate on the bigger ships." She noted the fighter squadron of an unknown configuration hitting the black and maneuvering into position. "Bridge to Control, Release the Interceptors. Have them target the newcomers."

There was a smirk on her lips as communications relayed the hail to her. "Not so fast, boys. What makes you think I want you to leave this party so soon."

William Aldritch

Date: 2010-11-02 19:41 EST
~Minutes ago~

The acknowledgements had come back in near record time. At least none of his people seemed to have fallen lax - indeed, it almost seems to him that they had just been waiting for this. Touching his console for fleet-wide communications, he gives the order.

"All ships, engage subspace drives."

From all over their portion of space, watery blossoms of rippling blue-white light bloom as hundreds of fighters and 12 larger warships slip into subspace...

~Mere moments later~

...and those same blossoms of light appear in space, hundreds of small blooms and many larger, including one that dwarfs the remainder as the Perses emerges from subspace.

No sooner has it cleared the subspace portal than the starboard beam cannons open fire, six thick beams of powerful coherent light slashing out across space upon the central cluster of main drive engines of the lead aggressor ship.

From his command chair, he smiles. Not a step lost at all. "Fire control, fire at will. Open fire with fusion mortars at the superstructure."

A notification scrolls across his console as he sees the sensor feeds for the AWACS come online and are relayed. Amongst the many interesting talents of the AWACS, his favorite is the sensitivity of the sensors, able to pick out asteroids the size of grapefruits at long range.

Now looking at it, he sees several small, strange objects moving out from the big ship in a way that doesn't suggest they are some kind of debris.

He taps his comms, selects the Parmenion, and speaks. "Commander Manyara, put a focus on the following coordinates." Tapping his console, he relays the numbers to her. "Relay your feeds to Death Viper Lead and have him send a wing to investigate."

The communications officer speaks next, sounding surprised. "Admiral, the lone defending ship is sending a message." He relays the message over to the Admiral's station.

Reading it over, he chuckles, shaking his head. "Maybe nobody's told him that we weren't supposed to be alive now anyway." Turning towards the fighter control station, he simply arches an eyebrow. A nod in return tells him the wings of bombers and fighters have launched. He hadn't needed to look, of course, but the crew has long since adjusted to their commanding officer.

"Fighter control, designate two wings of bombers to target the superstructure of that ship. The remainder, send them after..." he brings up the AWACS feed and looks it over, choosing the closest ship to them - similar in configuration to the lone defender - from the other blips, "...this ship."

Typing in other commands to the other ships in his group, he watches the sensor feeds as the ships in his group move to their assigned positions.


Date: 2010-11-02 20:22 EST
She was reviewing the sensor data when the Admiral's voice came over the Comm.

"Commander Menyara, put a focus on the following coordinates. Relay your feeds to Death Viper Lead and have him send a wing to investigate."

The coordinates came across her console and her team was already focusing on those small figures spreading out towards the Vipers. She frowns at the energy readings. Visual confirms what she suspects. Too many missions with the Skulls to not know what those blips are.

"Parmenion to Minotaur, Got a squadron of bogies coming in hot and fast. Attack profile suggests interceptors." She shook her head. "Sensors are registering Ion engines and Energy Weapons. No Ballistics load outs."

She continued the scans on the enemy fleet, shaking her head as the hail came through to her station too. She already knew what the Admiral's response would be.

? He doesn't back down from a firefight.

Edward Trentini

Date: 2010-11-02 20:36 EST
Thus far everything's gone according to plan.

Right now, he's waiting for it to go to hell.

Watching his console, his dark eyes scan the field of engagement on his holographic display, listening for any calls for him as he watches the feeds from the Seti. Seeing the fighters swarming their way, he makes a few changes.

"Fighter control, I want four more wings of bombers, four of fighters. Send them after the cruiser's targets. Have the cruisers form up in close combat defensive, split-level formation, port and starboard."

The Mentu and Aeolus cruisers begin to move in closer to the Oddyseus in response, ceasing their fire with the beam cannons, even as the main cannons of the ship and the Ramose above it continue to fire on the landing bay of the huge ship above and before them.


Date: 2010-11-03 21:32 EST
"Sir, we've lost our bridge deflector shield!" ―An Executor bridge officer, during the Battle of Endor

Two, four, ten, hundred x-wing fighters suddenly appeared around the Perses and their associate ships nearby. Care was taken to appear directly in line to intercept attacks from enemy fighters. The enemy attacks were deflected back upon them.

At the same time, the Armageddon appeared in the middle of the whole enemy armada. Several ships turned and began to fire upon them, but the Armageddon's shields deflected most of the attacks right back. The ships continued to try from every angle but it was always the same...right back at them again. And the Star Destroyer returned the fire.

Alex watched as the Abyss began to pull from lower orbit. Keen emerald hues narrowed upon the screen unphased by the jolt of fire power blasting against the shields. He released a low growl.

"Sir, they're launching transports to the surface from the other ...."

Alex frowned and concern laced his deep baritones. "I know. Walkers..."

He knew what that would mean for RhyDin.

"Pull fifty of our fighters from the Perses and have them help target those transports. They can't be allowed to reach the surface. The rest stay around the Perses to aid them. Pull twenty off the Abyss to do the same; take out as many transports as you can! Have the other ten punch through and take out the deflector shields on the Abyss with proton torpedoes. Tell them to aim directly at this particular point. I'll send the schematic." Alex entered in the schematic and coordinates for each tower. Being the exceptional engineer that he was, he knew exactly where to hit to make that structure buckle.

"That should do the trick. Tell them to make their shots count. They only have so many....We need to do some damage here...seriously. If they can take out the com tower, all the better."

He knew they would watch out for the tractor beam projectors. All they needed to do was line up and fall between the blind spots. It's was not much different from the Armageddon, just on a larger scale. But they had all been through that, drilled into each fighter pilot until they could find the blind spot in their sleep.

"Aye sir."

"Then inform the Perses of the transports. It's why we're pulling some of our fighters from them."

"Yes sir!", the Com officer relayed all this encrypting the messages to the fighters.

Twenty x-wings pulled from the attack on the Abyss and went in hot persuit of the transports. The other ten changed to proton torpedos from phaser fire and set course for the deflector shield towers on the top of the Abyss, five fighters on each tower. They came in hot, striaght up between the tractor beam blind spots and firing five proton torpedoes to each tower....

Fifty x-wings disappeared from around the Perses, jumping to closer coordinates on the transports and began firing.

The Armageddon continued to fight with the other ships who surrounded, outnumbered and appeared to outgun them....


Date: 2010-11-04 11:22 EST
"Why was the interdictor fields put into position, captain?" Travanix questioned slowly as the ship rocked around him.

The captain could only shake his head. "I do not understand it, my Lord..."

"No, of course not. Order the Novas to bring on the generators. I have no desire for ships to be jumping in and out of the system like they own the place. I want them at full power, captain." The ship rocked again as the fighters leveled themselves at the towers. "All squadrens launch. I want everything in space, now. If it can fire a blaster bolt, I want it destroying something. Launch another contingent of space troopers, have them heavily armed."

He hit the holographic comms tap to the Eclipse class ship. "Admiral, begin powering up the super laser. Take out the largest ships. Let them know, we are no longer playing around." The holo was clicked off. "Bring the Abyss to bare on one of the corvettes, and open all batteries on it while the fighters and bombers defend against incoming assaults."

By his calculations, he would have nearly 2500 fighters and support ships, shuttles and other assult ships in the action at once. With the interdicter fields in place, there would be no more jumping through space. The Abyss shook again. "Laser cannons focus on all fighters only...bring the rain."


Date: 2010-11-04 11:39 EST
"Admiral, begin powering up the super laser. Take out the largest ships. Let them know, we are no longer playing around."

"As you command." She said as the image clicked off. She activated the ship wide comm, "Fire Control, Power up the Super Laser. Target the Largest Ships."

She smiled as she continued issuing orders, "All fighters to your ships. I repeat, all fighters to your ships."

The Admiral stood at her station, clicking off the comm. "Helm, Keep her steady."

Those dark eyes watching the battle play out as the full power of the fleet was mobilized. Soon area around the cruisers was filling with X-wings of all types. All bloodthirsty and ready to fight.


Date: 2010-11-12 00:25 EST
The sensors began to scream their reports regarding the Eclipse class ship. The Admiral had begun the system preperation. The Abyss shook heavily as more units poored down on the tower system. "Bring backup shields online. Concentrate fire on the nearest support ship. Bring Delta and Zeta squads into mark three-four. They need to keep those fighters off us." He moved towards the display windows as the lieutentants relayed the orders to their stations.

He smirked slightly. He watched the movements - they were attempting to cut him off. The question was - from what? He had no intention of escaping. Let alone, once the primary cannons are charged, and the Nova class ships are in place: There won't be anything left.

"Make sure to keep units close in guarding our engines and the launch bays. I have no desire to allow marines to be landing on ship."


Date: 2010-11-12 15:26 EST
She was monitoring the charge levels on the Super Laser. "Fire Control, Where is my guns?" She growled into the comm.

She listened dispassionately as the tech stammered. "Double time man, this is war, not a Tea party. I want the Super Laser online and ready yesterday."

She watched at the Inceptors moved to Engage the unknown group. She continued to monitor the subspace and smiled as the intel pegged the fighter group.

"Control, Redirect a squad of Phantoms to join the Interceptors. We don't want to disappoint our Guests. Kid gloves are off..."


Date: 2010-11-14 20:51 EST
Cheers went up as the Shield Tower on the Abyss was taken down by the x-wing units during the first pass over the Super. The cheers were short-lived as space was quickly being filled up with so many enemy fighters as they poured out of the launch bays. They became a cloud of doom forming in behind the group of Exodian's.

Alex grinned as he watched the display on a portion of his screen. He shook his head at the bit of overkill pouring out of the Abyss.....Or maybe they are beginning to realize how dangerous Exodian ships can be to them. He thought to himself.

"Good work. Now stabilize shields. Don't worry about the excess fuel use. We won't be out here for hours. Keep the shields in line. Split up. Three to take out the other backup shields and watch your back with those interceptors. The rest' take out the interceptors, enough to leave us a nice window to punch through. We'll send schematic with target locations." Alex ordered the X-wing squadrons on the Abyss.

Even with all the firepower raining down on the ten little x-wings, most of the attacks were reflected back. In fact, very little was getting through their shields, especially now that they were stabilized. While the enemy fighters began to drop like flies from their own fire, the x-wing units again only suffered minimal damage. Shields were only down an increment and were remaining at 88.9%.


"Admiral, ground troops report more explosions on the ground."

Communications were sent to the officials below. They were able to relay most of what they knew going on.

"Where now?" Alex turned to address his bridge officer.

"West end near the docks."

"What building?"

"It appears to be Public Works building was destroyed."

"Really' Interesting. Contact Captain Heckstar . Tell her we're sending in another unit. South. All units will be acting in unison with city defenses where applicable" be available to them. Contact Kegan, get another report from him. And get me that city official on holographic screen if you can. Surely they have one of those somewhere...I hope. And however you are able to reset communications, scramble the signals; Security code level Alpha zero niner three Omega four two seven seven seven. Make that with all units as well. It'll take the enemy too long to crack through that. The war will be over by then."

"Aye sir!"

"Let me know when you've got them contacted again."

The communications officer quickly relayed messages and pinged Town Hall again. His voice was heard with the message:

"RhyDin Town, this is the Armageddon II. Admiral Arrowny would like to speak directly with whoever is leading you down there. Requesting holographic connections if available or screen capability. Recommend security scramble units on signals. Please respond to secure a line with our codes."


"Sir, the other ship". The eclipse class star is powering weapons" their super lasers, sir." The science officer informed him.

"Oh that's not good." Alex was silent a moment. "Tell x-wing units on the Perses to stabilize shielding units and proceed to form Arcon's shields over the Perses, in case that ship uses that laser on them."

It was a hard decision, but he had sent them there to help protect the allies. Protection is what he would try to do. With Arcon's shields, each unit would inflate their shielding with a ballooned effect by directing all power to the shields except life support. By positioning other craft with same shielding, they could put them together to create a much larger shielded surface.

He knew it could very well destroy his crew there. If they weren't destroyed in the blast, they would be immobile for an unknown period of time. However, the chance of the Perses and some of its fleet to survive would be possible, at least maybe long enough for them to get out. If they have time to get in line behind and at the right trajectory to use the x-wings shields, then at least the Perses and their ships could live to fight another day.

"But sir?"

"I know. Inform the Perses to align their ships so the spread of the x-wing units can shield them from the direct line of fire. They need all the time they can get."

"Aye sir." The communications officer sent the messages.

"Helm, take us in front of the Eclipse. We're going to block their laser from reaching the planet."


Everyone fell silent and all eyes were on Alex.

"If we don't stop them now". It won't matter anyway. At least we'll be able to divert a lot of it back on them. If they haven't gotten thAt message by now, all the better. Let them destroy themselves...or make it easier for others to do it for them. Now, stabilize shields and move us in front of those super lasers. And if Engineering can get the shields up more, they better do it now."

All around them while the shields were stabilized, enemy ships were being destroyed as they fired upon them. Shields were holding at 89% while engineering was working to increase them. The Armageddon II began to move out towards the Eclipse.

And the seventy x-wing units began to fire down on the transports?"".


Date: 2010-11-15 00:27 EST
"My Lord," coming from the communications pit, "Sir, the ship has completed 70% of its firing process and they are requesting orders. They also are passing along that Lord Pol has entered the Battle Mediation."

Travanix smirked to himself. "Relay, all pilots. Inform them to open fire on anything that approaches the transports. I do not want to lose anymore of those than is absolutly possible. Bring us around to mark ten. Open all batteries to that corvette. It will not stand another assult. Have all bombers begin moving on the ship that is trying to position itself infront of the Eclipse. Order them to begin targeting capital class ships. I want a ship destroyed after each recharge is complete."

He turned to the captain. "Order our secondary shields to come up. Launch the rest of the space troopers, have them bording ships." He turned back to the front display windows. "We are too close. Nothing will stop us now."

Raleigh Sheppard

Date: 2010-11-15 12:39 EST
They've had their hands full, that's for sure. What with the men in some sort of armored space suit and the hundreds of fighters - outnumbering his own squadron at least five to one - it's been a furball the likes of which he has seen only rarely.

Fortunately, the little fighters they had been up against so foar - despite their deadly maneuverability and freakish speed - were what seemed to be a primitive design to him - unshielded and crumpling under the firepower of his Perseus interceptor's Maxim cannons.

The shielded fighters, with their strange X-winged configuration, are more of a challenge and on a more even footing. Still, he's pleased to see his Death Vipers are holding their own.

Another X-wing loops in towards him as he dispatches one of the weaker interceptors, firing its quadruple wingtip lasers. Flipping his Perseus around in a corkscrewing loop, he manages to dodge most of the incoming fire, letting it splash off his own shields and jamming his throttle forward. The afterburners kick in and the interceptor leaps forward like a scalded antelope. The X-wing shoots past him as he pulls back on the throttle and stick, bringing his fighter out of its corkscrew and pulling it around in a tight loop.

As fast as thought he switches from using just the Maxims to pairing them with the UD-8 Kaisers, closing with the enemy and sticking on his tail as the pilot attempts to get his own guns back to bear. Leading just a bit, he pulls the trigger.

Bolts of white light lance out across space, crashing against the shields of the X-wing and releasing zero-point energy bursts, opening holes in the energy shielding just wide enough for the depleted uranium rounds fired by the Maxim cannons at near-relativistic speeds to get through, where they smash through the hull of the enemy fighter, piercing the armor and tearing through the reactor and fuel lines.

The fighter explodes as Minotaur pulls away, looking around. Seeing no immediate threats, he checks his radar.

The outpouring of bombers and transports from the big ship nearby gets his attention. He checks his tactical display and sees the bombers heading for the Castor, a Terran corvette.

Not good, not at all.

Opening his communications freqs, he sends three wings to guard the corvette.

A moment later his sensors sound a warning: incoming fire. Looking through his canopy, he sees the hailstorm of laser fire incoming towards the fighters.

Touching his comms, he gives an order for evasive maneuvers before moving to dodge the incoming rain of energy.

Author's note: edited to be more caught up to events.

Edward Trentini

Date: 2010-11-17 14:12 EST
"Captain, sensors show an increased power output from the lead aggressor. Energy of a type consistent with weapons."

The feeds scroll across his screen, along with tactical information and an enhanced, three-dimensional view of the battlefield, thanks to the Seti's sensor feeds. He watches the overall scheme for a bit, paying attention to the way the ships are positioning themselves, the dance of tactics and strategy.

It doesn't take long for him to realize that the way the enemy is moving is far too coordinated for your everyday troops. In fact, they seem to be eerily reminiscent of Shivans, but for the designing of their ships being plainly human to his eyes - no other species he has ever seen prefers symmetry and sleek design like human beings do.

Some sort of telepathic couldn't get this coordinated even with direct neural interface technology.

It's not the first time he's seen things like this, though he has no basis to prove that is the case. For now, it's just a hunch.

Fortunately, he records the feeds of each battle for later review, but right now, he has to ensure there is a later first.

He is just about to speak again when the officer at the sensor station calls out again. "Captain, we're picking up spatial distortions consistent with gravity wells emanating from the lead ships."

That gives him a moment of pause. This is something new, something he's never run across. Some sort of weapon, maybe?

Whatever it is, maybe it's something they can take advantage of to get out of here with their forces mostly intact.

He touches his console and sends a quick memo to the Admiral.

Finishing that, he turns to the comms station. "Get ready to issue the jump order."


Date: 2010-11-17 14:56 EST
"Sir, secondary shields are at full power, weapons systems are drawing secondary systems and are now at 120 over," Reported a lieutenant.

Travanix nodded. "Status of the gravity wells?"

"Gravity wells are coming on line, and will be fully activated in a few more seconds. They won't be able to jump out."

A light flashed breifly on a console. "Sir! We have the signal!"

"Zeta wing and its defenders, order them to redeploy to the planet surface now. They have their orders. Spread Gamma wing to replace them. All ships, open fire!"

The barrage that came from the Abyss and the other ships was without question - the true firepower that beat down on a couple of the smaller capital ships. The smaller ships began to swarm faster and harder. Their tactics became unbeatable, it would seem, as they manuvered faster and harder at attacking the defenders.

"Sir, the charge on the super laser is complete. They are locking all ships on target. Shall I pass the order to fire?"

Travanix turned, looking over his shoulder. "Give them order to fire."


Date: 2010-11-19 11:30 EST
Seventy x-wings continued persuit after the transports, firing along with the blasts being returned. There were many enemy fighters to contend with and like a swarm got in the way of the targets with no regard of their own lives. Even though they were dropping their attackers by the handfuls in any given moment, it was difficult for the x-wings to get a shot in on the transport targets. STill, a few of them went through straight and true.

"Minister Brian Ravenlock, hailing Armageddon II. This is Minister Brian Ravenlock of Rhy'Din, hailing the Armageddon II."

"Good to hear you Minister. I'm Admiral Alex Arrowny. My mother spoke fondly of you. Unfortunately she's no longer with us. She very well could be in the mix with the the enemy. You have transports of enemy troops headed to the planet. We're trying to stop them. There's a lot of ships up here and few are on our side. We're being pulverized and it's going to get worse. Super Lasers are being charged and about to be used....I Highly recommend getting the hell out of RhyDin, regroup and go from there. You're welcome to use jumpgates to do so and seek refuge in Exodii. But if the way is blocked for you, use the shuttle I have at my property on the northeast side of town. I'll send you the address. Porthos will be there to help you. He'll fly the shuttle and bring you to Exodii. I don't know if those of us here can defeat them, which means....the planet is lost. It's not looking good. Brian, get what people you can and get out of there. Get out of the main governmental buildings. Now! They aren't safe. Town Hall could very well be next on the super laser list. Travanix planned this attack well. Do you copy' Get yourself to safety!" As he spoke, baritones deepened with intensity as Alex tried to get the point across. RhyDin was going to fall.

"Sir! They're targetting systems came online! They're about to fire!"

"All power to the shields! Now!"

All communications were cut as the Armageddon and the x-wings before the Perses prepared to withstand the fire of a super laser ...........

William Aldritch

Date: 2010-11-20 13:05 EST
The message scrolls across his console from Trentini, and a smile touches his lips for a moment.

Clever, very clever, old man.

He pulls up his own sensor feeds from the Parmenion, reviewing them briefly before nodding to himself.


He taps a command into his console before standing from his chair, heading for the exit to the bridge, speaking as he goes.

"Captain Moceanu, you have the conn. As soon as I give the order to depart, you are to jump out to the coordinates of the rest of the Fleet near the second gas giant in the system. No questions, no hesitation."

He doesn't wait for a reply, just steps off of the bridge.

Less than two minutes later he is settling into the cockpit of his fighter, and moments after that the razor-thin arrowhead shape streaks out of the fighterbay of the Perses.

Just as the huge ship in front of them lets loose a blast from its primary weapon.

It's the Castor,, the battle group's Deimos corvette, that is hit with a brilliant shaft of green light. The ships have been holding up well against the laser blasts, even with the constant rain of them - the hulls are made to stand up to weapons many times more powerful than those peashooters.

The green shaft of light that impacts the Castor is a much better representation, though seemingly much more powerful if brightness is any indication.

There is not even a moment from the time the weapon's beam touches the ship for him to have hope that the corvette will survive.

A moment later, all that is left is an expanding ball of gas from the explosion, and pieces of the Castor drifting into space.

Fifteen hundred lives, snuffed out in an instant.

But there will have to be time for mourning their loss later. He doesn't waste so much as a second as he triggers his comms. "This is the Admiral. All GTVA ships depart for preset coordinates now. Captain Trentini, as soon as all of our ships have arrived but mine, you are weapons free."

He kicks on the afterburners long enough to get free of the Perses' departure path, and as subspace ruptures great and small bloom across the battlefield, he sets his own course...

Corina Moceanu

Date: 2010-11-20 13:51 EST
"Captain Moceanu, you have the conn. As soon as I give the order to depart, you are to jump out to the coordinates of the rest of the Fleet near the second gas giant in the system. No questions, no hesitation."

She didn't need to acknowledge the order. She started the jump sequences on her panel. A flick of her fingers and she was on the fleet wide comm.

"Attention GTVA Battle group, prepare jump sequence to the predetermine coordinates on Admiral Aldritch's Mark."

She was reigning in the storm within her, knowing they would have to leave the Marines on planet for the time being. She knew Bryan was up to his arse in alligators and there was not a damn thing she could do about it. She pushed aside those thoughts as she watched the view port. The alarms had her attention as one of the large enemy ships sliced through the Castor.

"Nikare, Report!" She barked out as she watched the scene in horror.

That mechanical sounding voice confirmed what she already knew, "The Castor has been destroyed. No survivors."

She was frowning, half fearing she was condemning the Marines on the ground to the same fate. She knew that Aldritch was thinking of protecting the bulk of their people. "Continue the jump preparations. We won't survive a direct hit from that canon." Fifteen hundred lives lost and no way to tell their loved ones back home. That was what she hated the most about this mission. "This is the Admiral. All GTVA ships depart for preset coordinates now. Captain Trentini, as soon as all of our ships have arrived but mine, you are weapons free."

"Engage!" She hit her panel, maneuvering the behemoth through the jump sequence. This was her baby, despite what William and Jacent thought and she would be damned if she lost her. She didn't like leaving anyone behind, but it was for the best.

The ships of the 157th made the subspace jumps with no impediment. She waited for the moment they were in real space, near the gas giant.

"Status report, people." She was issuing orders, "We're not out of this yet."

She looked out the view port to the gas giant and could only pray. He was her commanding officer and friend after all was said and done. "(vqw) Godspeed, Scorpion. You better come home in one piece, you crazy sonuvabitch."

Right now she could only sit and wait. She watched the Odysseus come into position at the ready.


Date: 2010-11-21 15:28 EST
~ The Parmenion ~

She monitored the sensors feeds between the Odysseus and the Perses. Her face was that unreadable mask she she prepared for jump. She was not prepared for the streak of green light that tore through the Castor.

Her face was grim as she scanned for signs of life...


The data was transmitted to the Perses. She didn't envy Captain Moceanu at this point. Rumors had gotten back to her about the relationship between the Captain and the Colonel. One might say the commander was a bit envious, but she never let on.

She never was in a position to enjoy herself. From the time this persona was created, she was involved in covert ops and then this fleet. About the only one that knew her history was the Admiral.

She tapped those sensor feeds to watch the progress of his fighter, even as he was giving the jump order. The Parmenion was one of those flashes as they made the jump into Subspace.

Once they emerged from Subspace, the Parmenion came into position near the Perses. The sensor's on full, the Commander watched his progress and wondered if she should slip into her Erinyes.

Raleigh Sheppard

Date: 2010-11-22 04:52 EST
The coordinates are downloaded at the same moment to all of the fighters in the fleet, and for a moment, a frown crosses his features. Transmitting on their own private datalinks is one thing, and it doesn't seem like the Admiral to try not to help their newest allies.

Until his sensors blink at him, showing a new fighter emerging from the Perses. The IFF shows it as a Pegasus fighter for a moment, before it gets shut off and the fighter fades from view of his sensors.

And from sight, more or less - the black anti-reflective coating of the fighter makes it all but invisible in the night of space, and the Scorpion in the cockpit makes it all the worse.

"All fighters, prepare to jump out."

And as the order is given, he pulls the lever that opens the subspace tunnel, seeing others doing the same...

...and moments later they emerge near the second gas giant in the planetary system, a violet-banded bloated behemoth of a planet, unringed.

He doesn't spare any time to take in the view, instead sending a signal to all the other remaining fighters to report.

Pulling up his mini console, he watches as the data scrolls across it, his eyes widening.

Two cruisers, both Vasudan, as well as the corvette Castor.

Of over five hundred fighters and bombers to have been deployed from the Perses and the Odysseus, there remain a little over three hundred fifty.

Godspeed to you, Scorpion. I hope you know what you're doing.

Raleigh Sheppard

Date: 2010-11-22 05:53 EST
((post deleted))

Edward Trentini

Date: 2010-11-22 05:56 EST
The Odysseus is the last ship to arrive at the rendezvous coordinates, and as the ship emerges from subspace, he starts his console timer.

This is a risky maneuver, but he knows the Admiral. The man isn't the kind of person to ask someone else to do something he wouldn't do himself.

And there really hadn't been enough time to brief a pilot on the job at hand.

His thoughts echo the sentiments of every senior officer of the fleet as he watches the timer count down to zero, at the same time sending encoded transmissions to the Heracles and the Amphiaraus.

I sure hope you know what you're doing, Admiral.


William Aldritch

Date: 2010-11-22 18:28 EST

As soon as the Odysseus is gone, he starts his own countdown timer, at the same time setting his communications for the frequency and signal modulation he'd noted from their mysterious helpers.

"This is Scorpion Lead of the GTVA Perses to the ship identifying itself as the Armageddon II. On my mark you will have 20 seconds to get your fighters at least 3500 meters away from the lead aggressor ship."

Even as he speaks he is at work on his own controls, rerouting the power from his primary weapons systems to the engines and shields. The fighter accelerates as the engines surge.



Cutting off the communications, he shoves the throttles through the stops. The arrowhead shaped fighter streaks forward like a bullet from a gun towards the big capital ship. A touch to the studded flight stick arms the secondary weapons bank.

Even feeling as dwarfed as he does by the big ship, he doesn't wast any time. His fighter streaks along the surface of the big destroyer, first the underside, then arcing up around to the dorsal surface, and again and again he launches missiles from his secondary bay.

As each impacts the surface of the big ship...nothing happens.

No explosions, no damage.

Instead, each missile implants itself against the hull of the ship, and a small but powerful transmitter begins broadcasting.

As the last missile is fired, he eyes the timer.


There's not a moment to waste. Pulling on the subspace drive lever, a blossom of blue-white light opens before him...

...and fades away again to put him directly under the docking bay of the Armageddon II.

"Armageddon II, this is Scorpion Lead of the GTVA Perses. Requesting permission to dock."


Date: 2010-11-22 19:37 EST
~The GTD Odysseus~


If it all went according to plan, with the gravity wells that the bigger ships were projecting, the Admiral's fighter is right under the other ship whose fighters had come and gone like ghosts, even getting past the AWACS sensors.

It's a technology he'd like to give a good, long look over.

As the last seconds tick down, he tries to figure out why the ships were projecting gravity wells of that size. the only thing he can figure is that their method of FTL travel is either powered by gravity or else is blocked by it.

Not so with the way their ships travel - in fact, it enables the ships to slip in and out of subspace faster and more accurately...


He signals to the communications officer, who transmits the order to the two Terran destroyers.

Begin firing sequence.

~The GTD Heracles and GTD Amphiaraus~

As the order comes through, both of the Terran Hecate destroyers begin deploying six oddly-shaped craft.

When the 157th task force had been sent out, each of the largest capital ships had been loaded with twenty Meson warheads, except for the Perses, which had been loaded with four.

Self destruct charges, they had been told.

A way to destabilize intersystem nodes by creating a subspace cataclysm and thus sealing their home systems away from whatever dangers might lie beyond their known territories.

Unspoken was another tactic - that should they find the core of the Shivan people, they do their best to cripple or destroy that species.

No such occurrence ever came about, however. They had, however, found other uses and improvisations for the tremendous, cataclysmically destructive warheads.

What flies out from the fighterbays of the Heracles and Amphiaraus is one of those improvisations.

The Erinyes fighters that had been fused to the back of the steel-gray cage-like structure encasing a brilliant blue orb were the best option for this. Never mind that they were destroyed, and so except for a guidance system, shields and the engines, they had been stripped down to nearly nothing.

Two seconds after each of these is deployed, they enter subspace...

~over Rhy'Din~


All around the gargantuan destroyer, ranging from a thousand to two thousand meters from the hull, blossoms of watery blue light, an even dozen of them, appear in a helical pattern with the massive ship as its center. Within each of the subspace bombs, the guidance system comes to life, and in an instant uplink with the closest signal to them. Within moments each orients itself and the engines overload into afterburner, sending them hurtling towards their target.


Date: 2010-11-22 20:10 EST
~The Eclipse ~

She frowned as the unknown fleet seemed to slip through their fingers.

"Admiral Sandral to Captain Dagda. Gather your data and report to the Dark Lord as to how that fleet was able to slip your grasp." She sent word to the Novas, indicating that this failure would not be over-looked.

She watched the viewport as that lone fighter made it's approach. The ship was ghosting to their sensors.

"Open Fire on that Fighter! Go to Visual Targeting! Comm, Signal General Quarters and make sure the escape pods ready for the Dark Lords. Protecting them is our first priority." There was a bad feeling in her gut as those charges planted in the hull.

Seeing the fighters discharging from the two unknown ship she Snarled. "I want Phantoms and Interceptor on those ships NOW!"

She flipped a channel, "Shuttle Bay, Ready my Hunter." She was in the Black within minutes.

She was in the thick of the fire fight, intent on pursuing that one Ship. She was not going to let that pilot think he won. She was just out of range when the charges started deploying.

"Circle Fleet, Go to Condition Red. I want Damage control on the Eclipse. Captain Navria you have the conn. If need be, signal evacuation."

There was a growl in the Admiral's voice as she saw the enemy fighter appear near the Star destroyer. "I think not." She said to herself as she gunned the throttle.


Date: 2010-11-23 11:41 EST
"This is Scorpion Lead of the GTVA Perses to the ship identifying itself as the Armageddon II. On my mark you will have 20 seconds to get your fighters at least 3500 meters away from the lead aggressor ship."

As the Armegeddon and the others braced with enhanced shielding for the blast, they were pleased to find the blast never came at them. With no blast came no drain on resources that would put them out for more then a few seconds. Communications were the first back in line.

Alex raised a brow with all that was going on. The x-wings that were with the Perses were left behind as the others jumped away. They were able to recover quickly as well and moved swiftly back to the Armageddon II.

"Understood, Scorpion. Let us know if we can assist."

The signal for the mark was noted. He knew it was time to prepare.

"Sir, X-wings from the Perses are lining up for docking."

"Good. Tell the rest to continue to attack the transports for as long as they can. Then jump home. Prepare the crew for jump ourselves."

"Aye Sir. What of the rest on the Abyss?"

He was about to answer that very question when all hell broke loose with them. The fighters swarming around those on the Abyss finally cut them off from each other. Seven were destroyed by the onslaught of suicide runners. There was just no escape and no time to jump out of the way. Gravity wells were not as effective on their technology with jump capability as the Abyss would probably have liked it to be. The last three braved a run at the other shield towers. One made it through with a suicide attack on that last remaining shield tower. The last two were finally able to jump, returning back to the Armageddon as they flew into the landing bays. None of them had ever seen fighter pilots move like they were moving before.

"Armageddon II, this is Scorpion Lead of the GTVA Perses. Requesting permission to dock."

"Granted, Scorpion. And hurry it up! We're about to jump!"

The Scorpion was able to get into the ship just as the Armageddon II cloaked and jumped from their position to another in the Exodii System. They were currently unaware of the locale of the other ally ships.

William Aldritch

Date: 2010-11-23 15:36 EST
The warheads that had appeared around the Interrogator II were a tribute to the inclusion of one of the GTVA fleet's most brilliant minds into his fleet.

Despite their massive size, the warheads are deceptively fragile devices, and so the captain of the Odysseus, when he designed the system, had thought of several redundancies.

The deployment strategy, for one - the helical pattern nearly impossible to evade, and the subspace deployment so close in to the ship being targeted with help from the TAG-B warheads he had shot at the hull of the big ship.

And for another, destruction protocols.

For instance, if the shield system should be brought down, in order to prevent 'wasting' the vessel's destructive yield, the Meson warhead is designed to arm itself and detonate, a process that takes mere fractions of a second.

There are other safeties built in as well - Trentini had done his best to make sure that the warheads would, one way or another, put a serious hurt on the enemy.

As he watches, and as he had expected, each of the warheads is destroyed.

As each warhead is destroyed by fighters or by the hail of turbolaser fire from the Interrogator II, from them come silent bursts of blue-white light, as bright as small suns even from this distance.

And as they detonate, the shockwave of light, heat and radiation destroys anything within its blast radius smaller than a frigate.

Not one of them manages to impact the big ship's hull, but they leave terrible devastation in their wake.

Monitoring his sensors as he is taken into the Armageddon II's fighter bay, he notes the number of warheads - twelve - that had been deplyed, and sighs.

Not a complete waste...but now...

He shakes his head. They'll cross that bridge when they come to it.

Glancing back down at his sensors one more time, he sees something that catches his attention - a lone fighter, streaking towards his as if all the demons of Hell were behind it.

Well, now...what have we here?

With a chuckle, he keys his communications and transmits in the blind, guessing that whoever this is, with that kind of determination, is on a mission...and probably monitoring communications.

"Maybe next time, sweetheart."

It doesn't matter to him much whether the pilot is male or female - in his experience that epithet works equally well to annoy the person being addressed.

Upon securing his ship, he climbs from the sleek black fighter, landing on the deck of the fighterbay on his feet and addressing the first person he sees.

"My name is Admiral William Aldritch, commanding officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance's 157th Expeditionary Task Force. I need to speak to the commanding officer of this ship right away."


Date: 2010-11-24 09:25 EST
"Maybe next time, sweetheart."

There was a lone response as that Hunter pulled up and spiraled with a precision that spoke of experience behind the stick. A lone response....purring with a deceptive softness.

"Count on it, Hotshot..."

To her it was not a irritation, but a challenge. She had never been tested fully against an opponent such as the one that demonstrated his abilities against the fleet this day. It was going to be a true challenge to get the better of him.

Bring the Rain...

She took her Hunter into the black to survey the damage. The Dark Lords were protected, but she was far from pleased that their technology was not up to par on these new threats.

"Sandral to Navia....I want all the debris that can be found harvested and analyzed. I want answers fast. We need to learn more about this new element. I don't want any further surprises."

She was navigating back to the Abyss through the debris fields. She was a commander that believed in being on the front lines.

"Sandral to Abyss, on approach vector. Transmitting Authorization codes."

As the codes were accepted, the Sleek Hunter closed up it's S-Foils and glided into the bay to land.

The Lords were going to be greatly displeased.


Date: 2010-11-30 13:43 EST
The Abyss rocked back and forth around the blasts. He didn't move from his post, his men stayed calm and put out the bridge fires. "Keep her steady, move us into position to begin assaulting the secondary targets. Order Eclipse to fire on another capital ship."

The fighters continued to swarm in deep space, protecting the capital ships as much as possible. "While the Eclipse is firing on another capital ship, we will make for one of the others. Order the Nova's to follow our lead." He smiled darkly. "This ends...Now."

Corina Moceanu

Date: 2010-12-20 08:13 EST
~ The Perses ~

The waiting had begun. It would only be a matter of time before their position was discovered. She flipped on the fleet-wide comm.

"Attention GTVA Battle group. I want a damage report on all ship, stat. Fleet is in Battle Condition Red until further notice. Parmenion, get me a sensor sweep of the planet. I want to know how our boys are doing."

She was pissed that she had to leave men behind, doubly so since it was Bryan and his people. If anyone could pull off a miracle, it was him. "Seti, I want a sensor sweep of where that jackhole's ship disappeared from. I want to know the instant that the Admiral is back in realspace."

She treated all unknown's as hostile until she had proof otherwise. Kept her ship safer that way.


Date: 2011-06-20 23:01 EST
Magical lines were broken with the destruction of the Exodian crafts, adding to their explosions and nearly complete destruction's. What debris was left behind, from any of the Exodian craft, lacked any of the magical properties it once held. Putting together the Exodian technology would be next to impossible to complete given the mix with magic it took to run them as they were.

"My name is Admiral William Aldritch, commanding officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance's 157th Expeditionary Task Force. I need to speak to the commanding officer of this ship right away."

An elven female officer, escorted by two human guards, were waiting for the Admiral when he finally made his way out of his fighter.

The rise in intensity of the Armageddon's engines sent ripples of harmless low grade shock waves throughout the ship as the jump was made. The ship cloaked followed by a bright white light flashed across open space in place as the ship was moved from that point in space to another within an instant. Then silence and nothing was all that was left in place of the Armageddon's last know coordinates above RhyDin"

The Exodian fighters that were left behind stayed as long as they could while attacking the transports to the surface. Some of them were successful" some were destroyed. What remained of the Exodian forces, by the time the transports landed, were finally overpowered. Each Exodian, one by one, cloaked themselves and similarly jumped back to Exodian space after the Armageddon " And just like the Armageddon, the fighters left silence and nothing in their place".

— ((Continued on Exodii Boards in Scarred - Beyond Borders))