Topic: The Adventures of Dex.

Dex Vega

Date: 2017-07-12 15:09 EST
"Space...the final frontier. These are the voyages of...Dex! His continuing smile...laugh...and make amazing desserts! Oh and to keep Dex's triceratops Betty happy. Yeah, no taco Tuesday for her. Talk about a poop show!"

Rex System: Five Planets in System, 3 Moons. Third Planet from the sun, Rexor. Home to Class III Prison Facility.

The hover car blew through the second set of gates and out for the road with four hover trucks in hot pursuit. Their sirens blazing and lights flashing, the Prison Guard hover trucks aggressively followed after the speeding hover car. You know the car. The one with the big Otter pressing his butt up against the back window.

"Yeah baby! Check that canyon out you suckers!" Shouted Ernie the Otter. He proceeded to rub his furry butt up against the back window in defiance as laser bolts shot past the hover car from several of the guards pursuing them. Dex's blue ears were loose in flapping about with the wind rushing by the open window on the driver's side of the hover car. "Ernie" What you do this time?" Inquired Dex as he took a hard right and nearly sent Ernie in the back seat flying into the closed right window. Ernie blinked and shook his head. "Hm' Oh you know Dex, some people just don't know how to have a good time. I met this girl and she was into cute furry guys like us and so one thing led to another and...well...." Dex's ears perked up. "Oh no Ernie! You didn't?"?" Ernie nodded slowly. "Yup. we shared an ice cream cone. It was chocolate. With a brownie like middle. Needless to say, the Warden of that prison kinda liked this girl so he got all upset and drama like. I hate drama!" Dex nodded with a flip flop of his ears about the driver's side. "Oh yeah, Dex hate drama too!" Taking another hard turn and increasing speed for grassy hill of land ahead as he tore off the road. "So, how's Betty been Dex?" Ernie got all casual in conversation suddenly, even with the laser fire behind them from the prison guards. "Oh she okay. Dex not take her to taco Tuesdays anymore. She get all poopy and stuff. She does like the fresh plants in the forests of Rhydin though. We should head there, but not right now. Cause, you know, have like these pesky guys behind us and all their shooting and stuff." Ernie nodded his head in a kind of dance like motion. "Totally, Dex. They are really bringing down my mood. Are we there yet?"

The hover car climbed the hill and disappeared over the other side suddenly. As the pursuing guards drew in closer toward the hill, a transport ship lifted upwards from behind the hill. Rising into the air as two forward twin heavy laser cannons opened fire at the ground before the incoming hover trucks. The ground leapt up into the air as energy fire tore into it. Hover trucks gave quick turns to avoid the firing cannons and ended up crashing into each other. At the controls of the transport, Ricky the Raccoon was grinning deviously as he watched one of the display screens on the bridge of the ship. "Hehehehehe! Next time I will blow you to bits! Muahhahahahhaaa!" Dex and Ernie had come up the stairs from the lower cargo deck to the second level onboard the transport, Dex giving a hop to the main command chair on the bridge as all four blue hands went to work on the controls.

"The company was iffy, the food was all prison like and the guards not very nice. Dex thinks we should avoid this planet in future." As the Pelican Class Armed Transport lifted high into the sky for orbit, the forward twin heavy laser cannons retracted back into their ports before the covering doors closed over them in hiding.

"Hey Dex!" Dex looked over at Ernie with one blue ear perking from Dex. "Yes'z?" "Can we go see those former slave friends of yours" They are always fun!" Ricky just snickered and grinned. "Hehe...hehe...hehe..." Dex gave a shrug of shoulders and entered in a set of coordinates to jump out of the system once they made free of the planet and into space. "Well, Dex no see why not' I mean, it has been while since Dex say hello to them. Oh! I think Dex just remembered, we have to go pick up Kitty!" Ernie was up in one of the bridge chairs spinning it around as his tongue flapped out of his jaws. "Where is Kitty?" "Oh you know, Dex think Weston capture him to try and lure Dex in for capture." Ricky was in a daze sitting in a chair and then he seemed to come back to life with a blink of his eyes. "Can we blow Kitty out of wherever he is to set him free" Please?"" I have explosives down in the cargo hold. I haven't made anything go boom in weeks. Well, unless you count the time I had eaten at the spacer diner and had the special. Only thing special about that meal, was how fast it burned from my butt to the toilet bowl." Ernie paused in his chair spinning, then started to laugh wildly as he threw his head back and rolled about in the chair.

Ernie got a hold of his laughter and turned his head over toward Dex. "Hey, isn't Weston that dorky bearded guy that wants to sell you to those scientists?" Dex nodded his head with a flip clap of his ears as clawed fingertips tapped to the console before him and the transport, jumped into hyperspace. "Yeah. Dex think his beard make him look silly. All those scientists want to do is poke Dex with needles and run tests, tests, tests on him. Dex hate tests. But Dex do like desserts. Oh, we need to stop to get items so Dex can make apple pies and stuff for other desserts." Ernie rolled over in his chair and looked back at Dex with his head upside down and hanging from the side of the swivel chair. "I'm not going to say no to that, but we should make a plan on getting Kitty. If he's left alone too long with that nitwit Weston, he might get crazy." Ricky piped in. "You mean crazier." A nodding of the raccoons head.

Dex Vega

Date: 2017-07-12 15:46 EST
The image of Captain Hacket appeared on the screen. He was dressed in a dark blue uniform with matching light brimmed hat. A few scars played from his cheeks down over a top and bottom lip and then at the left side of his face. The mustache and goatee of gray military man seemed to always have that stern look of discipline upon his face. "The Doctor is very busy, Mr. Zephon. You run the risk of upsetting him by disturbing him at this time." The man on the other end of the display screen lifted a hand to run back through his thick brown locks of hair. The long deep scar down the left side of his face, from forehead to low on his cheek, seemed as if it would never fully heal. The metallic uniform he wore shifted slightly with the change in stance. "I am close. It's time to rework my fee. If the Doctor wants the blue alien, he'll talk to me."

Captain Hacket held his gaze at the screen before reaching to tap to a control console and forward the transmission to one of the large medical/experimental decks built onboard the massive cargo freighter of over 3,170 meters. A man in a white lab coat appeared on the screen. Mostly clean shaven and with his hair slicked back. Dark pupils looked over at the screen. "Mr. Zephon. You know I am quite busy with a recent catch of creatures. Tests on them are proving to be quite interesting, so I hope you do have something of importance to say." Zephon nodded some from the bridge of his modified light freighter and held back the smile that wanted to touch to his lips. "Good seeing you too, Doctor Doriff. Your little blue alien was seen recently helping one obscene otter escape from a prison on Rexor. A satellite in orbit caught his ship jumping into hyperspace. Given the class of ship and the past few weeks of where he's been spotted, I have it narrowed down to two systems he could be heading to." Doctor Doriff shifted his lips and gave a light shake of his head. "You should know, I've also hired Duebin." Zephon's eyes narrowed some with their gaze into the screen onboard his ship. "If you want your precious blue alien delivered in a body bag, yeah, I'd pay Duebin too. However, if you want him delivered alive for your tests you pay me. Which the price just went up another six thousand credits." Doctor Doriff tapped a fingertip to the table the communication screen was sitting upon where he was. "I get Dex alive, if you bring him in" No missing limbs or blown up pieces?" Zephon nodded slowly to the communication screen onboard his ship. "Fine." Grumbled Doctor Doriff with a sigh then. "But you have to bring him in alive. True, Duebin might bring him in dead but I'd have the body for testing. Of course if Dex can be brought to me alive, well, all the better for my testing of him. Science is a wonderful thing, Mr. Zephon. And it pays." Doctor Doriff pointed his index finger at the screen and then tapped it off to end the transmission. Zephon sat back in his chair onboard the bridge of his ship. The grin slowly played forth across his lips.

Dex Vega

Date: 2017-07-12 16:13 EST
Doctor Benicio was an odd man to say the least. His outfits were a blaze of red and black with silver highlights here and there about the long coats he wore. Light blonde hair was thick and up as if by magic in the air. Dark was the skin around his eyes and the dark mark going downward over his bottom lip. His gaze seemed to always be that of thinker. Was he debating on what to say' Was he studying you? Or was he thinking of the best way to make you suffer should he feel it needed to be done"

Weston was a decently educated man. Thinking it made him look older then his true age, he had opted for the dark beard and mustache. One to wear a dark uniform with silver buttons, Weston may not of been deadly with a blaster pistol but he was cunning and had the habit of providing in depth strategies that usually worked out.

Both men were walking along one of the many converted decks of Benicio's massive cargo freighter and the unique 'collection' of specimens he had acquired in his travels through the galaxy. Benicio's voice came smooth, oddly calm in textured tone. "So you believe, Weston, that this feline will draw out the alien known as Dex?" Weston smiled brightly as he walked along with the Doctor of unique science and collections, his hands clasped behind his back. "Yes, I do. You see Doctor Benicio, Dex if anything is loyal to his friends. Even the ones that you or I would probably distance ourselves from for various reasons. Dex will come for his feline friend and when he does, I will spring the trap to capture of him." Weston perked a brow as they passed a holding cell, the size of a large cargo container and the unique snow like atmosphere behind the thick windows.

"I will pay you for your troubles, once Dex is onboard my ship and in one of my display cells. Don't stare into the snow, he doesn't like that." Benicio walked onward as Weston peered further into the unique cell of snow. Two eyes looked back at him then and as the eyes lifted into the air with in the cell Weston noted it was a Wampa creature from an ice planet. The tall beast growled and Weston decided it was a good time to catch up with the Doctor again in step.

"Yes, my payment. Of course I won't ask for it prior to delivery, that would not be proper in our deal. I do hold some concern about rumors I've heard about the Ape Brothers and that rude smuggler, Ruby."

Doctor Benicio glanced aside toward Weston and briefly, smiled. "What rumors, would that be, Mr. Weston?" Weston smiled right back at Benicio. Though his smile was strained. "Rumors that someone promised them payment for delivering of the little blue alien known as Dex, to you." Benicio's smile remained a moment later before escaping his lips. "Dex is unique and would make a well addition to my collection. If I've learned one thing from him in the past two years, it is that when you think you know what he will will find yourself mistaken. Dex's mind is not limited to logical thought. He not only sees things outside the box as the saying goes, but he seems to come up answers that you would never have thought of. He is, unique. If I were to find out where more of him could be found, think of the endless possibilities to be had." Weston nodded some toward the taller man. "I suppose I can see your point. You know Doctor Doriff has bounties out on him as well. Seems quite the competition for a little blue alien."

"That little blue alien, as you refer to him' Is worth his weight in the galaxies treasures, Mr. Weston."

Dex Vega

Date: 2017-08-14 21:00 EST
"Let me get this straight. You lost the cat?" Weston's face was grimacing as he rubbed a hand over his beard. The two security guard nodded to Weston. "Well, sort of Sir. He was hacking and so we opened the door to check on him and he lunges at me and then him and before we know it he's scratching and hissing and punching us in the face."

Weston lowered his hand from his dark beard. Looking the two security guards over. Their black uniforms with blue sleeves were cut up like Swiss Cheese. Cuts here, there and even a bit of blood seeping to the fabric. "So, let me see if I have this right. A small cat, attacked two trained guards that were supposed to watch him and now that cat has escaped?"

"Yeah that's pretty much it, Sir." Nodded one of the guards. Weston's eyes blinked, then blinked again. He reached out and smacked the man up the side the head. "Idiots.." Then he reached over to smack the other man. "Idiot also. I pay well and this is what I get' Idiots. He's a small gray and white cat. A cat! And you let him getaway! A cat!!!"

Meanwhile, in the engineering section of the Corvette class craft they were traveling with in.

The feline known as 'Kitty' perked his little ears about as his head poked up over a computer console. His tail twitched behind him as he climbed onto the console. "Hehe....heh....hehe...." The cat's paws of gray and white started to smack at the various controls upon the computer terminal. The vessel suddenly dropped out of hyperspace just outside of a two sun star system.

Weston perked a brow as the ship was felt dropping from it's hyperspace travel. "Why are we not in hyperspace?" Weston took out his communicator and activated it. "Bridge, why are we not in hyperspace" We can't be there yet." "Sir, we didn't exit hyperspace. The ship just dropped out suddenly." Weston tapped his communicator to contact engineering. "Hey, why are we not in hyperspace still" A unique oddly crazy sounding voice came over the communicator. "This is your Captain speaking, we are experiencing technical difficulties. Please stand by and in the mean time feel free to lick yourself." Weston blinked and gritted his teeth. "You little fur ball of..." Weston heard laughter on the other end of the communicator before he motioned to the guards to head to the engineering section. "Weston to bridge, send more security to engineering! I want that feline caught and locked up again!"

As the guards entered engineering, they found a mess of hacked up hair balls on the console Kitty had been upon and a trail of urine dripping down off the key pad to the chair before the console. The guards spread out to find the feline as Weston had headed for the bridge. Upon arriving there, Weston was greeted by one of the lieutenants. "Sir, the escape pods are launching." Weston lifted a hand to his face. "Which ones?" "Sir, all of them are launching!" Weston blinked and then blinked his eyes again as he grumbled. "Where are they headed to?" "The nearest planet can support life from our scans. Four of the escape pods are headed that way." Weston's left eye brow perked upwards. "He's one cat! Why would he set four escape pods to head that way' Fine...fine. Forget the pods in space, he has to be upon one of the other four. Proceed to the planet and make ready for a landing. This feline is starting to get on my nerves."

The first two escape pods entered the atmosphere and deployed their thrusters to slow down. A third escape pod malfunctioned and instead of slowing down rushed toward the ground and impacted with an explosion to a series of massive willow like trees. The fourth escape pod would slow once it's thrusters engaged, but unlike the first two that had landed safely in the forest, this pod landed off shore in the water. There was a calm after the splash down and then the escape pod bounced lightly up and down in the gentle waves of the sea. A popping sound and the hatch went flying off then to land in the water roughly twenty feet away. Kitty's head lifted upwards as his paws rested on the edge of where the hatch had been attached to the pod. "Ut oh, Houston, we have a problem. Blech, water." Kitty gave a hiss downward at the waves. Looking upwards he spotted the Corvette entering the atmosphere and heading to find a spot large enough for the ship to land. "Warning, stupid humans incoming. Hide! Hide! Hide!"

Kitty dropped down from the opening in his escape pod and out of sight.

Dex Vega

Date: 2017-09-02 06:28 EST
There was a bump to the escape pod. Kitty perked his feline head upwards over the opening in the escape pod where the hatch had been. His tail twitched and he lifted up further on his paws of gray and white with dark speckles. "Finally! This dumb thing has drifted into shore! Free at last! Free at last! Lord oh mighty of the cosmos I am free at last from the horrid water!"

Kitty leapt from the opening in the escape pod and landed on the grass by the shore line. Stretching in classic feline manner and breathing a sigh of relief as he strolled on all four legs further up toward the tree line.

It was then that two upright walking apes of dark fur emerged from the tree line. Apparently they had made their way through the woods after seeing the escape pods crash about. Kitty gave pause as his tail twitched again. "Oh great, not free of idiots!"

The Ape Brothers, Apples and Oranges as they went by, shifted their mouths as they worked their teeth behind their lips. One of them lifted the dark shotgun looking weapon in hands toward the feline cat. "Kitty....not exactly what we were looking to salvage from the escape pods our ship picked up. Where's that friend of yours" Where is Dex" We still have a score to settle with that blue freak."

Kitty shook his tail back and forth behind him. "Dex ain't no freak! If anything it's you two bone heads that are freaks! I mean look at you two, it's like dumb and dumber with a side of moron fries. Now if you two will excuse me, I have to evade a serious idiot with a beard."

"Not so fast Kitty! You aren't going anywhere!" Shouted Apples as his ape brother Oranges, turned toward a cracking of leaves upon the forest floor. Several men were coming their way. "Hey! That cat is ours! Get away from him you monkey brains!"

"Monkey brains"!"!" Why you evolved turkey..." Apples turned and fired off a shotgun round at the men, while moving to take cover by a fallen tree. Blaster fire returned his direction and his brother's as they fired back with Apples shotgun and Oranges M-16 Rifle.

As the two groups became busy with a game of who can kill who, Kitty quietly snuck low to the ground and moved far to the left to avoid the weapons fire. Keeping even his tail low as he tried to put as much distance between him and the two groups of misfits. "How could this day get any worse"!"!" Muttered Kitty.

A loud impact to the ground sent two of the guards flying up into the air and back down to hit hard upon tree trunks and branches. The shooting stopped between the two groups as they looked upwards to find a Yacht 3000 starship of some fifty meters in length, hovering above them. The laser cannon at the bottom of the ship fired off several warning shots about the Ape Brothers and the Guards alike. As the two groups took to hide behind trees and duck down, the ship lowered off toward where the grass dropped off toward the sea. A side hatch opened up and ramp extended outwards.

Kitty made a quick choice. Get on that ship or end up being possibly a prisoner again by the human guards or the ape bone heads. Ship" Sounds a good idea!

Kitty darted off on all four legs and leapt for the ramp a couple feet off the ground. Scampering upwards into the ship before the ramp retracted and the hatch swung closed. The ship arched in turn and shot off for orbit while the laser cannon retracted back into the belly of the ship.

Weston was nearing the shore line with another seven guards from his ship when he gave pause to look upwards at the vessel speeding for the stars. "That cat better not be onboard that ship. Geezus! How many lives does this feline have"!!"!?"

As Weston grumbled and turned to motion the guards to head back for his ship, the Ape Brothers watched the ship departing with the cat. "I hate Dex." Muttered Apples. "I hate Dex more." Said Oranges. "No you don't! I hate him more! He super glued my hands together!" "Yeah well he put super glue in my shampoo!" The two brothers dropped their guns and went into one of their typical fights of punches and smacks with their big fists.

Meanwhile, Kitty wandered toward what he thought was the way for the bridge of the spaceship. Upon arriving to the bridge he perked his head about and looked upwards with a lift of ears and his tail as he spotted the long haired brunette smiling down at him from the pilot's chair. "Hello, Kitty!" Kitty blinked and then jumped upwards to land on the woman's lap. "Carrie Ann! Oh my gosh! You won't believe the day I've had! Space guys want to kidnap me! Ape Brothers want to kidnap me! I was stuck in an escape pod going up and down in the waves surrounded by water! Water!" Carrie Ann smirked some and drew her hand along Kitty's head and back to calm him some. Course, Kitty gave pause in his circling upon her lap and settled to lay down. His tail flickered back and forth as he pushed his back into that petting. "Let me guess, Weston wants to get Dex again?" Kitty just kinda nodded his head, getting lost in the petting. It was relaxing to the feline!

"Yeah....big dummy head. Those scientists probably want Dex still for their experiments." Kitty shifted his head so he could get Carrie Ann's hand to rub between his ears. He was a cat after all. Carrie Ann smiled as her ship made the jump into hyper-space. "Well, we will have to find Dex first. I will have to send out a communication for Zoie and the Mon Calamari Captain Gial. I better send a transmission to Jessica as well. Can't have her getting upset with me because I didn't ask if she's seen Dex."

Kitty's ears perked upwards some and his tail twitched. "You mean that ship of former slaves, that Jessica?" Carrie Ann nodded downward at Kitty curled up in the lap of her white gown. "Um, you could drop me off if we run into them and I could maybe spend sometime with those lonely ladies." Carrie Ann smirked and shook her head at Kitty.

"Yeah, you are definitely one of Dex's friends. Now behave somewhat while I send out some coded transmissions."

Dex Vega

Date: 2018-05-09 18:10 EST
Weston's modified Corvette class vessel slowed as it neared the Imperial Class II Star Destroyer. He was taking a risk in trying to obtain information through this route. Of course if anyone would have a clue as to the possible whereabouts of Dex or his friends, it would be the Captain of this particular ship. 

"Elysium, this is Weston. You know me, please respond."

A minute would pass before a woman dressed in a black uniform was seen upon the view screen. "Weston, you little worm. To what do I owe the displeasure of you desiring to speak with that of myself?" "Captain, I of course wish you nothing but the best in your ventures and hope you are doing well." Smiled Weston from the view screen on board his ship to the Destroyer. 

Captain Adrianne Curvy, shifted gently the black thin hat's brim that sat atop her head. The front of her dark officer's uniform had an open space to allow the breathing of her cleavage. This Captain was anything of the usual stuck up sorts. She was far more lovely then most and quite open on what she thought. Her hands lifted to fix the long cascade of brown locks at her back into a pony tail. "Flattery will get you killed, Weston. Keep in mind, my ship has more guns then yours." Weston strained a smile back at her through his view screen screen on his ship. "Yes, of course. I've recently lost something and was wondering if you might know where he might be found."

There was a pause from Captain Curvy. Her blue-green eyes giving a shift as she lowered into her command chair on board her vessel's bridge. As her slender legs moved in crossing of black material, a heeled black boot lightly bobbed in the air. "Weston, I don't care about you losing your virginity and frankly I pity the poor creature that took it from you. Now if you can quite with the small talk and simply tell me who 'he' is that you are looking for we can get this little meeting over with and I can get back to more important things."

Weston's smile slipped from his lips. Clearing his throat some and giving a nod. "Fine. I've recently lost, Kitty. I am not all that familiar with where he's traveled to and was hoping you would know where Dex's little feline friend might be found or that of....well...Dex himself?"

Captain Adrianne Curvy perked a slow smile across her lips. A slender dark brow arched some as she kept her smile upon her lips. "Forget about Kitty, Weston. You simply want to know where Dex is. My dear Weston, if I knew where Dex was...I'd be there. Four hands....mmmm..."

Weston made a face and shook his head while holding up his hands at the computer screen on board the bridge of his ship. "Okay, okay! I didn't need to hear that! So do you have any idea on where he or his friends might be?"

Captain Curvy shifted some in her command chair. "You could always try to track down that former slave ship. The women on that ship might know where Dex's friends could be found." Captain Curvy held no love for the women of that ship. She always felt as if they were, competition, in the tracking of Dex through the galaxy. "You could always try to find Carrie Ann's ship." Spoken with a slight grumble of breath as Captain Curvy waved a hand absently in the air.

"I will inquire about both possible routes." Nodded Weston from his ship. "I bid you a fond.." "Can it, Weston. Just leave already." Said Captain Curvy as she shook her head.

Weston nodded and tapped the communication screen off before turning toward a man upon the bridge of his ship. "Set course for Draxis III. We will find information on the former slave girls there."

Dex Vega

Date: 2018-05-09 19:01 EST
"So we are going to stop off here and should find information on where Kitty is." Dex nodded his head with a shake of his long ears. The planet below them was Draxis III. The planet was a remake of Draxis II which had been destroyed by four different factions wishing to control the gambling and betting on sports that took place upon the large spaceport city of Summer's Gold. Draxis III however had that of more water and offered nearly a hundred beach front resorts for guests coming to enjoy the planet's beautiful weather.

Coming up fast from the planet was a Modified YV-666 Freighter. Ernie the Otter tapped at the screen before him on his control console. "Hey Dex" Are we expecting any freighters today?" Dex shook his head as he looked over toward Ernie. "Um, no. Dex no think so. Why Ernie?" "Oh no reason. I was just wondering why this ship from the planet is headed straight for us. Oh, you might want to move the ship to the left a little. They just fired at us." Said Ernie calmly, as if it was no big deal.

"Ack!" Shouted Dex as his fingers moved over his console and his transport ship darted off as thrusters engaged. The ship rocked slightly with the impact of weapons fire. "Oh squat doodle!" Grumbled Dex. "Dex just have ship detailed last Tuesday."

A voice came over the communications system. "This is the Bounty Hunter Zephon. You will proceed to the planet below and promptly land at docking bay sixty with my lead. Failure to do so, will result in your destruction, Dex. I know you're on board you little koala."

Dex's ears shifted downward. "Dex not a koala!!!! He want to be smart tough Bounty Hunter...Dex show him he not so easy to capture! Ricky! You have permission to fire on that doodie head!" Ricky the Raccoon smiled brightly from his chair on the bridge of Dex's ship and spun his chair around once before little paws moved over the fire controls. "With pleasure!"

Two aft doors retracted and a pair of laser cannons emerged to fire back at the Bounty Hunter's ship. Not fully expecting Dex's transport ship to be armed and then with high quality armament, Zephon's ship took a direct hit on the bow section and his shields dropped nearly twenty-two percent. "Why you little ball of fur! I will take you alive despite your..." His words were cut off as his ship was hit from behind by a modified and quite similar vessel as his own. Zephon was able to make a positive I.D. of the ship and gritted his teeth. "Duebin."

Duebin moved his ship to try and continue firing at Zephon's as well as take a few shots at Dex's ship. 

"Dex!" Shouted Ernie from his chair. "This place is full of doodie heads!" Dex nodded with a flip flop of his long ears. "Dex agree with Ernie. Let the Hunters fight among themselves we are out of here!" With a run of his hands to the controls before him, the modified Pelican Transport dropped low and darted for the planet below while firing back at both ships. "Dex gonna loose them with a quick landing on far side of planet. Should be a few resorts there with enclosed docking bays to hide. Hopefully they don't finish fighting among themselves too soon."

Zephon tried to follow Dex's ship, but Duebin was intent on taking Dex in for the bounty himself. As weapons fire impacted Zephon's ship he finally gave up and brought his ship about to engage Duebin's vessel with an exchange of quad laser cannon fire. 

As the two Bounty Hunters exchanged damage to either's ship, a quarter way around the planet two vessels slipped out of hyperspace. The modified YT-2400 light freighter and the Hammerhead Corvette proceeded downward to locate docking bays for a secure landing.

"No mishaps. I'm paying you two aid with muscle, not mind. So you leave the thinking up to me and just be ready when I say so." The short dark haired woman narrowed her eyes some as she looked at a communication screen on board her freighter. The Ape Brothers nodded from the bridge of their ship. "We know. Long as you paying, we will be ready to help with plan."