Topic: Transcend

Elusive XI

Date: 2009-08-04 20:13 EST
It started with a rose. The fresh exquisite bloom the valentine shade of love, the rich hue of passion. Blood red.

Magda had no recollection of her parents. Raised as an orphan by the nuns all she could trust was the hushed whispers she overheard. That her father was part of the Russian mob and her mother the queen that wrapped him so tightly around her finger. They whispered often that Magda took after her mother, the same exquisite features and pristine nature. That Magda was just as much a perfectionist as her mother but did not lose her temper like her mother did. Magda even as a child grew up with a natural confidence and finesse, an eye for detail and the nature of a socialite that knew just what to say at the right moment.

Sixteen sweet years found in the sanctuary of the church where the nuns and "brothers" would take up lost souls like lonely women took in starving cats. It was snowing the day her life was changed forever. Magda was one that ever would love winter. The frozen beauty of it she found intriguing. Beguiling and lovely was the frozen grace of those winter nights. The other orphans would see that she seemed drawn to the frost and snow only because Magda herself carried a nature of indifference. She was far from a snow queen though. This could be said about her.

It was a dark December night with the ground fresh with virgin snow, untouched that she found a blemish on that frozen blanket of white. Like the fresh drops of blood that would bring a lovely girl to womanhood grew a blood red rose. Bold and unique in the frost born cradle of mother nature. The bold determination of that rose, the unnatural strength of it was fascinating to her.

"How peculiar?"

A whisper from a voice meant already to draw and demand attention and respect passed the lips of Magda like an angel's worship of a holy moment. She knelt in the snow, ignorant of the cold as it seeped through the fabric of her dress. Her fingers reached to gently caress the petals of a flower daring to bloom in the coldest, darkest night of winter.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

Her eyes turned shyly, perhaps coyly over her shoulder. The woman perhaps even in the young bloom of her own sweet years of life was fearless as she looked up to one of the "lost souls" that had claimed sanctuary from the church. Piotr, Magda knew was dangerous. No matter what the nuns might say about redemption the pinprick of shadow in the soul recognized a predator rather then the prey. That he was a hunter rather then the hunted seeking protection and safety in the deep bowels of the church.

It was a gift. Magda just knew. She felt the infliction, the desire to panic and run and knew in the way that one of like fabric that Piotr was enforcing that fear within her. Head tilting in question as she met his eyes directly, those cold blue eyes that held no light, no emotion.

There was approval in Piotr's expression then as he recognized her as an apt pupil and motioned for her to rise.

"Come, Magda. Would you like me to show you how it grows?"

"Yes. Very much so?"

And thus it would begin?

Elusive XI

Date: 2009-09-18 12:28 EST
Her heart was not in the moment. Far away. Tucked in some black box never to be recovered.

All around her were the roses. The roses that would be grown in the greenhouse were unique, a force of nature unexpected.

Beautiful. Shades that normal roses would not be. The perfume they offered was strangely sweet.

Far more potent then Mother Nature would bring. But when Piotr explained it to her she understand....that the potent perfume of those roses was still very much Mother Nature.


The sensual, primitive, savage, sultry, wild part of her.

She was beginning to understand.

"Lay down."

Magda did not fear.

There was understanding in the moment. Broken hearts and Damaged souls never were hers to reveal.

Especially if they were her own.

"We are one and the same, Magda. You are as gifted as I am. I can give you the world. Awaken that which you have not until now been able to see. To understand."

"And what would that be? What do I not understand?"

"What you are."

His touch was unwanted but Piotr was like the roses. Unable to resist either.

Perhaps her childhood would weep in her soul when it was taken from her.

There was no innocence left to be sought. All she would know was darkness....and roses.

Roses carried thorns.

Those enhanced roses would have thorns far more cruel then tiny blades.

Even the most beautiful creations of nature could still harm.


Date: 2014-07-31 20:51 EST
Curabitur eget leo egestas, pretium risus et, tristique dolor. Morbi at turpis luctus, consectetur tortor quis, faucibus augue. Pellentesque condimentum et enim eget dignissim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus varius massa id blandit semper. Sed eget sapien dapibus, imperdiet risus sit amet, aliquet justo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin dignissim lectus vel dictum faucibus. Mauris pharetra augue at elit accumsan, non hendrerit ligula vehicula. Nulla dictum enim enim, ut volutpat risus vestibulum et. Maecenas imperdiet sed sapien a pellentesque. Nullam eros libero, feugiat ac justo eleifend, ultricies convallis felis. Fusce egestas, orci vel iaculis dictum, nibh nunc auctor lorem, in vestibulum sapien augue ut quam. Etiam tristique condimentum purus, sit amet venenatis arcu gravida at. Vivamus in tellus lacus. Aliquam sed vehicula orci, in venenatis metus.

Fusce ultrices fermentum dolor. Quisque non auctor libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed eget augue eget purus volutpat accumsan id sit amet justo. Vivamus scelerisque, erat nec sollicitudin facilisis, tortor lectus auctor arcu, a semper enim leo in risus. In congue felis quis augue consectetur auctor. Mauris varius tortor ac blandit auctor. Maecenas ornare scelerisque lacinia. Nam felis quam, pharetra sed libero a, hendrerit posuere mi. Fusce elementum velit augue, at congue metus pulvinar in.

Maecenas ut pulvinar massa. Integer imperdiet fringilla turpis, id vehicula magna eleifend sed. Nullam pulvinar dictum convallis. Curabitur enim mi, viverra id sem ac, vestibulum euismod diam. Nam quis lacus purus. Nullam facilisis convallis dictum. Maecenas mollis purus et nisi congue tempor. Morbi et arcu id diam scelerisque scelerisque non pellentesque urna. Sed lobortis, erat ac mollis volutpat, orci mauris cursus dui, eu bibendum ipsum nunc eget tortor. Vivamus tempor, metus feugiat viverra vestibulum, arcu tellus fermentum erat, sed viverra nibh tortor id libero. Mauris a eros id leo luctus vulputate ut sagittis sem. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas gravida velit ac vulputate feugiat. Quisque id tincidunt tellus.

Fusce accumsan, diam vel blandit pulvinar, purus ipsum pretium augue, non porta mauris neque ut sapien. Duis blandit magna non ligula vehicula, nec molestie erat adipiscing. Aliquam odio tortor, ullamcorper non erat sed, pulvinar blandit orci. Donec imperdiet enim justo, non aliquam neque vehicula nec. Nulla sodales cursus justo in tempus. Donec faucibus nibh a sapien sodales tempor. Maecenas diam nulla, malesuada quis ante vel, mattis ultricies felis. Quisque dapibus consequat ligula, et semper erat rutrum quis. Fusce eu malesuada ligula.

Praesent varius tortor eget tellus hendrerit auctor. Nunc ut quam libero. Maecenas justo risus, viverra eu consectetur vehicula, porttitor a lectus. Integer scelerisque, lorem nec iaculis faucibus, tellus sapien sollicitudin tortor, mollis scelerisque ipsum tellus vel augue. Integer ac turpis porta libero sollicitudin mattis. Cras feugiat luctus nisl id lobortis. Nullam dictum urna augue, sed dignissim augue adipiscing ac. Nullam nulla sapien, laoreet sed vehicula nec, dictum eget quam. Vestibulum ac pretium sapien. Nam nisi odio, porta vehicula aliquet ac, tincidunt eget augue. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam consequat et nisi vel scelerisque. Sed ac felis leo.

Vivamus pretium rutrum risus eu congue. Integer luctus a nulla quis tincidunt. Proin eget congue sem, eget ullamcorper purus. Nunc bibendum lobortis aliquam. Nullam est nisi, mollis in varius vel, congue in massa. Phasellus a risus eget eros sodales posuere. Suspendisse a venenatis magna. Pellentesque in ullamcorper ante. Duis sit amet placerat dui. Sed in lacinia sem. Suspendisse eu urna et ipsum sodales lobortis vel ut augue. Aliquam vel est mollis, pellentesque diam feugiat, interdum elit. Nulla mollis viverra magna, vitae eleifend nibh pulvinar non. Nam ut tristique lacus.

Etiam nisl tellus, fringilla et eros vel, pulvinar iaculis velit. Nunc venenatis pellentesque ligula non aliquam. Praesent vestibulum congue urna, a lobortis tellus. Aenean euismod imperdiet felis quis interdum. Proin volutpat massa nec leo lacinia, vitae mollis libero faucibus. Quisque et convallis est, luctus euismod nibh. Sed volutpat sit amet arcu vulputate ultricies.

Cras auctor ut erat vitae eleifend. Donec varius quam a dui adipiscing lacinia. Quisque gravida nulla et diam blandit, id bibendum odio posuere. Ut ultricies vestibulum tortor, sed tempor urna. Nunc commodo, orci quis egestas adipiscing, mi est accumsan mi, sed feugiat mi tellus nec augue. Sed id aliquet tellus, sit amet bibendum urna. Cras aliquet auctor ante, quis aliquam mi venenatis ultrices. Fusce faucibus sollicitudin libero, id tempor enim aliquet nec. Mauris scelerisque orci quis nibh bibendum, eget sodales sem suscipit. Donec rhoncus posuere convallis. Curabitur sagittis justo at sodales consequat. Sed ultrices fermentum volutpat. Sed tristique vitae diam sit amet condimentum. Quisque lacinia bibendum mi ac elementum.

In condimentum nisl elit, sed viverra eros mollis in. Maecenas porta tincidunt vulputate. Nullam euismod, libero consequat mollis imperdiet, diam risus lacinia purus, a faucibus lacus nibh a libero. Phasellus odio dolor, congue sit amet elit sit amet, ullamcorper hendrerit risus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc vitae quam eu mi malesuada tempor et in justo. Fusce molestie quam id odio tincidunt blandit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin pulvinar sapien eu vestibulum luctus. Quisque interdum nisi elit, ut sagittis lacus pulvinar ut. Integer a dui lobortis, suscipit augue ac, bibendum massa. Nullam et turpis laoreet, tincidunt nisl nec, congue lectus. Pellentesque ac nibh ac turpis mollis sagittis.

Quisque facilisis ante eu venenatis euismod. Nullam pulvinar massa id sodales mollis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras pretium libero vel eros ultricies venenatis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In nisi magna, ornare quis dignissim vitae, suscipit vel ligula. Maecenas elementum urna ut est molestie ornare. Aenean eget tellus id leo egestas commodo id vel lorem. Maecenas sed varius dui. Nullam semper laoreet eleifend. Sed lobortis bibendum neque. Ut pharetra bibendum molestie. Etiam porttitor orci id posuere cursus. Pellentesque ullamcorper velit eget nisi varius, vitae porttitor risus vulputate. Praesent non nulla nec dui accumsan volutpat non ac lacus. Nullam imperdiet dapibus neque.

Phasellus in dui sem. Donec pharetra eleifend mi ac tincidunt. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur ut risus vestibulum, pulvinar ligula congue, tristique tortor. Cras iaculis bibendum sapien id.