Topic: Act VIII: November 2014 - April 2017


Date: 2014-11-03 15:08 EST
Welcome to Act VIII. The family is reunited, and Toby has perhaps taken the next step in his personal evolution.

Oh, and there's puppies. Lots of puppies!


Date: 2014-12-01 16:21 EST
Winter began to make itself more and more evident as the year drew closer to an end. Both Toby and Tabitha had resumed working - in his case, returning to his duties at Star's End Bar, while in Tabitha's case that meant working at a small dance studio situated in the relatively calm outskirts of the City.

Work continued on the new house as well. With the hill, foundations and underground work now fully in place, Toby was working to get the first sections of the main framework together before winter hit in earnest. They were also working out the layout of the 'grounds' - for the hilltop was considerably large, and would have more than just the house there.

Some of the elements they considered were:

* A garden area, for both relaxation and artful purposes.

* A small area Toby was designating as the "porch" - because once the defenses that he was drawing up were fully in place, it would be nigh impossible to breach the perimeter of the acreage without permission. This area, though, would allow specific individuals to access it via magic, or transporter. That wasn't to say it wouldn't have security of its own, of course.

* A meditation and training spot, both for Toby and for the girls in time. He had been doing some research into the matter, into various forms of meditation training and such. Hopefully it would all pay off.

* A safe haven play area for the kids, within the perimeter wall that would encircle the top of the hill. That wasn't to say the family wouldn't still enjoy the full open width of the clearing, and of course the lake. But there were still 500 acres of open woodland around them, and the animals had no concern about 'off limits' notions. This way, there was still someplace protected.

As far as that perimeter went, Toby was planning a triple defensive system. There would be magical wards, courtesy of several friends of the family. From Toby himself, there would be technological defenses that were likely to be both intricate and extremely devious.

As for the third? That was yet to be discussed.


Date: 2014-12-25 23:19 EST
Winter had been slow to arrive this year, for some reason. It was still cold, to be sure, and the snow had finally started to fall, but there wasn't nearly as much of it as there usually was by Christmas.

Across the great clearing, you could just dimly see the big hill now covered in white, and the interlaced lines of the new house's infrastructure delicate in the moonlight. The top of the hill and all the lattice of beams were free of snow, thanks to a continuously generated forcefield that kept the work area clear. Because of this, work on the new house did not have to be utterly abandoned due to the winter - though it was certainly slowed down due to the temperature.

The cabin itself was wreathed both in snow and lights both inside and out. Strings of multicoloured lights outlined the porch and the door and windows, and within each window itself sat a three-bulb candle, glowing with a comforting orange hue. On the door itself hung a large wreath, bristling with bulbs that changed colour every second.

Inside, red and green garlands hung all round the edges of the cabin's main room, and more coloured light strings filled the room with a twinkling rainbow aura - all the more noticeable with the main lights off. In the near corner, not too far from the kitchen door, a seven-foot tree was decked out with golden and silver tinsel, white and blue lights, and all manner of ornaments - from coloured bulbs, to figurines, to abstract little things clearly made by little hands with adult help.

Tabitha sat on the couch, arms carefully cradling her gently swelling tummy, with Maurin and Reinette curled against either side of her, and little Selene laying with her head on Mama's lap. Their faces glowed warmly in the flickering firelight from the hearth, eyes half asleep in the cozy evening dim.

Duchess, the proud new mama, lay curled nearby in one corner of the hearth area, with her pups either fast asleep against her, or nosing their momma eagerly for their dinner, while two of them whined and nosed at each other for the comfy spot next to their sleeping brethren. Duke, the proud papa, was sitting nearby, tail swishing - only occasionally stretching a paw out to keep one of the more adventurous puppies from trying to wander off. Toby had put up a little 'kiddie fence' in that corner, so that the pups could have plenty of room to nose around safely, without getting too far into the rest of the cabin.

Toby himself sat at the baby grand piano in the other corner of the hearth area, bathed in the warm orange glow of the windows candles nearby. Next to him was his old keyboard on its stand, which was plugged in and humming quietly. After dinner (and dessert!) had been finished, the family had all curled up comfortably on the couch, to listen to Daddy play some holiday music for them. Some songs had been on the piano, while a few required the more sonorous tones of the organ (hence the keyboard). As always, the very last song that he played before everyone was bundled off to bed was "Joy to the World", with full organ accompaniment; a song that Tabitha had introduced him to years before.

In fact, the bulk of Toby's understanding of the holiday of Christmas came from Tabitha. He'd picked up a few things here and there growing up and moreso when he'd returned to Rhydin as an adult, but it was Tabitha - herself a native of twenty-first-century Earth after all - who had really brought the fullness of Christmas to the little cabin.

As he finished up the last verse of Joy to the World, (and the girls sang along with the last few lines), Maurin wriggled herself free of Tabitha's left arm, and pattered over to her father, tugging insistently on his sleeve. With an understanding smile, Toby got up and let the five-year old guide him over to the window, and the little table sitting next to it.

On top was a small box with a little directional cantenna atop it. Assembled by Toby, nevertheless it had the slow and messy scrawl of a child on its side, reading only "Reindeer Beecan". Toby plugged it into the wall outlet, and watched as Maurin pushed the big red button on top. The whole assembly began to pulsate with red and green LEDs, while the cantenna swiveled slowly on top to point up at the sky beyond the window.

Maurin looked satisfied with herself. "Now Santa can find us." She was insistent, every year, that Santa Claus would have trouble navigating the endless forestland north by the mountains, and more trouble still finding the little cabin in that clearing. So with her father 'helping', little Maurin had put together a special beacon to guide the jolly old elf and all those reindeer to the cabin.

"An' no barking at Santa," Maurin reminded the dogs sternly as she gave her father a hug and wandered back over to her mother and sisters, all of whom were rising sleepily from the couch. Duke wagged his tail at her, while Duchess was too preoccupied giving one of the little puppies a slow and patient cleaning with her tongue.

Finally, with a few sleepy complaints and much prodding, Toby and Tabitha managed to shepherd their trio of little angels to their beds. Selene was practically asleep as it was, requiring Toby to carry her to bed, while Reinette was still insisting she could stay up to watch for Santa (even as her head kept nodding forward), and Maurin had her head buried against her mother's hip as she was nudged into bed.

Finally, the cabin lay wreathed in quiet. Even the puppies, like the girls, were curled up and sleeping in a tangled mass against their mama's warm tummy, and the girls were deep in sugar plum dreams (or whatever exactly it is that little girls dream about these days). Toby and Tabitha settled onto the couch, he with a glass of grape juice and she with some hot cocoa, to watch the fire burn low together.

A year ago, things had been so very different. Tabitha had been lost in a seemingly endless dream, and Christmas had been an uncertain affair without her. Now, the family waited contentedly for Christmas to arrive as one.. and with one more addition well on his way, things looked very bright indeed for the St. Germain family tonight.

Overhead, a lone star twinkled and winked at the cabin, and you could almost hear a deep and rich 'Ho Ho Ho!' echoing across the winter sky. After all.. here in Rhydin? All things are possible.

Tabitha St Germain

Date: 2015-01-08 21:49 EST
What a difference a year makes. The year before started with uncertainty laced with no small amount of fear, as Tabitha persisted in her dream-like state with no sign of ever waking. This year rang in with the promise and bustle that only one thing can generate:

A new baby.

Granted, he technically wasn't supposed to arrive until August, but much to all the doctors' and specialists' dismay, Baby Boy St. Germain seemed bound and determined to arrive almost as soon as he announced his presence.

Maurin had been oddly insistent her new brother would be born on her birthday - the most perfectest present a 6 year old could get, in her words. Tabitha and Toby both did their best to prepare her for disappointment , saying that babies come when they come, but Maurin would not be swayed.

Sure enough, when the 5th of January dawned - a typical winter morning, Maurin worked tirelessly from the time she awoke (which was at the crack of early), preparing an appropriate welcome for her brother - complete with all the crayoned cards, markered signs for the bedroom walls, and even a beribboned party hat Maurin gleefully perched on her mother's belly. Tabitha gave Maurin an indulgent smile and a hug - and let out a little cry when she realized her water chose THAT moment to break.

After gently escorting Maurin away from the action (for Doctor T had been called in, juuust in case), and with Toby at her side as he had been three times before, Tabitha got down to business, and after a rather shockingly short time (for his sisters paved the way, Doctor T said), the squalls echoing in the room announced the arrival of Keith Donald St. Germain, 6 years to the day after his eldest sister's birth.

After everyone was cleaned up and checked out, the trio of sisters were ushered in by their Auntie Wyh, all wide-eyed to see their tiny brother, who was already dozing in his swaddling, all tucked in the crooks of his parents' arms. Maurin was grinning and wiggling, and declared Keith the best present ever.


Date: 2015-01-14 15:13 EST
(Note: The events of the next few posts, wherein the family visits the Harker Academy, took place just prior to Keith's birth.)

Harker?s Academy was down the street from the Old Temple Baronial Manor. The building was stone and two large windows on either side of the entrance. Passersby might be able to get a look at some of the activities going on inside the school. It had a basement where some of the weapons and alchemy work were done. While the building was one of the older structures in the district, the place was well kept and clean inside.

Rhiannon Harker was in the front office attending to paperwork. Maggie, her eight year old, was peering out one of the window as she waited for the expected visitors.

The small party made their way down that street, three small figures flanked by two larger ones, and a sixth that glided along behind them, ominously quiet. As they came up to the building, everyone stopped to look up and around at everything. Toby turned to the quiet figure, and gestured with his head. ?We?ll be fine, Max. Hang out here. Keep out of sight. Don?t scare anyone.?

As always, there was no audible reply from the burnt-red armored machine. Its single red eye pulsed once, and it drifted away into the shadows beyond to await the family?s return. Toby turned back to his wife Tabitha, and then gestured to the three little girls. ?Ok, who wants to ring the bell?? He expected a cacaphony of ?me! me!?, and was surely not disappointed. Little Selene was the one who got to toddle up and (with an assist from her big sister Maurin), pushed the button for the doorbell.

The ringing of the doorbell was followed by a rushing of small feet and a call of, ?Mama! They?re here!? Maggie waited for her mother to answer the door. Friendly folk or not, she had been taught to wait.

Rhi opened the door and gestured for the family to come inside out of the chilly winter weather. ?Welcome! How are you all today??

Maggie was excited about this visit. She would get to share the art room and other things with the St. Germain girls. ?We?re having hot chocolate and banana bread for snacks today. Do you like those??

Rhi grinned and gestured to Maggie. ?You have now met our social director. The rest of the tour will follow shortly.? She opened the coat closet so any outerwear could be hung up for the time being. ?To add to what Maggie said, snacks are being served in the lunch room at the rear of the building. Maybe the girls would like to start there. My first question for parents and guardians is always ?do you have any questions or concerns that I can address for you???

The girls were quite pleased about the snack situation, and managed to talk over each other as a result, until Maurin settled her younger siblings down and answered in her best ?I?m the big sister? mode. ?Yes, please!?

Maggie directed the girls to lunch room so the adults could talk.

With that settled, Toby and Tabitha were able to talk to Rhi while the girls were otherwise occupied. ?Oof, wow.. where do we begin,? Toby chuckled. ?Well, I guess to recap what I was telling Miz Colleen at the snow event.. our three little whirling dervishes there are pretty close in age, and we?ve been doing a little bit of home schooling up until now. But we both want them to have a proper school education, with other kids, and not be as isolated. And that?s something of a complicated issue, because they?re all three, um, gifted. Which we?ll talk about in more detail.?

He glanced over at Tabitha, with a smile. ?And it?s going to be four rather shortly, as well.? Then he turned back again to Rhi. ?I guess for myself I?d like to know more about the school, you know?? And a questioning look to Tabi to see what she thought.

With one hand resting on her ever-growing belly, Tabitha looked around the entryway, taking note of where the little ladies had gone. Usually, new places set her on edge, but there was no such feeling here. In fact, Tabitha felt nearly as relaxed as she did at home - which Toby would know the minute she brushed his arm, threading hers through his. ?It seems more like a family, rather than the schools I?ve read about and seem ads for all over Rhydin - you know, the ones with the robed professors and funny hats.?



Date: 2015-01-14 15:14 EST
?Please sit down.? She gestured to a few chairs and a small sofa in what might have been called a waiting room. ?I remember my last few weeks waiting on my children. Standing was not something I wanted to do for long periods!? She smiled gently and took a seat herself.

?All of the students here are gifted in some way or other. A few have more than one talent and we try to work with their abilities and teach them, primarily, to not be afraid of what they were born with. Unfortunately, not all children in Rhydin are blessed with parents that are accepting of those innate gifts. It was one of the reasons I started the school. My cousin, Jacen, who teaches here, is good example. He had to learn the hard way and on his own to cope with what he could do.?

A pot of tea with plate of cinnamon rolls and slices of banana bread were brought out from the lunch room and set on a low table. Pearl left three mugs on the table as well. She give Rhi a wink and went on her way back to the lunch room. She was one of people in charge of the chattering bunch of children at least for the time being.

?Thank you, Pearl.? Rhi smiled. ?She?s one of our teacher?s aides.? She offered to pour for Tabi and Toby. ?This is a family run school. I?m careful of who I invite as guest instructors. There are plenty of people in Rhydin that are willing to help within their scope of knowledge. Shylah, for instance, gave a wonderful presentation on navigating by the night sky.? She poured the tea and slid the condiments tray toward the couple. ?Open minds tend to make life easier for people. The kids seem to enjoy field trips from time to time.? She chuckled softly. Matt Simon has gained a few young admirers after he spoke on zero-g travel and such.? Rhi took a long drink from her tea. ?What I?m trying to get at is we try to keep things educational and fun. Bored children or children that aren?t being challenged enough often feel out of place and lose interest.?

Toby sat back, his fingers steepled together in what Maurin called ?Daddy?s thinkin? mode?. ?Well, you hit on the big difficulty that we had with finding a school for the girls. A couple of them, actually. Speaking for myself, I, er.. also had to learn the hard way for a long time. I grew up in the spaceport area, and then later on? ? He paused, clearing his throat. ?I did find a teacher of my own. But she has rather a .. colourful reputation in Rhydin. And it occured to me, more than once, that while she is an ?effective? teacher, I am not so sure I would want her molding my childrens? minds. If you?ve met Kairee, you know what I mean. If not, I know your mother can tell you lots of stories.? He added, drily. ?Some of them rather awful.?

?To put it bluntly, I am both incredibly paranoid, and extremely cynical when it comes to Rhydin. I?ve lived here my whole life, though Tabi comes from Terr-,? pausing to catch himself, ?from Earth. I could count the people I?d trust with the girls on one hand, frankly. So it was a rather long and difficult search. But, two of the people I *do* trust are my friend Xenograg, and Ms., ? again pausing to correct himself, ?Queen Teleperien, and she pointed me to you without hesitation.?

?If it?s not an imposition, and to whatever degree you are comfortable with, I?d like to know a little about you and the family, so we can see where the other is coming from. Not a full history, I?ve heard enough to know that?ll keep us here rather a long time.? A grin flashed. ?But just a little bit, you know??



Date: 2015-01-14 15:17 EST
Settling into a comfortable chair, Tabitha happily prepared a cup of tea (one lump of sugar, and a splash of cream) and indulged in both a slice of the warm banana bread and a cinnamon roll - both of which reminded her of her grandmother?s cooking. After finishing a bite of the roll - and catching a drip of icing that almost escaped - she nodded her agreement with Toby. ?A challenging curriculum would be welcome, especially for Reinette. She always seems to be not only one step ahead of us, but a whole city ahead at times. Of the girls, she?s the one I worry about the most - she has a knack for? manipulation. Nothing cruel or anything along those lines, but when it comes to chores, she is supremely talented at getting one of her sisters to do the jobs - especially little Selene.? She took a quick sip of her tea, then continued. ?I wanted to make sure you were aware, in case she starts with her teachers, getting out of homework and projects that don?t catch her attention.?

Rhiannon curled her fingers around her mug. ?My eldest sister, Christina, was the governess for Princess Erwyn when she was younger. She?s the one in charge of the basic studies here: reading, history, mathematics and so on. She?s also a good painter and has been passing those skills along to our students. I expect Her Majesty learned of Chrisy?s presence here and it was extra in the academy?s favor.? She cleared her throat. ?Paranoia in small doses isn?t necessarily a bad thing, you know.?

She smiled slightly. ?As for my family, that could get into a tangled family tree as you already pointed out. However, I?ll stick to my own small family for the moment, you can ask what you like about my siblings and all afterward.? She set the mug on a coaster. ?My husband, Dennis, and his business partner, Albert Hall, have their own architectural firm. My brother, Garrick, has taken an interest in the building side of things. I do the public relations for them.? A teasing smile flitted across her lips. ?Dennis and I often joke that Bertie?s charm would get him into too much trouble to be the public face of the business. They?ve been friends since they were quite young. He?s Maggie?s godfather and has his own quarters in our home.? Rhi paused to consider what else to add without getting overly long winded again. ?I?ve been active in the Duel of Swords since I was younger than Maggie. My mother and I have been criticized for allowing children to take part. I feel that?s between us and our children. I don?t force Maggie to take part. Rick and Catie have well developed skills, but have no interest in competing there. People get the wrong idea.?

She took a bite of a cinnamon bun and licked her lips. ?My Aunt Ariana makes these. We have them brought in fresh from her shop.? Her head tilted slightly. ?Is there anything more specific I can answer for either of you on my family?? She looked to Tabitha. ?I think we can find plenty to engage Reinette. The key is finding what she likes to do and wants to learn.?

Toby shook his head, for his part. ?I guess the next thing would be to tell you a little about ourselves, now, and about the girls. Both for the social reasons, which are fun.. and so you know the people coming in here. If I were in your place, I know I?d want to know exactly what?s walking through that door to mingle with the kids under my care.? He leaned his head back slightly, fingers steepled again in thought.

?Well, as I mentioned, I am native to Rhydin. I grew up in the spaceport, which means that I was effectively a gang kid until I was about seventeen years of age. I got better. My interests, or field, if you will, are primarily technological. I do still hold a pilot?s license, and maintain a cargo craft that I?ve had for?, ? he thought about that, ?about twenty years. I am very big on tinkering, and my field of expertise is applied energy field manipulation. And if that wasn?t weird enough, I am the assistant manager for Star?s End Bar, under Mr. Kane.?

There was a bit of a pause here. When he resumed speaking, his voice was considerably more subdued. ?I was unaware that there was anything more to me until about the age of thirty. Without going into tedious and overdramatic detail, I am gifted in the field of psionics. Many, but not all, of the things the girls can do come from me.? A sidelong look at Tabitha, as he knew she?d fill in the rest of the blanks there. ?That?s how I came to study under Kairee, and please do not hold that against me - I swear that I am not an accident waiting to happen.? A wry smile.

?Maurin is our oldest, she will be turning six very soon. She?s very, er, forceful. She?s been told more than once just how she?s to talk to an adult, but she can be stubborn. I don?t know where she got that.? Utterly, utterly deadpan. ?She?s very keen on electronics and technology, and she has long had quite a fascination with her godmother/Aunt Wyh?s sword. We plan on giving all three of them a basic grounding in basic swordsmanship, just because? well? you?ve lived here. You know what Rhydin is like. Xenograg, their godfather, is going to be handling that, but as such I?d be happy to know that they can get additional instruction and practice here, in a safe environment.?

?Maurin is also telekinetic. She, and the other girls, have had.. blocks in place from a young age, to keep them from endangering themselves, but also so they could have a normal childhood. She was able to make her toys move around from a very young age, hence the reason I did that. However, I?ve been slowly allowing those to lapse? I don?t want to make the mistake of making them wait to learn to control these things. That?s? what happened to me, and it did not go well. She occasionally shows hints of other things, what I could best describe as perceptions. We honestly do not know the absolute extent of what they inherited from the two of us, but that?s the majority when it comes to her.?

?Reinette is four and a half? and she is a charmer, as Tabitha mentioned. Part of it comes naturally, she just has that sort of personality. All little girls have that gift for batting the eyes at you, but she has a knack for it.? He paused, looking at his tea. ?But Reinette seems to have more than just a knack for it. I could probably best describe it almost like a form of ?offensive? empathy - she can get her way almost subconsciously. I think she knows it, but doesn?t know *how*. Mind you, it?s a lot harder for her to pull it off if you?re ready for it. And now you are.? Another pause. ?She, and Selene too, have a little hint of telekinesis, but very.. very minor.?

?Selene just turned three last month? and she is a different kind of special. And by that I mean, she has a gift that has nothing to do with me. We first realized it when she was only a few months old, and we swore we saw her almost go transparent on us. Tabitha was? terrified. She called me home in a panic. It took us a long time, and talking to many people, before the truth came out. She?s gifted with Dreams. She was able to nearly disappear into her own, and we almost lost her before someone else we know with that gift was able to go in and find her. It terrifies me, I will be honest, because it?s something I have no knowledge of, no way to control aside from the block I was able to put on her. But there it is. She?s not shown too much in the way of other gifts, at least not yet.?

Toby sat forward a little, now. ?By objective standards, Maurin is the ?strongest? of the three of them, she?s shown the most aptitude for her gifts - probably because she?s the oldest. But? and this is something Tabitha and I have not spoken of to almost anyone else? Reinette is the one that we worry about. I can?t really put it into words?. but potentially.. she could be ?, ? Toby trailed off, unable or unwilling to finish that thought. He went silent now, turning to look at Tabitha.



Date: 2015-01-14 15:19 EST
Tabitha gave Toby a reassuring touch to his arm, before speaking. ?As Toby mentioned, I?m originally from Earth - the Midwestern United States, to be specific. One fall afternoon, I took a walk in a large park near where I lived, following a path I?d never seen before. The next thing I knew, the trees were all changed, and I found myself at the Red Dragon Inn face to face with beings I?d only read about. Toby and I met, became fast friends, drifted apart because of circumstance and a Nexus storm, and reunited when I fell into his lake. We?ve been married for.. almost seven years now.? A gentle squeeze of Toby?s arm punctuated the upcoming milestone.

?Maurin, as you may have guessed, is the most ?active? of the three. She?s always puttering, building.. tinkering.? She gave Toby a fond smile. ?In that, she?s truly her father?s daughter. For Christmas, he bought her a tool kit of her very own - real tools sized for smaller hands, with purple handles so she knows for sure which are hers.?

A nibble of banana bread, and then she continued. ?Reinette, while not as physically active as Maurin, does have a focus when it comes to history and languages - especially languages. At four years old, she?s already picked up enough Elven to be considered fluent - and that was just from listening to the vendors at the Marketplace when we?d go. I taught her what little Gaelic I know, which she mastered within a week - and that?s not an easy language to learn. Too many silent letters.?

?Selene.. if I have one worry aside from her Dreaming, it?s that she always seems to have an.. inward focus, like what she?s seeing is within herself rather than on the outside.? She picked up her cup, fidgeting with it as she continued. ?I?m not sure that makes very much sense, but it?s like she can play contentedly while her sisters war all around her.? She looked to Toby, then back to Rhi. ?Otherwise, they?re perfectly normal little girls with normal rivalries who are very eager to meet their brother - who I imagine will be the most pampered prince in all of Rhydin once he?s born.? That thought made her grin, trailing off as she refreshed her tea.

Toby nodded emphatically. ?And we want that for them, a normal childhood.. as normal as it gets around here. Friends, classes, not to be isolated up at the top of the world.?

Rhiannon had listened to both of them and took note of what each had to say about their daughters. ?One of the things I have learned while working with children, my own and others, is that it?s better open the valve slowly and let them get a grasp of what they can control before it runs them over like a fast train or a hurricane.? She took a slow, deep breath. ?The hard part is pacing to their comfort. As I?m sure you?ve discovered with your gifts, we don?t always get choice with what manifests or when.? She chuckled a bit. ?Reminds of something Maggie related after an outing with her aunt and uncle. She said someone in the inn wanted to give real fairy wands and shaman staffs to children to play with. The adult in question didn?t seem to understand why toy wooden ones were better in the hands of children that might have undiscovered talents or were untrained in using magic.? She turned her hand palm upward. ?This is something we have in Rhydin. People that mean well, but are often unaware the possible consequences.?

Rhi set a booklet on the table. ?We have someone on staff who is gifted with languages. She has had the benefit of using several libraries and some technology not native to Rhydin. You met her just a bit ago, Pearl. I have a list here of some of the languages she can teach, mostly Earth European, but it is a challenge to keep up. As for Elvish, my niece comes from time to time. Conversing in a language helps keep it fresh in the memory. Melly also teaches archery for students that wish to learn, providing their parents allow it.? She straightened in her seat. ?I have a couple of students, much like your Selene, that prefer to focus inward. I try to find the compromise point with them. Some activities are better with groups. We use the observatory?s facilities for some of the art and other projects. I have the feeling you might want to get a look at those. There?s a science class geared toward children that Maurin might like. They vary the material over the term.?

She looked up as someone passed the window outside then turned her attention back to the St. Germains. ?In the interests of disclosure, I?m an empath and gifted in the healing arts. It?s not so easy for a child to pull one over on me.? She flashed a wink.

Maggie knocked on the doorframe of the opened waiting room door. ? Excuse me, please.?

Rhi?s head turned. Blessedly, Maggie was using her company manners. ?Yes, Maggie??

?Snack time is over. Could we please start the tour before the food sleep thing starts??



Date: 2015-01-14 15:22 EST
Rhi hid a smile behind her hand. ?I think we?re ready. That is, unless, there are other questions??

Toby glanced at Tabitha, and there was that one moment of silent eyes meeting - any married couple knows it, even if one isn?t a telepath and the other an empath. He then shook his head and set down the teacup. ?As it always works out, we?ll probably think of two dozen questions after we?ve been less than two minutes out of this meeting.? A low chuckle. ?But for now, we?d love to see the place.?

Rhi got to her feet and leaned toward Maggie. ?Are you playing tour guide, today??

The answer came without hesitation and with a squeal of delight. ?I can do that!? Maggie beamed brightly and directed everyone toward a door along the wall. ?Are the girls coming? If not, they can do the art project with Aunt Chrisy.? Maggie opened the door. At the top of the stairway was a large landing with group of shelves that held art and other supplies. In the interests of safety, it had been built to help prevent anyone from tumbling down the stairs. The same was true of the double set of railings on either side of the closed stairwell. The lower set made it easier for the wee folk to navigate on their own. ?Take your time and hold on!? Maggie called before going downward.

The basement was painted in bright blues and yellows. It had been decorated by the students and some parts of the walls looked like a primary school class had been hard at work. This was where weapon skills were taught. The floor felt cushiony, it had been made to ward off severe injuries from falls, but allow a stable walking space. ?This is the rack of stuff and things!? Maggie said gleefully as she gestured to the wooden practice weapons. ?The metal stuff is locked up. We have to learn with the wood first. School rule is always have a grown person or someone with the ? ? she looked to her mother then the progress chart on the wall, ?bigger number on that chart to show you stuff.?

Rhi cleared her throat. ?That?s our experience chart. It shows the progress of all students with each type of weapon we have available. As you can see, some are good with all, some specialize with one or a few. It?s what they feel comfortable trying and what parents consent to.?

Maggie pointed to her name on the chart. ?I?m learning this one. G-l-a-i-v-e spells glaive.?

Rhiannon opened a double set of doors at the back of the practice room. ?We set this up with basics, but after Hannibal hit, we fleshed it out some.? It was a shelter with cots, canned food and other items on shelves and several closed packages that held clean bedding. ?We never know what nature or Rhydin in general will toss at us. As Mother is fond of saying, better to have this ready and not need it than need it and not have it.?

As they walked along, looking around, Toby paused. ?Do all the students commute here? Or do any stay here?? He was probably thinking of the boarding schools from various stories he?d read. ?We live rather a long way up north, far beyond into the forest regions near the mountains. But in my case, I can drop the girls off, and pick them up.?

?They commute. However, if there are emergency circumstances, we can make arrangements for an overnight stay.? She gesture toward the front of the building. ?Two of my sisters live across the way, advantages of having a big family.?

The next question was one that had been on Toby?s mind since the very first time he?d ever considered sending the girls to a school that wasn?t in their own house. His tone went sober, as he looked back to Rhi. ?What can you tell me about defensive measures??

?Mechanical, magical, or those that have been divinely invoked?? Clearly Rhi was not joking. Keeping the children in her charge safe was paramount.

?Any and all, anything that isn?t kept classified for security reasons.? He was just as serious, though pleased to see that it was a topic that was taken quite seriously. ?It?s almost a cliche, but you know what Rhydin is like. The hardest thing for Tabitha and I was convincing ourselves to let the girls go someplace that?s not home - somewhere where I can?t protect them, by whatever means available. Our greatest fear would be some maniac deciding that the best way to make a name for themselves would be to come after the kids.? Not his kids in particular, of course - just the kids in general.

?Any part of the building past the entrance way and waiting room is warded. At the back and sides of the building we have walls and doors that can withstand heavy weapons fire and a bomb blast. Between my husband?s skills as an architect and my sister?s with tech, we are not unprotected here.? She cleared her throat. ?The front room isn?t warded and is open to the public in case someone is need of shelter from the weather or help. That did cause a window to be broken, but it also saved a couple of people to shelter from storms and at least one person from being mugged. Good with the bad as they say.? She studied Toby a moment. ?My uncle specializes in weapons and custom armor. I tend to make arrangements with him for the students. One of things I try to instill in the younger children is that sometimes they will need their skills to protect themselves, but the best option when available is to hide or run to get help. Depends on the circumstances.?

A slow nod. They understood each other, it seemed. ?You mentioned technology. I didn?t think to ask this when I spoke to Collie previously, but I?m assuming that the school is connected up to where it can be reached over electronic communication? GalNet, the HoloNet, that sort of thing? For emergencies, mostly, or if one of my little dust devils goes and knocks her tooth out.? A beat, and a wry smile. ?Again.? Then serious once more. ?In a true emergency I have my own ways to get somewhere fast, but it?s a little too melodramatic for my taste to appear on the doorstep for something relatively minor. I?ll give you my commcode, which links to both my personal comm,? Toby tapped the device on his belt, ?and to the cabin. Plus even if I?m not actually working at the Bar, I have it set up to where any message sent to Star?s End Bar or the Red Dragon will be relayed on to me.?

?We are connected, yes. Anything that can?t be handled by those with first aid training or a healer?s gift, the child or children are taken immediately to Riverview Clinic. Doc Anya as Maggie likes to call her has been our family physician for several years. No matter how trivial someone might think they are, accident notifications are always sent to parents immediately. When one is responsible for someone else?s child, no injury should be considered too trivial to tell them.? She took a deep breath. ?Worst case scenario,? she tapped hand on wooden weapon,? has happened only twice. Once was an allergic reaction. Not even the parents knew she was allergic to peppers.?

Toby was quiet for a while. ?I?ll be honest, I can?t think of anything else I want to ask right now. I?m sure we?ll think of a million things, but.. ? He turned to face her. ?I?m very pleased with what I?ve seen, and what I?ve heard. I think I can safely say that if there?s any place I would let the girls go? this is it.?

?I?m glad you feel that way.? Rhiannon smiled warmly. ?We can show the art room and other classrooms then discuss the particulars. Our fees are nominal, but I should warn you ahead of time that I believe in community involvement. However the children can help, I encourage them to do so. We have had a few wonderful ideas from the children, too.?

The tour continued through the rest of the building and onward into Rhiannon?s office to discuss fees, activities, and whether or not the family had any faith based issues or if the girls had any known allergies that needed to be addressed.

(Written in collaboration with Tabitha St. Germain and Rhiannon D Harker's wonderful players.)


Date: 2015-05-05 20:07 EST
GalDate: 20150105.0348
(January 5, 2015: 3:48AM)

Keith Donald St. Germain was welcomed into the world by his loving parents Toby and Tabitha St. Germain, and his little sisters Maurin, Reinette and Selene. Keith weighed 7lbs 3oz., and measured 19 inches long at birth.

Mother and baby are doing fine. Father is slightly dazed.


Date: 2015-06-01 22:34 EST
The sun rose strong and bright over the clearing, enveloping the wide green space in its golden embrace. It would do its level best to beat down on the semi-circle of small figures sitting cross-legged around their father, but to no avail - they were a few hundred yards north of the cabin, under the shade of one of the huge oak trees that bordered the clearing. All was peace, all was still.


"Daddy, how 'come we have to do this?" That would be Maurin, for about the seventh time that afternoon.

"I told you why. Because you're in school now, you're spending the day with all the other kids at the Academy, and you're going to start taking lessons with me as well on control." Toby was kneeling (he had a personal dislike of sitting cross-legged), with the three little girls in a rough semicircle facing him, a few feet away.

Reinette, next. "Controlling what?" Even in the shade, her blonde hair seemed like it was faintly luminescent. She had her own issues with the lesson, mostly to do with all the bugs she seemed to find in her vicinity.

"Every one of you has a special gift, one you were born with." This was not the first time he'd had this talk with them, but then the girls were six, almost-five and three-and-a-half. Despite their intelligence, they were remarkably gifted in forgetting things that didn't interest them. And to be sure, he'd only talked about these things very generally before now. But things had changed.

"Me too?" And there was Selene, the little ginger sprite. Paradoxically, though she was the youngest (and by definition, the most restless), she always had a sort of placidity that her older and more restive sisters lacked.

"Yes, you too, Peanut." Toby tried his best not to smile; this was a serious lesson. "All three of you are gifted, though you might not understand or be aware of it yet. And I'm going to help teach you about it, what those gifts are.. and how you control them."

"You're gifted too, right Daddy?" Reinette's eyes showed a little more interest.

Toby phrased his answer rather delicately. "Everyone has gifts, Renny. Everyone. Sometimes they're subtle, sometimes they're very obvious."

"What's suttle?"

Maurin looked at her with big-sister importance. "That's the grilled mushroom stuff Aunt Helix makes."

Toby coughed, barely keeping the smile from cracking. "That's sort?lle, Ree. Subtle means very light, not easy to see. You feel that light breeze that comes and goes? So light you almost don't notice it?"

Three little heads nodded in unison, though Selene was distractedly eyeing a butterfly not too far away.

"That's subtle. The opposite is obvious - you know the big winds that howl outside when there's a big storm?"

Three little heads bobbed again, and Selene looked apprehensive. She didn't like storms.

"That's an obvious wind. You see?" Toby cleared his throat, rallying back around to his point again. "Everyone has gifts - like being able to play the piano. Or sing, like Mama can. Or gifted with a sword, like Uncle Xenograg, Aunt Amal and Aunt Wyh. Or cooking like Aunt Helix." Being as both he and Tabitha were alone in Rhydin (she as a 'transplant', he as an orphan), the girls had rather a large extended group of aunts and uncles. There were a select and trusted few family friends with that title, though the girls were most stridently fond of Aunt Wyh and Uncle Xenograg (not coincidentally, both of whom served as their godparents.)

"Daddy?" Maurin, again. "Is Keeth gonna be gifted too?"

A slow nod. "Yes, yes he is, Ree. But right now he's just a little baby, so you don't have to worry about him. We're here today to talk about you three." The girls took the hint in Daddy's voice and subsided, their remaining questions unasked for now.


Date: 2015-06-10 11:50 EST
"Now. What we're going to do today, is going to help you calm down when you feel scared, or if something bothers you so much that you can't handle it." All three faces looked up at him quizzically, and Toby felt the desire to chuckle well up again. He was approaching this too adult, they were still just little girls. Time to back up a bit.

"Okay. Who's been scared, so much that they didn't know what to do?"

Maurin and Reinette both raised their hands, while Selene was distracted once again by a nearby butterfly.

"Well, what Daddy's going to show you is a little trick to help you not be scared. Close your eyes, and put your hands on your knees, like this" ,he demonstrated, "and take a deep breath... then let it out."

Three little sighs drifted to his ears, the sound almost musical.

"Think about the field we're sitting in, how warm the air is.. how soft the grass is. And I want you to pretend you're a little rock, sitting in the middle of the field - just like the one you like to climb on. Are you pretending?"

Three little heads nodded in answer.

"Now, pretend that the things that are making you scared or unhappy are like big raindrops falling during a storm." He saw Selene's lip quiver a little at the thought, but pressed on. "All the bad things are like rain that's falling down on you, okay?"

Once he'd given this image a moment to sink in, Toby continued. "All those bad things are falling down on you... but then they roll off and into the ground. And then they're all gone. They come.. and then they're gone. And you're still there, when the rain's over... sitting in the warm sun."

And almost on cue, he saw three little faces light up just at the image. Moreover, he could almost feel their moods change as they moved their thoughts away from clouds and rain, to the warm sun.

"And that's what I want you to think about when you are scared, or something's hard for you to do. Think about a rock in the rain.. and all the rain is washing over you, and gone. You just have to wait for it to be done.. and the warm sun comes back."

There was a moment of silence. Then Maurin piped up. "Can we go climb on the rock, Daddy?"

Toby smiled a little. "Sure. But be careful, and no jumping off." He'd be over there with them anyway, as they all scrambled up and ran off clamoring to be first to reach the rock, as they called it. In truth it was just a half-buried boulder that barely breached the surface of the clearing, but to the girls it might as well have been a great and challenging mountain.

It was brief, he mused, that first lesson. But to be fair, at that age, it was a great victory to keep their attention on one thing for more than a few minutes. And the image was theirs now, to be reinforced as time went on.

Just a rock in the rain.


Date: 2015-06-10 12:55 EST
With the onset of early summer, the house (Toby had jokingly started calling it the Manor, after the large and venerable house that Wyheree and Roran lived in) had started taking real shape. The framework was up, which had been no small job in and of itself. Weeks and weeks of work with multiple sets of hands and every droid Toby could lay ahold of, as well as the use of the Lady as a skycrane (VERY carefully, mind you), had seen the main support structures and braces go up first. Once secured, then a temporary outer shell had been built up, in order to protect the ongoing work from the weather.

Viewed from a distance, the rather featureless temporary shell looked almost like a giant storage bin had been upended and laid atop the hill. However, as you got closer you could see the basic shape of the house - two stories, with the second story build in a "U" shape around an exterior 'porch' of sorts. The open end of the U faced west, which meant that the bedrooms would face the east and the sunrise, while the rooftop porch would have a fine view of the sunset.

The main doors would be on the south side, leading into the entry foyer. Immediately on the right would be the entrance to something Tabitha called a 'mud room', apparently an ancient architectural drawn from her homeland of Cleveland. This is where coats would be kept, boots, and little children cleaned up before they tracked dirt all through the rest of the house. Also adults, since they weren't much better sometimes. Connected to this was the laundry room.

Directly north of the foyer was the the main room of the house, taking up nearly the entire center of the first floor (including most of the west wall). The center part of the room was wide open, allowing it to be used for parties and many other possible events. The western side of the room was sunken by a few steps, and was modeled much after the cabin's main room. Along the wall, the big Tri-D screen in the center was flanked by several great windows which would give a clear view of the sunset, as well as the majority of the clearing beyond. The big round table (able to seat ten in total) was there, as well as the couch and multiple reclining seats. Toby's piano, too, was tucked into one corner of the room, while a large fireplace dominated the other corner.

In the southwest corner of the first floor was the kitchen, as well as the stairs to the basement. In typical fashion, Toby had also put a couple carefully disguised lifts for bringing large items from the basement up to the first floor, and yet again up to the second - one of these was in the kitchen, another in the corner of the main room.

Along the east side of the first floor, opposite the living room, was a game room and the main bathroom. At the back of the main room, in the center, was the stairway to the second floor. To either side of the stairs, was the exit to the back hallway, which was more of a private area.

Back here, was Toby and Tabitha's own suite, Toby's office, and Tabitha's crafts room. There was also an exit out to the main grounds on the west side of the back hallway.

(NEXT UP: The Second Floor)


Date: 2015-08-16 21:29 EST
The second floor of the house was designed in a "U" shape, with the open end facing west. This was in part so that the sunrise would bloom through the open windows of the bedrooms along the western side of the house.

Starting on the northwest corner of the house, the rooms ran east, then south, and finally curving back west again on the south end, with the single hallway running in that open-end U shape inside that circle of rooms. In that order, were the first and second guest bedrooms, and in the northeast corner was Maurin's bedroom.

Along the east side of the floor were then Selene's room, a double bathroom, little Keith's room, and in the southeast corner, Reinette's bedroom. Then there was the kids playroom and finally the family library/drawing room in the southwest corner.

The upper hallway in turn surrounded an outdoor porch deck, with large windows and three doors opening onto it. This porch deck, sheltered on three sides, held a commanding view of the west, and the sunset. There was a large table and chairs, plus some cushy chairs and a lounger or two. They could eat breakfast out here (which was the original intent of the deck), or hold small gatherings and such.


Date: 2015-08-16 22:04 EST

(August 10th, 2015 - 6:00PM local time)

(( Relating to the party invitation in this thread: ))

The cabin was filled with chaos. Not the scary kind where something dreaded lurks around the corner, nor the confused kind where no one seems to know what's going on. This, my friends, is the kind where you try to get a family of six (three of them aged 3-1/2 through 6 1/2, plus an infant) packed and ready for a 3-day 'camping' holiday on Harkers' Island.

When the invitation had arrived for the 3-day gathering (a combination of celebrating Maggie Harker's victory at the recent Talon of Redwin tourney, and the end-of-summer gathering for the Academy before the start of classes in a few weeks), there had been much excitement to go around. Maurin and Reinette were busy working on their packing, trying to decide what to take (and as is typical, wanting to take *everything*).

Toby looked around, finally calling to his wife. "Where's Selene?" Tabitha, busy with a fussy Keith, could only give him a helpless shrug. Neither of the older girls seemed to know either, as they were still arguing if they should share a tent or not.

Finally he found her sitting in the back porch on the cot (usually covered over with a decorative afghan), with her arms around her knees and her chin resting on them. Toby sat down next to her, affectionally ruffling the top of her fiery head. "What's wrong, Peanut?"

Selene peered up at her father, her big eyes full of doubt. "Daddy, I's scared 'bout going."

"Why scared? You know everyone there from school, and you had a good time at school, right?"

The little head nodded slowly.

"You scared about staying away from home?"

More nodding, and she ducked her face down into her arms.

Quiet chuckle from Toby, who reached down and put his arm around his youngest daughter. "Hey, we're all going to be there, you know. Me and Mama, little Keith, and both your big sisters. So don't be scared, it's going to be a big party, right?"

"But I don't wanna sleep by myself, Daddy.."

His mouth twitched. "Which of your sisters put that idea in your head, Selene?"

"Well, they keep on sayin' they want to have their own tent, an'.. if they have their own tent, I have to sleep by myself." A little sniffle was given at the end of the admission.

Toby raised his voice just slightly (the cabin was small enough that little else was necessary). "Maurin Leigh! Reinette Wyheree! Come here!"

Moments later, two small figures appeared in the doorway, with that universal "What did we do wrong?" expression on their faces. Toby wasted no time in getting to the point.

"Are you two STILL arguing about sharing a tent?"

The explosion of competing voices was nearly impossible to translate, at least if you hadn't had more than one kid of your own.

"I'm big enough to be by myself now - "
"I'm five! I'm big enough too!"
"Rennie kicks me in her sleep!"
"Maurin snores!"
"Do not!"


That brought the cacaphony to a halt again.

"You realize that if you both want your own tent, then little Selene has to sleep by herself too. And she's scared of sleeping on her own, so much that she doesn't want to go now."

You could almost hear the trains of thought screeching to halt, as the two older girls looked at their little sister suddenly. Something that had become very clear over the past year or so, was that no matter how much the older two got on each other's nerves, no matter how much they fought or argued or tweaked each other... they both adored their baby sister. She was the one thing they could always agree on.

Toby struck while the iron was hot. "So which one of you is going to protect your little sister on the trip? Hmm?"

"I will, Daddy. I'm the big sister."
"Hey! I'm her big sister too!"
"Yea, but I'm bigger."
"Are not!" A pause. "Well, I'm big too!"

"Girls." Once again, silence. "If we take the big tent that we got from Aunt Helix, then why don't all three of you take share it? It's sure big enough.. so no one will be kicking anyone else. And you can pretend the three of you have your own personal cabin, how about that?"

Maurin and Reinette perked up, and nodded in vigorous agreement. Toby turned to look at Selene, and tilted his head. "So how about it, Peanut? You feel better about going away on the trip since you'll be with *both* your big sisters?"

Even as he said it, the clouds seemed to part on the little redhead's face, and Selene gave him that smile that lit up the room.

Toby gave an unseen, inward sigh of relief. Crisis averted (for now).


Date: 2015-09-11 13:11 EST
"Daddy, when is the new house going to be done? Are we gonna move in before it snows?"

Toby paused from adjusting one of the droids' manipulator arms. The three of them were in the doorway, in their usual arrangement. Maurin stood in front, with Reinette trying to squeeze in right next to her. And little Selene peered around her older sisters' sides from the hallway.

He gave the tool one last twist, and powered the droid back up. It beeped at him, and trundled off to resume working on the flooring. Toby moved to sit on one of the lawn chairs scattered around the work area, and the little girls followed him, clustering around.

"We're getting pretty close, kiddo. The last of the floor is being done, all the wiring is finished up, it's down to just a lot of painting and wallpaper, then furniture and decorating."

"Can we help paint?"
"Do we have to help paint?"

Maurin and Reinette huffed at each other, each of them having very different ideas on how appealing a notion that was. Toby just chuckled.

"Well, you certainly can help. There's lots to do."

"Can we pick the paint for our own rooms?" Reinette, the little fashion-plate, perked up at this notion.

"Mmmm.. I think maybe that could be arranged. But you'll have to clear it with Mama." Ahh, the magic words; Maurin and Reinette left a dust trail as they trampled back down the corridor to find Tabitha.. who had no idea what was coming.

Toby turned to pick up his toolkit, only to feel a little tug at his sleeve. Little Selene was gazing up at him with her big eyes. "What's up, Peanut?"

"Am I gon' to have my own room, Daddy?"

"Of course you are, everyone gets their own room in the new house." Toby tilted his head at her expression. It wasn't a happy one... more like worried. "Don't you want your own room?"

Selene didn't answer, but her face told the story clearly enough. Toby patted his lap, and the three year old clambered up to lean against him. "I know you want your big sisters there to protect you. But you're a big girl now... why, you're going to be four years old pretty soon! You're practically as big as Mama!"

Selene giggled at that. Toby ruffled her wavy red hair idly with his fingers, and went on. "I tell you what. Your room is gonna be right next to Maurin's.. so no one's gonna bother you with her right there. Right?"

A perk. "Can I sleep with Meemee if I get scared?" This was Selene's nickname for Maurin, from when she'd first had trouble saying her eldest sister's name.

"Well, you should probably ask her first."

"Can Buddy sleep in my room, Daddy?" Buddy was the name Selene had given to one of the puppies. Each girl had been allowed to pick out one of the pups as 'her very own'.

"Mmm... we'll see. They're still very little." He looked at Selene's expression, and amended, "But by the time the house is done, maybe Buddy can sleep on your bed."

Selene seemed to be mollified by this, and gave her father a big hug. "Thanks Daddy.." She then scrambled down and went scampering off to find her sisters.


Date: 2015-11-17 09:44 EST
For some time now, life in the St. Germain household had revolved largely around two major themes - school (at least for the three girls), and preparations to move into the nearly-finished new house. Furniture and other necessities had been slowly brought into the new house, and the time was fast approaching when the rooms at the cabin would go dark and silent as everyone officially moved in. Though not abandoned - Toby had already made arrangements for a droid caretaker to keep the cabin in livable condition. There were more than a few good reasons for that.

But now, a different obsession had taken hold of the family - clothes. Yes, clothes. For the time was fast approaching when the great Ball would be held in Eldicor, a celebration to which the entire family had been invited, by no less a figure than the Queen herself.

Tabitha had made more than a few excursions into the City with Wyheree and Selene O'Malley in a quest to find that one perfect outfit - after all, a down-to-Earth girl from the Midwest didn't find herself going to an honest-to-God royal ball every day! And she wanted to do the thing properly.

In the same vein, Amanda had taken the three girls with her to Eldicor so that they could, in Reinette's words, "all be princesses too!" They had done their best to coax Xenograg into coming along as well, but he'd pointed out with a smile that the places they'd be going would not be meant for him.

Besides, as he also pointed out, he had his hands full helping their Daddy find something that would look proper for such an event. Which was a considerable undertaking in itself.


Date: 2015-12-07 11:44 EST
For the actual events of the Ball, please visit Realm of Eldicor:

Outside the castle, fireworks lit up and shook the sky as everyone watched in awe and appreciation. The two older girls hung on the railing, their legs danging as they watched, while Selene hung onto Daddy (and Momma held little Keith, who was too sleepy to notice even the brilliant display above).

Toby's thoughts were far away, as the family stood together among their friends. When he'd agreed to accompany the others into the Forest, the intent had been simple enough. He would use his unique gift to 'cloak' Murelle's mind, to hide her from the Chalkotu's debilitating influence and give her her opportunity for justice.

Things had, of course, gone in a direction he could not have foreseen. He'd never intended to take such an active hand in the battle, nevermind 'let loose the wolf', as he'd thought of it in the weeks afterward. But so it had happened, as it was meant to happen. In the end, he'd gained so much more than he expected - Murelle had achieved her vengeance, the creature and its spawn were destroyed and the forest liberated at last. The loss of life from the incursion had been limited, as much as it could be. And now, tonight, he stood there next to his wife as a knight of Eldicor.

Sir Toby. The words just sounded *so* bizarre in his head every time he heard or thought them. How unlike the person they belonged to - a punk kid from the Spaceport streets, who'd grown up but never matured (so he jokingly claimed), and who held almost nothing in reverence or authority.

But the Queen, perhaps, knew him better than he'd admit. So did Xenograg, who surely would have advised her against the act if he thought it in appropriate.

And there was one other thing, something he had not spoken of to anyone yet. At the conclusion of the battle, at the last need, Toby had set aside his last fears and denials and let his gift run free and unrestrained. The whirlwind of destruction that resulted, however, was accompanied by something new.

Toby still could not find the words to properly describe it now - any time he tried, it just felt like a child's attempt to describe something far beyond their ken. But there had been a moment, just a brief shining moment, when he'd felt something truly wonderful. The words for it just weren't enough.


For that one brief, shining moment he'd understood everything. He'd been PART of everything, a unified truth. That and that alone was how he'd obliterated uncounted numbers of the creatures while not so much grazing any of the allied fighters around him. They'd stood inside a ravening whirlwind of destruction.. but there was never any danger that they'd suffer even a scratch. Because in that one shining moment, every single piece of debris had been one with him, and he with it.

And it had been glorious. The sheer and utter JOY of that moment, it had been almost too much to bear. Once he'd woken up afterwards, Toby had felt an almost unbearable sense of loss ... a diminishing, like he'd been part of something so much bigger and was now just .. himself again.

But here today, he felt nothing but peace. That moment of clarity may never come again, but he HAD known it. And that could never be taken away from him. Now, he had his family reunited, a son added to his three little girls.. and an honor from Queen Teleperien that touched Toby in a way he could never fully explain. She'd never know just how much it meant, to be 'included' in that way.

Seeing Murelle and Xenograg so honored just sealed it for him. For once, for this moment, everything was right in the world.


Date: 2016-01-07 10:16 EST
--20151231.2100 (aka December 31, 2015)

Despite the unseasonably warm Rhydin winter that year, the snow had made its appearance up in the northern wildlands where the family lived. The great clearing was covered in a muffling blanket of white, and the lake was showing a thin crust of ice along the shoreline. The cabin was quiet in the evening darkness, a soft glow coming from the front windows.

Around on the western side of the lake, however, something new caught the eye. The manor was finally finished, a broad and tall multi-story structure on a gently sloping hill that overlooked the lake. It was lit up brightly, with coloured lights in the windows and a spiral of smoke rising contentedly from a chimney upon the north side.

In the two weeks before Christmas, the last of the moving-in had finally been completed. The furniture was all in place, the rooms were decorated (and in some cases, wired up - Toby had a lot of toys in storage), and the utilities were up and running. And personal touches were finished.. slowly making a new house into a home.

Tonight, the family was in the den, the smell of new paint and varnish still lingering in the air. Tabitha held court on the lush new couch, with Maurin and Reinette curled up against either side of her, and little Keith on her lap snoozing. Selene was already asleep as well, or most of the way there, laying on the rug near (but not too near) the fire. The dogs were, as was typical, all over the place - Duchess in fact was laying curled up against Selene with her tail occasionally tickling the little girls nose. Every now and then Selene would reach up and awkwardly brush at her nose.. and get an indulgent lick in the process.

Toby was in his usual spot as well, at the much-loved baby grand that had once stood in the cabin's living room. He'd been playing Christmas songs by request all evening since dinner, and was now trying his hand again at Silent Night. Christmas was not a native concept to him (having grown up where he did), but Tabitha had given Toby quite a thorough grounding in the entire mythology of the season. And she'd been unswerving in her desire to give the kids the full experience of it.

So there they were... a new year, a new home... but the scene was timeless. Even the new fireplace and hearth had a very familiar row of lovingly decorated stockings hung over it. And this year, a number of smaller ones for their newest family members.


Date: 2016-02-08 10:53 EST
"Unseasonably warm," Toby snorted. "I should have choked on those words, it was like invoking 'It's too quiet', or 'What could possibly go wrong?' Or maybe 'Oh, we got this.' "

Tabitha said nothing as she pushed the salt-thrower against the still-new thermocrete that made up the new house's driveway. Toby was running a powerful snow-blower to clear the driveway from the garage doors down to the road that led south through the clearing, and towards the outside world far, far away. He'd been ranting about the sudden and violent change of weather for as long as it had taken to clear the long slope of the driveway (and with a few falls in the process), while Tabitha had come behind him with the salt-like mixture that would both melt the remaining snow and provide badly-needed traction. There were heating elements buried throughout the length of the driveway, but something wasn't working inside. So, they had to do it the hard way.

Tabitha, who was well-used to Ohio winters back on Earth, barely kept herself from snickering as her husband grumbled. Granted, her driveway hadn't been THIS huge, but it was nothing she hadn't dealt with before.

While the parents cleared the long driveway, the girls were romping through the heavy snow on the hillside below the new house. It was thick and deep, and at times all that could be seen of little Selene was the fuzzy pom-pom at the tip of her hat. The puppies were still in the house, whining at the windows - they weren't quite big enough yet for the cold and the snow, Tabitha thought. Duchess was inside with them as well, but Duke was outside bounding through the snow and watching the girls play. His ears perked with interest as Maurin tossed another snowball for him, and then the big Labrador charged through the drifts after it.

The skies were partly cloudy now, but some dark hints on the northwestern horizon hinted at more snow to come. Tabitha still said nothing.. though she knew the time would come to intervene if and when he started grumbling about using a flamethrower to clear snow. He'd tried it once.... it hadn't ended well.


Date: 2016-04-01 21:27 EST
"Daddy, I heard something funny outside today."

Selene's voice drew Toby out of the dissonant state he tended to enter when heavily focused on figuring something out. In this case, it was a rather tricky little piece of programming that needed to work properly in order to make the robotic sentinel program tie together. But there were a lot of intricate changes when you tied together so many complex little mechanisms under one banner.

"Mmm? Did you tell Mama?" Shameless, Toby, pawning the question off on Tabitha. Selene's answer surprised him, though.

"Yah, and she told me to come tell you right away."

His head lifted from the screen, turning to stare at his youngest daughter. The problems of programming drifted off into an unoccupied corner of his mind, where he'd pick them up later. "What kind of funny sound, peanut?"

"Somethin' howling. It sounded sad."

Toby frowned. That didn't sound good in any respect. There were rumors of bears in the farther northern reaches of the woodlands, near the mountains, but never wolves. Not in the ten years he'd lived here, at least. But there was utter conviction in the face of the four-year-old in front of him, and she of all the kids had a definite gift when it came to animals. If she said she'd heard howling, his first instinct was to believe her. And apparently it had been Tabitha's as well.

"When exactly did you hear the howling, sweetie?"

Selene thought about it, screwing her face up into a little frown to match his. "B'fore lunch, when Mama said come take a nap. Meemee said she didn't hear nuffin though."

Toby closed the screen and looked out the window at the darkening sky. The trees to the north seemed a little darker, somehow. Threatening.

"Do you think you could tell where it came from?"

Selene shook her head emphatically. "Nuh uh. It came from everywhere."


"Okay, everyone, listen up." The entire family was gathered in the living room, looking very curious indeed - though Tabitha looked more uneasy than anything. She already knew what he was about to say.

"For now, I want everyone to stay either in the house or in the garden just outside. No going out the gate, and that includes the dogs. Okay?"

Maurin, predictably, piped up first. "Why? Is this because of what Selene thought she heard?" The little redhead folded her arms and glared at her big sister, an upset expression forming.

"I did hear howling!"

Toby headed off the inevitable argument with a pre-emptive tap of his foot on the floorboard. "Because I said so, girls. End of story. Are we clear?"

There was only one answer when *that* voice was used. "Yes, Daddy," came the chorus. Tabitha gave him a silent, worried nod. He'd already told her what he was going to do, and she didn't like it one bit.

"Now you girls are responsible for the puppies. *You* have to make sure they stay safe in the house, okay?" There was a chorus of nods this time. Each of them was eager to be the 'responsible' one when it came to the dogs - and each other, he knew. What he worried about was curiosity, especially the older girls.

"Okay. Now go on, get your hands washed. Or Mama's gonna let the puppies have first lick at dinner." Eyes got big, and then there was the mild thunder of three pairs of sneakers bounding off toward the bathroom - with Keith wobbling his way along after his sisters.


Date: 2016-05-14 22:58 EST
It was early morning, when Toby opened the outer gate in the perimeter wall of the hilltop. It was quite high, and had more than its share of defensive systems built in. He held the gate open just a little longer, and then closed it again.

Toby was not an early riser by habit, but this morning was a little different. Tabitha would not be up for a little while yet, and the girls were all sound asleep. Even Keith, who had his moments of "Sleep? What's that?", was contentedly curled around his favorite stuffed toy in deep repose.

The path from the gate split here, going in several directions. One would take you around the side of the hilltop, and down towards the lake and the pool house and dock. Another led back towards the old cabin, now dark and quiescent since the move some time ago.

The path Toby chose, however, led down and around to the west side of the house, into the great clearing. It would eventually reach the north side, and disappear into the woods themselves. Up where this path approached the trees, was the very small clearing where he often took the girls for lessons in nice weather. Eventually, this path (and others that it met in the woods to the north of the main clearing) would reach the foothills far, far to the north... and then the mountains.

Spring had taken full hold, especially with all the rain of late. Toby's boots crunched lightly on the ground, not muddy but not quite dry yet either. Next to him echoed the softer clicking pads of Duke, as he followed his master along the path. Easily the largest of the dogs, Duke was a sweet and lovable people as far as the kids were concerned - but he was still a considerably large animal, and like any dog he was fiercely protective of his master and family.

In one hand, Toby had hold of a sturdy walking stick, a length of ironwood bearing a plaited leather strap and shod with a steel cap - a gift from Queen Teleperien of Eldicor. His other hand remained in his pocket. He paused at the wood's edge, looking around in the early morning silence, the sun just barely peeking over lake to the east.

Next to him, Duke sniffed around here and there at the ground, but he didn't seem overly troubled or interested by anything. His tail continued to wag idly as he peered up at his master, as if to say "Now what?"

Toby stood there for a while, motionless. Finally he turned, with a quiet 'c'mon' to Duke, and strode up the path into the woods. Man and dog were visible for a short time as they passed under the shadow of the trees, and then were seen no more.


Date: 2016-05-17 09:03 EST
Toby had lived in these far northern forestlands for nearly a decade, and (especially during some of his darker times years before), he'd walked the paths of the woods more times than he could remember. There were various animals, mostly of the smaller variety - he thought he'd seen a bear once, but that had been so far north he'd almost come to the beginnings of the distant mountain ranges.

Never in all that time had he felt ill at ease in what he considered 'his own' woods. Sure, you had to be careful, but you had to be careful in deep space too. But now, for the first time, a shadow seemed to hang over the formerly friendly and inviting trees. Something was lurking.

Toby felt no hints of it himself, nor had he heard anything unusual in all those years. But Selene's insistence that she was hearing something howling in the trees north of the house (and in her own words, "really sad"), had set off something inside him.. she was imaginative as any child, was little Selene, but she would not carry a joke this far.

Besides him, Duke nosed happily along the path, his tail wagging casually. The big black dog gave no sign whatsoever of scenting or hearing anything odd, except for the odd squirrel or rabbit here and there. It was his senses that Toby was relying most on now, because if there really were wolves lurking in these woods, Duke would pick up on it before anyone. But so far, the most dangerous thing they'd seen was a fox.

He spent most of the morning criss-crossing the areas north and northwest of the house (with the occasional comm-note to assure Tabitha that they were fine), but finally came home with nothing to show for it. He knew that, notes or not, Tabi was going to be more than a little perturbed with him for the unannounced trip. She was no less unnerved by Selene's tale of howling than he was.

As they started up the hillside path to the house, Toby paused to look over his shoulder at the woods. Was it just his imagination indulging itself, or did the space under the trees look just a little darker? The thought did not make him feel much better as he whistled to Duke and set back up to the gate.


Date: 2016-05-26 11:21 EST
The bird sat on the balcony railing, rustling its wings slowly in the morning breeze. A casual observer would not think this particular bird odd, except that it seemed awfully unbothered by the close proximity of a human to its perch. Perhaps they might think it a tame pet. A logical deduction, but wrong in every respect.

It was, in fact, the prototype of a security system several years in the making. Fully articulated and capable of independant movement, the bird was a carefully designed and crafted robot drone. Months of tweaking and upgrading had the design nearly complete, and careful craft work with the feathers and a tiny pheromone emitter made it nigh-indistinguishable from the real thing at all but the closest inspections.

Capable of surveillance, image-processing, and offense/defense functions, the bird was the first of a fleet (or flock) that Toby intended to release into the woods that made up their rather extensive property. They would roam the expanse of the acreage, tracking any intruders or anomalies, and deal with them if necessary. And being designed to blend in, they would be much stealthier than a standard droid or drone.

Today, however, he had specific instructions for the drone (which without explanation, Selene had christened Swizzle) - he gave it a range limit around the clearing, and instructions to track in on any life readings larger than a groundhog. With the array of sensors (including audio, visual spectrum, UV, IR and X-ray) available, the drone should be able to locate and identify any animals roaming nearby. Plus, if the howling started, the drone should be able to track on it.

The command set entered, Toby gave the bird the default instruction, "Off with you." With a soft, just faintly metallic whisper, the bird flapped its wings and launched itself off the railing. Toby watched it go until it disappeared into the trees, out of sight.


Date: 2016-06-06 10:15 EST
"So what are we looking at here?" Tabitha leaned her hip against her husband's desk, head tilted at the big screen mounted above it.

"The program's designed to coordinate an entire fleet... flock?... of drones at once, but I only have the one right now. The left hand shows what it sees with the camera eyes, the right can alternate between a tactical map of the area, and general scan data from the other sensors. I have it searching the grid sections immediately north, northeast and northwest of the house. It'll criss-cross those areas in a specific pattern to cover as much ground as possible, then move to the next."

Toby was resting on his elbows, watching the screen along with her. The screen showed a digitally-enhanced view of the trees around, as the drone bird sat perched on a branch. Tracking indicators locked in on any movement it saw, such as chipmunks, squirrels, and even a fox at one point.

He drummed his fingers on the keys in front of him, tapping one briefly. The right-hand display changed to an infrared scan, showing the cool blues and greens of the trees, contrasting with the warmer reds and oranges of small mammals scurrying through the foliage or climbing the trees. Anything larger than a baby mouse would show up clearly to those scanners, but so far that's just about all he was seeing.

"You can't watch it all day, honey." A warm hand rested on his upper back, as Tabitha's honeyed tones coaxed at him. A smile drifted across Toby's face at that. He'd once (teasingly) accused her of using that voice like a weapon, to which Tabitha had reacted with an utterly unconvincing display of innocence. Nevermind that she hadn't actually *denied* it.

"I don't have to.. it's designed to record and to send an alert if it identifies anything larger than that fox. The whole thing's meant to function on its own, when it's finished."

"Good." Tabitha slithered onto his lap, shaking that untamed mane away from her face before kissing her husband fleetingly. "The girls and Keith are playing with Wyh and the baby. They'll have her busy for an hour at least." She pulled his hand away from the keyboard, and onto the tied bow at her wraparound blouse's hem. "I don't have a single thing to do in the meantime."

A smirk blossomed into a genuine smile at his wife. "Not a thing, huh?"

"Mmm. Well, aside from the shower I'm about to go take." She slid just as gracefully out of his grasp, and walked out of the room. Toby had no doubts that she put just a little more slink in that strut than was really necessary. She disappeared out the door, leaving just a hint of a musical giggle in her wake.

"Shower sounds good." He muttered to himself, leaving the screen behind. It did sound awfully good. What followed was even better.