Topic: Breaking & Entering

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2006-03-03 13:06 EST
Tara Rynieyn stood outside the door to Room Number 12 and thought about what she was going to do. It was complete lunacy, she knew, but there was a task to be done here, and that was that.

Room Number 12 had had a lot of occupants in its time but none so temperamental and belligerent as Jodiah Ayreg. He was one of the most disagreeable males she had ever met and she had met plenty. He was never satisfied, complained constantly, smoked the most awful smelling pipe that she personally found revolting, and always had this deep scowl on his face whenever she spoke with him.

If the demon Oziendis had not attacked The Pix, Tara would have never had to deal with Ayreg on anything but an occasional social level. But the demon had and she felt it was her duty, her obligation, to bring about a swift end to the foul creature. Afterall, The Pix was like her daughter.

So she had gone to Jodiah and asked him to make her a weapon. Not just any weapon, a weapon unlike any other ever made. She knew it would be difficult to do but she was confident Jodiah Ayreg was the right man for the job.

At first he flat out refused to help her but then had changed his mind midway through the conversation. She didn't know why he had a change of heart and she didn't care. All she wanted was the sword so the demon could be eliminated. If Jodiah Ayreg had violent mood swings, that was not her concern.

Earlier in the week he had informed her that the sword itself was nearly complete and in order to see it through to the end he would need a companion to travel along with him to The Shadowlands. This troubled her as she was familiar with that place and aside from sheer desperation should she need to go into hiding, there was no way in hell she'd ever go there again. He asked her to find him someone to accompany him.

Naturally, the most powerful person she knew was her Talomar but she was reticent to mention it because of the silent war that was transpiring between the two hot-tempered males. She began to think of an alternative but the only one that came to mind was a man she knew that liked to dress up like Maid Marion at times. While the man amused her to no end, she wondered if Jodiah could put up with him. She asked him and the look on his face told her to drop the idea.

So the night wore on and soon another night followed and Talomar had come to the Dragon to discuss with her their current plans and that is when she dropped a hint that he should accompany Jodiah. This did not please her vampire lord in the least. Had she not whispered a promise to give him something in his ear, she knew he most likely would never have agreed.

The two males reached an accord. They would travel to the Shadowlands together, find the necessary materials they needed for the sword, and return posthaste.

Her friend Alysia Skye warned her that she should expect the two to come to blows as soon as they returned and Tara thought that was probably a fair estimate of future events.

In the meantime, however, they were getting along quite nicely in her opinion and that was all that mattered.

And so now the door to Room Number 12 loomed before her and she lifted her petite hand to knock but something stopped her. It was 3:00 AM and Jodiah Ayreg was likely sleeping. If she had to guess at how he was sleeping, she would probably settle on fitfully. The man was either constipated or an insomniac. No one was that damn mean all the time for no good reason. And she could easily say that. Jodiah used to work for her father, Lord Grimm, and while the Dark Lord himself had a very short fuse, he even chuckled once in awhile.

If she knocked and he came to the door he would be irate and demand to know why she was there, in the dead of night, and wearing one of her scandalous outfits again. He would likely shake her, or throw her up against the wall again, and scream in her face as he was fond of doing whenever they were both in close proximity.

The man was a bastard and abused her unmercifully she thought. What had she ever done to him to deserve such mistreatment?

But if she didn't knock, she would need to find a way to gain entry to his room. Illegal entry.

What to do. What to do.

Reaching up to her hair, she slipped a hairpin out and used it to pick the lock to the door of Room Number 12 just as she had bragged to Jodiah about doing previously and never did.

Now she was doing it and if she had a heartbeat it would be triphammering in her chest right about now. The door opened slowly to reveal the dark confines of Jodiah Ayreg's tightly wound and meticulous little world.

It was good to be a vampire because you could see in the dark places just as if they were lit and you didn't have to worry about torches dying out.

She stepped inside quickly and shut the door so she would not be seen. She could still hear the tavern abuzz with activity down below and how she managed to go up the stairs without being noticed is anyone's guess, but she did.

Creeping slowly across the floorboards she approached Jodiah's bedside, a piece of parchment in her hand.

She looked down at his sleeping form, sniffed at him a little here and there, and then laid the parchment down on his broad and battle-scarred chest.

She then started to snoop.

Lord Ayreg

Date: 2006-03-03 20:25 EST
Ayreg was sleeping fitfully, as he often did of late. Nightmares had begun to plague his dreams without remorse, and without fail. His head turned, and turned again. He made no noise, save the sound of steady breathing interrupted momentarily by more intense, stronger bursts of air or inhalations. The sound of the latch sliding free did not disturb him, nor the sound of gentle sniffs made over his topless form. His fists pumped, gripping and releasing in almost regular intervals, the sheets upon which he slept, and a cold sweat beaded down the side of his weathered face.

Another nightmare. He had grown so accustomed to these, it almost did not truly bother him anymore. No more did he bolt out of bed, sitting upright suddenly when he woke. Sometimes he did not wake at all.

This time, he did.

A parchement was laid across his chest, and he woke. It was a kind of sleepy waking, though, where the waker is not sure if he's still dreaming, or back in the real world. He did not move for a short time of many seconds, but the demons around him had suddenly vanished -- and not a minute too soon, by his recollection, having just seen the smirking face of Talomar Longden in his dream standing over him like a triumphant victor.

As his eyes opened weakly, he became aware of his environment. The coarse feel of paper was there on his chest, and... a figure ...was moving in his room, poking through drawers and glancing over his suit of clockwork armor the gnomes had helped him construct in the forges. It was hard to be sure exactly who, or even what, this figure was. Like shadows on shadows. Merely a darker form amongst the dark. The runeblade was behind his bed, just within reach, and he siezed it into his grip.

Room 12 was much like any of the other rooms in structure, and form. The walls were well-built, if not of the finest cut of wood. The glass in the window was clean enough save perhaps only for the thinnest film of dust covering its surface. There was the bed, and the stand beside it. A candle set in a brass candlestick, the vestiges of melted wax hanging from its lip like drops of water frozen in time.

There was a table to one end of the room, opposite the bed, and a chair hung out askew from it. It had the appearance of someone having just stood from it, and neglecting to push it back. Slung over the back of the chair was a dark-colored shirt -- it may have been black, or perhaps a considerably dark shade of gray -- with drawstrings instead of buttons, and a high-collared black coat with silver scrollwork up the sleeves. She would have recognized it, of course, as being Ayreg's.

To the side of the room was a small dresser. Drawers opened revealed two more high-collared coats, one with silver scroll-work and the other rather plain. Both were well-made, much like the one slung over the back of the chair. Another drawer reveals several shirts of various colors, though all were dark. One might have been a rather dark green. The last drawer was filled with identical pairs of black breeches -- six in all, and all with drawstrings in the front and down the legs.

The room was without decoration. Indeed, it was a soldier's room; soldiers had no need of luxury. One could even go so far as to call the room `spartan.`

A rack had been set up in the corner opposite the table, down from the bed. The primary piece on display was the machined clockwork platemail the gnomes had helped Ayreg create. Smooth lines and etchwork marked the black-enameled suit of armor. It almost looked normal, save for the the edging trail of servos that could be seen through the empty gorget of the armor, and a curious device that might have looked like a blowhole constructed just underneath the left pauldron.

Beside the machined half-plate hung a suit of blackened alloy mail. It was unimpressive, save for its color. Clearly it had been left in a slowfurnace for a great deal of time to soak up enough carbon to get that color. A set of black-enameled bracers hung from hooks just to the flank of the clockwork armor.

On the table itself was an inkwell, closed with a cork stopper, and a small quill pen. It was dry, and had the look of being cleaned recently, with a few striations of water remained on the tip to identify that fact.

Sliding out of bed, bare feet made no noise against the hard wood of the floor as he stalked toward this mysterious figure seemingly hunched over his writing table.

The parchment that lay beside the inkwell was the primary focus of anyone looking at the table, though. When she leaned down to read it, she could see Ayreg himself had a rather fluid script, but a funny way of writing long letters. "I"s and "J"s and "F"s had strong, downward-slashing broad strokes compared to many other, smaller letters.

Lady De`Seis,

I regret that it has been so long since we last communicated. I understand your operations were going quite well in Iksindrum the last time I was there. Of course, that depends entirely upon one's point of view, though. I dislike speaking with you for any regular period of time, so I will make myself plain and attempt to use small words:

I have established myself in Rhy'Din City, some hundred leagues south of your last known location. I write not for pleasantries, but in a minor request of assistance. If you have any contacts in Malfeas, do inform them that

Her reading was interrupted by the cold feel of a runeblade setting down onto her shoulder with a light tap. It was hard to see, but perhaps just enough moonlight entered the room through the open window to make out her form in the darkness.

"Slowly turn." The cold, sandpaper-like voice of Jodiah was unmistakable, even in the dark. He stood behind her naked save only for his breeches, a crumpled piece of parchment in one hand, and the runeblade in the other.

It was a soldier's room.. and soldiers sleep very lightly.

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2006-03-03 22:31 EST
She was in her glory, sneaking about his room, putting her fingerprints over all his stuff, and learning more about him with each personal article of his she examined. Several times she almost snickered with delight.

Honestly, she could have been at this for hours had the knowledge that not only would the sun would be rising in a few hours and that was a problem for her, physically speaking, but Talomar would most likely wonder where she had gone off to in the night.

The last thing she needed was for him to come looking for her and following her scent trail, come to find her here, in Jodiah's room.

It would look bad.

And she didn't want to look bad in his eyes.

So she promised herself she would only read the letter on Jodiah's desk and then she would leave, straight away, but then, halfway through the letter, she felt the blade at her shoulder and heard the raspy voice of the man that had made her cry not five hours earlier.

She gasped, more in surprise than fear, and turned slowly, wondering just how she would explain her uninvited presence in his room. Had this only been a few weeks earlier when she had not bonded with Talomar, she would have heard him coming and would have made a hasty escape.

Her mind reeled with all the possibilities and each one sounded more ridiculous than the one before it.

In the end, before he decided to lay open her insides with that trusty blade of his, she decided to just tell the truth.

"Jodiah," she whispered in the darkness and backed up against the desk with her hands in front of her, " is I, Tara."

"Please don't hurt me," she said softly in that crooning voice he favored so much.

Lord Ayreg

Date: 2006-03-03 22:49 EST
Not five hours past, he spoke with her last.

Not five hours past, he demanded to know why she had been tormenting him.

Not five hours past, he wanted to know why she haunted his dreams.

Not five hours past, he questioned why she flaunted herself in front of him.

Not five hours past, he had leered at her again, in her salacious outfits.

Not five hours past, he had made her cry.

Not five hours past, she had said how much she hated him.

Well, that was fine. He had no great love for her, either. He did not trust her as far as he could throw her, and half the time he wanted to split her skull open with a rock. Or maybe push her out a window. No matter his personal feelings for her, though, his body burned to know hers.

Self-control was one of the things Ayreg prided himself on. He did not fall prey to his baser instincts very often. It was... almost disturbing.

Now she was in his room. Again. He stared at her as she spoke, his narrow eyes squinting as the faint glow of moonlight reflected off her alabaster flesh exposed by her nightgown. She had worn something similar before, on midwinter's night. His arm quivered, though not from the weight of his runeblade. Razor edge of the blade was now against her neck, and it scraped away just slightly at the outermost layer of skin. Not enough to slice the skin, though just enough to draw the faintest hint of blood to the surface. A very tiny droplette oozed down the edge of his blade, clinging to the length of steel despite gravity's pull.

After several terse seconds he withdrew the sword, and closed the arm's length of distance to her. Jodiah's hand snaked around the back of her neck to grab a fist full of long, flowing auburn hair, and he wrenched her neck back fiercely.

His voice was as hard as a rock, and his face was about the same way, a matter of inches away from her. "This is no dream. Why are you here, woman? Come to make me gnash my teeth in agony for you again!?"

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2006-03-04 17:41 EST
She had been in a similar situation once, many times in fact, but there was this one time that she was in the exact same posture as she was now, head thrown back, a blade at her throat, and a man's fist in her long, beautiful auburn hair.

That time it had been Kain Locke and in the darkness of Room Number 12, it was as if she were reliving it all over again.

The previous time it was rather easy to get herself out of trouble as she only had to drop to her knees and service Kain with her lips but with Jodiah she could not, would not do the same, even if Jodiah would have liked that. According to his words, he desired her and perhaps there was a small part of her that desired him as well but she was promised to another, his rival, in fact.

She would never betray Talomar like that, not unless her life were truly in danger and while Jodiah Ayreg made quite the convincing maniac, she knew he would not hurt her. When she had cried five hours ago after he had called her a disease, he had put his hand in her hair and had spoken softly to her, telling her it was not his intention to make her weep.

When his blade sliced away at her pale skin and she began to bleed she felt it as any mortal would, and she frowned. She had been growing more and more weak in the time that she had been with the vampire lord and she could not explain this sudden change in her body and emotions. But even if she didn't understand it, she could certainly use it to her advantage.

Jodia Ayreg was once a member of FOES and this meant he had honor. She knew this as she did anything else. He was also a man, ruled by testoterone, mainly, and even if she were similarly equipped with a weapon, she could not overcome him in battle.

No, she could not and although it bothered her to be thinking this way, there was no use lamenting this fact. If she wanted to get out of this room, she was going to have to keep her wits about her and use whatever means necessary, even if that meant she had to lie.

"I came only to tell you that I have made a deposit at the bank for you in payment for that sword," she said and brought her hands up over the blade.

"Please, let me go. I am with his child," she said in a whisper, fresh tears falling down her cheeks even if they were fake this time around whereas five hours earlier they were very real.

She knew how to be convincing and what to say to get his attention. She had never known a man to knowingly hurt a female who was pregnant.

Even that bastard Kain Locke would have refrained.

Lord Ayreg

Date: 2006-03-04 23:00 EST
A general had to determine an enemy's disposition before, during, and immediately following any battle. Careful study of a culture's community, their language, their history, and even their art could speak volumes as to how they might behave in battle. Knowing whether an attack on one's flank was a diversion, or a primary thrust, kept armies on the march and generals alive. Knowing the difference lay in having the wisdom to pay attention to details.

"I came only to tell you that I have made a deposit at the bank for you in payment for that sword," she said and brought her hands up over the blade. He sneered, pulling it away and grounded it into the wooden floor by his bare feet.

"Please, let me go. I am with his child,"

How exactly a vampire can concieve life was beyond his understanding, but perhaps all things were possible within the reach of The Nexus. He did not question it, merely noted her posture. It took more than tears to be weeping, and Jodiah Ayreg had an eye for details after all.

If she were telling the truth, then a quick thrust to her belly would surely end the spawn of Longden. He had no ethical qualms of destroying life before it started, and he had the necessary personal resources now to challenge the Count afterward, and perhaps even stand victorious. How satisfying it would be to see the Count brought low at his feet, humbled as he himself was humbled so many weeks ago.

Kill him? Perhaps. All things turn to dust in the fullness of time. Even the immortals can be destroyed when disease or injury is applied in great enough doses. If killing the Count became necessary, then perhaps he would have to make that stroke of his runeblade. No, Ayreg merely wanted the Count humbled. To continue to exist in the eyes of those who swore themselves to him, and all with the knowledge that Jodiah Ayreg was the one who brought the Count to his knees... that would be most satisfying.

He blinked. Jodiah had found himself lapsing into thought quite often lately -- he blamed it on his advancing age -- and he dismissed the ideas of his vengeance upon Longden to deal with the matter at hand. From her side, Tara would just have seen Ayreg staring at her for several seconds. With any luck, perhaps she might mistake his wandering thoughts to be a malicious mind calculating whether or not to destroy her.

It could only serve to help his image, he mused.

"Bloody, flaming females" he growled, releasing her as roughly as when he grabbed her. Her body language spoke volumes about the honesty she was giving him at the moment, and he wondered if she was even with child or not. He turned, sweeping the runeblade back up to rest upon his shoulder, his fingers draped lazily over the crossbar of the hilt. He took a few steps away from her. Even wearing nothing but breeches and his own corded, wiry muscles, the battle-scarred-and-battered body of the death knight looked like a coiled spring ready to explode.

Gray hair not withstanding.

"So tell me, woman, why could that not have possibly waited until the morning? Hm? What secret treasure does my writing desk hold for you that even a note slid under the door would not have sufficed in this ungodly hour?"

His eyes raked downward to the parchment crumpled into his hand. She had laid that on him before she began to stalk about his room. Perhaps he should read it?

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2006-03-05 00:06 EST
"So tell me, woman, why could that not have possibly waited until the morning? Hm? What secret treasure does my writing desk hold for you that even a note slid under the door would not have sufficed in this ungodly hour?"

She stood there, praying her lie would work and when he walked away, even though he was staring at her with those dark eyes, she knew that she had escaped his wrath.

For now, at least.

"Because I sleep during the day, that's why," she said in her smartass way and crossed her arms over her chest. Suddenly, she felt naked. Perhaps it was the way he was looking at her. Who knows.

"And anyway, I know that you and Talomar are eager to commence with yer visit to the Shadowlands so I thought I would let you know that all yer work was not wasted," she said and gestured to the paper.

"Show that to the bank manager and you will have access to the twenty-five hundred silver coins I deposited there. It's a claim ticket. They're doing that, nowadays," she said and made a face.

She had no use for newfangled things or procedures. She liked the old way of doing things. She was used to it.

Change for a Tara was very bad which is precisely why she was having issues with her newfound "puberty" that was making her say and do the darndest things.

Such as going to your soon-to-be husband's rival's bedroom at three o'clock in the morning in attire that you were only supposed to wear for your lover and not his enemies.

You know, things like that.

Lord Ayreg

Date: 2006-03-05 00:20 EST
"Because I sleep during the day, that's why," she said in her smartass way and crossed her arms over her chest. The girl-child -- no.. he did see her as a woman. Flighty at times, and precocious, but a woman nontheless -- across from him looked uneasy, now -- shy, almost. It was most unusual coming from Tara. This, the same person that offered her body so willingly to him the first night they met. He thought her odd, then, and torturous later, but he was almost downright confused now by her actions now. Setting his runeblade beside the bed, he turned and looked back to her, crossing his own arms over his chest.

The (zAB) burn scar on his chest peaking just over the crest of his corded forearm.

"And anyway, I know that you and Talomar are eager to commence with yer visit to the Shadowlands so I thought I would let you know that all yer work was not wasted," she said and gestured to the paper. She seemed to be stalling for time, and utterly more relaxed now. Gone were the tears from merely seconds before. A wicked curve of his lips, and he had made his decision over her pleading her belly.

"Show that to the bank manager and you will have access to the twenty-five hundred silver coins I deposited there. It's a claim ticket. They're doing that, nowadays," she said and made a face.

Ayreg nodded, faintly, and set the parchment aside. "Yes, they are known as letters-of-rights. They are most useful for long trips, where coins from different realms have different weight of gold, and silver, so the local bankers will deal you coin of the locals."

His arms dropped and he walked toward her again. She seemed to think she could change the subject so easily.. Stopping a few paces away from her, he sneered. "But that does not explain why you were snooping through my effects. I would suggest you do that." his lips curled again, "Quickly."

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2006-03-05 00:48 EST
She was behaving rather shy wasn't she?

Time to shift gears back to her usual bitch self.

"After Talomar had his way with me, I couldn't sleep, so I decided to come here and keep myself occupied," she said with a slow smile and then added softly, "just to pass the time. Yer effects were really not all that interesting though."

Lord Ayreg

Date: 2006-03-05 00:57 EST
"After Talomar had his way with me, I couldn't sleep, so I decided to come here and keep myself occupied," she said with a slow smile and then added softly, "just to pass the time. Yer effects were really not all that interesting though."

Ayreg felt like a bird that had just been drenched in water. You know the kind -- feathers ruffling to shake themselves dry, and looking rather miserable the whole time.

He shook his head, a hand raised to her face. Fingertips glided smoothly down the woman's jawline and he smirked.

"I'm almost surprised I wasn't awoken with your pretty little fangs tearing into my throat, then. Breaking and entering for sport. I like your style, woman."

"There are safer places to pass the time, though."

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2006-03-05 01:02 EST



Snapped right at his finger, too.

"Don't touch me!" she barked and her eyes widened considerably.

She then quickly regained her composure, not wanting him to actually think he was getting to her which he WAS, and she waves his words off.

"I don't feed off old, feeble men," she said and upturned her snout, high and mighty for the moment.

Lord Ayreg

Date: 2006-03-05 01:11 EST
His hand jerks back to avoid the fangs, and his lips twitch. A kind of smirk. He almost appeared to actually be having.. fun.

"Don't touch me!" she barked and her eyes widened considerably. The eyes widening spoke volumes of her mental state, and his smirk deepened.

"I don't feed off old, feeble men," she said and upturned her snout, high and mighty for the moment.

An insult. How avant guard. What to do, what to do?

In the end, her upturned nose became a fantastic target for his firmly gripping hand. The death knight moved far more quickly than one might imagine someone his apparent age capable of, but the arthritis was only in his knee. Fingers splayed across her face, he leaned close to her ear. His voice was soft, but stern.. if not cold. "Then I guess we will find out who is not so feeble, mhm?"

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2006-03-05 01:16 EST
She drew a breath and held it.

He was touching her again and it didn't look like he was going to let go anytime soon. Perhaps she had bitten off more than she could chew?

She laughed, nervously, and looked to him.

"I was teasing, Jodiah," she said in that sweet voice, the one that had made a sucker out of mostly every male she ever encountered.

Lord Ayreg

Date: 2006-03-05 01:18 EST
"I was teasing, Jodiah," she said in that sweet voice.

"Yes.." he said, slowly, his finger sliding under the thin strap of her nightgown atop alabaster shoulder. "As you have been doing for some time.. woman."

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2006-03-05 13:18 EST
She seized his hand and sneered.

"Another time, Thin Man," she said and her eyes moved to the windhole where she saw that it was beginning to get lighter outside, "for now, the sun rises and if I don't leave, there won't be a tomorrow for me."

A whispering of pale flesh past him and she was at the door, looking over her shoulder.

"Take care in the Shadowlands and see that no harm comes to my Talomar or I will be back."

The door opens and closes. She is gone.

In her wake, he can hear her voice all around him.

"And it won't be pretty."

Lord Ayreg

Date: 2006-03-05 20:42 EST
Jodiah blinked as she stormed out. It was.. abrupt, to say the least.

"Take care in the Shadowlands and see that no harm comes to my Talomar or I will be back."


"And it won't be pretty."

Now that was a neat trick.

But at least she was gone now. Whew.

He sniffed once, rubbing his eyes. He looked at the letter-of-rights she left for him, folded it, and slid it under a drawer built onto the underside of his writing desk. He'd have to go out in the morning to find a banker to cash it out.

He walked back across the room and crawled into bed. It was good that Tara was showing him her spine. He liked to cultivate strength in those around him. Having a pound of lapdogs drooling at your feet was boring, at the best of times. Strong women were Jodiah Ayreg's personal tastes, and even if Tara would never see the inside of his blankets on her own merits, he would like to see her become a strong woman.

Talomar Longden did not deserve her, if he squashed her spirit under his thumb.

Be that as it may, Ayreg wrapped himself up in his blankets. He was surprised she stayed as long as she did -- he had given her every reason to leave save throwing her out by the scruff of her neck. Now, with a long, lingering sigh of relief to be back in his bed, Jodiah Ayreg fell readily to sleep.