Topic: Midnight Ride

Lord Ayreg

Date: 2006-03-16 09:54 EST
Originally used to introduce the fact that Ayreg really does have a horse now, I liked how this post started. However, after much attempts at trying to write something else up afterward, I realized that the train had left the station, and simply had no tracks with which to run upon.

Cut, to the Butcher Shop's Floor. And such a shame, too, since I really liked it.


Walking into the stables attached to the Red Dragon was not, in itself, an uncommon thing. For the death knight, however, it was a moment of almost uninhibited joy.

Rousing the stablehand with a quick thwap to the back of the head, Ayreg walks down the length of the stalls. He turns after a few steps, glancing back at the rudely awakened young man.

"Rise, goodman. I desire a ride this night, and Destre informed me that you were available."

The man grumbled, of course, getting out of his chair and brushing himself off. Ayreg watched him with an impassive gaze as he pulls the heavy ring of keys off the wall and begins thumbing through them.

"This one, man. Be quick about it, for I am old and need to rest sometime this night."

A kind of sardonic smile passed the stablehand's features then, and Jodiah flashed his teeth at him. Unhelpful as he might be, the man was no fool. The smile passed quickly from his face and he dipped his forehead as he scampered up to the stall Ayreg himself was standing in front me. A key was withdrawn and set into the heavy lock keeping the door shut. Inside, the mare he had purchased at Chachin's Folly -- the shadow -- glared back out to the two men angrily.

Pushing the young man aside with a rough grunt, the death knight stepped inside the pen and raised his hand toward the animal's face. It promptly proceeded to bite at him. Deftly, he pulled his hand away and balled it to a fist. Black Saa flickered across his eyes and the animal backed away, nickering softly. A direct step was made and his hand slid smoothly across the beast's neck to glide over the inky black coat.

"You will learn your master yet, horse."

"Wha's 'er name?"

Jodiah glanced over his shoulder to the stablehand still standing there like a lump, and sneered. "I haven't named her yet. It will come."

"Th' mare be a devil, she is. Tried t' take me arm off when I fed 'er this mornin'."

"Yes.. she is quite the devil, isn't she? Bad-tempered, moody, beautiful and unique, but calms considerably when her master appears. Perhaps I should name her Tara."

"Pro'ably not wise, mi'Lord."

"Probably not." The death knight smirked, turning away from the mare and walking back out into the walkway of the stablehouse. The young man closed the gate on the pen again, locking it back tight.

"I brought a saddle and bridle, boy. I will return in a moment. Have her ready for me to ride when I return. It's the chain bridle, mind, with the ornate hooking plates."

"As you wish, mi'Lord." Ayreg tossed a single silver crown to the man and turned to walk back into the Red Dragon. The man bit the coin and seemed almost shocked that it was real and not some manner of conjured metal. "My thanks, mi'Lord."

A thin grin tugged at the death knight's lips. This would be a fine night for a ride, indeed.

Somewhere above, the thunder rolled.

Lord Ayreg

Date: 2006-03-16 15:28 EST
(Just a note: While doing research for this topic, I must say that horses have an entire library of sounds they can make. I had no idea the complexity that most of the equine sounds were.)

Jodiah Ayreg stepped back out of the common room. He had no desire to watch and ensure his mare was treated well, especially being as ill tempered as the shadow was. As he walked back iinto the stables the first thing he noticed was the groomsman now sitting back in his chair, tying a knot in a bloodied rag around his hand.

The stablehand smiled, sheepishly.

"Wasn't fast enough, I'd say. She got me."

Jodiah himself was expressionless, and turned away. Bridle and saddle were now mounted onto the horse, and she didn't seem to appreciate it very much at all. A leather leash was tethered from her bridle to a good, solid post. Tug and pull and protest as she might, however, the post held firm. He walked up to the horse, staring into those red eyes, and smiled. It was no smile of kindness; merely one of satisfaction. It had been some time since he had been on horseback, and he didn't really count Solfran -- the magical mount Rhaine had provided for him for that bloody soiree she called a battle -- as a proper steed.

Stroking the beast's neck, the shadow nickered and shifted uncomfortably. Untying the leather strap that leashed the horse, Ayreg took a firm grip of the saddle pommel and lifted his boot into the stirrup on his side.

He lifted himself up lightly, easily, and settled into the saddle. He sighed, softly, quite satisfied with himself. Clicking his tongue, he pulled on the reins for the horse to come about. It resisted, of course, releasing an angry stream of whinnies and neighs. A sharp blow of air exhaled from its nostrils and she stomped her feet.

Ayreg frowned, and growled. Wrapping the reins around his fist and jerking it harshly.

She snorted, head held high and her ears perked forward intently. She nickered again, but came about as he wished. He nodded, approvingly.

"She be a hard one t' control, mi'Lord. You should be careful tonight. Foul weather comin' this way, me thinks."

The groomsman had moved to the end of the stable and lifted the heavy latch on the door. Swinging it open, he stood to the side and nodded.

Ayreg clicked his tongue and lashed the reins once. The animal's mouth remained shut, and squeeled. "Defiant little beast, aren't we?"

A quick kick to the horses flanks seemed to enrage the mare, lifting up onto her hind legs and screamed. The death knight leaned forward over the saddle to maintain his balance and kicked again. The horse dropped to the ground and bolted forward at a gallop, streaming out of the stables in a long, leaping strides.

Somewhere above, the thunder rolled.