Topic: Lupinulu


Date: 2006-06-18 20:48 EST
The Lupinulu Species

The Lupinulu are a humanoid race of anthropomorphic rabbits originating from the planetary system of Bhym Tal. The species is known to have been genetically cultured for the purpose of providing the relatively small human population of Bhym Tal with an affordable labor force by mixing human and lupine DNA. The geneticist who began the program is unknown, though many on Bhym Tal have made claim to being involved.

Lupinulu are rarely encountered outside the Bhym Tal system though some have been recruited from the planet for their skills in the technical and medical fields. Medical and technical education of the species originally began to supplement the small human workforce in those areas on the system?s planets of Bhym Fut and Otu Tal. It wasn?t long before many members of the species proved superior to the training program over their human counterparts and neighboring systems took notice.

Scientists responsible for culturing the species claim that the Lupinulu?s rapid transition to human like intelligence is a direct result of using human DNA. Off-world members of the scientific community are divided on the subject, but are impressed that the culturing process on the planet was able to create a new species of humanoid so quickly.

A decidedly small minority of geneticists claim that the rabbit DNA?s impact on the Lupinulu reproductive cycle and simple evolution may have had more to do with the rapid advance of the species than scientific culturing. Scientific journals have published works showcasing all sides of the issue as well as studies on the Lupinulu life cycle, intelligence testing, and the species? impact on other forms of genetic culturing.

To date, all culturing projects on the Lupinulu have ceased after the species sought and won recognition by the Interplanetary Council (I.C.) as an Independent Intelligent Species no longer subordinate to the humans of Bhym Tal. There are a number of unconfirmed reports claiming that a few culturing projects remain operating underground or on distant worlds. The I.C. has investigated and reported that they have only found legitimate culturing programs for other non-intelligent species.