Topic: Pumpkinheads


Date: 2007-10-30 03:24 EST


Exactly how pumpkinheads came to be isn't yet known at this time, but it's highly suspected that Elly the Witch created them. It's just not known how.

Current Location

Most of the time, most of the pumpkinheads are at Elly's Atelier. However, since they are creatures with a mind of their own they often mill about Rhydin City just as any other resident there does. Some even partake of normal day to day activities; shopping, eating at restaurants, drinking in taverns, cavorting about the red light district, etc.

Physical Characteristics

On average, pumpkinheads are approximately two to two and a half feet tall, and weigh around eight to twelve pounds. Their heads, as their name suggests, are in fact pumpkins. Said pumpkins have been carved, and the insides hollowed out - for the most part. The carved faces -in usual jack o lantern style- are always changing and shifting, so pumpkinheads are able to express emotions through facial expressions much like humans.

Their bodies appear to be worn blankets or sheets, with frayed edges and holes. Even though bodies are flimsy looking however, they are in fact rather solid, and the ends move as if they're actual hands. Their bodies even feel firm and solid to the touch, until their heads are busted, then they go limp. Busting their heads doesn't do much for killing them however, since anywhere from seconds to minutes, their head regenerates with a loud pop!


Just as every human is different, so are pumpkinheads. Some are eccentric and nutty, while others are rather sane and down to earth.


Eating isn't a necessity for a pumpkinhead's survival, but some seem to enjoy eating and drinking. No one's really sure how that works just yet.

Life span

Remains to be seen.


Remains to be seen.

Note: The very basic concepts of Pumpkinheads are originally from the Ogre Battle video game series, and copyright to Atlus, and whatever other companies or people responsible for them.