Topic: Theosians

Isa Soran

Date: 2008-02-18 20:21 EST
Volume I

Theosians (pronounced: Thee'Oe-jiuns) are a striking race. At variable heights like many other bi-pedal beings. Their skin is blue, but varing shades of it. Some are darker than others. Mottled, spotlike areas design the flesh of a Theosian in a pattern that is unique to that individual. Some of the mottling is finer, smaller while others' have larger portions on their skin.

Another notable characteristic about this race is that they have no hair upon their heads. This is natural for Theosians and is no more different among them than it is for a Dwarf to be short or a Drow to be dark-fleshed.

Among the Theosians, what one normally is by profession is what their father or mother was before them. Such groups or castes are very common. If one's father and mother were carpenters or masons then their child or children are carpenters or masons as well. But this does not keep some from taking a rogue path to strike out on their own to become something else. It is just simply not the norm.

But they are a warring people and very territorial. Beliefs run as far back into the distance past as stories of why a grudge is still held against another family. Wars among houses, lands against lands are the norm and battles can happen as often as several or years for some areas outside of Shavris.

They are, at the same time, a traditional people that are rooted in ceremony and ritual on some things such as life, namings, death, and other matters.