Topic: Wyverns


Date: 2006-07-29 11:00 EST
Wyverns are smaller cousins to dragons and similar in build, though unlike dragons, wyverns lack forelegs, and bear a poison stinger on the tail. Usually, these creatures lack the intelligence of dragons, but can be just as dangerous, attacking anything they come across. Even dragons have been known to be attacked. These creatures, usually hunt in packs or small groups.


Date: 2006-07-30 08:33 EST
Wyverns, many of these nasty creatures exist, but not all are the same, there are many different types of these beasts, each of them does something unique, just like their cousins the dragons.

Here is a list of some that are known to exist in Rhydin.


Black Wyvern

These creatures look much like a normal Wyvern. Instead they are very black. They are very violent creature that are more nomadic than anything. If they see a home they will attempt to take it and kill the resident that lives there already.

Powers: Poisonous Bite instead of Stinger on the tail.

Size: 30ft maximum

Uses: none too violent and free willed to be trained for anything. Their skin is fire proof though and makes excellent armor for Dragon slayers, of course the beasts are rarely worth the effort to obtain the hide.

Locations: They like it in the humid air, swamps. Some of these creatures live near the ocean as well.


Platinum Wyvern

These creatures are shiny skined creatures, from a distance they can easily be mistaken for angels of some sort. These creatures share the violence that they all do but it perfers to be left alone, It wont attack unless it feels threatened. They are immune to all magics naturally.

Powers: A white oral energy beam that turns things into stone on contact.

Size: 20 ft maximum.

Uses: Their skin is immune to magic even after death, it is very valued. However, these are intelligent creatures and they dont mind sharing much. They are also used as some of the best natural guardians if they are treated well.

Locations: They like to live anywhere there is enough food to keep them alive, if something is feeding them, then that is home, otherwise they can be found on the plains.


Blue Wyvern

These creatures love the heat and and love to cause trouble. They will attack a caravan, but kill no one and watch the victims die in the desert. They are feared for their sadistic mentality. Because they take what little water they need directly from the air, they dont need to hunt, they wait for the prey to come to them. When they fly their blue skin blends them in with the sky so its hard to see them coming.

Powers: A Dehydrating gas mist emitted orally.

Size: 15 ft maximum.

Uses: None, everybody hates these things. Although their breath weapon can be collected and used in a grenade type weapon, if one is foolish enough to actually do it.

Locations: They live under the sand of many deserts.


White Wyvern

These nasty things live in the cold wastelands and are on the top of the food chain there..usually. They are the most like an animal intelligence and pretty much live on instinct alone. Since they live in the cold they are the smallest of the race, but can be considered the strongest too.

Powers: Ice beams from the eyes.

Size: 10 Ft maximum

Uses: None really.

Locations: Tundra....or anyplace they can make cold enough to call home with those Ice beams of theirs.


Green Wyvern

These creatures are also known as lumberjack's bane. They live deep in the old forests, or whats left of them. They like quiet, loud noises make them really violent. These things are huge, yet they never seem to damage the trees they call home. They hate any thing they think is an invader. Even though as violent as they are, they are losing the battle against progress.

Powers:Extremely Strong and Shockingly fast. The only real power they have is to blend in with their surroundings perfectly.

Size: 100ft Maximum

Uses: Guardians of the Forests

Locations: Found in forests and Protected lands


Golden Wyvern

These are the closest thing to a "good" Wyvern as you can get. They have violent streaks but usually its triggered some act of evil they see. These are far and away the smartest ones of their race and they usually stay in hiding because of that fact.

Powers: Shapeshifting, Golden Laser Breath that melts most things it strikes.

Size: Variable, no more than 50ft though maximum.

Uses: They make excellent friends, if you can find them.

Locations: Small Villages, they love to blend in with other peoples and races.


Red Wyvern

These are the evil ones, truly evil. They barter and steal from people and can and have been known to cause wars over stuff they had others do for them, just for fun. They destroy anything they decide not to like at the time. Because they like war so much they are very hard to damage, they seem to be indestructible at times.

Powers: Hate aura, they can turn friends into worst enemies in seconds.

Size: 35 Ft maximum.

Uses: Can be "hired" to start a war if the price is acceptable...if not the seeker gets eaten.

Locations: Any battlefield or former battlefield, they love the negative energy that lingers.


Rainbow Wyvern

These Strange creatures are pranksters at best and annoyances at the worst. Being multicolored, unknown is how they got that way. They are the outcasts of their race, they are generally good but they work too hard to please and become annoying and get bored quickly.

Powers: Spectral eye beams of Concussive force

Size: 40 Ft Maximum

Uses: They are more than willing to help anybody out, all they ask for in return is somebody to listen to their stories, as crazy as they might be. As long as they think they are helping they are extremely useful, but their wrath can be as great or greater than any other of their kind if they find out they used for useless tasks and nothing important.

Locations: They like places with waterfalls, the bigger the fall the better, the rainbow it creates fascinates them for hours.


Copper Wyvern

These creatures are impulsive and the copy anything they see, and like. Lucky for us these creatures like Justice and if they see a good act, they will imprint that, and act like that. But they are still victims to the violence the race has and shouldnt be depended on completly.

Powers: Sleeping gas attack.

Size: 35 Ft Maximum

Uses: They act as a Police force on their own behalf, but their sense of justice is a bit flawed as they will attack anybody who does something wrong in their eyes, no matter the reason behind the event.

Locations: Urban Settings mostly, they remain hidden during the day by methods unknown.


Purple Wyvern

These creatures follow in the paths of storms and only come out at night. They cause havoc in a storm and usually escape blame, these are mostly believed not to exist at all.

Powers: Lightning breath and storm summoning.

Size: 25 ft maximum

Uses: none as only a few have ever been seen, and even then the ones who saw them couldnt be sure.

Locations: Jet Stream, and anywhere that is shrouded in total darkness.

All Wyvern can Fly and all of them listed here look the same as a generic one, the size may be different and appearences may be altered alittle but they are all of the same race and look close to the same.

Please report any other seen Wyverns here. This list is far from complete..or is it?


Date: 2006-10-25 08:27 EST

Bone Wyvern.

These creatures are purely undead creatures of unknown, but most likely mystical origins. These things reside in one area, no special qualifcations are needed for this area, but the place always turns dead. They are very defensive of their lairs and they blend in with the bones of their vicitms.

Powers: Invincible to all but holy powers.

Size: 20 ft Maximum.

Uses: None.

Locations: Anywhere, usually its devoid of life


Vampire Wyvern

These horrible creatures are the the bane of every living creature, but mostly other wyverns and dragons are hunted. These creatures Drink the blood of anything they can find, their very nature limits their existance as most cant find the blood they need to survive.

Powers: Mind control, Create Inpenetrable Darkness, Illusions, Immortality(As long as the blood is there)

Size: 25 ft, Maximum

Uses: Their skin is indestructible as long as it stays in the dark.

Locations: Abandoned Castles.


Reaper Wyvern

This creature is the only one of its kind. From a Distance it looks like a Gigantic Reaper. Only one has ever been seen and usually its tales involve people running in terror from such a thing. If it really exists at all is even debatable, but people believe they have seen it.

Powers: Invisiblity, Death Field, Teleportation, Natural Immunity to all gases, poisons, magic, and drugs. Elemental maniuplation, Diamond hard skin at will.

Size: 50ft Maximum.

Uses: Unknown.

Location: Where ever it wants to go to.


Spectral Wyvern.

This creature is more of a ghost than an actual creature. It exists only half way in the material plain, and half in the etheral plain. It can be summoned easily by beginner summoners, however this thing is hard to control, and often escapes. Some occur naturally if the connection is strong enough to where it died.

Powers: What ever the wyvern had in life it keeps the same power in death as well, including invisiblity, immunity to normal weapons, Telekinesis.

Size: Variable.

Uses: Some of the best guardians and protectors money can make, however the wyvern keeps its personality, and may turn on you in an instant. What wyvern is summoned is unpredictable.

Locations: Anywhere, usually old battlefields and tombs to be protected.


Revenant Wyvern

These Horrible creatures are nothing more than unstoppable zombies. They are created by some form tragic event and return seeking revenge on any and all things involved with its creation, relentless and unforgiving they kill anybody in their path as well. They can be slowed down and distracted and even captured, but they wont stop.

Powers: Indestructible, Immortal and Invincible, Regeneration, simple flame breath.

Size: Variable.

Uses: The Ultimate Challenge for a foolish warrior.

Locations: Always on the move.


Crypt Wyvern.

These creatures are created for protection uses only, created to guard against grave robbers. They attack those who are intending to violate a crypt or tomb. They will not attack those just visiting or passing by. They may even strike up a conversation with the visitors from time to time.

Powers: Soul reading, Acid breath.

Size: 20 ft Maximum

Uses: Protectors of the Dead

Locations: Crypts and Tombs and Graveyards.


Chrono Wyvern.

These creatures are rarely seen by anybody, they perfer to live outside of time and fly in the eternal river of time. They are usually orangeish red in color and usually have no contact with people. They usually try and warn people of a coming disaster of some kind if they interact at all.

Powers: Time Traveling, Ageing ray, complete masters of time.

Size: 40 ft Maximum

Uses: Oracles

Locations: The time stream.


Dream Wyvern.

These creatures live in the dreamlands. They often visit people who come into their dreams. Most of them are playful and cause no harm to any living thing they come incontact with.

Powers: Energy control, Create portals between this and the dreamworld.

Size: Variable

Uses: Can be summoned to battle nightmares and make better sleep

Location: The dreamlands.


Jungle Wyvern

These Wyverns are in the Jungles of Rhydin, they are very elusive and shy to outside world, they dont attack people at random and are actually considered nice by human standards. They have been known to rescue people in need and find lost children and return them

Powers: Can find anything that has been lost, Superspeed, Camoflauge.

Size: 30 ft Maximum

Uses: The best Trackers in the world, Naturally

Locations: Deep Jungles


Mystical Wyvern

These are wyverns made out of pure magical energy. Natural energy sources sit with life for so long these creatures are created and attracted to large magic sources out of wonder. They are often annoying creatures, espically for magic users as their very make up allows them complete control over any magic used, natural or summoned.

Powers: Complete and total control over magic from their world. Intangiblity.

Size: 55 Ft Max

Uses: They can be asked to divert any opposing magic spells into harmless or helpful effects, for a price.

Location: Places of Powerful magic.