Topic: Phantasy Guild Announcement seeking RDIs 10-1990


Date: 2006-04-23 20:30 EST
Due expansion in the Red Dragon Inn
we now have openings for an experienced
Those faint of heart or weak of wit need not apply
Accomodations on-site, free meals
Must be good with animals and be free of disease and
If this position interests you
Please contact:
RDI Tamira - Head Innkeeper
GM Logrus - Head Accountant
GM Dwal - Lord of the Guild
E-mail the above persons with your:
1. Screen name
2. Real name
3. Age (optional)
: 4. Phone Number (in case we need to contact you)
5. Game systems played and length of time played
6. Length of time on America Online
7. A short (50 words or less) paragraph stating
why you would be a good Innkeeper
No later than November 14, 1990.
Notification of interviews and auditions will
be posted at a later date.

Black velvet is an english drink which is as follows
1/2 pint of Guiness Ale
1/2 pint of alcoholic cider
mixed in a big frosty glass