Topic: Phantasy Guild Newsletter - 10-11-1990


Date: 2006-04-23 19:36 EST
Hi and welcome to the Phantasy Guild. Guild members enjoy the challenge and imagination it takes to be a gamer, some of us are writers, some are members of organizations like the Society for Creative Anachronisms (a group of medival recreationists), many just like the freedom to, if only for a little while, be someone other than ourselves.

Over the next few months you will get to meet all the members of the Guild, from the Game Masters who run the games here online to the Innkeepers who try to make your visits to the Inn enjoyable and informative. Game shedules for the month will be included as will any changes.

First, you need to know how to get to the Guild. The path is Keyword "Guild". There you will find the various bulletin boards and meeting rooms that the Guild is made of, updated shedules for games and various other pieces of important information.

Second, the Guild is NOT "just D&D". We have Star Trek , Gamma World, Marvel Super Heros, and other gaming systems in use. We have representitives of some game designers and publishers like Tri-Tac Systems and Steve Jackson Games. We are planning classes for those new to gaming or those who would like to sharpen their skills.

Third, EVERYONE is welcome, from the beginner who is looking for information to those like myself who have been gaming in one form or another for 20 years or more. Come in, sit down, have a cool mug of ale or glass of some of the finest wines in the realms, and join in the will soon get the hang of it.

Guild Profile of the Month:

Let me introduce you to the cute and cuddly RDI Racoon... A small, furry Innkeeper whose chivalrous nature requires that he rescue all maidens in distress, but whose licentiousness requires that he extract payment for his services (usually a kiss :)) The name of his firelizard, Bacchus, speaks volumes about his true love.
Bob Coon: The person behind the mask is an active member of the Society for Creative Anachronisms, which is where Racoon acquired his chivalrous nature. He works full time as Seniour Programming Analyst for Student Information Systems at a small private college in Southern California. His true loves are computers and old Volkswagon Camper Vans.

The schedule for the month of October is as follows:

Mondays RDI will be open from 9 to 1 for your dining
and chatting pleasure hosted by RDI Marv.

Tuesdays RDI will be open from 9 to 1 for your dining
and chatting pleasure hosted by RDI Kairee.

Wednesdays Phantasy Guild Chat room will be open from 9
to 10 hosted by GM the Q, from 10 to 11 by
GM Stalker (This will be the site of RPG 101)
and from 11 to 12 hosted by RDI Pirate.

Thursdays Live Gamma World game Tomb of the Ancients
9 PM GM Vader.
RDI will be open from 9 PM to 1 AM for your
dining and chatting pleasure hosted by
RDI Wraith.

Friday Live Marvel Super Heroes game 9PM GM Oracle
RDI will be open from 9 PM to 1 AM for your
dining and chatting pleasure hosted by
RDI Doctor.

Saturday RDI will be open from 9 PM to 1 AM for your
dining and chatting pleasure hosted by
RDI Tamira.

Sunday Live Star Trek game 4 to 6 PM GM the Q
Live AD&D 2nd Ed game 10 PM GM Oracle
Keyword Guild...Myth, Might & Magic..Dungeon
RDI will be open from 9 PM to 1 AM for your
dining and chatting pleasure hosted by
RDI Racoon.

There are also a few message based games starting and/or running, please check the Weekly Schedule board for more information.

RDI Tamira - correspondent for the Phantasy Guild