Topic: Phantasy Guild Oct Contest - Design a Monster 9-28-1990


Date: 2006-04-23 18:44 EST
(The Phantasy Guild tried to run monthly contests of various types...some lame, some not so. Here is an example as to the sophistication in those early days)

Date: 90-09-28 22:23:55 EDT
From: GM The Q
Subj: contest for october
To: GM Dwal, GM Logrus, RDI Tamira, GM Stalker, GM SF, GM Vader, GM Oracle, RDI Racoon, MARVATELL, Kairee, RDI Doctor, Pirate16, SJG Rep, Tucholka, RDI Wraith

Subj: Contest for October! 90-09-27 21:39:59 EDT
To: GM The Q From: Dwaladin

To the Staff:

This is the Post that will be put up for all Guild Members. Please read it, advertise it on your shifts and during your sessions.

Unca Dwal

October Contest: Design a Monster

Post your monsters in the folder marked "October Contest" in the Secret Missions Area (on the Urgent Assignments Board). If you get it in before October 25th, you will be eligible for a prize of 5 +hours.

Judging will be based on originality, imagination and clarity. You can describe the creature in your own terms or based on a published system. All entries will become property of the Phantasy Guild.

Guild Staffers are not eligible to win, but they are welcome to participate. Remember, the deadline is October 25th.