Topic: A Night Out


Date: 2010-12-08 09:54 EST
It was a rare thing for Aja and Tristan to be out of Arcadia at the same time. Both having a great deal of responsibility to tend to when it came to the home that they built. But on occasion, they found it necessary to have some time to themselves without being bombarded with town business or bits of gossip.

So from time to time the pair would go out in RhyDin City, to the lesser populated areas to have a bit of conversation and just spend time in the other's company.

Often times the invitations out on these small breaks from their reality would be unspoken. One or the other making the silent invitation to join them out.  Tonight, it was Tristan's invitation. He had found her in the temporary office surrounded by paperwork. He strolled up to the desk, took the pen, then took her hand pulling up from the chair and leading her out the door.

Tristan was whistling as he walked beside Aja, pausing to open the door to the Tomes for her.

"After you, Lady Larson." Grinning at her as he knew she would probably shake her head at him.
Aja smiled at him.
“Yer enjoyin yerself aren't you?" she said lightly, chuckling as she walked into Tomes ahead of him. Tristan chuckled at that.
"Well I am one of the sexiest men in Rhy'Din...Not like you want to parade me around town." Following after her and shutting the door. That had her laughing a little more.
“I didn't know you read the Post.”  She grinned at him while she took a seat at a table. “I know the boys down at the yards do.”
"One of them happened to show it to me." Tristan smiled across the table at her.
“Ah. With a good dose of harassment?" she asked with a grin.
“Yeah...Calling me pretty boy." Grinning at her as he motioned the waitress over. " Two Badsiders."  Aja smiled at him ordering for them both and reached out to take his hand.

“Yer my Pretty Boy.” Aja lifted his hand and kissed it, then grinned at him. “But Rico's gonna have a field day pickin on ya.”  Tristan watched as she kissed his hand.
"Look at you..being all sweet and kissing my hand." Winking at her as the waitress brought them their beers. Aja glanced at the waitress as she came and went, then looked at Tristan.
“Ya have a problem with yer wife being sweet now?" she gave Tristan a sly grin who laughed a little.
"It's scary.."  Winking at her.  "I'm normally the sweet romantic one." That made Aja chuckled and she squeezed his hand.
“I must keep you on yer toes or you're gonna get bored.”
"Well you could parade around nude once in a while." Winking at her as he lifted her hand for a kiss.
“Yer such a boy.” She grabbed her beer, looking at Tristan thoughtfully. She was thinking about the way they were together at home. He was a patient man, but she wondered how patient. “I do wonder if I show you enough that I love you.”  Tristan picked up his beer, serious comments from his wife were to be taken with a bit of apprehension.
"Sometimes you do."  He replied, looking over the rim of his bottle as he took a sip.
“Sometimes?" she grinned a little before taking a sip of her beer, then setting it down to the table.  “Nah...I know that I'm not easy ta live with.”  Tristan chuckled softly.

"If I wanted easy to live with...I would've married a push over. "
“Well,” she laughed. “Ya certainly didn't do that. Mission accomplished.”  She quipped making him laugh.
"But you are worth it."
“As are you.” She smiled at him warmly. This was her Tristan, regardless of the years that had past or the changes that had happened. “New abilities and all. How's that going, by the way?" it seemed like a casual question, but she had been a little afraid to ask.  “Anything new happening?"  Tristan shook his head lightly.
"None that I noticed, and I'm getting used to the ones I have."  Aja nodded a little, and looked at him.
“Good. Parker said you were ok but ya know...I'm a little curious, slightly concerned about something bad happening to you again.” It was one of the few times she'd managed to talk about the time he was gone, and not get all misty eyed about it.
"Well you could sit in my lap....and keep me from getting into trouble." He said with a grin and a twinkle in his eye.
“In order to keep you out of trouble, I'd have to sit in yer lap twenty four seven.” She chuckled. “We don’t have that sort of time. Settle for me holding yer hand?" she asked as she squeezed his hand and smiled as he squeezed her hand in return.
“Scared someone would see you in my lap?" he asked with a mischievous smile and Aja shook her head.
“Nah...ya know...I never was the mushy girl type, Tris.” She said, the tiniest frown tugging the corner of her lips down. “Still aren’t.”
"I know, Rabbit." He grinned at her. She looked at him, loving that he understood her, but hating that he had to.
“Makes me a little ...weird.” She started, sighing and then looking at him. “I’m not even sure what to do with all that romantic stuff. It’s just never been something I’ve wanted to deal with.”  Tristan nodded lightly. 
"Tis alright, Aja." He lifted her hand to place another kiss on it.
‘Yeah..” she said quietly. “Yeah.” There was a soft smile to that kiss  “I just never want you to feel like yer less than important to me...and I work a lot for everything I have, to provide to the people. And where I see that as highly important, to you, it may seem like I do it to  avoid feeling like I'm letting you down.” Tristan he shook his head softly.
"I've always been able to tell how you feel with just a look, Rabbit." He said quietly. Aja looked up at him, in a bit of a surprise. Then she smiled at him.

“Yeah' Well, that's good..” she smiled bigger. “That's ...real good."
"Even when you glare at me..." he gave her a wink.
“Well, I think you provoke that on purpose.” She said grinning at him and he chuckled.
“You do look cute when you try to look angry."
“Ah see?" she laughed merrily. “You admit it!” she slapped the table. “I knew it.”  Tristan grinned to her as he sipped the beer. Aja chuckled at him.  “Such a scamp you are.”  She squeezed his hand. “Yer lucky I love you, Larson.”  Tristan squeezed her hand back and smiled.
"So are you, and I love you too." His tone dropped to that velvet smooth voice and she smiled, blushing a little.
“Ya know, with this new found superhero thing ya got swingin, we should maybe take a weekend and test yer endurance.” She gave him a sassy wink that had him winking back and standing.
“We could do" Winking at her as he moved to stand
“Really' Take a night off and just hang out?" she smiled at her husband as she stood up from her seat. “Sounds good to me.” Tristan nodded to that and finished his beer, setting the bottle down.
“Shall we?" He asked as he scooped his wife up off the floor, something she could only laugh at as he carried her to the door and out into the night.