Topic: Aftermath


Date: 2012-07-06 01:08 EST
((Takes place after the mission—but before Parker's Projects))

~Cursed is the man who dies but the evil done by him survives~ Abu Bakr

The tropics. Gorgeous during the day, seductive and peaceful at night. Aja had always loved them. They were comfortable. Home to her. She stood on her balcony, dressed only in one of Padriq's shirts and stared out at the water sprinkled by starlight. The night breezes lifted her hair gently sending the smell of jasmine along into the bedroom.

Her injuries still hampered her movements but she wasn't intent on going anywhere tonight. She had time to think, to enjoy her home and right now, it was everything she needed.

She went inside herself tonight. Moving memories around. Sorting through the chaos in her head, making an inventory of what exactly was missing since the day Parker and Serena destroyed those gems in the Holy Fire spell. The moment they blasted apart on the isle, a darkness lifted from places she had stashed it. It was a sizable piece of dark that was gone now. Which surprised her, she never really even acknowledged it was there before. Now that it was gone, she was surprised by how much she felt different.

She turned her thoughts then to the mission. To the questions raised during that day. She thought of Jaffery.

"Do you ever wonder..If we did the right thing, all splitting up?"

"We couldn't all stay together." Jaffery had said leaning back in his chair and looking at her thoughtfully. "Would've made it too easy for them to find and target."

And he was right of course. The three of them together would've been a trackable power source. They had survived the worst of days there with the Clan. Serena and Jaffery ran with Tanner and Aja when they escaped. They split up as soon as they knew they were in the clear.

Saying goodbye to them had been hard for Aja. Serena and Jaffery were like her siblings. It hadn't been easy to let them go, never knowing when she would see them again. She remembered watching them disappear into the crowd in that large port town, hanging on to the sea wall just to keep herself from following them. She wanted to stay with them. They got her through a lot of things.

It was another feeling she had learned to live with and stuff into a box. Loss. There had been so much. It was either learn to deal with it or lose her mind. And she would never let them win like that.

Wasn't that what it always came down to' A fight between her will and theirs. Never letting them win. It wasn't a game, it was a matter of survival. She was determined it would be her left standing at the end. And so far, she was doing pretty well at it.


Padriq Kidd

Date: 2012-07-07 01:51 EST
Padriq stepped into the room and froze not seeing her in bed. He knew his fiance had an aversion to being still, and a worse reaction to being injured and being told to stay in bed because of it. It was all him, Maria, Anya and Parker could do to keep her in bed for more than a couple hours at a time.

He looked around for any of sign of her and the rising panic stopped cold when he saw her standing there not moving at the balcony railing. He moved towards the french doors as he watched her. Aja not moving was a rare sight to his eyes. She was always going and doing things, talking a mile a minute or working on whatever project had caught her attention in that moment.

He didn't like seeing the bruises and tears in her flesh. He knew how she got them, she had risked her own safety for a member of her crew. He would bet any amount of money in the world, she didn't even give it a second thought. Not that he would do any differently. His gentlemen side was irritated that he couldn't have done that rescue for her, sparing her from any pain.

"Aja?" he called her name softly, she didn't move. "Aja?" he called a little louder and she turned her head to look towards him.

"Sorry, babe. I didn't hear you come in." then her gaze returned to the ocean

"Ye be alrigh??"

"Thinking." she replied still not moving.

"Abou??" he asked stepping closer to her.

"All those souls I could not save." she said quietly still not moving. It was a little odd for Padriq to see her so still. She took a moment longer before speaking again. "There are so many."

"Wut be this abou??"

"Where I went. Why." Aja sighed quietly, she never spoke of these things. They've always kept her motivated. Focused. And now, she had an opportunity to let someone else hear how much they have shaped who she was. The question was, could she show him that dark and be alright with him knowing it had been there"

"Be i" matter, luv?" he asked quietly making her look his way a little.

"For the first time in a long time...." her words trailed off a little. "I feel a little more at peace." she exhaled slowly. "The moment Parker and Rena destroyed those gems, I felt it lift off my shoulders. This weight, that's been there for as long as I can remember." her head shook slightly. "Whether I knew it or not. Those gems....held sway. Held me down.." she paused a little as that thought sunk a little further into her own head.

"I learned to ignore it. How to survive with just became this thing...this feeling that was there..." she continued quietly. "And when it was gone...." she paused again. "I don't know...I had a space...where it had been. And I could think about then...what I saw, what I couldn't see through that haze." she turned more to face Padriq then. "There's a clarity now, one that lets me see how far I am from where I started. I've spent so much time, trying to take them out. Bit by little bit. A piece here. One there. Rescuing people when I could, taking from them the things that didn't not belong to them. People. That did not belong to them. Propelled by my own hate maybe for the things and the time they stole from me."

"I "ave always said yer amazin?"

"I couldn't see that." she said simply. "I know you don't understand. But it's true. I was never able to see me through that haze."

"And now?"

"Starting to see what you see." she said quietly. "Starting to understand why JiJi prefers to talk to anyone but me."

"Tha' nae be true."

"Oh. It is." Aja's tone was lighter but he could see her eyes in the moonlight, the thing with her and her sister still bothered her under the surface. "She sees me as " I don't know. But it's no one she feels equal to." she shifted slightly. "And while it's true, we're not really equal in a lot of ways. What our past looks like is similar. The people for her might be dead, but the damage they've created isn't."

"Ye overcame yers."

"Did I?" Aja asked honestly. "Or did I just figure out how to use it' To make it work for me instead of against me."

"I dunnae know." he said

"I fought for myself when I could back then. I never knew how I was able to when others couldn't. But I did. And me and Tanner got away. I vowed, I'd never be anyone's victim like that again. I made my life, mine." she sighed. "Even then, it took years to get some of it right. Like love." she took a moment. "Even with you, I fight against a flight response when you start to move too fast. And that's really just who you are. And I do love that about you...but it does scare me."


"I don't know." she said. "Not yet." she looked back out to the starlit ocean. "That, hasn't occurred to me yet."

"How do ye mean?"

"Just means everything hasn't settled in my head." she answered. "I'm sorting it all in my head. Piece by piece."

"Anythin" I cun do?"

"Just keep being here." she gave him a smile then. "It's all I can ask."

"Tha' I cun do."

"Good." she inhaled deeply taking in the sea air and exhaled. "Gods, I love living here." she held out her arm a little and Padriq came up next to her so she could lean on him. She looked up at him. "More than that. I love living here with you.?
