Topic: Family Day, Rico Style

Rico Tharadon

Date: 2012-09-20 14:30 EST
Rico saw Aja pass his office door on her way to her own, Amy following close behind with an armload of files that Aja would have to sign off on. He decided it would be best to stay in his own office out of range of her while she dealt with that massive stack of files.

Peanut came in and sat on his desk, something Rico was now finding sort of cute. Like Peanut was checking up on his human pets. Rico gave the monkey a piece of banana and got back to looking over the designs for the technical specs to the zoo.

His friend, Bismark, had a new and ambitious plan for the the entire zoo project. Running the entire park through a central office that would monitor all areas of the park. Including water temperatures and levels, feeding schedules, employee schedules, the works. Rico took a breath as he read over it. It was a great idea, just getting Aja on board with it might take a lot of explaining before she would truly see the beauty part of it.

Peanut chattered at him, making him look up. He laughed as the monkey stopped chattering and seemed to be pleased he had gotten Rico"s attention.

"You are a menace. But a cute one." Peanut received some scritches on the head and another piece of banana. Peanut chattered his thanks and moved to come sit by Rico, who glanced at the monkey who appeared to be trying to read what he was. He chuckled and showed Peanut the paper. "So. How do you think we should go about telling Aja about this?" Peanut chattered and put his paw to his face. "I hear ya, Buddy." he laughed and set the paper back down. He knew he had to go oversee the production of one of the ships before he could get to the zoo site to see the progress there. "Well, let's get to work. Shall we?"

Rico got up and went downstairs to the main office area. He stopped to check messages, then went out almost running right into Ajay as he did.

"Sorry.." Rico saw who it was and smiled. "Ajay."

"Rico. How nice to see you again." Ajay said once both men had re established their balance.

"It's nice to see you."

"Is Aja about?"

"She's always about." Rico grinned. "You can find her in her office right now. Best hurry, she doesn"t usually stay there for long."

"Does she ever just stand still?" Ajay asked him making Rico laugh. "I'll take that as a no."

"Your sister is..." He had started to answer but then trailed off. "I could tell you, but I think it would be best if you got to know her on your own. As she is now."

"Because you knew another version of her, didn't you?" Ajay asked him seriously.

"Yes." Rico answered simply thinking of the years he had known Aja. "She has made a lot of progress from where she was to here. And I don't think she's done yet." Rico just smiled then.

"You all are very loyal to each other here." Ajay made the statement with a smile as he looked around. "It"s admirable.Speaks well of her and of all of you." Rico saw the man pause, glance to the office building then back to him. "How many times did I come close to not knowing her at all?"

Rico took a deep breath. Talking about the past, especially hers was never something he did. They had battled the hardships, had leaned on each other and had picked each other up when they fell. He knew he could trust Aja with his life, and she could trust him with hers. Betraying that by telling tales of their battles of the past was not something he was comfortable doing.

"A couple." Rico wasn't going to completely lie to the man. There had been many battles in the past before she had known about Ajay, before they had settled here. He paused for a long moment. "Aja is good, Ajay. She knows how to fight for herself, for other people." he thought about what she did for him. "She is someone you can be proud of."

"I know that, Rico." Ajay smiled warmly. "I knew that the first time I saw her. That there was a lot more to her than what she was showing people." Ajay patted Rico"s shoulder. "It was good talking to you. I"ll let you get back to work. Maybe we can have dinner some night?"

"Of course. That would be good." Rico nodded he understood that Ajay was still learning how Aja"s world worked. He knew Aja, she never made anyone feel completely at ease when they first entered her world.

He watched Ajay go inside the office thoughtfully. Rico had to admire the mans determination to get to know his family, in light of the years they were separated. All the years they didn"t know the other even existed. Rico turned his attention towards the main gate and the street behind the gate.

All thoughts of what he was going to do now faded to what he needed to do. If Ajay and Aja could find a way through a very complex maze of pasts, presents and varying relationships to rebuild and make a family, maybe he could do it as well.

Rico walked along the main street to the market. He stood outside of Harold"s Market and looked inside. He watched Rafe going about his job. The young man had focus on what he was doing, he was friendly with the customers and his fellow co-workers.

Rico stood silently watching this grown man, this stranger who shared his blood. He leaned against the lamppost, his mind trying to sort out where to start. He smirked a little, Aja"s voice in his head saying start with hello. He couldn't deny that it had worked before. They had broken some of the ice that way. Now where did he go from there"

One drawback to being considered being in charge was if you stood anywhere long enough in Arcadia, people were bound to stop and ask him things. Which is what was happening to him now.

"Rico, did you hear a word I said?" Bob was asking him.

"Bob." Rico stood up straight and looked at one of the men Aja always referred to as the Historical Society. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said."

"Are you alright?"

"Perfectly fine. Doing some thinking about a project." he fibbed out of self preservation. Bob and Ed were huge gossips and he didn't need the added distraction of being whispered about while he figured out how he and Rafe were going to get along.

"I asked if Aja had filled you in about Mrs. Johnson."

"Of course." knowing of the ongoing feud involving that tree, Rico pawned this off on Aja, who had been handling it all along anyway. "Aja said she would handle it personally so there wouldn't be any miscommunications."

"Oh. Alright then." Bob almost sounded disappointed. Rico thought that perhaps the older man might be looking for a way to circumvent whatever action Aja had taken last, but deep down he knew better.

"Don"t worry, Bob. You and Ed will be able to keep the tree. We"ll find a way to silence Mrs Johnson about it."

"I wish you luck." Bob scoffed. "That old bat hasn"t been silent in years."

Rico laughed and waved goodbye to Bob. He watched the man walk across the street and down the barber shop to meet up with his other cronies. Rico turned his attention back to the market and was surprised to see Rafe standing there looking at him.

"Rico." Rafe said tentatively. "What are you doing here?" he eyed up his half brother curiously. Rico saw that suspicion and quickly came up with a reason why he was standing by the market.

"I got stopped by Bob." He said quickly and waved his hand in the direction of the barber shop that Bob had gone.

"The nosy old guy?" Rafe questioned.

"Yeah, the nosy old guy." Rico cracked a smile. "One of them anyway."

"The other is Ed, right?" Rafe questioned as he fidgeted with his apron.

"Yes." Rico confirmed. "Aja calls them the Historical Society."


"Because they"ve been in Arcadia forever." Rico answered simply. "When Aja and Tanner took to fixing things up around here, those two old men were consulted by Tanner a lot." Rico motioned for them to start walking together, which Rafe did. "His way of showing respect for the things that came before he arrived."

They walked a while, quiet, each contemplating their own thoughts. Rico thought that he should come up for something to talk about soon, or at least something for them to do. He was contemplating taking Rafe with him on his rounds when he saw the Tea Shop. Rico stopped in front of the small cafe. Rico pointed to the shop door, directing Rafe to join him.

He approached the counter, Debra Sykes, Mose"s wife was working the counter. Her smiled warmed as soon as she saw Rico.

"Mr. Tharadon. What can we get for you today?"

"Debra, for the millionth time. Please call me Rico." He aimed one of those perfected boyish smiles her way and she laughed.

"Sorry, Rico. I still think of you as Mose"s boss." she chuckled. "What can I get for you?"

"A mango orange smoothie and ?" Rico paused. "Rafe?" he motioned to Debra. "What would like?"

"A strawberry banana smoothie would be great." Rafe answered puzzled by Rico"s actions. Debra went off to make them. While they waited, Rico looked at Rafe.

"How would you like to work with me today?"

"Work with you?" Rafe looked at him warily.

"Yeah. You"ll get paid and everything." Rico said waving his hand nervously. "I just thought maybe we could hang out that way, maybe talk a little without all the awkward silences."

"Uh. Yeah. Sure. Sounds alright." Rafe answered looking about as sure about the plan as Rico did.

"I mean, really. Aja"s right." Rico breathed out as he handed Rafe his drink and they started to walk to the door.

"About what?"

"It's not your fault our father was a jackass." Rico opened the door and stepped outside with Rafe following him. "It was something that happened and we"re the ones left behind to clean up the mess."


"So. We can either make the best out of the situation or complain about it." Rico smiled at Rafe then. "And I"ve never been much for whining."

"Me either."

"So. We'll see what we can do with this. If that's alright with you?" they walked back towards the yards together. Rico glanced over at Rafe, who seemed to be contemplating what Rico just said.

"Yeah. That would be ok with me." Rafe finally answered and gave Rico a small smile. "Seems like a better idea than just sitting back and watching you."

"You were watching me?"

"Yes." Rafe didn"t bother hiding that. "Seemed like the only way to know you there for a while."

Rico stopped dumbfounded.

"Were you doing this a lot' Watching me?"

"Define a lot." Rafe smiled at Rico.

"You've been talking to Aja too much already." Rico smirked at the answer given. "You"ve acquired her way of answering questions."

They walked through the gates into the yards. Stopping by the warehouse shop picking up a couple tool belts. As Rico handed one to Rafe, he smiled.

"Let's hope you handle a hammer better than your pal, Steve."


Rico Tharadon

Date: 2012-10-09 20:49 EST
"You worried I'm gonna hammer my thumb or you?" Rafe was grinning as he put on the tool belt.

"With Steve, either could happen. So both." Rico smiled back to Rafe and nodded for them to head towards one of the buildings. "We'll go in there today. Got a boat near finished."

Rafe looked around the yards, all the activity going on. Forklifts making runs to and from ships and the warehouses. Groups of men attending to different tasks.

"Is it always so busy here?"


"How do you deal with all of this?"

"I don't do it alone, Rafe." Rico said while opening up the warehouse door. "Aja handles a lot, then there's Tristan. Padriq's off with his own stuff lately, but it's a team effort." he paused as he slide the door to its final position and looked at his half brother. "No one here is ever alone." he dropped his hand to his side then. "That includes you too. You have us now. You're not alone either."

"Not anymore."

"No. Not anymore." Rico agreed. "Sorry you were for a long time."

"Like Aja said." Rafe started, "That wasn't your fault."

"Easy to say..." Rico started as he turned for the boat, now highlighted in daylight. He flipped a switch to turn on some work lights. "Harder to get over when you have been for a while."

"Sounds like you know something about it." Rafe said approaching the boat.

"I do." Rico said as he sorted some things on the bench. "Did. Once upon a time."

"Then there was Tanner?"

"Yeah." Rico smiled as he turned. "I'm really truly sorry you will never know the man." Rico picked up some boards and moved them to a saw horse. "He was a good man."

"Not like our father."

"No." Rico's expression turned a touch sour. "Nothing like him." Rico took a deep breath then. "Tell me about your mom. What's she like?"

"She's " mom." Rafe shrugged. "She worked at a bakery, came home and did a lot of staring out the window. I don't think she ever really got over him." Rafe watched Rico set up the boards, he came over to help. "I would hear these stories. About how they'd go riding, or sailing." he looked at Rico for a moment then back to the work. "She even talked about you."


"She met you once I think. When you were younger." Rafe took hold of the board that Rico pointed to and put it in the steam box.

"I don't remember. I've tried to block those years with him out." Rico admitted, he looked over at his brother. "If you want to know more...about him, I know mother, my mother, saved some of his things." Rico picked up a sander block. "In a room in the basement of the castle." he started sanding the boards of the boat. "I haven't been in there for a long time, but if you wanted to see what she saved, I could take you."

"Yeah..." Rafe said pausing over the taking the board out of the steamer. "I think I'd like that." he resumed taking the board out and him and Rico put it into place, both of them putting the clamps on it. "Thanks."

"Well." Rico said as he worked. "He's your father. You should have access to it too." he said not looking up. "Just because I don't want to remember the man, doesn't mean you shouldn't."

They worked in silence for a while. Building the small sailing vessel together, speaking only when Rico needed to point Rafe in the right direction or stop him from doing something wrong in the build. The afternoon became about Rico teaching Rafe how to build a boat. The men came and went to ask questions to Rico. Rafe got to see what his brother's life was like up close.

For Rafe, it was eye opening how "normal" his brother actually was. All the things he had thought Rico might be, he found most of them to be just fantasy. Rico was a hard working guy. Fair, but authoritative. He took pride in getting a job done right, didn't put himself above anyone else.

Rico was learning that his younger sibling had some natural skills in carpentry, that he was a fast learner and hard worker. Qualities that Rico admired greatly.

They broke for dinner and Rico invited Rafe to his house. They were in the house preparing the steaks for the grill when Rico stopped to ask.

"Where do you live, anyway?"

"On the island."

"Huh." Rico said thoughtfully.


"Curious." Rico said as he handed Rafe a beer. "You could move in here." He said it before he lost the thought. "You know. If you wanted to. We could keep getting to know each other."

"I'll think about it." Rafe said setting down the seasoning salt that he had just added to the steaks.

"Ok." Rico nodded as he took the plate of steaks out to the BBQ grill and put them on. Out on the patio, they talked about the town. Rafe filling Rico in on the back story to some of the situations that Rico knew were going on. His brother had quite a talent for observation it seemed.

It was going to take some time. But Rico thought while he watched his brother as they ate, that this could just be a good relationship. He smiled a little as he picked up his beer thinking over all the things he talked about with Aja and he chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh...Just thinking that Aja was right. About us."

"I take it she would get great satisfaction hearing that from you?" Rafe had surmised correctly.

"She'd do a little dance." the men laughed. "We'll just not tell her that she was right. For now."

Rafe raised his beer bottle to Rico who raised his own.

"She'll never hear it from me."

"Me either.? they grinned and continued to eat. It was a slow start, but it was a beginning. Where it would go, only time would tell.