Topic: Hochi Galvanting about the world!

Hochi Banto

Date: 2012-10-18 04:08 EST
The Griffin Tribe

"Timber!" Martin shouted loudly as a tree crashed to the ground sending birds and animals running in all directions. A few of the crew were able to react fast enough to take few rabbits down. Hochi looked around his makeshift camp that was starting to be set up. He was splitting logs for the fires, there were a few men working on tents and a few were out in the woods looking for food. This island wasn't on any of his charts or maps, there was just a few mentions of it in some books. He slammed the axe down splitting a log in two.

He finished with the rest of the logs that were designated for firewood. Night was coming fast, he looked at his watch, 6 O'clock they had about an hour before sunset. This Island was strange, it was in a tropical place, but yet there were no palm trees or any tropical plant life in general. The trees were mainly weeping willows and pine trees on the interior of the island. Almost all the beaches were hard to navigate due to cliffs and large rocks that had to be scaled to get around. As far as he knew, there were no inhabitants, at least they hadn't met them yet.

As the sun sank below the tree line the shadows over took the forest. Fires were quickly lit, food was cooked and bellies were filled. Hochi wrote in his journal: Island seems safe enough, the forests are overflowing with animals. First day of hunting and we have enough rations for a week. Its amazing! Possible hunting grounds for the future? Tomorrow we will move deeper into the island while fortifying our position.

He closed the journal, "Ill take the first watch, lets get some sleep, we have a lot of work to do tomorrow." The men slowly moved to their tents for the night.

Hochi Banto

Date: 2012-10-18 04:31 EST
Hochi tiptoed through the woods a rifle in his hands. His eyes scanning the forest around him for any sign of animal life. They had gathered a large amount of rations for the camp and the boat. The crew hadn't had non dehydrated meat in awhile. Martin was about 20 yards to the right of Hochi, he was hunched over as he tried to be as quiet as possible.

"Hey Hochi, how much longer are we going to be on this island? I feel like there isn't anything here, we have damn near explored the whole thing." Martin whispered.

"We've only been here for five days, I just want to make sure their isn't anything here of value. You never know their could be some sort of mystical power source that we could discover. Or even some sort of temple or dungeon. We have only really explored three quarters of the island."

"Yeah, but still, we just haven't found anything like that. The boat has circled this island and haven't seen anything of interest. No Temples, dungeons, statues, natives, just us and some animals. I just think we are spending to much time here; I think we should move on."

"Shh!" Hochi growled as the sound of a few twigs being snapped and branches rustling could be heard. The two men shouldered their rifles looking around. There wasn't any sign of animals, the forest was deathly silent. No birds chirping in the distance, nothing. Hochi ducked under a branch as he walked away from Martin. His eyes snapped from tree to tree, it felt as if they were being watched.

Suddenly there was a loud roar, dropping down from the large pine trees came six half lion half man creatures bows at the ready. "drop your weapons!" One of the lion people shouted loudly, "or you will die!"

Hochi knew when he was outmatched, and quickly dropped his rifle putting his hands in the air. "We don't mean you any harm, we come in peace." Martin didn't surrender as quickly and kept his weapon at the ready. "Martin drop your weapon, its pointless, I would rather not get killed today." Martin nervously put his rifle down and raised his own hands.

Suddenly the Lion people stepped forward a bag was thrown over both of their heads. Hochi didn't move till he heard a dull thump, "Hey you better not have hurt-" there was a sharp pain then nothing.

Hochi Banto

Date: 2012-10-18 05:10 EST
He woke up in a dark room his head throbbing painfully. "ugh" he sat up rubbing the large lump on the back of his head. "Martin you there?" his eyes were still adjusting to the low lighting in the room.

"Yeah, yeah...goddamn my head hurts like hell." Hochi moved toward the voice till Martin came into view.

"you have any idea where in the hell we are or how long we have been out?" Martin shook his head as he gently caressed his own lump ridden head. Hochi looked around the room and stood up slowly, they couldn't have been out that long his body doesn't feel that stiff, maybe a day. "Hey! Anyone there!?" Hochi shouted, and was happy with the response time as the door flew open and two of the Lion people walked in. "There we go, now I have a few questions to ask, but first I want you to take me to your leader." Hochi beamed a warm smile to both, he always loved saying that line.

"All in due time stranger," The lion person, who had his mane braided heavily and had battle scars all over his body. "First I would like to know just who you are and what your doing here."

Hochi nodded thinking for a moment, "Well my name is Hochi Bird, Captain of the Northern Falcon, the boat that has been circling your Island that past few days. We are just exploring, seeing whats going on." Martin stood up and walked up the bars as well.

"Is this how you treat new people?" Martin snapped angrily.

"Yes, when they encroach on our lands. I believe he hold the right to defend our lands from intruders. How do we know your not Leo Spies?" The lion man stared at Hochi, it felt as if the lion thing was searching his soul.

"Leo spies, no we just come about this island and landed. We are just exploring, we don't know anything about any leo thingies." Hochi said holding onto the bars staring right back at the lion.

"I don't know, you seem to be telling the truth. My name is Akin of the Griffin Tribe, this is the Island of Juahar, and it is our island. This is Jal." Jal growls when introduced. "Why were you coming into our lands with weapons drawn?"

Hochi smiled, "we have no reason to lie to you, cept for the whole knocking out and imprisonment bit. Nice to meet you Akin, Jal...we were hunting for food, that is it. We were not trying to start a war or looking for a fight. Since you don't think we are lying, we are all clear so you can let us out of this cage then right?

Akin thought for a few moments. "Come on just let us out." Martin snapped angrily. Jal snarled loudly silencing Martin quickly.

"Let only the green haired one out Jal, bring him to the Chieftan's hut. I'm sure that he will want to speak with him. Jal unlocked the door and slide it open. Hochi stepped out and turned back to Martin.

"I'll be back, just calm down, take a nap."

Akin was gone by the time Hochi turned back around, Jal growled and pushed Hochi forward. "Lets go outsider."

"I've told you my name is Hochi."