Topic: Old Pirates


Date: 2012-08-02 18:44 EST
She had finished her rounds for the day, instead of heading home, she went to an old dive bar on the outskirts of RhyDin City, a place long forgotten by most of the tourist routes and therefore a little quieter than the Inn.

She walked in and took a seat at the bar, glancing around idly. No one here of any consequence. Freddy, the bartender remembered her and set her beer on the bar without a word, taking the appropriate payment.

She sat in silence, watching the night sky out the window. People passing by once in a while. Little to disturb her tonight. The door swung open and a weathered old man came in. He paused seeing her there at the end of the bar. She signaled to Freddy for another beer when she saw him.

The old man limped his way over and sat down. Aja put the beer in front of him and quietly said. "Ya get da rest of yer payment?" He had been a good source of intel on the ports Aja, Dal and the crew had recently taken down.

"Aye. I did." the man said as he picked up his beer. Neither one looked at each other.

"Good." She said and lifted her own beer. "I can get ya ta da camp I heard of yer family bein in." she said quietly. "If ya want."

"I'd appreciate that." he said after a moment.

"Ship leaving fer Weston's place in da mornin. Takin a load of supplies over." she took a drink of her beer and set the bottle down. "Yer welcome aboard."

"I'll meet ya at da docks." the man said and took a healthy swallow of the beer. He set it down and got up.

"Night, Lance."

"G"night, Aja." he said as he turned then paused. "Thanks." he said not looking back at her.

"Yer welcome.?

She watched him leave, thoughtfully. He was a proud old pirate, seen his share of high seas battles. She wondered now if he regretted all that time now that he reached the sunset years. Aja finished her beer and followed the old pirate out into the night. She watched him make his way to the docks and disappear from sight before heading home herself.