Topic: Roads Not Taken --Possible WIP---


Date: 2012-03-31 20:51 EST
~Inspired by NCIS episode 9x14 Life Before His Eyes~

The alternate reality device sat on her desk, a picture frozen on the screen. Aja stood at the window, staring out over the town that she called home thoughtfully.

Her conversation with her daughter had led to some reflection on what would’ve been. Could’ve been had she never come to Arcadia all those years ago. So she had taken the alt reality device and found one where she never set foot on Arcadian shores.

Charlie Cohn had certainly believed Arcadia would’ve been good without her. Or he did, until she showed him exactly what it could’ve been had he had his way.

He had left her office an hour ago, without a word, taking with him a copy of the picture frozen on the screen. A  small run down port town, residents barely making it by. She went around the town with the device and Mr. Cohn, showing him all there would be if things had been different. The man didn’t like what he had seen. Tried to deny it, even said she was lying. But the image of the grave yard, the tombstone of his wife and daughter got him to believe.

It was Parker who had saved his wife that day, when labor had gone wrong. He saved Christine and her mother from death that day.  And he wouldn’t have been there without Aja.

“Ya can hate me, Mr. Cohn. Even blame me fer a lot of things that changed in this town.” she had said and turned to look at him. “But can you really disapprove of me in light of what could’ve been had I not been here at all"”

She knew the picture of his family’s grave had been a harsh way of pleading her case to get him to ease up on his daughter about her friendship with Mara, but with stubborn men, sometimes you had to smack them with the harsh truths in order for them to truly see.

It wasn’t only his eyes that had been opened by those images. But Aja’s as well. She had taken a trip to RhyDin City with the device and roamed around. Her presence there, made minor differences. But mostly with certain people. The town itself, looked about the same. Aja doubted that RhyDin City would ever suffer with the loss of one person. But the lives in that town certainly would.

She saw Sivanna and Alec living separate lives. The people she had come to know as family, were not connected. She couldn’t find Hochi or any evidence at all that he had ever been there. Riverview stood, but didn’t seem to hold the same sort of hopeful look that it had in her reality.

The alternate view of life, had she never come to Arcadia, was a dismal one. For all the traumas, and battles. She saw the way it would’ve been and didn’t like the image.

Arcadia woud’ve seen Tristan married to a woman who cared nothing for the people. He would’ve abandoned the yards under her urgings and left there. Rico, would’ve never returned home, leaving Mami a lonely widow alone in that big palace in Avalon. The graveyard had been filled with names of the residents Aja knew well, but had died as Arcadia slowly descended into a slum town.

Her own impact to this town and these people hit her hard.

“Remove one thing and all of life changes.”  Tanner’s voice echoed in her ears. Something he said to her years ago while out at sea. He had no way of knowing he had been talking about himself. It had been his choice to settle in Arcadia, to push to help it grow.

With Rico, it had been Tanner who had invited him to come with them. Where would he be if that chance encounter in that tavern not happened"

“Remove one person, Tanner...” she said out the window quietly. “And all of life changes.”

Without Tanner, she would’ve probably died decades ago. Or had been somewhere she never wanted to be. Tanner was the one that freed her from the Quistguard hold, given her hope, something else to fight for besides herself.


Date: 2012-05-11 18:06 EST

The next morning she made her way to the yards and saw Rico outside, working on some sails. Aja smiled watching him work for a moment before she made her way over. He had on a button up shirt with the sleeves torn off, his jeans and boots. Wearing his sunglasses that made him look like he was in a glamor magazine ad for cologne or mens wear.

He worked harder than she did sometimes, and sometimes she wondered if he was even aware of exactly how much he did in a day or if that was just his way of living his day to day life now. She knew he could get oblivious to the way he was seen, just as she was most of the time. The two had on more than one occasion pointed various things out to the other in different port towns over the years.

The last couple days of reflection of how one person made a difference, had made her evaluate the people in her immediate world. Rico and Maria in particular. With Maria, she never forgot how much the woman did for her on a daily basis and made sure she was well cared for.

Aja did wonder if Rico knew he was appreciated. Given that he’d been with her for thirty years and didn’t have a clue how she would get by without him, she thought she should at least make sure she told him at least once.

“Hey you.” she said picking up one corner of the sail section and pulling it with him.

“Hey. Aren’t you supposed to be taking Sundays off"” he smiled. “Or aren’t you capable of relaxing for a day"”

“Hello Pot.” she grinned making him laugh.

“Message received.” Rico shook his head slowly.

“I was thinking of having brunch in town. Taking a good look around, make sure everything is hummin along.” she dropped the sail section where Rico needed it and looked at him. “Ya eat yet"”

“Not yet.”

“Well, leave this be fer an hour, come have brunch with me.” Aja put a hand on her hip and grinned at him.

“Sure.” Rico watched her for a moment trying to ascertain what was going on with the boss lady this morning, but he knew Aja often had left field reasons for whatever request she had. Trying to figure them out often led to nothing more than a headache.

Aja had been a constant figure in his world for more than thirty years. At first, they battled with each other as they disagreed on a number of things. Eventually, the way she saw the world started to seep through his haze of hate and anger instilled in him by his father. Her and Tanner showed him another side to the world around him.

Slowly, he began to understand that his father and his views weren’t his own. They never had to be. Just as Tanner and Aja would sometimes disagree with each other, the difference with them was that Tanner would listen when she spoke, he would consider her point of view and even change his own if he felt hers was the more correct one.

Aja while being stubborn, would do the same for Tanner. Eventually, Rico was on the same level with them and could do the same. As that changed happened, Rico found a place of peace and acceptance. He found that he was happier that way. He had often wondered how long it would’ve taken to find without them in his life.

Rico came to walk beside Aja as they made their way to the gate, his arm casually around her shoulders and he gave her a one arm hugged as they walked, making her smile up at him.

“I do have an ulterior motive ta takin ya ta brunch, Ricks.”

“Oh really"” He smiled back. “And that would be?”

“To thank you, tell you how much I appreciate you.” she said looking up at him, he could see the warm smile reach her eyes through her sunglasses...“Jist ta make sure ya know that ya are valued.”

“You think I don’t know"” Rico asked with a warm smile of his own.

“You might know it...but ain’t it nice ta hear once in a while"” she asked lightly as they reached the main street of Arcadia.

“Suppose it is.” he gave her a squeeze as they continued along the street. “What’s got you all reflective today"”

“Blame mah daughter.” Aja grinned as she gave a wave to a passing resident. “Been thinking about her future.”

“Getting to be about that time isn’t it"”

“Yeah.” Aja said thoughtfully. “I mentioned ta her that she should go ta see Ajay fer a while. Maybe take her friend Chrissy.”

“Cohn’s kid.”  Rico knew Mara’s friends as well as Aja did having made it part of his sworn duty to protect Mara as if she were his own.

“Yep. And ya know how much he loves us.” Aja said sarcastically. “Anyway, I found on dat alt reality device what this town would be like without us and took that to Mr. Cohn.”

“How did that go"”

“Well, I think I might’ve made a dent in his hatred towards us at least.” Aja said as Rico dropped his arm to hold open the door to their favorite little diner. They went inside and towards the back to the patio.

The owner, Nikoli Fischer, greeted them warmly.

“Rico! Aja! How lovely to see you both this beautiful Sunday morning.”

“Good morning, Nik.” Aja smiled at the man as she removed her sunglasses. “Any chance of our usual table on the patio this morning"”

“Of course. Of course. Come. Let’s get you settled.” he led the way to the ocean side patio and got them set up with menus. “Can I interest you in a mimosa to start"”

“That sounds fabulous to me. Ricks"” Aja looked from Nik to Rico as she settled into her chair.

“That sounds good, Nik.” Rico gave the man a smile.

“Will your sister be joining you this morning, Miss Aja"” the elder man asked her curiously.

“No. Don’t believe so. Not even sure where she’s gotten off to honestly.” Aja chuckled. “Probably shopping.”

“She did mention something about that.” Rico supplied and gave Nik a nod as he turned to get their drinks.

“Well, she’s da girly one.” Aja chuckled and looked at Rico with a grin.

“That she is.” Rico agreed with a smile, glancing around the patio, nodding hello to the patrons that waved hello to them both. When that was out of the way, he looked back to Aja. “So, Mr. Cohn doesn’t hate us as much"”

“We can hope.” Aja said and dug into the bag slung across her body.

Rico smiled watching her, in thirty years, he could barely remember a time when that bag wasn’t with her. He watched as she extracted the tablet out and smiled softly. He’d been trying for months to get her used to the technology. It seemed he had finally done it with the tablet. She took it everywhere with her now.

She showed him a picture of a place that looked familiar to him somehow but he couldn’t recall where it was. He took the tablet and stared at the picture a moment longer.

“Where is this"”

“It’s Arcadia that would’ve been without us.” Aja said simply. “This is what could’ve been had we never come back here.”  He glanced up at her before looking back to the picture in shock.


“Really.” Aja watched one of the waitresses approaching with small grin as she noticed how the woman was checking out Rico as she approached. Rico himself, was of course, unaware of how he was being appraised. The man was quite oblivious at times that he was considered good looking to most people.

“Wow.” He said handing the tablet back just as the waitress arrived. He sat back to allow her to put the glasses down.

“Do you need a few minutes to decide on what you’d like to order"”

“Two breakfast specials.” Aja said as she handed the menus back. “Eggs over easy, bacon. Ya want sausage, Ricks"”

“Yeah.” he answered and sat up a little. “And those biscuits Nik’s wife makes.”

“Ok.” The waitress said giving Rico a bright smile. “Anything else?’

“Not for me. Aja"”

“I’m good.” She said picking up her mimosa. “Maybe some milk when breakfast is ready,  yeah"”

“Yes.”  Rico nodded and watched the waitress write that down.

“Your order will be ready in a jiff.” The waitress gave Rico a wink and sauntered off. Not that Rico watched her go. He was looking back to Aja again.

“That’s what would’ve happened here if we never came back"” he motioned to the tablet as he spoke.

“Yeah.” Aja said solemnly forgetting about the waitress now. “Sad, isn’t it"”

“This is what has you being reflective, isn’t it"” Rico suddenly got why she had asked him to brunch that morning.

“Yeah.” Aja smiled over at him a little. “Gets you thinking. Roads not taken and all. The people that we know, how we affect them, how they affect us.”

“I’ve always said you’ve done...”

“We. Ricks.” she cut him off and motioned between them. “We’ve done a lot. Parker too. The whole damn crew.”

“Of course.” he smiled at her. “Easy killer.” Rico picked up his own mimosa. “I’m simply saying that you’re a driving force behind the majority of projects that happen in this town.”

“And you and da boys carry it all out without complaint. Means a lot.” Aja leaned back in her chair enjoying the warm mid morning breeze coming off the tropical tradewinds.

“Do you ever wonder where you would be had you not come here"”

“Once in a while.” she smiled a little. “But, I do like my life as it is.”

“Not saying you didn’t, Aja.” Rico smiled mirroring her position in his own chair. “I do remember back in the days when there was nothing more you loved than taking some rich old snob off their coin.” he chuckled. “You’d always get away clean and watch them lose their minds about it.”

“Well, it was funny to watch.” she answered raising a brow while she lifted the mimosa in a toast. “Ya know how much I like da funny.”

“I do know.” Rico laughed at her. He looked out across the beach to the ocean beyond. “I have thought about where we would be if we hadn’t come back here.”

“Bless Tanner for making sure we did.” Aja said thoughtfully and looked out where Rico was looking. “What do ya see?”

“Another life.” Rico answered. “One that I wouldn’t have without Tanner. You.”  Aja sat still and waited for him to come around to his point, which she knew he would eventually. He tapped his finger on the table. “I would’ve been lost. For too long.” he looked around then back to her. “I don’t know how long it would’ve taken without you and Tanner.”

“You were quite the mess.” Aja grinned at him cheeky like.

“I was.” he smiled at her. “And you kicked my ass till I got my head on straight.” he waited for a moment. “But it wasn’t just what you did. Or what you said. It was who you were. Strong. You never gave an inch of ground. Even when the odds seemed stacked against you.” he reached across the table. “You had to be scared sometimes, but you never let it hold you back.”

“I couldn’t.” Aja said seriously. “It was mah life. Mine to own. And no one was going to tell me I couldn’t do what I wanted with it ever again.”

“Like I said. Strong.” he smiled. “Which is what inspired me to be a better person.”

“Awwww.” Aja waved a hand at him, the barest hint of a blush to her cheeks. “Stop that.”

“It’s the truth.” He said with a smile. “I have a good life. A large part of that credit goes to you.”

“Ya did da work, Ricks.” Aja readjusted in her chair. “It’s not an easy road. Ya took it. Became something else.” she smiled at him warmly. “And ya did it well.”