Topic: The Gemini Protocol


Date: 2015-01-02 01:27 EST
Early October. Marketplace. RhyDin City

Aja was always keenly aware of her surroundings, even in RhyDin after all this time, she never let her guard down. RhyDin could be charming, quaint even, but it still had it"s dangers. And with her background, Aja never forgot that there were still those out in the realm that may be looking for her. Even if she was steadily declining their numbers and power.

So when she sussed out that she was being followed, she played it cool and ducked into a store. One of the men following her went on by, confused as to where exactly he lost his target. The other was paused outside the door giving her the opportunity to observe him.

A tall man, six foot four at least. Tan skin, black hair, stylishly maintained. He wore a simple white, collarless shirt under a grey suit jacket and brown leather shoes on his feet. Ducking down, she got a good view in between jars of homemade jam the hardware the man was also packing. Gun. Silencer. Mmm. This never boded well.

The other man, who had gone ahead, reappeared with his colleague. He also was dressed in the same style and had a similar weapon.

"Well?" the first well dressed man asked of his colleague. Thankfully, Aja was close enough to hear the conversation while keeping out of sight.

"Lost her." he reported. "Are you sure it’s her" The photo we have from a couple weeks ago, has her with shorter hair."

"Women can wear wigs, Vanto." the taller of the two said. Vanto nodded.

"What do we report back to Hadar?" asked Vanto, still scanning the crowd hoping to pick back up his quarry.

"That we've picked up her trail here in RhyDin City."

Aja didn"t know of any Hadar and the shorter hair comment the one man made, she knew who they were really seeking. Ajia. So. What had she gone and gotten into while off and about with that new pirate friend of hers"

"What about him?" a photo was produced from Vanto"s pocket. Aja got a good enough look. Haythem. Well. That certainly nailed it that they weren’t looking for her. "Wonderful." Aja thought. "What da hell kind of mess is she into now?"

The men started back down the street, their eyes scanning the crowds for any sign of her. Aja stood up slowly, picking up a jar of apricot preserves on her way. She took them to the counter and paid for the jam. The jar went into her bag, Maria would appreciate the small gift and she made her way to the door. Looking down the street where the men went. She saw them off in the distance. Quickly, she put her hair up in a messy ponytail and stripped off her white overshirt, leaving the tank top.

She left the shop in the opposite direction and headed towards the docks. From there she could make a quick exit via a portal and be home to start looking for Ajia. JiJi had some splanin" ta do. Or. She'd just handle the mess herself to ensure it got done.

—————End Part One———————————————————————- ———


Date: 2015-01-03 00:28 EST
Part two—

Once Aja had arrived home, she had thought things through some and had decided that perhaps asking Ajia directly would be a bad idea. Ajia always took Aja"s questions as criticism. It always devolved into an argument about how Ajia thought Aja was treating her like a child, or like she was stupid. While either was true at certain moments, neither would be in this instance. But that wouldn't be what Ajia would think through the internal filter that always made her complain about it.

So a stealthier approach would be required. Easy enough as Ajia was always distracted in some form. Forever looking for a romantic partner and coming up short.

Aja sighed as she walked in through the gate near Parker"s. Thoughts in her head around who those men were. He saw her pass by the window and came out of his office.


"Yo." She stopped mid stride, one leg swung back and she spun a little to be looking at Parker. She granted a warm smile to the elder mage. He looked at her closer and noted a look in her eyes. One that someone had to know her well enough to decipher.

"Are you ok?"

"Uhh...Not rightly sure ta be honest." she told him as she walked back to him. "Ran into a pair of guys...well, let's jist say they were following and I ditched them in a gift shop."

"Why were they following you?" Parker questioned concerned. Parker knew what it could mean if they were following Aja.

"They weren't, Parker. Stand down." she held out a hand to him, the instant look of worry that crossed his face made her nervous. Freakin Parker out was never anything she tried to do on purpose. The man worried about her too much as it was. "They thought they were following Ajia."

"An even more curious question arises then."

"Yes it does." Aja took a lean against Parker"s golf cart. She noticed a new ding in the front of the cart and smirked. Parker really couldn't drive. She just kept the observation to herself and looked at Parker. "They had a picture of her and they were carrying guns with silencers."

"Are you going to ask Ajia what she is doing?"

"Hell no." Aja said a little loudly. "She"ll just accuse me of trying to take over her stuff or being overbearing again." she sighed. "Then I might shoot her."

"I find the timing of events to be quite fascinating." Parker remarked. "The tests that I ran, with the strange results and now this."

"Well, ya ponder all that philosophical stuff. I'll stick to what’s in front of me." Aja crossed her feet at the ankle and crossed her arms over her chest. "There’s a distinct possibility of me having to shoot these people. Not that I’m against that."


"Hey. If they have weapons, especially ones with silencers, they intend of making use of them." Aja told Parker. She tilted her head a little. "Strange though that they would come looking." she paused. "What kind of trouble could Ajia possibly be making" She spends most of her time making googly eyes at Haythem and a good deal of her time being drunk, as far as I know."

"You don't know that for sure."

"Excellent point." Aja said. "She's rarely around. So I don"t know what she does with her days." she sighed a little and rubbed at her head. "But everytime I see her, she's doing that." Aja grinned at him.

"Shouldn"t you warn her?"

"Ooooh no." Aja shook her head. "She made her mess, she can clean it up." She saw Parker was about to argue. "No. You hush fer a moment. If, what you suspect is true."

"I could be wrong, Aja." Parker was already gearing up to protest and she shook her head.

"Nope. Yer rarely ever wrong." Aja grinned then at Parker, he finger shook in the air slightly. "Except fer that one time about that one plant that tried ta eat Warren." she chuckled a little earning a scolding look from Parker which she ignored. "Other than dat...yer usually spot on. Which means. This version of Ajia running about is not actually one from this time line." she paused a little, shifting her position against the golf cart. "Thus, she's not my responsibility to look after."

"We haven't confirmed it, Aja." Parker reminded her.

"But, it makes sense." she said looking at him. "I mean. Suddenly there"s kids and a country and other stuff."Aja shifted again slightly. "Things that are not true of this timeline."

"Which means what?" Parker asked curious to see what she thought of the whole situation.

"She's not actually my twin." It had been the first time Aja had voiced such an opinion aloud. Odd, she didn't feel a sense of loss when she did. As she thought somehow she should, but it just wasn't there.

On her weekly visits to Alec, he had been explaining alternate realities and everything that went with them to Aja off and on as the need arose. Aja had listened carefully, taking it in. Thinking it over and coming to her own understanding of complex situations in her own way.

Not that it would be the pressing concern when it came to Ajia problem. The present moment held more than a bit of concern about who those men were and how much trouble they would make for Aja and her crew. She had a sworn duty to look after her own, and the fact that they were hunting the look alike presented a danger to those men.

Then a thought popped into her head and she tilted her head slightly looking at Parker.

"What is it' I know that look." Parker asked a little wary. He had learned over time when she got certain expressions, that it could mean anything from a new creative idea or some sort of plan was forming that would certainly lead to things that he didn't want to think about. He knew what she was capable of.

"Parker" If this Ajia isn't ours...what happened to the one that was?"

"Perhaps a paradox." Parker saw where she was going with the question. "Both could not exist in the same timeline and the weaker of the two simply faded away."

"This is going to be one of those headache inducing, gods please shoot me now sort of things, ain't it?" Aja asked raising a brow at Parker with a grin.

"Why must you be so difficult?"

"Cause ya like me that way."

"True." Parker said thoughtfully. "It's possible when this Ajia came forward, the other one is now where this one came from."

"Where's my tequila?" Aja asked looking around in Parker"s cart. She picked up a bottle of something and peered at it. "What da heck is dis" It's sparkly and has things in it."

"Please don't drop that, Aja." Parker started forward, Aja flipped the bottle once and caught it with a grin at Parker.

"Relax." She set the bottle back and then smiled at Parker sweetly. "See" It's all unbroken." she held up her hands and stepped away from the cart slowly. "I'm stepping away from the cart."

"I should swat you."

"But you won't."

"True enough, Child." He gave her a kiss on the head making her smile.

"So what is that stuff?" Aja nodded to the cart. "Spot remover" Anti Ka-boom potion?"

"It calls forward a spirit."

"Oooh no...don"t tell me yer summoning things again!" Aja sighed. "Last time ya told me ya wanted to do that, I ended up using a whole lot of explosives..." she paused. "On second thought" maybe that wasn't so bad." she gave him a cheeky grin.

"It's best you don't know right now." Parker simply said and Aja shrugged. If Parker said she didn't need to know, she had no reason to question that.

"I've got other things ta worry about now." Aja went back to leaning on the cart. "If this Ajia isn't ours, and we don't know what happened to the one that was." she paused thinking the thought through. "Does this mean I should tell Ajay, so he can take the proper precautions" Or. Do we not tell Ajay and hope we figure it out before something bad happens?"

"What do you think?"

"I think Ajay"s gonna wind up with a headache." Aja grinned a little then rubbed at her head. "I'll have ta tell Willy of course. He mans the gate on the other side. He's in charge of Ballentine security." Aja tapped her boot against the other for a minute and then jumped up. "Oh holy bag of crap." She sighed. "It's been weeks since this other one appeared."

"That it has."

"Hopefully this one isn't up to something nefarious or sneaky. Willy and I wouldn't have known to look for it!" Aja stood up and started for her cart. "I gotta go!" she jumped into the cart, leaving Parker behind a little confused.

She phoned William on the way. He answered on the second ring. "Aja, what can I do for you today?"

"I"m coming to see you. Gemini Protocol."

"Are you sure?"

"I am." they both hung up knowing there was much to do in order to safeguard Ballentine from a covert attack.


Date: 2015-01-07 01:48 EST
Ever since Aja found her family, and started to really become part of Ballentine"s royal family, she had always worried about her past catching up to her. Someone that may look to do her harm by hurting the ones she loved and those she had come to rely on. Ajay, Sher and the kingdom of Ballentine.

With all she knew about magic, science and technology, she knew a simple glamor spell could create a look alike. And that could certainly cause some damage given how much she looked after for Ajay. It was always there in her head. She had a responsibility to look after those she had come to love so very much and the people in which they ruled over.

So as time went on, she and William had created several fail safes to deal with a lot of different scenarios. William had come to admire the way she thought about defensive strategy, but then he thought with her life, she had just gotten really good at all of it.

Aja stepped through the gate and immediately was joined by William, the head of the Ballentine guard. The pair walked towards the palace, in deep conference.

"I"ll take care of the palace stuff. No one questions me walking around randomly." Aja glanced up at Willy, "they all just think I"m lost most of the time." she gave him a grin. William laughed a little. He had to admire the way she knew people perceived her. By her design of course.

"I"ll send a troop around to the stations along the water." he said motioning to the water line off in the distance beyond the castle grounds. "Make sure everything is top running order."

"Later on, I'll climb up on the palace roof.." Aja was saying and saw Willy glance up to the high rooftops then back to Aja looking shocked. "place the extra cameras."

"We could do that, Aja."

"Easier for me to do it. Faster too." She said to him and pointed back to the blueprints she drew up. "Here and here would give the best view front to back and a couple on the sides...Should give a good view of any incoming trouble." she patted her pack. "I"ll meet ya in the guard quarters when I got them set."

William was not a daft man. He had his standards and codes, but he recognized Aja came with a certain skill set that most of his men would spend years trying to perfect. He saw her head for the palace door and when she disappeared inside, he went to get his men into motion.

Aja made her way through the various corridors of the palace, she had to snag a step ladder from the maids closet for certain places in the halls, but she hid the recording devices well. Even if you knew where to look, they weren't easily seen. She had just placed one in the dining room in the chandelier. Aja had no more than just soundlessly landed on the floor when a maid came in, putting a hand to her chest slightly.

"Princess." the maid bowed her head a little. "I was unaware of your presence. Please forgive the intrusion."

"May. My dear. It"s Aja." she smiled coming near the maid. "Ya do what ya have ta do. I'm jist wandering about da joint." Aja motioned to the room. "Sher decorates nice. I like to look at it so I can appropriately compliment her on the work."

"Of course, Prin?" Aja gave her a look and May caught herself. "Aja." Aja chuckled and patted her shoulder.

"There ya go." Aja gave a brilliant smile and then left the room to plant the remaining bugs.

Once she was done with those, she headed to the highest place in the palace that had outdoor access. One that Ajay was likely unaware existed. Aja had discovered it years ago and kept her own little secret in case she needed to flee some fancy event without being seen.

The wind had picked up, but that meant little to Aja, she"d had plenty of chances to practice her balance on high roof tops with wind. She made her way along, and got the all weather cameras she had picked up from Bismark for such an event set into place. While up on the south end of the roof, she noted a couple figures walking along below, looking around suspiciously and talking.

"Well, who do we have here?" Aja tugged out her binoculars and focused in on them. She knew one of them was one of Ajay"s guys, the other" "No way. If it's not my favorite pain in the arse." she kept her eyes trained on the man, it was a Pinewall advisor. The snotty one that didn't love the idea of Aja being in charge of weapons treaties. Mostly because Aja rarely gave the man what he was after. More often than not, he got older versions of the very weapons he sought to secure.

Aja grinned while watching him and the palace advisor. Man, his cheese would be really chapped if he discovered that Ociaeryn was supplied with far superior weapons and defensive equipment. And for little more reason than she just liked Ociaeryn"s leadership more. She didn't trust Pinewall in the slightest. Everyone she had met from there had set off an internal alarm bell that she could never quite put her finger on. Yet. She would in time.

The men ventured along and Aja made a note to include some weather resistant listening devices in the gardens. She secured some repelling equipment and then launched herself off the palace roof. Several of the guards saw her mid decent and pointed it out to the others.

She landed gracefully on the ground and was undoing harnesses when Ajay found her.

"Are you trying to break your neck"!" he called out alarmed as he got closer. Crap, potentially busted...unless"

"Nah." She grinned at him. "Jist doin a little field testing of some new equipment." she zipped the line back into the holder and smiled. "This is pretty awesome, J!"

"You just gave Sher a heart attack!"

"Uhhh." Aja grinned a little. "Whoopsie?" she did attempt to look sheepish, but Ajay just shook his head.

"What were you thinking!?"

"That yer roof is the highest point I could think of to test it out." She beamed a grin at him. "Wanna go?" she held up the harness to him with a bright smile. Ajay"s face was an interesting mix of amusement and annoyance.

"You"re going to break your neck one of these days, Aja."

"Maybe." She grinned putting the harness away. "But not today." Aja watched Ajay carefully, he seemed to buy her reason for being on the roof. She"d keep him in the dark a while longer, at least about that. She walked up to Ajay and kissed him on the nose. "And hello to ya too, Big Brother."

"You're trying to get out of trouble, aren't you?"

"I'm in trouble?" she asked innocently.

"Stop scaring us like that." Ajay hugged her close. "I can't lose you."

"J." Aja hugged him back and then swung out so they could walk arm in arm back to the palace. "I ain"t dying anytime soon."

"You can't promise that."

"No one can?" Aja paused. "Well, almost no one. I think several members of Collie"s family might live forever."

"I don't think we're immortal." Ajay smiled a little sadly, then he tried to appear more upbeat. "I believe Miss Colleen to have found a fountain of youth though."

"We don't actually know, do we?" Aja said quietly and squeezed his arm.

"No. But we'll keep looking for those answers." he gave her a kiss on the head.

This time with Ajay, was what made her favorite moments. Her and Ajay, walking together, talking, being siblings. Normal for all intents and purposes. As normal as this family got anyway.

"Ajay?" Aja said glancing around. "I have to tell you something."

"This doesn't bode well."

"No. It really isn't." Aja said with a grim expression. "When or if Ajia comes around. I need you to restrict what information you give out."


"She's not our sister." Aja put that out there and put her finger up when it looked like he was going to comment on the situation. "Think about that for a moment. I'll explain it." they made their way into the palace and towards his study. "A wave to an alternative universe went through RhyDin not too long ago. Our Ajia...has been replaced with another one." Ajay stopped and stared at Aja. "Ya may need scotch. It"s headache inducing to consider."

"I'm gathering that." Ajay replied and headed to the drink cart.

"So. The Ajia that was, is not the one that is." Aja leaned on the chair. "If that makes any sense."

"It does." Ajay sat down slowly. "I'm starting to see where you're going here."

"I'm taking steps to protect Ballentine." Aja said going over and getting her own drink. "You will have to slowly remove her from any political meetings." Aja turned to look at Ajay. "I"d recommend not telling her of future meetings. Easiest way to accomplish that."

"Consider it done." he said and she nodded.

"Not sure how to move forward with this, Ajay." Aja sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "She looks like...sort of talks like but isn't and honestly, I doubt now the other one was one of us."

"Surely you don't mean that."

"I do." Aja sipped her drink and slid down into one of the wingback chairs. "Think about it. We We can feel that pull. Blood to blood." Ajay nodded. "That was never there with her."

She saw Ajay thinking about that carefully. Reviewing his own memories, and moments interacting with Ajia. He looked at Aja after a moment, the knowledge of what his sister was saying, being seen as he slowly accepted it to be true.

"So now what?" Ajay asked.

"Well." Aja exhaled slowly. "It's confusing as all Hades to figure out how to explain all of this mess to ourselves. Much less anyone else."


"Ajay. I ain't gonna lie." she started. "I'm relieved."

"I can understand that." he watched her. "You've never trusted her."

"I never trust anyone who is overly pushy."

"This is why you put off the wedding." Ajay said slowly, it became clear to him. "Padriq was pushy."

"Yep." she sipped her scotch.

"I find out that after all this time, there is always something new to learn about you." he smiled at her.

"Likewise, Ajay." she gave her brother a wink. "Anyway. With her...this new her.." she clarified. "I doubt highly they will return here. Because she has yet to talk about you or here."

"But if she does, I take it you already have that covered?"

"I do." Aja smiled softly.

"Did I see William take a troop off to do something earlier?"

"Yep." she nodded. "I gave him his marching orders. They should be back on point soon." Aja glanced at her watch.

"You make running Ballentine easier on me, you know?"

"Nah. You have the hard part. You have to be nice to the stuck up people." Aja smirked. "I don't do so well with those people."

"I think we've learned that over time." he chuckled.

"Yes." she smiled. "I"m better when people just do what I tell them."

The pair remained silent for a little while. Each considering what it meant that Ajia wasn't actually a member of the family anymore.

"Any thoughts on how to handle this with others?"

"Honestly?" she sat forward. "Best course is just not to say anything. She's not around much. Hasn't been. It's not like anyone will notice. They may even forget she exists."

"You think so?"

"It's already happening in Arcadia." Aja said and leaned forward. "No one talks about her. Mentions anything having to do with her. It's like when Tru left, slowly...everyone forgot he ever lived there. He didn't spend any time getting to know anyone."

"And the same is happening with her?"


"Do you think it will work here too?"

"I do." it was a simple answer. Aja didn"t always elaborate with Ajay, he knew how she thought.

"You already have a plan, don't you?" He really didn't need to ask, Aja prepared for all events, likely to happen or not.

"I do." she nodded and eyed up Ajay who looked pensive. "You ok?"

"I am." Ajay answered slowly, then he looked at her more fully. "I will be."

"Good." Aja nodded and finished her drink, as she set down the glass, he could see how her mind switched gears almost. "William has the boys increasing surveillance around town. Something I was going to do anyway."

"You’re never happy leaving things be, are you?"

"Nope. Always room to improve." Aja grinned. "Professionals are predictable, but the world is full of amateurs." Ajay laughed at his sister and shook his head.

"You would know."

"Yes." Aja stretched a little with a grin. "Anyway. We'll do what we have to do to protect what is ours and who we are responsible for." She turned for the door then. "You just keep being all diplomatic and I"ll prepare in case playing nice with the other children doesn"t work."

"You will come for dinner on Friday night." Ajay learned to phrase the questions like that.

"Yes, Master" don't beat me, Master?" Aja joked and then gave Ajay a snappy salute. "Jist tell yer chef I want to be able to identify my food, alright?"

"Of course." He chuckled as she left. His world had never been what you could classify as dull, it was even less that way since Aja had come into it. He just smiled as he picked up some papers and went back to work.