Topic: The Tides Series


Date: 2013-01-07 21:27 EST
~~A new series in the ongoing saga of the Bird family. Hope you enjoy~~

Anyone who ever walked into a dangerous situation can well attest to the "vibe? that seems to permeate the air. That sense of "turn around and leave now, else you die." vibe that makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck. That was precisely the vibe in the air around the construction site in Ballentine that contained the Bird sisters that afternoon.

Aja stared at Ajia, then set the saw down before she beheaded her sister and she honestly felt like doing it. "Listen to what I'm saying, not what goes through that damn "oh Aja's being mean to me" filter of yers, fer once. Damn it!" Causing the crew to run as if their pants were on fire.

"I will listen to you once you lower that high and mighty wall of yours that's keeping you from hearing things you don't want to hear." Ajia's fists were clenching, knuckles going white. Probably a bad thing that hammer was so near.

"I'm being high and mighty?" Aja nearly screeched. "Do you have any freakin idea what the hell yer talkin about?"

"Oh I'm sorry Aja, did I say something you didn't want to hear" Again? Excuse me for having my own opinion, and excuse me for it not being yours." Unbelieveable, their screeches almost sound the same!

Aja just stood there and stared at her sister for a good long minute then, picked up the saw and got back to work. She cut off the piece she was working on and then shut off the saw, setting it aside. "Ya know, if ya ever could see the crap I lived through to get here....ya might not be such a frickin brat." Aja was still steamed, but given recent conversations with Ajay, his words kept going around in the back of her mind. "I don't need a frickin yes man. I got a crew of five hundred fer dat. What might be frickin nice is a sister who didn't have a frickin persecution complex."

"Oh yes, shield yourself with your experiences, because no one without your life experiences could even begin to get an ounce of respect out of you, unless they were....let's see, your children or Ajay." She couldn't believe she was seething so powerfully. "Do you even listen to the way you talk to me" It's like Aja's up here," Motioning with her hand," And Ajia is down here....all the way down here." Lowering her hands to about foot level on Aja. "And good luck on getting a break from someone who's seen it all, lived it all, and knows it all."

Aja stared at Ajia then looked around the area. Her eyes focused at a point off in the distance, she had forgotten how close they were to the family crypt. Ajay's voice rung in her head and she pointed at Ajia then. "You, come with me."

Ajia stood there, watching Aja's gaze drift off while she was trying to speak. The silence had her ready to say something when Aja spoke those four words. This was it, Aja was going to kill her and hide the body. Lips pursed. "Fine." if anyone had recorded the conversation, they would've heard the same tone in Ajia's fine that Aja did.

"Stop being such a petulant brat." Aja snapped. "I wanna show you something." Aja started walking. "You should've seen it already...but we didn't think you could handle it...and maybe...maybe, we were wrong."

"Stop treating me—-..." She stopped, her lips pursing again as Aja continued, retorting would only make her look worse in her sister's eyes. Her feet moved one step behind Aja. Brows furrowed a little.

Aja walked along quiet, trying not to reach over and cuff her sister in the back of the head. Then she recalled Hochi, Ajay and all that had happened recently. It took a few yards for her to not have that feeling up front. No one pushed buttons better than family. Aja and Ajia were a prime example of that saying right now. She slowed her pace seeing if Ajia would catch up.

Ajia was right on her tail, hell that's what happened when you were angry, you moved faster. So she kept up, her temper easing a little with the walk. Perhaps that's what Aja wanted out of this.

They reached the gates and Aja's hand paused on it. She hadn't been here in years. If she didn't come here, then she could lie to herself, that it was some horrible mistake. That what laid beyond those wrought iron gates wasn't real. She looked at Ajia and pushed it open.

She took a few slow steps into the graveyard, the mausoleum laid ahead, the Bird family crest and name clearly seen as they approached it.

"Ajay and I..." Aja started quietly, 'decided that we wanted to wait to bring you here." she looked over to Ajia. "To spare you this moment. Protect you." Aja inhaled slowly and let it out. "But you keep insisting that you can handle things. So..." Aja motioned to the crypt then. "This is where our parents lie."

Ajia found her eyes locked on the Bird family crest. Hard breaths fell from her lips, her amber hues trembling. No, she wouldn't cry. Not in front of her sister, that would only make her think she was weak, as usual. Step by step moved towards the mausoleum until her hands fell against marble door.

"I'm surprised Serm had the decency to bury them." Her voice didn't betray her, it was calm despite the emotions barreling through her. Shaking hands pushed at the door, forcing it to open, and releasing the dust from inside. Carefully, she edged around the opening and fixed her gaze on the sacred tomb.

Aja just watched. She had been inside, the flowers she had laid there probably long ago turned into crumbling bits of dust. She hadn't been back since that day Ajay had brought her here.

This meant so much more to Ajia then maybe Aja understood. Trembling touch traced over the dust on each coffin, leaving her mark on each of them in her own, simple way. Amber gaze lookd over the names while she swallowed that painful lump back and bit back a choking sob. There would be no tears, she forced herself to hold them back.

"Hi Mom....Hi Dad....Sorry I'm late." Then she smiled, her torso bending to place a kiss on each resting place. Drawing in a deep breath, she smoothed her hands along their surfaces. In her own way she embraced them as she slid to her knees, casting silent prayers before them.

Aja stepped up to the door quietly, stepping inside that marble monument to her parents and others that came before and after them, in their family line. Family members they would never know. Legacies they lived up to whether or not their knew it. She saw Ajia near Edward and Delilah's tomb then turned her eyes to the two smaller crypts on the opposite wall.

"They aren't the only ones who lie here." She said quietly and motioned to one of the smaller crypt markers. "Ajay's son also lies here." her hand then motioned to the other. "And my daughter." she paused and looked at her sister. "The children we lost because of Serm." her voice never raised, it wouldn't in this place. "The things we don't speak of because they are far too painful to relive." she came closer. "People, we couldn't protect." she swallowed hard, trying not to look at her lost child's crypt too long. "Our inability to protect them, makes us overly protective of you now." she looked at Ajia then. "Are you starting to understand?"

For moments she didn't speak, she just looked over her parent's coffins before turning those amber shades to her brother and sister's children. Ajia wasn't a parent so she never understood the agony that Aja must have felt with that loss, even the protectiveness she must have felt over her two children. Her brow pressed to the surface of the coffin of her mother, her eyes shutting as she drew in a deep breath. "Yes." Finally uttering a word. She wouldn't argue, wouldn't say a word. Because right then and there she felt a fool, a selfish fool. Yet, she felt that by being protective, she wasn't being embraced as nothing but a child, one of these lost children, perhaps.

"I never want you to have to stand here." Aja started quietly, "And have one of these tiny vaults with the child you will never see grow up." she paused regaining control over herself. "I never want you to know this pain." she looked then to Ajia. "I'm hard on you for a lot of reasons, Ji. But not for the reasons you think."

Ajia wouldn't dare argue in this sacred site. No. She wouldn't even dare, afterall she didn't want let her parents see how her children bickered, well, their daughters fought. She merely nodded, taking in what her sister said while she drew in another breath. Fight back the self kicking and the self pity, Ajia.

Aja motioned for Ajia to come with her then, out of the crypt back out into the sunlight. They walked away from the crypt to another grave. Separated from the rest, but still a part of the family plot. Serm's grave.

"And he's here too." Aja said solemnly. "For all the evil he wrought. For all that he did. His blood was still ours." she'd wait then, standing back from Serm's grave, leaving her sister to take it all in. She didn't like coming here for this reason. If she saw her parents, she'd have to remember him too.

Ajia stood before that grave, taking in it with cold eyes. She stepped forwards, coming to her hands and knees before his name. Her hand swept over the name, fingertips taking in the shape of the name and how it etched into the stone surface. Someone crafted his gravestone with care and kindness, perhaps more kindness than she could have ever mustered for the man. Lips pursed, parted, then shut. She drew in a deep breath, letting them part again. "I forgive you, brother." Let him roll for that one. But that wasn't her thought," Everything happens for a reason, and each path is taken for a purpose. Yours might have been the wrong path, but I forgive you. I hope you've found peace."

Then she stood, her eyes never leaving that grave as she murmured. "Someone must have liked him, so I suppose that's one forgiving quality. Part of the Bird charm..."

"Perhaps someone did. Maybe even loved him." Aja spoke quietly then started to walk away, among the headstones of other Bird family members. People who she would never know.

She headed towards the gate then, making a note to speak with the crypt keeper to come by more often and put fresh flowers inside. She waited for Ajia to catch up.

Ajia lingered at the grave for another moment, before stepping back. An odd feeling formed in the pit of her stomach, being so near to her demented brother's corpse. Amber eyes darted over the area, much like a paranoid prey, why did she feel eyes" She turned around and moved out of the Bird crypt, to pause beside her sister.

"Maybe we should've brought you out here long ago." she said finally. "But it was something Ajay insisted we waited on till you got more comfortable being home." Aja looked at Ajia, "If we're gonna fight, ya should at least have some idea what we're fighting about." she motioned back to the crypt. "Some of it, what you hear from because of who lies in there."

"I understand that you want to protect me Aja, you and Ajay, but when is it enough?" She said, looking to her mirror image, her twin, with a firm expression on her face. "When does it shift from siblings looking after each other and become parents who've lost something so dear, so precious, trying to protect so deeply so that, that sibling can't breathe?" She continued," I feel like a child to you Aja. I feel like if I broke my arm you'd coddle me after chewing me out for being so reckless. I may be a princess, but I'm also a person, a grown person."

"I said some of it is because of who is in there. It's not all, JiJi." Aja sighed. Of course her sister would see it through the child filter.

"I know it's not all me, Aja. But..." She sighed, "I understand where you're coming from, but why is it so hard for you to understand where I'm coming from?"

"Maybe because you spend a lot of time protesting, and not enough time telling me about you." Aja said quietly. "But this was only part of what I needed you to see." she glanced at her watch then. "We should make it there before sundown."

Ajia merely nodded and looked to the crypt once more. She'd be back. Soon.

Aja started back towards where they started, the gate to the crypt shutting quietly behind them. She looked over at her sister.

"When it comes to this family and the lengths I will go to protect them. There has always been a reason for it. One you only know a piece of. And maybe that's my fault. I never wanted to go back to that time in my head. I don't want to rewalk that path again, to feel everything that comes with it." she half motioned behind them. "They are always part of us. No matter where we go or how much time passes. Their legacy is ours to protect." Aja looked up and blinked away the mist before continuing. "But it's so hard to speak of. Easier to just keep moving forward. Maybe that's where you and me go wrong all the time."

"Mmm. You push forwards, try to get past the grief with work and looking forwards, while I wallow for a while, pick myself up, and push forwards after my thoughts have gathered." Looking to her sister, she murmured. "Thank you for protecting me, Sis, but...How am I going to learn things otherwise?"

"Funny you should ask that." Aja smirked a little. "It's a question Ajay had also asked." Aja took a deep breath. "I suggested you take a few supply runs, learn how to run yer own crew. And within a relatively safe zone." Aja raised her hand, she saw her sister making that face again. "Now, keep yer panties on fer a second, there's a reason I said that." she sighed. "Ya know bits about my life, yes?"

"Yeah, if you haven't spoke about it, well others have." It was true, some time's Aja's life wasn't as private as she had wanted it to be.

Aja sighed, she knew the crew talked. More than she liked. But it was something she'd come to live with. "You and me looking alike, comes with a lot of perks, probably a few drawbacks fer you." Aja acknowledge what her sister probably encountered on a daily basis in Ballentine. "There's a big reason I don't want you out there." she waved her hand towards the ocean. "At least, not too far out there." she paused as they neared the site they had left a bit earlier. "There are those out there, I've been hunting down. Piece by piece. And whoever is left, is likely looking to make me stop that." she paused. "My fear" What if they find you instead?" she looked at Ajia seriously.

"Aja, do you think Ajay would let me run shipments to Ocyna(sp)?" She said, her eyes locking with her twins. "I've traveled the route many times, I haven't had trouble yet."

"No. I told Ajay that was a safe route." she bobbed her head back and forth. "Well, as safe as any sea travel can be." she gave her sister a smile. "I'd be ok with ya runnin da route between here and there." she paused again. "But ya have got ta swear on a stack of whatever that you will never go farther than that...JiJi...Promise me ya won't. If I lost you cause of a war I started..." she trailed off..."I'd never forgive myself."

"A war you started?" That was something new. Ajia waved her hand before her twin's face to draw her back to her face, and those matching eyes. "What do I not know?"

"A lot, JiJi. There's a lot you don't know." she sighed. "Part of what I am protecting you from. Trying to end them, before they accidently find you." she sighed again and motioned for Ajia to get into the truck at the work site. "Come on, we'll talk on the way."

——End Part 1—-


Date: 2013-01-07 23:52 EST
Climbing into the truck, she nodded. "Don't skimp on the details Aja."

"I'll try not to." she said as she got behind the wheel. "But like I said before, some of these old paths...lead nowhere good...and they are hard to speak of even now." she put the truck into gear, glancing over at her sister. "And I'm never going to stop trying to protect you. Ya do realize, yer stuck with me willing ta kill anyone who messes with ya, right?"

"Right, and perhaps you could erm....quit coddling me" Just a little?" She said with a kind smile to her twin. She didn't mean to sound patronizing.

Aja snort giggled when Ajia said that. "Me" Coddling people?" she chuckled. "I think mah crew would fall over with laughter if they heard ya say dat."

"I'm not your crew though, and I didn't say people....I said me." She made a face at her twin.

"Fact remains. I'm not the over gentle type." Aja said as they drove along. "And here's where we wind up in trouble." she sighed. "I don't see any of what I do, as coddling you. I don't see you as one of my kids, JiJi."

"Then why must you insist that I am one" I'm the same age as you. Just because I cope with things different as you doesn't make me less mature than you." She said with a sigh. "I don't know how many times I've said it, but I'll say it again and again. I'm no child Aja, nor do I appreciate feeling like that's how you see me. It makes it harder to speak with you, because it feels like I'm talking to my adopted mother....which was a pain in the ass." She looked out the passenger window," I hate associating you with that memory, too."

"Ji....this is why we're takin dis trip now." Aja took a deep breath. "There's something else I need you to see. For you to understand." she glanced over at her sister staring out the window. "And ya never did promise not ta go any further out on da blue fer me."

"I have no plans of going further on the blue Sis, because Ocyna is going to be a part of my world some day. The more I learn about it and see it, the better I'll be able to help Owen when the time comes." She was smiling just a little. "And I look forwards to that challenge Aja."

"I'll take that as a promise then." she exhaled a little. "Like I said, if they find you instead of me..." she exhaled. "There will be a very big hole in the world when I'm done with them." Aja found it hard, if not impossible to keep that edge of rage out of her voice. It had appeared only once before, when Tristan was killed.

"I can live with that." She nudged her sister ever so softly. Ajia was attempting to calm her sister's nerves just a little," But yes, I promise not to go further."

"Thank you." Aja said. "I'm sure ya are aware, of recent trips I've taken. Maybe not what happened on them, but that they happened." she trailed off to see what her sister did and didn't know already.

"I've heard hints." She admitted," But not all of it." There were whispers in the lair, mutters on the docks, but nothing solid to put two and two together.

"The most recent trip was fer Hochi. Tryin ta fix something he messed up on, cause like you, he doesn't know what all is out there on da blue. He thinks he does and he barrels into it...." Aja trailed off again regaining her self composure. "And he lost people who counted on him to keep them safe."

There was a frown to that, her eyes falling back to her sister. "Is that why he's been acting like he is?"

"Yes." Aja admitted. "It's what I fear can happen to you." explaining herself has never been easy. Harder still when she wanted to protect them from her life. Or repeating her mistakes.

"Was Hochi aware that it was going to happen" That he might lose men?" She asked curiously. Ajia tried to understand how he felt, but she couldn't grasp it. She was so inexperienced.

"I honestly don't know." she sighed. "Damn kid took up my habit of keeping his guilt to himself." she shook her head.

"That seems to be another Bird trait, that takes up different extremes. I dwell on what could have been our lives, you dwell on guilt, Ajay I haven't begun to wonder what he dwells on..." Nor did Ajia even think she wanted to try.

"Ajay wants to restore the family name. He wants to make up for all of what Serm did." she sighed. "Not that he needs too, but damn our family stubbornness. He's gonna keep trying." another shake of the head as she made a few turns. "Hochi, learned by watching me. And I wonder sometimes, if I taught him well enough, or even the right things." Aja made a face about that as she stared at the road ahead.

"Are you kidding" That boy is going to be the biggest, kindest, and most good hearted man Arcadia has to offer, or Tristan, Padriq, and Rico will beat that into him." She said softly, a cheeky grin on her lips. "Padriq is going to be their step-dad after all."

"I always hoped he would learn from the guys. Cause jist me isn't enough." JiJi had come close to her other fear, the one of a mother wanting her son to have everything and not having that knowledge to teach it to him.

"Padriq's good with kids Aja, he'll whip some sense into that boy if he doesn't have any." Ajia was saying, and Aja couldn't disagree with her assessment. But that wasn't in her thoughts right now, not with where they were going. Ajia looked back out of the window over the scenery as the traveled. "Where are we going?"

"Some place I keep my biggest regrets. A place that reminds me of what the cost is if I get it wrong." she said solemnly as they made another turn. This one onto a lane, lined with majestic trees. Their branches creating a canopy over the road. "This is the place that I never want you to have build, and carry around in your memory, JiJi." they got to the end of the road, where another type of cemetery lied. This graveyard held hundreds of graves. The brilliant white tombstones laid out neatly in rows. Aja put the truck in park, and shut off the engine. "This is what it cost from me not knowing enough. From me insisting that I wasn't a child." she paused letting that last line sink in before she spoke again. "Those that lie here.....are dead. Because of me." Aja sat still there in the drivers seat of the truck, looking beyond the windshield to the graves. The people she failed before.

She sat there just staring out the window, this was not the most comfortable place in the world for her to be. She rarely brought anyone here. Ajay knew, these were Ballentine lands, so of course he knew about this reverent piece of land Aja used to bury the dead she was responsible for. Of course, he tried to console her as she had them moved her from where they previously laid. No amount of "there's no way you could have forseen that happening, Aja" was going to make her feel any better or bring any of them back.

The day she moved them here was still crystal clear in her memory. Her own personal penance for her failure. She hadn't even mentioned it to Rico where she was going or what she was doing. Tanner had warned her, over and over what could happen. She hadn't listened. This was her own creation, so when she was able, she moved the dead here. To a precious resting place.

Watching the graveyard crest over the hill Ajia went silent, her lips parting and a soft breath pulling into her lips. A tint of green coated her cheeks as she sat there, staring at the tomb stones. Stepping from the truck, she looked over the sacred ground with awe and revery. Drawing in a breath, her chin lifted to the stars that loomed above it. There was a small trail of tears sparkled along her cheeks.

Aja came out of the truck after a moment, walking quietly up next to her sister and stood there silent as those graves.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" Ajia didn't expect an answer, but she asked the question anyways. All the while she clenched her fists at her side. "Why do you punish yourself and cling to their deaths when you should be celebrating their lives?"

"To remember." Aja said quietly, there would be arguing here. Not from her. "To make sure I never did anything that would cause this kind of loss ever again." Aja motioned out over the graves slowly, her voice low, filled with the guilt that came when she visited here. It was the first time, however, that anyone else had ever heard this tone from Aja. "This is the cost. For not knowing enough, for barrelling ahead into something I had no business getting into." Aja stepped forward and her hands gripped the fence surrounding the grave yard. She took a long moment to look over the headstones before she turned her head to look at her sister. "This. Is what lingers in mah head everyday when I wake up, it's there. It keeps me mindful to treat the lives I am entrusted with, with care. It keeps me from going too fast, or too far. This place. These souls. They are mah teachers. My guidelines." she reached out and took Ajia's hand. "They can be your you can be as great as Ajay and I know you can be, without having to pay this price."

"To become great, one must overcome hardship Aja. I can't learn from your lessons, because I didn't experience them." She paused, thinking of how to word it before finally saying," You can tell a child no around a stove or a hot fire, but until they burn themselves, they'll not fully understand what it is you're trying to prevent."

"You still see the cost." Aja said. "See the effects of the fire."

"Yes I see the cost, I'm aware of the cost and the effects, but in all honesty Aja. I may know the effects of a burn, see the scar it leaves behind, but I don't know how much it hurts, or the true damage that has happened to the nerves and mindset because of the fire." Ajia gazed over the graves and swallowed softly.

"And that, is what I want to save you from." Aja said squeezing her sisters hand. "I know you won't fully get it. I can't think of how to go around that, but "." she looked out at the graves. "This. Is a whole body burn I don't want you to have."

"We Birds are funny things, Aja. You are the protector, the mother hen so to speak of the family.." Glancing to Aja, Ajia smiled, Aja laughed a little at the comparison..."But even then, the mother hen has to let the chicks out of the nest. Ajay is very much the big bird, the eagle looking down on high over all, talons ready to defend his nest and his family. In one way or another, the two of you have suffered great things, great pains, and I, I was spared that and brought after those times of pain and burns. So in essence I'm the baby, the one you have to protect from knives, fires, and well anything that could harm me. But by doing that, doesn't that keep me from accomplishing adulthood" While I have you two looking out for me..." She paused, resting her hand on her twin's shoulder," I'm not going to be able to make any of my own mistakes or choices." Knowing that she had said that made her nervous, but she took a deep breath and added," Does that make sense?"

"Aye." Aja said taking one more look out to the graves. "I felt the same. With Tanner." she paused. "Our family traits...that stubborn...I can do it damn it, attitude...gets us into as much trouble as it brings great success." Aja thought for a moment then looked to Ajia. "Just as it will you. I know I can't save ya from dat." she cracked a smile. "Today being one of those moments that I know it as sure as I'm breathing." another pause. "Doesn't mean I won't try keepin a flame thrower out of yer hands."

"I know, but ya gotta remember. If mom and dad were around, none of this would have happened and you would have been as protected and pampered, and as much of a child like princess as me." Teasing her with a small smile.

"But that isn't what happened." Aja said looking at Ajia. "For either of us." she shook her head. "Ya got screwed. I think more than Ajay and I did sometimes." she exhaled slowly. "I had Tanner. Ajay had loyal palace members. Who did you have?"

"The very woman that betrayed our parents because of Serm's bribe." Ajia said bluntly. Her lips pursed a little. That wet nurse that stole her away in the middle of the night didn't protect her, tend to her, or even show her kindness. She left her on the doorstep of a bitter man whose only dream was to have a son and instead got Ajia. "I don't know yer life. Cause well...neither of us like to go backwards." Aja nodded again to the graves. "I can crack da past, give you that glimpse." she then looked at Ajia. "I ask that you recognize it's not something I do. Ever. Not even fer Padriq." she exhaled. "So I ain't good at it."

She nodded a little and turned her back to the graves. There had been enough of looking back for today, hadn't there" She looked to her sister," I know you don't do it, I don't do it either. The fondest memories of my life are the ones that happened when I found you and every day sense. Even if you are an ever loving pain in the Bird ass."

"Hello, Pot." she hip nudged her sister lightly. "Seriously though...when I asked ya ta promise not to venture out...past da routes..." Aja took a deep breathe. "I hate da guy, but I ain't worried about him. Da ones out there ...are worse if ya can imagine it, than Anubis." she kept her sisters eyes then. "This is who I protect ya from by askin ya fer that promise." depending on how this part went over, Aja would decide what else got told about them.

"I am not going to risk my life by not taking the routes needed, Aja." She promised as she let out a small, small sigh," Owen, you and Ajay would kill me if I did."

"Not kill." Aja gave a little smirk. "Maim...nag...lock in a dungeon. But not kill." she winked at Ajia.

"If you say so." She nudged her sister and mused. "And I know you don't like Owen...ya just, ya have to give him time. He grows on you."

"Like fungus?" Aja perked a brow looking slightly more amused now.

Ajia started to laugh at that, "No, no, no. Picture it this way. It took me forever to get through the pampered prissy lifestyle to get the man to try." She smiled softly. "And when he did....He was as passionate a man as Padriq or even Tristan. He really wants what?s best for his people, and for me."

"I'll consider it." Aja said..."But he's not our core issue." she motioned between them. "The other stuff...da other halves and all that...Those aren't what what keep us apart." Aja came away from the fence. "Fair assessment?"

"Fair enough." She agreed as she started back towards the truck.

"Now." Aja moved towards the truck. "The people. The missions. I am protected from ever being taken horrible as they are, the Quistguard clan gave me some pretty intense protections. Granted, in their own self interest. But...all the same. I have them. Ya don't." she looked at her sister seriously. "This is why I worry about someone finding you. Ya don't have them." she waited then to see if her sister would catch the main meaning of those words.

"But you have the means to find me whereever I go. Remember" How is that different?" She sort of understood what her sister was saying, but she had to admit she had an air of confidence that Aja wouldn't let her catch too much trouble and danger. There was just too much protective measures made by her sister for that to be the case.

"And there's that." Aja pointed as she opened the truck door. "They get you, they could find me. Before I'm ready ta take "em out."

"How does that work?" That part she didn't get at all. "These men will stop at nothing to stop me. Torture. Just another weapon they wield in pursuit of what they seek." she looked across the truck seats to her sister, waiting for the puzzle pieces to fall into place.

"Why do they want you so badly Aja" What is it you're not telling me?" She said as she stopped and stared at her twin, having yet to climb in the truck.

"Ya know we have skills, yeah?"

"Yes and so does every person I've met in Rhy'din." She answered her sister.

"So do they. And our abilities, are different than yer average RhyDin City resident." Aja said and sighed. "Least they know it about me. They don't, however, as far as I know, know about you." Aja moved the truck back towards the site. "Which is why all this princess business makes me nervous and has made it so I have to move faster on getting them, before they get you."

"What do you mean our powers are different?" Ajia hated playing blonde, but she required further information. "And if they received you as an infant, wouldn't they have known you were one of two?"

"Those are good questions fer da mages." Aja replied. "As fer da twin thing. Not even Ajay knew fer years that there was two of us. So very few others knew it. And Serm' No way would he have mentioned it.." Aja negotiated the road back. "Give more power away than he was going to get on his own" Not a chance. His damn greed spared ya mah life at least."

The mention of Serm kept her silent. She swallowed a little and slid into the truck. There was a deeper hate of that man, of her own blood, than she had ever had in her lifetime of anyone else. The fact that one of her kin could do something so calculating and cold made her sick, sometimes it kept her up at night questioning what would push him to think that by destroying blood he'd get the power he desired. Ajia felt that in truth, Serm was robbed, because he would have held more power with such a loving family at his side.

"Now. I've recently taken a huge chunk of their power." Aja said with a grin before returning to be serious about the information. "So..they're wounded, but by no means less dangerous. Ya corner an animal, they become unpredictable."

"Yes, and you put your scent out there for them. You did that when you took that chunk of power." She shook her head and mused," You're going to have bloodhounds after you soon Aja."

"The ones that could've ratted me out," she said with a tint of malice. "Didn't quite live ta do it." Aja paused a little and parked the truck back at the work site. This would've been the first time she would mention the things she's done in order to eliminate the threat that had lingered in the background her entire life and since she escaped their clutches. "There's not a loyal to them soul alive can put me at dem scenes. Remember, I don't wanna add ta dat graveyard. I plan every step. Plan for things ta go wrong. Leave no trace, get no trouble." she sighed. "But they know fer damn sure they're being hunted."

She nodded to her sister, letting herself go silent again. There wasn't much she could say. She'd rather listen to all there was to say while she could. While Aja gave her the chance to.

"So. While I play bad guy chess with them...I worry what happens if they see you. They are a deadly bunch. Power, they want it...but they may settle for .." she made air quotes then "my death."

"I see." Ajia processed that final bit and nodded. "I won't stray off the route Aja. Promise."

"Cool." she breathed a sigh of relief, the first in a while. "Well. Let's finish this up. "Fore the men think they can just run off when they want." she cracked a grin at her sister. "We'll torment Ajay later...perhaps beat 'im at chess or something."

"Good luck there. The man's a pro when I'm not trying to read his mind without him knowing." She said with a small laugh.

"Ya cheat!" she laughed. "Crafty. Sis. Crafty." Aja slid from the truck and tugged her gloves out her back pocket as they went towards the work site.

It wasn't everything. But it was a start. A bigger dent in the wall between the sisters. The rest' Well, you'll just have to keep checking back to see what else happens, won't you?
