Topic: The path of destruction continues ... (Still open)

Venis Jordianthan

Date: 2012-07-26 01:37 EST
((If someone wants to throw an NPC in here as a sacrifice, it would be great. Or if someone wants to try and keep her from feeding or something, that would work too. LOL But just to clarify, I am not asking anyone to open a vein for her. I'm not trying to kill anyone's characters here.))

Venis left the docks still hungry. After meeting up with Epiphany, she just couldn't bring herself to eat there. She opened another random portal and it took her somewhere she had never been before. She was in another dimension. The sky was all purple. The grass was blue. Everything was off color. It was an illusion of the light, because her hands looked green to her. Not like grass is supposed to be green, but like the green you find in a baby's diaper when you feed it peas. It made Venis shudder.

What were now pale pink eyes closed slowly. A lean of the head to the left with a roll to the right popped her neck. Her eyes remained closed as long slender fingers pushed several strands on now black hair back from her green face. There were beings here. Humanoid beings. None of them were overly powerful from what Venis could tell. Nothing here could have the power to hold her captive within her own Keep. Nothing here rivaled her power in such a way. But those voices in her head were getting louder. They wanted her to feed. They wanted her to feed a lot.

She began to walk, eyes coming open as she took her first step. The voices, though many, were coming through clearly enough for her to understand what they wanted. A glance to her left showed her a small furry mammal. It had long ears that flopped to the sides, a long orange horn out of the center of it's head, fangs longer than hers, and it was dark blue. If she hadn't seen the horn or the fangs she would have thought bunny. She tipped her head to the right as she looked at the little blue ball of fur.

A turn to the left and steps taken forward. Her heels were missing from upon her feet. No doubt lost within the portal somehow. Silent steps carried her to stand before the little furry bunny type being. It seemed to either not notice her presence or not care. She began to kneel down and reach for the being when it looked up at her. It was chewing on something. Venis presumed grass. But when something slimy and brown came dripping out the corners of it's mouth, Venis no longer thought the being to be consuming vegetation. Herbivore, Omnivore, Carnivore, or Insectivore, it mattered not to Venis. She saw the creature as one thing and one thing only ....Food.

Venis' hand got closer to grabbing the thing up when it hissed at her. A pause in her movements was brief. She returned to her motions reaching for the thing's horn, thinking that the best way to pick it up. The being, sensing danger hopped backwards and then there was a sound of bones breaking. The being began to grow. Venis stood from her squatting position and watched as the thing grew to stand taller than her on two haunched back legs. It had more muscle tone than even her son, and he was a Dracon. And the best part, it sprouted a second head.

At this point, one of two things was going to happen. Either this thing was going to still be prey for Venis, or Venis was going to be it's prey. Venis was nothing's prey. The second head looked identical to the first, and it had grown out of the shoulder in a way that it made the neck look v shaped. This brought Venis to the conclusion that she would need to sink fang into one of the two sides of the neck to bring this beast down. And with a hiss and a jump, that was what she did. She sprung on the beast going for the neck on the left.

The beast moved and swatted her away like a cat with a ball of yarn. Venis grabbed at the other arm to keep from flying away into the brush with the impact of the swat. Her grabbing the arm knocked the beast off balance. It raised the arm that Venis had clung to and brought her around to face it. Both heads moved towards her and snapped at her in an attempt to bite her first. Venis, who was hanging from the arm of the beast, kicked at it. Her foot landed solidly in the belly of the beast. This caused the beast t double over.

Venis now had both feet back on solid ground. She still had ahold of the arm as well. She gave the arm a yank while the beast was doubled over. It tipped the top heavy beast over. Venis moved back as it fell forward. She twisted it's arm around behind it's back and and put her knees in it's spine. Both heads reared back and a shrill high pitched sound was emitted from it's throat. As it's heads were thrown back, Venis struck true. She sank her fangs into the side of the neck, puncturing the vein that pulsated below the blue fur. With a slight withdraw of fangs, she began to suck. Drinking the beast down until there was but two drops of blood left within it's veins.

Venis got up off the now dead beast, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Grey blood. But blood was blood, right' Wrong. The voices in her head were not happy with the offering she had given them. There was a resounding no within her head, causing an instant head ache. And then in a flash, Venis found herself gripping her stomach. She doubled over and fell to her knees. She had but a moment to move her hair back with one hand while holding her stomach with the other. A turn to the right and Venis retched. Her stomach convulsed violently as she threw up all the blood she had just drank.

When there was nothing left but dry heaves, and Venis got control of her gag reflex once again, she rose to her feet. She wiped her mouth again and then held out her hand. A small bottle appeared in the palm of her hand. At least her powers worked here. She uncorked the bottle and poured the contents into her mouth. She swooshed the liquid around and spit it out. Mouthwash was a wonderful thing. She closed her hand and the bottle disappeared as if it had been squashed into her palm. Venis shook her head and sighed. This place didn't have any beings powerful enough magically to be worth this trouble. So she opened another portal to anywhere but here ...

....Venis stepped out of the portal and it didn't take her but a moment to realize she was back in her own dimension. And back in Rhy'Din none the less. A glance around at her surroundings as the portal closed and Venis deduced where she was. She was near the fountain. In fact, as she concluded her three hundred and sixty degree turn, she was standing where a building had once stood. Great. People were just what she needed. But the place had yet to be rebuilt, therefor there was no one around. A look down at her feet told her that her shoes were back. Good thing that. The streets sometimes liked to hang onto tiny bits of things that could injure a foot.

Venis looked around some more. There had to be something or someone who would happen along soon enough. Something or someone suitable for consumption. She could always portal back out, to somewhere else. But then she risked another vomiting spell. At least in this dimension she knew she could eat her prey. She could go for a walk, but her headache was worse, her stomach hurt both from hunger and from the retching of earlier. This wasn't her normal symptoms. It was as if that darkness that she had called upon was making her normal symptoms worse. So, slowly, she began to walk. She paused long enough to open a tiny portal to her room back at the Starry Myst Inn. It opened right into her nightstand drawer. She found her little box of crackers, retrieved it, and withdrew her hand letting the portal close as she did so. Then she began her slow walk again, as she nibbled on saltine crackers and looked for food.

Donald Cavannaugh

Date: 2012-08-03 02:29 EST
Donald stood leaning against a wall in an alley way between two buildings. He was an average human male. Caucasian, six foot tall and of slender build. His dark hair wasn't quite going grey yet, but it was going to be headed there soon. He wore wire rimmed glasses upon his face and happened to be dressed in a blue shirt and faded blue jeans on this day.

There was nothing special about this man. He was just another face in a crowd. He spent his days toiling away in a little cubicle trying to set appointments for other people to go to peoples homes and sell them a vacuum cleaner. He spent his nights with his nose buried in a book. His life was simple and uncomplicated. He had no one depending on him other than himself, and he depended on none other.

At this particular moment, he was out on a smoke break from work. He had his cell phone to his ear, but he was only half listening to the voice mail. It was a message from a credit card refinancing firm. They wanted him to refinance his credit cards and lower the interest rate. He didn't even have a credit card. So he hit seven on his phone and deleted the message. Then he hung up the phone.

He was sliding his phone back into his pocket and putting his cigarette out when he turned to see the woman walking towards him. She was several feet away from him, yards even. Her long red spirals cascaded to the ground behind her and it caused Donald to tilt his head and watch her. She was so beautiful.

He stared at her near perfect physical form as it sauntered in his general direction. She walked with a hand over her noticeably flat stomach. Her other hand held a saltine cracker between her long slender fingers and the box hanging below her hand. She was nibbling on the crackers. This lead Donald to the conclusion that she was ill in some way.

Choosing to leave his perch against the wall, Donald strode towards the red haired beauty. He was supposed to be going back into work, but she was just too lovely to be ignored. So work be damned, he was going to see if she needed help. After all, you're supposed to help someone when they're ill, right"

He closed the distance between them with a smooth pace. He swallowed before he spoke because the closer he got to her, the more beautiful she appeared. "Excuse me miss ....Are you feeling alright' I mean, if you are ill ....Is there something I can do to help" Get you to a healer or a doctor perhaps?" That came out a lot smoother than Donald had thought it would.

Venis Jordianthan

Date: 2012-08-03 03:02 EST
Venis had nibbled on a few crackers before the man in the alley way had spotted her. So she was walking a little better. But she still had a very upset stomach. The voices in her head were still demanding they be fed. And they were not satisfied with crackers. They were telling her to burn the wings off of the birds flying overhead if that was what it took. Venis was trying to ignore them. But the stomach ache could not be ignored. It was a thousand times worse than her usual stomach ache that stemmed from what she was.

She noticed the man when he began to stride towards her. She paused in her steps and regarded his approach with curiosity. What did he want she wondered. And soon enough, she would find out. She listened as he spoke to her. Right eyebrow raising as she did. He wanted to help. Well, how could she refuse such an offer"

Right hand moved from Venis' stomach and she closed what was left of the space between them. "You want to help me?" Spoken as she leaned in close to him and placed her hand upon the back of his head. "This will only hurt for a minute." Whispered into his ear as fingers closed into a fist in the man's hair.

She pulled his head to his left with a jerk. Her left hand went behind his back and she opened her mouth wide. She struck with inhuman speed. The poor man wouldn't have had a chance to get away even if he had tried. Two sharp fangs pierced the flesh of the man's neck and sank deeper. The vein was pierced and with the slightest withdraw, blood began to flow.

Venis' lips closed over the man's skin forming a seal as she began to suck upon the wound she had caused. His sweet coppery blood began to flow into her mouth, her saliva allowing it to flow freely given it had an anticoagulant in it. Her eyes closed slowly as she felt the hot liquid run down her throat.

She held him against her body, allowing him one last pleasure before his demise. She could easily support his weight as she ingested that which gave him life. His body was reacting to the closeness of her's and the euphoria of her deadly kiss. She hadn't needed to bespell him, and didn't care to either. But her bite was naturally euphoric, another side effect of her being a God.

She felt the man pressing against her body harder in some places. She paid no attention to it beyond that. His heart rate was slowing and his breathing was becoming labored. He was slipping away, and becoming heavier in her arms. But Venis continued. She was sure that someone would happen along and try to stop her, as she was in the middle of town in the middle of the day. But no one seemed to notice them.

She felt his body convulse as he reached the point of ultimate release. And then his body went limp in her arms. She knew he was near the end of his life when she was having trouble getting a steady flow of blood from the wound. And then the man's other fluids let go, solids too. And Venis removed her mouth from his neck.

She let his dead body fall to the ground where they stood. She wiped her mouth with the back of her right hand and stepped over him to walk away. The voices in her head had been happy for this gift. At least, while she had been drinking it they had. Now they were demanding more. And they were still just as loud about it. She had just fed them an entire human, and they wanted more. The darkness wanted more. And if she didn't give it what it wanted, she was going to end up going insane.

Donald Cavannaugh

Date: 2012-08-03 03:16 EST
Donald leaned in to hear the woman when she moved closer. He presumed she was leaning it to whisper to him because she perhaps had a sore throat or something. When she grabbed his hair he inhaled sharply. He had been caught off guard.

Had he known this woman was a vampire, he would have simply gone back into work. But it was the middle of the day, and in the middle of town. How was it possible that a vampire was about at this time" But she was a vampire. He knew that for fact when she sank her fangs into his neck.

Now, most people would scream when they get bit without looking into the eyes of the vampire and being put under so to speak. But not Donald. All he could do was slowly close his eyes and drown in the pleasure of her bite. Why did her bite feel so good"

His body was happy to be pressed against hers. When was the last time he had been this close to a beautiful woman' High school prom maybe? Funny the things you think about as your life is draining away. It had been too long since he had been in the arms of any woman. And never one this lovely.

Donald let out a moan when he felt his body release. He didn't know that he was about to die. He simply felt like he had just enjoyed the company of the most amazing woman. And now he felt very, very tired. It had been very good for him.

Donald's knees got weak as he began to drift off. But she held him. Why was she holding him' Oh yeah, she was biting him. But it was broad daylight. Why was he getting devoured by a vampire in broad daylight again? That was one Donald couldn't answer.

Breathe ....Breathe ....Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Why was he having to tell himself how to breathe" Oh yes, he was dieing wasn't he" Why was he dieing again? Oh yeah, a vampire. A sexy beautiful vampire out in the broad day ...

Angelica Gomez

Date: 2012-08-15 06:11 EST
Angelica Gomez ....A young woman on her way up in the world. See Angelica, Angie to her friends, had just gotten promoted to office manager at the marketing firm that she worked at. And she was having a celebratory lunch with her friends. Unfortunately, she was running late. Her boss had delayed her leaving because he wanted to get her moved into her new office right away.

Running as fast as she could, Angie turned the corner to head towards the restaurant. The distance wasn't enough to justify taking a car. And there was no way she was going to ride in her new suit. But she had traded her heels for jogging shoes thinking the walk would do her some good. Only now, the walk was a run. But the moment she turned the corner, she saw a man falling to the ground at the feet of a tall red haired woman.

Seeing this caused Angie to stop in her tracks. And once she realized what had happened she screamed at the top of her lungs. It sounded like one of those screams in a horror movie when the serial killer is after the girl.

"Help! Guards ....Someone ....That woman just killed that man."

Angie turned and ran in the opposite direction of the woman. She was still screaming and yelling for help. Someone had to hear her and come to see what was going on, didn't they?

Venis Jordianthan

Date: 2012-08-18 02:38 EST
Venis had taken three or four steps when her stomach churned and she almost lost it. The side effects of becoming a Goddess were hell on her vampire body. If she brought death, death brought her food back up. Strong emotions, good or bad, had the same ill effect. She redefined empath. And she had just killed that man, not just tasted of him, but truly killed him. And she was now paying for that feeding.

Her hand over her mouth, Venis was fighting to keep her food down when she heard a scream. Her head popped up and she glanced about. That was when she heard the woman yelling. Wonderful, she was calling for the freaking guards. And then the woman took to running. Just what Venis needed on an upset stomach, fast food.

Venis shook her head and sighed. A bad thing as she nearly lost her lunch yet again. She held her hand out in front of her, palm up, and a fireball formed in her hand. She threw the fireball so that it would land in front of the fleeing woman. This should cause the woman to halt in her escape. Ergo, slowing down Venis' next meal. One her stomach would truly reject as she had already drank down an entire adult full of blood. The stomach could only hold so much. Regardless of how much the voices in her head wanted to consume.

Angelica Gomez

Date: 2012-08-19 00:50 EST
Angie saw the fireball fall from the sky before her. Once it hit the ground it spread into a wall of flames. This did make her stop running. But not screaming ....Angie screamed again. She looked around to see where she could go. Into a shop, she could go inside somewhere. Surely the woman wouldn't follow her into a shop, right"

Immediately to Angie's left was a shop that sold magical items. She ran inside and started trying to get herself lost inside. Surely the woman wouldn't follow her into this shop. There had to be others within the shop somewhere, wasn't there" A shop keeper, a clerk, customers"

She turned a corner at the end of a row and thought she was hidden enough. She looked at the things around her. There was a selection of staffs. They were labeled. Staff of Divination, Staff of Enchantment, Staff of Illusion, Staff of Necromancy ....That one was rather ugly.

Angie thought to herself that she should kick herself. When she had been in school, there was a class on mystical arts. It was elective for those who had never shown any talent in such areas. And Angie had elected to not take the class. Maybe if she had taken it, one of these staffs would do her some good right now. But if nothing else, she could always use one as a weapon. She would pay for it afterwards, if she survived. But what other choice did she have if that woman followed her in"

Venis Jordianthan

Date: 2012-08-21 02:08 EST
Venis saw what shop the woman went into. 'Surely the woman wouldn't follow her into a shop, right?' Wrong! Venis strolled over to the shop that the woman entered and stepped inside. It's too bad that there hadn't been a private residence around for the woman to invade. At least then, the fact that Venis still occupied her vampire form would have slowed her getting to the woman. But no, the woman entered a public place, nothing to keep Venis out.

"Come out, come out wherever you are." Words called out to the woman in a very melodic and nearly hypnotic voice. Venis was managing to keep her discomfort out of her voice for now. As Venis called out to the woman, she was walking very softly through the store looking up and down every isle to see if she could spot the woman.

Venis paused in her movements. Even though she was walking quite softly, there was still the faintest hint of clicking from her heels hitting the floor. She closed her eyes and listened. She was listening for an accelerated heartbeat. She took a deep breath in through her nose. She was trying to pick up the scent of fear.

Contrary to popular belief, fear does have a scent. The coppery scent of blood is amplified by the fact that it is flowing faster. Perspiration becomes more noticeable as one would perspire more and from more pores. Breathing is more rapid and shallow, allowing for scents within the mouth to fill the air faster. And then there's the scents of one who is truly terrified. They occasionally urinate on themselves, or some even defecate. Those are the strongest scents of fear.

Venis could hear the rapid heartbeat, the woman was at the end of one of the rows. Venis could smell her fear, she wasn't terrified enough to urinate or defecate on herself, but she was scared. Venis kept her eyes closed as she slowly moved forward. She trusted her senses to keep her from running into anything. She made a turn to the right and slowly walked towards the woman. The scents and sounds were getting stronger.

Venis knew when she was nearly upon the woman. She stopped and opened her eyes. The woman was crouched down with her back to her. Venis leaned over and tapped the woman's shoulder. She had the most wicked of grins on her face as she waited to see if the woman would turn around to face her and if she would scream or not.

Angelica Gomez

Date: 2012-08-26 01:07 EST
Angelica was holding her breath as much as she could to try and not let her breathing give away her location. But apparently, it was of no use. The woman found her anyway. When she was tapped on the shoulder, she was startled to say the least.

Angie jumped up from where she was squatted down. She screamed again as she grabbed a staff from the shelf. She turned towards the woman who had tapped her on the shoulder and swung the staff with her turn. Hopefully, she would hit the woman in her head or something.

Venis Jordianthan

Date: 2012-08-26 01:12 EST
Venis saw the woman grab the staff as she rose up from her possition upon the floor. So when she turned around screaming, and swinging, Venis was ready for her. Her arm rose up to block the blow from the staff. Then with a turn of her wrist she was able to grab the staff and pull. The woman could either release the staff or be pulled closer to Venis, her choice.

Angelica Gomez

Date: 2012-08-26 01:17 EST
Angie was no fool. The moment the woman grabbed the staff and pulled, she let go. She nearly stumbled upon releasing the weapon. But she managed to keep her feet. She turned around to run and found herself cornered. Now what was she supposed to do"

She grabbed up another staff and swung this one at the woman too. She couldn't be fast enough to disarm her twice, could she" Angie was also looking with her peripheral vision to see if there was something else she could use as a weapon against the woman. There had to be some way to escape.

Venis Jordianthan

Date: 2012-08-26 01:23 EST
Surprise ....Venis was fast enough to disarm the woman twice. After all, she was a vampire and a Goddess. She grabbed that second staff, only instead of pulling, this time she pushed. Pushing the woman towards the shelf behind her. And while she did so, she brought the first staff up to the other side of the woman.

Now the woman would either be pinned to the shelf, or would have to duck under them and try and escape. But if she had a way of escape, she would have ran already. Before she picked up the second staff. So now what was the woman to do' Especially given that Venis was advancing upon her slowly.

Angelica Gomez

Date: 2012-08-26 01:33 EST
There was nothing Angie could do now. She was well and . And the woman was coming towards her again. Angie began to slide down the shelf's towards the floor. She screamed again, but that was pure instinct. After all, what good had screaming done her before"

Angie curled up as small as she could get and began praying to the Christian God to save her.

"Please God, save me. Don't let me die this way. I truly want to live. Please God. If you can hear me here, please, save me."

Angie wasn't sure what else to do. How else could one save themselves in a situation like this" She knew that Rhy'Din had had it's own God's, but she knew nothing about them. And when she got here from Earth seven years earlier, she never took the time to figure it out. All she knew was that there were other Christian's around, and there were churches, so she remained Christian.

Maybe God could hear her though. Maybe he knew the local God's and could get one of them to help her? All Angie knew was that she needed help getting out of this situation, and fast.

Venis Jordianthan

Date: 2012-08-26 02:09 EST
Venis' stomach clenched when the woman began to pray. After all, Venis was the Goddess of Fire and Protection ....Key word there being protection. And this woman praying for help, even if it was to another God, was causing the Goddess of Protection to feel the pull of the prayer.

The evil that Venis was carrying around within herself was crying out to ignore that pull. Feed me more it said, over and over again, feed me more. But as the woman continued, the good that was the Goddess was fighting that dark evil. Never before had Venis ever regretted anything as much as she regretted calling upon that darkness for help.

Venis' religious convictions aside, she knew the woman had to stop praying. She believed in letting someone pray to the God of their choosing, allowing them to ask for help or salvation. But this was tearing Venis apart inside. "Shut up ....Shut Up! ....SHUT UP!!" Venis' volume rose with every turn of phrase.

Enough of this ....Venis dropped the staff that was in her right hand and grabbed the woman up by her hair. Without a moments hesitation, she yanked the woman to her and dropped the other staff. She grabbed the woman's shoulder with her newly freed hand and struck at the woman's exposed neck.

She sank fang quickly, drawing back to let the blood flow and then she began to suck. She expected the woman to scream again, but if she did, Venis did not hear her. The voices of the darkness in her head were too loud. They were drowning out all sounds at this point. She drank from the woman until her pulse slowed to a near stop. Her breathing had discontinued and she had gone limp in Venis' arms.

She released the woman letting her fall to the floor. Both hands went to her stomach as she doubled over in pain. Her stomach clenched and churned and she managed to turn around just fast enough. She opened her mouth and the blood of both of her victims poured from her mouth in a crimson cascade. And just when Venis thought it was over, her stomach cramped and she retched some more.

She had to grab the nearest shelf to keep from falling forward. She remained doubled over until her body had expelled all that she had consumed. And it continued to convulse even after there was nothing left to come up. There was bits of saltine crackers within the puddle of blood. And the stench, that was enough to make the strongest of stomachs loose it.

Venis rose to her feet. She saw the puddle she had made and turned to see the body laying upon the floor behind her. She wiped at her mouth with the hand that was not holding the shelf. She closed her eyes slowly in a delayed blink. But the voices had not quieted, and there was nothing else Venis could do here.

She turned once again so as to face the way out. She happened to see a Bag of Holding upon the shelf beside her. She needed a new one, her old one had been stolen many, many years previous. She picked up the bag and walked towards the counter. She continued to hold the shelves along the way.

As she slowly moved towards the counter, she thought to herself that it was a good thing that the woman didn't know how to use those staffs. Had the woman known, the Staff of Necromancy could have been used to control the Goddess, for a moment at least. And she also could have used the Staff of Illusion to hide herself.

Venis made it to the counter. She had a small leather purse hanging around her waist. Reaching into the small purse she produced three hundred and fifty silver crowns for the Bag of Holding, and then four platinum for dealing with the mess she had left behind. Then she opened a portal to anywhere but here, and stepped through.

Angelica Gomez

Date: 2012-08-26 02:21 EST
For a brief moment, Angie thought she was going to survive this. The woman was showing signs of illness as she prayed. Perhaps God could hear her and was striking the woman down. And the woman started telling her to shut up. Even yelling it at her. Angie felt compelled to do so.

And then the woman grabbed her by the hair. She screamed at the top of her lungs, over and over. She grabbed the arm of the hand that was lifting her by her hair. But then the woman exposed her neck and bit it. Angie had a moment to wonder how a vampire could be out in the light of day.

Memories began to flash through her mind as she felt her blood draining from her neck. Her eyelids got heavy and her muscles weak. She was remembering everyone and everything. Wishing she could say goodbye to them all as she knew she was going to die. Then, slowly, it all began to fade to black and her body fell limp. And just like that, Angie was gone ...