Topic: 2010 Rhydin Gubernatorial Debate Log


Date: 2010-04-19 12:40 EST

A representative from Rhydin's Public Library, head notary, Ms. Elle Gianna, second to the library's Senior Book Master, Mr. Charles Tibbelts, was present to take account of the 2010 Gubernatorial Debate. As a product of a non-biased public works system that is devoted to the keeping of city records and the helping of Rhydins citizens better acquaint themselves with the workings of their potential officials, this live-typed account is now not only on file in the library's public records for any-time access, but a secondary master copy of the log along with a series of smaller, pocket sized take-along pamphlets have been sent to the Govenor's office for further records accounts and community convenience.

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Click HERE for a link to the 2010 Debate Log.