Topic: 2012 RhyDin Gubernatorial Election

Waterhouse Accounting

Date: 2012-05-17 21:23 EST
Citizens of RhyDin,

For the fourth consecutive year Waterhouse Accounting Firm is proud to act as the independent advisory committee for the election of your city's Governor. As ever we take great pride in your continued trust, and we are pleased to assist in organizing the election that will allow you to pick who will lead this city for the 2012-2013 term!

We have put together the following timeline for the 2012 election: - Candidates must announce their intention to run by Sunday, May 27, 11:59 RST. - If necessary a primary to reduce the pool of candidates will occur June 1-3. - A tentative date for the live public debate has not yet been set but is expected the first week in June. Further details will be forthcoming. Participation is not required, but it is strongly encouraged. - The election will be held on June 15-17.

Good luck to all the candidates!

((RST is based on Eastern Time. Everyone is welcome to participate, but if you and your characters choose not to respect the authority or acknowledge the existence of a governor, that is your right! Please send me a PM confirming your nomination, and I encourage you to make a post in this thread or on this board announcing your character's candidacy as well. Thank you, and enjoy!))

Ander Northlander

Date: 2012-05-25 23:40 EST
In front of ConColor Nightclub, and ConColor on the Plaza, an ornately carved mahogany stand bore a large ember oval the carried the following message

Ander ConColor for governor

He is a family man A multi businessman He knows how to enjoy peace And willing to defend that peace in times of conflict He is no stranger to the running of government The importants of both the environment and economics And he will use his knowledge for the betterment of RhyDin


Date: 2012-05-27 11:29 EST
In a press release distributed Sunday, May 27 at 10:00 am RST, Governor Fionna Helston Al-Amat announced her bid for re-election with the following statement:

Good morning, citizens of RhyDin. I come before you today to announce my intent to run for re-election.

I am proud of the work we have done together over the past year. Proud and humbled to have had the privilege of serving this community. But there is more, still, to be done.

For the work that lies ahead of us, we need leadership that is not focused on personal prestige or personal agendas. We need a leader who is not affiliated with a single group, whose interests may supercede the interests of all of the people. We need a leader whose interest is in serving all of the community - all of its varied constituencies and lawful interests - fairly and equally. I believe that I have proven that I am that leader.

The strength of this place lies in its diversity and its inclusiveness. There are tremendous opportunities to come together as a united city and a united people in the days, weeks and months ahead. I believe we are ready for the challenges we will face. I am optimistic for our future, and committed to serving this city.

I look forward to your support as we forge our future - together.

Thank you.

Ander Northlander

Date: 2012-05-28 09:49 EST
Ander began his run for governor with the following message on the various media of RhyDin

Greeting my fellow citizen of RhyDin, my name is Ander ConColor in my lifetime I have been a student, a farmer, a warrior, a traveling merchant, a business owner and the most important a husband and father and I want to be your next governor, a governor not only for the people, but from the people. Many of you have done business with my family in one if not more than one of our establishments, you know my integrity and honesty, and I plan to bring that with me to the office of governor, no not plan I will bring that to the office of governor with me.

No city is without its problems and tribulations RhyDin is no exception but in those problems and tribulations is the opportunity for all of us to use, what makes RhyDin the wondrous place it is, our multicultural skills and talents for a common cause, and that cause is a better tomorrow not only for ourselves but for our children. And I will lead you into the battle, but will walk beside you in the victory

On the same day posters appeared throughout RhyDin showing a split image of Ander on the left side he is dressed in the suit of a business man and in his up reached hand carrying a quill and scroll, on the right he is wearing the field uniform of an AmTamir warrior on his arm a AmTamir wrist bow crystal arrows glowing and in this up reached hand holding a combat staff beneath the image can be read.

I will speak with the voice of a diplomat when possible, but I will carry the weapons of a warrior when necessary.

Ander Northlander

Date: 2012-05-29 02:26 EST
Between patrols Ander is on the streets getting his name and face familiar to the people who don't know him, he is doing this by handing out small ember crystal ovals with a scroll tied to it that reads

Bring this oval to ConColor night club in the market place Redeem it for a mug of dark NuTerrain ale, Redeem it in when you buy one meal and get a glass of NuTerrain ember wine, Redeem it in when you buy two meals and get a glass of NuTerrain Champaign with both meals The latter two from the ConColor vineyards


Date: 2012-05-30 04:02 EST
DJ Zazzy Yas Disclaimer: The views, opinions, or positions expressed by DJ Zazzy Yas are hers alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or positions of Reilly Recording Incorporated or any employee thereof. Reilly Recording Incorporated makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information related to DJ Zazzy Yas's broadcasts and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.

Kruger stepped in through the door being led by the production manager, who seated him in his chair; the sound tech came in from the booth through a doorway that had a light above it to tell the DJ when she was live. He slapped a pair of headphones on Kruger and started to rattle off instructions.

Yas was spinning around in her swivel chair and didn't see him come in. When the song stopped, and she went live, her reaction was in honest surprise, "Krugs! Dude! Can I call you Krugs" I never even asked."

"Well Yas, I suppose it is out there now, so please feel free." He gave her a smiling nod; obviously the public couldn't see that from their radios.

That was good. She forgot his name by this time anyway...."So Krugs, it's so cool to see you in the studio. I've heard some rumors, mostly cuz I've started them, that you're going to be running for Mayor, is that right?" She bounced up and down in her chair. Thankfully the listeners couldn't see that either.

"For once Yas the rumors you have been starting are true. I have joined the race for governor...should have thought about mayor when I had the chance; I hear the field is easier." He watched her bouncing and just grinned. He enjoyed the energy she brought to the airwaves, now he could see where it came from.

"Wonderful!" She yelled out and eagerly jumped up and squat down on her chair and leaned forward, practically getting in his face. "What's the one thing you would change if you were Governor?"

" I am not here to change what is, I am here to make it better. Decrease response times for our emergency services. Improve the relations between the district watch wardens, and increase the manpower of those departments. The same can be done for other interior departments. It makes no sense to repave a road only to have the water department come in a few weeks later and dig it up again." He smiled encouragingly to Yas as he spoke into the microphone.

She tilted her head to the side. Politics bored her" she moved on to the fun stuff" She asked, rocking back and forth on her chair, "So you got a theme yet, some kinda slogan?" She leaned forward, almost falling off her chair, so excited she could barely be heard, ?"campaign song?"

"Vote for Kruger, The Anvil stands firm. It is early in the race to have chosen a song Yas, I still haven't gotten over the bang-up job you did at the pillow fights." He followed her sway with his eyes, trying not to get hypnotized.

Yas's eyes went even bigger than her usual childlike stare when Kruger said "bangup" and she said, "Krugs. We're live. You can't say stuff like that?" She turned to her manager and said, "Why can he say that, but I can't say-" The manager glared and pointed at her. She sat down normally in her chair and turned back to Kruger, "So' what you're saying is you need a campaign song. I can contribute that. Can I write that off on my taxes?"

"We would welcome your help down at campaign headquarters Yas. As for tax write offs, I'm afraid taxes are something we all must pay Yas. I haven't called my campaign a charity, so tax write offs probably won't be the order of the day." He repositioned the headphones to a more comfortable position.

Yas spun around in her chair, over her control panel of flashing lights and switches. She said, "Oh, I'll be there. Count on that. I'm going to be bringing you the best song" just gotta keep searching til I find one" I forget what that button does, so I better not push that one right now since I've got a guest that people will miss, but let's see?"

"C'mon out and vote folks, if you don't exercise your rights who will?" Kruger looked to the little man in the booth; he was counting down on his fingers.

"How about this to start us out?" Across the airwaves came".Second Chance, by Shinedown.

The man came out of the booth once again and unplugged Kruger's head set. He muttered something about not being paid enough. Kruger ignored him and smiled to Yas. "Thank you for the interview, I hope we can count on your support.?

(Taken from live play between Kruger and Yasmin. Thank you to the player of Yasmin)

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2012-05-30 23:39 EST
Fiona O'Neill was not a woman of grandiose gestures, and her campaign reflected it. Word was spreading throughout the city, through marketplace, tavern, and on the street, that she was running for office.

White collar, blue collar, no collar. People of all circles were mentioning her, "You know that O'Neill woman' The one that helps out at all those events" You wouldn't think one o'them 'House Leader' types would get her hands dirty, but she does."

Some folks were quick to point out, "She's a quiet one...", but always followed it up by adding, "but she's a good listener; you can tell she cares." And almost everyone who knew she was running agreed that "Fiona O'Neill" She's no politician, I can tell you that much - and that's what would make her great."

There were neither billboards nor mudslinging coming from those who were said to be campaigning for Fiona O'Neill, only tacit reminders of a quiet, qualified woman. Elegant & simple.

Audrey Horne

Date: 2012-05-31 15:11 EST
Cuyler really had no idea how she was constantly roped into doing footwork for the little thing, but the morning would find posters pinned up everywhere. Even a few farm animals would discover the rather plain sheets of paper fixed to their pelts with bubblegum. The message didn't make much sense to Cuyler but very little did in the grand scheme of things. Before she packed it up for the evening, she liberated a flier from the stack and read it aloud.

Dear Rhy'Din,

I'm Audrey Horne. I'm going to be your governor. And this is how I see it.

With Love.


Date: 2012-06-03 15:35 EST
From the Desk of Gustavus G'nort Esplenade G'neesmacher Dragoon-Talanador the Third:

"To all the candidates involved,

What is it you can offer me, my businesses, and the Dueling Venues that we work so hard to maintain" In other words, why should I, or any of us whose primary focus may be the arenas of combat, be it magical, armed or unarmed, vote for you?

A candidate must be able to sell themselves to as many of the voters as possible, and I've not really seen much in the way of campaigning down that way.

So, why should I cast a vote for you?

Signed; A Registered Voter, GGEGDTt3

Ander Northlander

Date: 2012-06-03 17:24 EST
To Gustavus G'nort Esplenade G'neesmacher Dragoon-Talanador the Third:

As to what I can offer you as my slogan said the words of a diplomat, to settle disputed either they be political economical or financial and when needed the arms of a warrior to lead into combat from the front lines.

As to what can I offer those who compete in the varicose arenas I can offer my greatest adderation to those who use the arena to hone whatever their skills may be and also set an example for the youth of RhyDin to push their limits and improve themselves on an ongoing basis.,

If elected governor if they want it I will offer the title holders in each arena the opportunity to became instructors in a one of several schools I plan on opening.

Ander Concolor

Audrey Horne

Date: 2012-06-03 22:14 EST
Letters. So many letters, but the kid manages to knock one out for ol' G, even if his name does take up half of the paper.

Dear Mr. Gustavus G'nort Esplenade G'neesmacher Dragoon-Talanador the Third

I will confess that I don't know quite as much about dueling as some people will claim that I should and I certainly won't pretend that I do. I do think that those who duel are admirable in the same way I find those with lifestyles (for I wouldn't dare call such a thing a hobby) not like my own admirable. The few duels I have seen were entertaining and wonderfully brutal.

Saying that and no doubt sticking my foot in my mouth in the process, I can promise the same things that I can promise all Rhy'Dinians. I can promise that I will listen and that I will work for you. I can promise benefits for small and large businesses alike, such as more options for medical care and off-the-ground funding.

-Audrey J. Horne


Date: 2012-06-07 00:25 EST
To: The Honorable Gustavus G"nort Esplenade G"nessmacher Dragoon-Talandor the Third; From: Aristotle Kruger Allen, Duelist, shop owner, and candidate for Governor.

My Dear Gustavus G"nort Esplenade G"nessmacher Dragoon-Talandor the Third;

You have asked what can be offered to your businesses. I have been putting a vast amount of effort into holding a carnival in July dedicated to helping Rhydinian businesses and promoting the small business relief fund. This effort was begun before my bid for office was considered; I see more endeavors in the future. You have also queried what I have to offer the dueling venues. I too have left my blood and sweat on the floor of the ring. I have woken with the pain of the previous night's fight. The duels are Rhydiin's Olympics, a tradition fought by men and women of honor. I would love to be able to refer to the Duel Callers as my advisors for the duels, because I know that together, we can show all of Rhydin the sense of honor that we feel towards the duels.

Just as one person cannot make a duel alone, enhancing the duels, as well as all of Rhydin, will take more than one person, so I hope to have your support.

Yours, Kruger "The Anvil" Allen

P.S. It should be noted G, that I have given Matt a sound mauling, and I intend to get you too G?nort.