Topic: A letter sent to all canidates from the Ravager


Date: 2008-01-05 16:52 EST
A letter was sent to all canidates each on a piece of skin, dried, with blood for ink upon its surface. The skin and the blood are most likely human in origin

"Hello all wouldbe cattleherders, those who wish to lead the cattle of this corrupt and sickening city, this is your friend, The Ravager, to date i have slaughtered over 100 of your so-called citizens, be they fae, elves, dwarves, humans and so and so. I have decided to up the stakes a bit, one of you pathetic dogooders will be targeted by me, unless dear Tera of the Oracle places my letters in the next issue of the Oracle. And you wont see me coming, nor will i tell you how i plan to do it, or when. I am not a fool to reveal my plans, just that i plan to slaughter one of you.

There are the predators and the prey of this city, and of the universe, this city is no exception, i and others like me will continue to play here. Darkness and Shadow does not go away, no matter how much light there is, even your motives for being governor are questionable. All of you want to change things, but just how far will you plan on going? A little killing of your own, a bit of taking of freedoms away' Hypocrits the lot of you, all your empty little promises, you all just want power. Thats the basest of needs, the need for control, for Power, Greed and Lust for Power, attained through Wrath. There you are, three of the so called Deadly Sins, commited by each of you, no matter how pious you all think you are. Though none of you may think it, but that is the case, try to deny it all you want, you'll just feel better if you don't.

Anyway i am off to slaughter and torture more of the prospective voters, maybe with enough deaths caused by me and of course all the other predators out there. We of the Darkness and Shadow will make the cattle stay home if needed to prove our point. Ta Ta

Oh and by the way, if you decided to test this letter, all you will find is some human blood, in case you were wondering, a lovely girl of 19, a virgin too, and the skin was from her lover, taken from him, before they engaged in some Lust in her bed, in her parents' home, while the parents were away. I killed them too, when they found me feasting on the kids. They were sweet tasting too, but i digress. You will find no residual of me, only some transmutation magic, i have been at this a long time. And should some of you try your science, that will fail you as well, Magic is something that can't be measured or stopped with devices. Magic flows all over, deal with it. Ta Ta"

Anastas Iskandorj

Date: 2008-01-05 17:00 EST
Anastas gets the letter in his office, and speaks to an awaiting Vikram.

"I don't think we have to worry. The guy can't even speak English, what can he do to someone like me? If he were so powerful, he'd find someone to transcribe for him. Comma-loving freak." He lights a cigarette.

"Take a memo, somebody. I advise my fellow candidates to ignore this hack and carry on with business as usual."


Date: 2008-01-05 17:30 EST
There had been a lot of these so-called letters floating around. Wolvinator had received one from the Oracle, from Tera Starfare specifically. There had been a lot of this self-proclamation, a person that claimed they were a murderer, a fiend a" ravager. Wolvie had years of criminal psychology behind him, this wasn't his first psychopath that he had ever dealt with, and it wouldn't be the last. But this however was something" different.

Glancing over to his political advisors he immediately pointed out the blood on the message.

"This is" paint?" Wolvinator asked. "Waitta second, this isn't human skin. This is just greasy parchment! What is this, some type of a joke?"

Handing the letter off to a man that stood by his side, the other individual examined it as well. He had dark hair cut almost into a bowl shape, pointed ears, and a long brown robe similar to the one that Wolvinator usually wore. The man spoke in a very monotone voice, not showing much hint of emotion, and instead speaking with a wealth of knowledge and logical aptitude.

"Yes Admiral, your presumption was correct. This appears to be nothing more than an oil based red-pigmented coating, mostly used for decoration to add festive trim to a room interior. Simply put' paint." Wolvinator nodded as the other man continued.

"As for the skin, it is apparently a fatty gelatin like substance. Possibly a native ungulate suidae in some respect, perhaps even acquired from a local livestock facility. It is no more then, what the locals would refer to as....uncooked bacon."

"As expected. Send a general message to the Oracle, as well as the other gubernatorial candidates. This man, or" sick creature, is of no threat." The Admiral responded.

"It would appear that Mister Iskandorj has already done so, Admiral."

"Ah, very well then. Follow up his memo with one of our own, informing the news outlets and candidates of our findings. This is obviously some form of childish prank, and someone" needs to grow up." The pointed eared gentleman nodded.

"Understood Admiral."

Wolvinator turned back towards his desk and continued working on his plans for the primary election.


Date: 2008-01-06 00:34 EST
Quite simply, this letter never arrives at his offices.


Date: 2008-01-06 05:53 EST
It is too bad that all letters eventually show up to him, they always did as annoying as that happened to be.

He read the letter very carefully and he only got just three things out of it.

One. This maniac threatned Des of the Oracle. He did not know her very well, but it just was not nice or smart to threaten people more powerful than you were. He was sure Des could take care of her self in this matter.

Two. Ravager had threatened all the people running for office and called them all do gooders.

"Kid, if you wrote this and call them all do gooders. I wonder where you get your information from. I highly doubt they are all in it for the good, power, sure. but good, I doubt it." Said to himself.

Three. This Ravager was obviously in need of some intelligence potions or something in the worst ways.

This letter just sizzled and burned into ashes in his hands. This Ravager was no threat to him, all it did was give all the canidates more ammo if anything else.

"Wanna be psychopaths are the worst types. I wonder where his parents live so they can kick him out of their basement for being an idiot, man that kid is in trouble once they find out." Said to himself as he walked off and prepared for the coming primary election.

Karen Wilder

Date: 2008-01-06 08:38 EST
When Karen discovered the letter, she was careful not to let anyone save her Squire see it.

"Tell nae-one o' this....I've a plan tae 'andle this m'self." Karen told the young woman.

"I hope this plan doesn't involve me, Commander....I had enough frights during the battles against the Myr'Kul to last me a lifetime."

Karen chuckled and patted the girl's hand. "Yer safe enough....but let's git by th' Oracle. Ye've jest given me an idea."

Dinah looked askance at her Commander for a moment....then nodded. "Of course Ma'am."

Later that day, they arrived at the offices of the Oracle....Karen had her escorts wait outside and went in with only her Squire. She smiled and shook hands with everyone she met inside the building until she reached Des. After getting the pleasantries of two good friends out of the way, she made her request...

"Ifin it's nae too late....I'd like tae ask thet ye nae put th' letters from th' Ravager in th' Oracle." she stated plainly. "In fact, make note thet I were th' one tae say thet ye should nae post 'em up."


Date: 2008-01-06 14:29 EST
The jackal read it, unfortunately. He gave a half groan, half laugh. The "human skin" was tossed aside to the jester.

"'Orrible grammar, terrible punctuation, n' I fink 'ee jus' made me IQ drop drama'ic'lly. 'Ere. Lose some intelligence. "

Another sip was taken from his Pina Colada as he stepped back from the wall he chose to "brighten up" in their headquarters.