Topic: A Message from Ebon - RGE 2014

Ebon Ilnaren

Date: 2014-09-16 23:49 EST
The following video statement was released for airing this afternoon.

Standing upon the steps of the Rhydin Public Library on a sunny day, Ebon smiled to the camera. "Hello. My name is Ebon Ilnaren, and I'd like to serve this city as Governor. Yes, I would consider it a service. It has been pointed out by many that this city is not a place that any one person, or even a group of people, can truly rule." He paused and raised an eyebrow, as if daring anyone to say otherwise. "Those who say that are absolutely right."

"That's not why I'm running. I know it's insanity to try and force this city to fit my ideals, however much I'd like to do so. At the same time, I'm not going to make a mockery of the position, or treat it as a joke, as nothing." His head turned left to right and back in a slow shake. "I want to help bring our community together whenever we can, and see what we can do together, whether it's helping out those in need or simply letting our spirit shine. I want to know what?s on your mind," and here he pointed directly at the camera, which pulled back to reveal peoplke standing on either side of Ebon, "and what we can do together."

The scene shifted, and now Ebon was walking down the street. "I may not be the best candidate to serve Rhydin as Governor. If elected, all I can do is my best, and hope that's enough. Feel free to contact me at any time with questions, ideas, or even just to share a story or two. Thank you for your time, and I'll see you around."

Johnny Storm

Date: 2014-09-19 16:25 EST
As soon as Johnny learned Ebon was running for governor (and especially after he'd read Jesse's plans for Rhy'Din and its orphans if she won), he started plastering posters encouraging people to vote for Ebon all around the city in every district, wherever he could find space.

Johnny had seen Ebon at work first hand during his stint with the Rhy'Din Avengers, and he knew him to be a fair and good man. The best man for the job as far as Johnny was concerned. After all, compared to most of the other candidates, it was really a no-brainer, as far as he was concerned.

Johnny spent Primary Week tirelessly campaigning for Ebon every spare minute he had, and if he was one of those who won the primary, Johnny would continue to do so for the remainder of the election. He even volunteered Fliss and Liv to help out and anyone else he could wrangle into it.

They made phone calls, they handed out fliers, they went door to door.

The day voting for the Primary Election was set to begin, he was found flying around Rhy'Din skywriting in flames over every district: VOTE EBON RHYDINS HERO

It was no big secret who Johnny Storm would be voting for.