Topic: An Open Letter To The Gov't

Kuro Inzen

Date: 2009-12-30 16:16 EST
Dear Sirs and Madams,

My name is Kuro Inzen. I am 23 years old, and have been in this city little over a month and six days as of the writing of this letter.

In the short time I have been here, I have seen unresolved murder mysteries, unapprehended criminals, children being murdered, and arsons.

I have seen sick and dying along the streets, Orphans with no hope for a future, and the social elite strutting around like there's nothing wrong.

There is something wrong, people. The problem is that nobody cares. We must fix this. We are all people, at our very core. We all breathe, eat, sleep, bleed, and get sick. We all die.

Nobody seems to be fighting for the common man, only for the interests of the social elite and the privileged. We must fix this. These people I see on these dark city streets— day in and out are crying out for someone to save them, and I cannot do it alone.

I am one man. I cannot fix the world's problems by myself. What we need is a face in our government who will stand up for those who cannot do so for themselves, a white knight to ride against the darkness of apathy, squalor, disease, crime, and corruption.

We need a hero.

I ask you, governmental officials, Barristers and other men and women of the law to stand against this tyranny and fight for a common cause— the rebirth of this city into something worth living in.

No more dead children, no more carefree murders. Clean up these streets. Hire more police force. Arm them. Let them into the city and crack down on every scumbag and druggie out there.

Fight for the right reason: To better society, not line your pockets with gold.

I ask of you, RhyDin, can you be noble once more?


Kuro Inzen