Topic: Debate 2013 : Brian Ravenlock's Editorial

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2013-06-10 11:40 EST
This editorial ran in local newspapers beginning this morning

Ladies, and Gentlefolk of this fine city of ours,

Last night I had the privilege, alongside many others to attend the 2013 Election Debate last night, between Matt Simon and Rekah Silverblades.

Personally I was very impressed with the debate over all, and more so impressed with the candidates who were in fact faced with some rather tough questions, and a tough audience, of which I am guilty of taking part of.

And it seems that the process of me being tough seems to have offended some individuals who think that I was targeting Matt Simon and being "mean spirited" with my questions, and comments.

They are right, I was in fact targeting Matt Simon. With good reason no less, mind you.

I targeted Matt Simon, because he's been to this dance before. More than once, mind you. He's sat in that office, he's worked with others in this city and he's been here long enough to offer a bit more than a textbook response most of us have read in grade school while growing up.

I targeted Matt Simon, because he's supposed to have his finger on the pulse of this community and since his initial announcement at the Welcome Center, no one's seen hide nor hair of him locally. One would think, if you want the people to follow you?well those people outside of your own circle, that you would hit the pavement running, and make those rounds. Hold some workshops, and a few meet and greets. Let's be honest, this is the office that holds a great deal of responsibility throughout the city, and then some. It serves the people on so many levels it isn't funny, and I know that Matt Simon knows this better than anyone.

Because he's been there.

My questions and comments weren't malicious, despite what some of the offended parties want to believe. But that's alright, because it's my right as a citizen and defender of this city to be able to voice whatever opinion I wish, same as anyone else and I did that last night and I will continue to do that for as long as I breathe. So if what I said, and did last night offended anyone who was not directly involved" Get over it.

Because I promise you, others would not be so kind in their comments and Matt Simon knows this as well, cause he's been there and he's heard it before and he knows he will hear it again, and again. It's the nature of the beast. Especially when in public office, and I've experienced that as well first hand.

I targeted Matt Simon, because I believe he's a big boy and he can handle it. He's also the horse that I put my chips on, when this whole thing began. So I did not ask questions or comment lightly, nor pull any punches. The stakes are too high for that.

Anyone who thinks I did, is more than welcome to sit down and have a chat with me. I'm not hard to find at all.

Seems like some people who were offended put their feelings before some of the matters at hand, and that's okay cause it happens to the best of us. Some think that I was expecting miracles, or a rabbit out of one's rear end. That's not the case either. I was expecting some heartfelt answers, with a bit of backing in regards to said answers content. I don't feel I got all of that from last night, but that's my opinion.

I personally believe Matt Simon was not offended, and his composure last night was in good form. The man held himself, as he always has—- as a class act.

So Mister Matt Simon, I thank you for your honest answers and just because I don't happen to agree with a good deal of your responses does not diminish my respect for you, as a person and a servant of our city.

And Mister Simon, we do know for a fact that you are not a turtle, nor a computer" Nor a Compu-Turtle.

Now, that brings us to Miss Silverblades.

She's an interesting one, I'll give you that. She is like no other candidate I have ever encountered, and I don't think we'll see too many like her in the years to come, because she is just that rare of a candidate.

Here you have someone with no bad bone in her body to be found. Someone who wants to just make this place a better place for everyone, and someone who understands she can't do that alone.

I'm not saying Matt Simon isn't that way as well, because he admitted so last night. He knows he can't do it alone either and that's a good thing. Cause the minute you swear you can do it all alone, you are boned.

Back to Miss Silverblades.

Her answers were heartfelt, and rather straight forward, while carrying a good deal of common sense. Granted they were simplistic, but in my opinion that only enhanced what the young lady wanted to convey in regards to her wish to serve.

Is she experienced" No, then again neither was Driscol, or Kitty O and some others, if I am not mistaken. Which makes this an interesting issue indeed, because while I am one who definitely holds experience as a bit of a cornerstone when walking into something, I find myself pulling away from that notion a bit, when it comes to Miss Silverblades.

Mister Simon asked a good question last night. He asked if Miss Silverblades could inspire us, if she could lead us.

I don't say this lightly' But honestly, she has inspired me'she does inspire me. I also believe she could lead us, as well. With the help of a good staff, the GAC, and the citizens"I believe there is nothing she could not accomplish.

And like Matt Simon, Miss Silverblades is also—- not a turtle.

So this leaves an interesting issue indeed when it comes to this election of ours.

Experiences, and past offices held with a want to serve and move forward to make this place better for everyone VS Inexperienced, with a heartfelt want to serve and make this a better place for everyone, with more than a dash of common sense and some real nice pastries to boot.

I never thought I'd say this, especially after my strong support of Mister Simon' But I am on the fence now, with this election of ours.

No matter the outcome, I will always serve the city and support the Governor. It has always been that way, and it will always be that way. Because at the end of the day, it's our responsibility to do so. We have to do what we can to make this place a better one, for not only the here and now, but for the what?s to come. Me removing myself from the election doesn't change that, nor does it mean that I will not be involved in issues when it comes to this city, nor does that mean I will cease to voice my opinions, when it comes to issues that affect this city.

So vote according to what you hold dear, and if you don't vote—- don't piss and moan, after the fact.

Lastly, two other things"

It was great to see some of the older denizens of this fine city last night at the debate, and I'd like them to know they have been missed. Hopefully we'll see more of them, fate permitting.

Secondly, to Katt Batten? You were right all along and I was wrong.

Thanks to everyone involved with the election, and especially those in attendance last night for being absolutely amazing!