Topic: Dragged Through the Mud and Still Standing


Date: 2008-01-22 20:34 EST
There was a quick press conference called, it wasn't as large as Wolvinator's previously rallies or speeches, and it was meant as a response to all of the recent events that had been taking place.

The candidate sat at a desk, from his home at the Grayskull estate, wearing a collared blue shirt. The first two buttons of the collar were unbuttoned, and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. He looked directly ahead as he spoke, and this address was also meant to be transcribed so that citizens without the use of technology would be able to read the message.

"My fellow citizens, I come before you today to address our fair city in light of recent events.

"This entire election is being made into a complete farce by individuals that claim to be omnipotent. I am not entirely sure why beings of such magnitude, as they so claim to be, would interfere in mortal affairs.

"As the days pass, these accusations become more and more outrageous. I suppose I am going to become the blame for the Kennedy Assassination next, or perhaps the Salem witch trials, or the Borg assault of Wolf 359. This election is being made a mockery out of individuals that are not even involved, nor care about the electoral process.

"I come to you today to apologize for all the senseless propaganda you are hearing. I understand that even though I may not be responsible for it, having my name on the ballot makes me feel indirectly responsible. I refuse to continue answering any of these ridiculous accusations, as I feel that it is an insult to not only me, but to you the people as well.

"If these beings are so powerful as they claim, why would they waste their time at all bothering the general populace" Surely they have elite time traveling powers, where they could just travel back in time and erase any "threats" from existence. Or perhaps bat an eyelash, and stuff the ballot boxes accordingly. Why do they not do it' Because it is absurd.

"As I sit here, I am a man that refuses to yield. This isn't a struggle for power, this isn't an ascension into nobility or immortality. This is an election. I, Wolvinator, made you a campaign promise. I intend to work for the people, diplomatically, and as peacefully as possible. I am proud to come before you, and take these nonsensical accusations head on, so that the public will not have to. By accepting the nomination from the primary elections, I realize that I have become a gigantic political target. That being said, I know that my campaign will not be in vain.

"I am the first to admit, that I am not perfect. No one is, and I have never claimed to be such. Mistakes are made, and from those mistakes....lessons are learned. This election has been a learning process, and I have been able to grow a great deal from this election alone, and I look forward to continuing onward, whether it is as your next governor, or down whatever path that life takes me down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of Rhy"Din, my name is Wolvinator. I am running for Governor. My campaign slogan has been, and will remain Wolvinator 2008: Unbreakable. I refuse to break now, nor will I ever. These tactics will not break my campaign stride, and if you should choose me as your next governor, I ensure you that my resolve will remain as steadfast as it is now.

"Thank you.?

With that, the man smiled and nodded as the screen faded to black, with his campaign slogan appearing on screen. Transcripts of the address would be disseminated accordingly.


Date: 2008-01-22 21:36 EST
-Practically every Chi Zeta Kappa girl had showed up to support Wolvie. They all wore matching camo mini skirts, knee high combat boots and baby pink camo t-shirts that said " UNBREAKABLE " and they had even handcuffed and chained their hands together. Holding them up in the air as they chanted after Wolvie finished.-

" Wolvie. Unbreakable. Wolvie. Unbreakable. Wolvie. Unbreakable."

They would continue to chant, stomp, clap, and shake their chains until the last of the crowd had cleared.


Date: 2008-01-22 22:01 EST
Not every XZK girl, actually. There were a few who didn't even know who the hell Wolvinator was.

Really, who truly knows a person' Even friends can be kept in the dark. Sarah had her doubts about this Wolvinator person. She'd seen and heard quite a few things that contradict what the candidate claimed.

So no, Sarah was not with some of the other girls who showed up looking ridiculous. Even a Chi girl can have her own opinion and it seemed that quite a few of them did.

Ask one when you see her next...

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2008-01-23 06:20 EST
-Practically every Chi Zeta Kappa girl had showed up to support Wolvie. They all wore matching camo mini skirts, knee high combat boots and baby pink camo t-shirts that said " UNBREAKABLE " and they had even handcuffed and chained their hands together. Holding them up in the air as they chanted after Wolvie finished.-

" Wolvie. Unbreakable. Wolvie. Unbreakable. Wolvie. Unbreakable."

They would continue to chant, stomp, clap, and shake their chains until the last of the crowd had cleared. ————————————————————————— ———————————

So, this is what wolvinator has resorted to. Cheap women and mind control tactics, or at the very best brainwashing cult status. Bob knew of a thing on the earth realm where women followed a guy around and did basically the same thing, Bob knew old Charlie well. They talked often and the Wolf and his followers, or should he say family now...well they reminded him much of that guy, he wondered when the carving of the forehead and the ranting would start.

Bob shook his head at the display of insanity from the women and walked off, Time travel was not such a bad idea. He was sure he could pull some skeletons from the Closet of the Wolf sooner or later. And he would be sure to bring a recording device with him to show the entire world what he found.

Cults and Goverment simply did not mix, Wolvinator was clearly losing his hold on his sanity already. First throwing out the Angel, for as rumor had it having his kid and he didnt need to be seen as what he really was, then the attacks on his friends and him personally. Not to mention hitting on a fifteen year old kid, a sister of a new friend of his. The truth of the Wolf was as painful and clear as ever now. He would reveal all of this in due time, he thought as he walked out the door.


Date: 2008-01-23 06:36 EST
She was tired of this. Tired of Omnipotent beings thinking that they had the best interest of the people but was instead harming them. Was tired of working for to help people only to have people "appear" in her territory and berate her.

She was not pleased with the tactics. She counted Wolvinator as a friend and was not pleased with the lies. They were lies and there was only one person to blame.

A pity he was omnipotent. Can't fight something like that. So she did the next best thing.


I have come to the decision to move my *family* to the lands of Carowyn. I cannot abide by these so called Villians and Omnipotent beings bent on destroying these lands. They are a danger to me and mine.

I cannot abide by their continued lies. I cannot abide by the continued destructive attack on this city. My family is in danger from these blatant attacks. DO they not realize the destructive power of the weapons they are using. Had not that *other being* stepped in, more than just those warehouse would have been destroyed. The impact of THAT many attacks would have destroyed everyone!

I am moving to lands that still see wars and feudal conquest. At least the people there are more civilized...

You and Dolus are more than welcomed to visit. Just leave the technology at home, per the laws of the Council of Mages.


Mihaela Asante Nimi'ra of the Bloodclaw

(OOC: This letter is for Wolvinator's eyes only. Any responses other than his will be ignored as moding.)


Date: 2008-01-23 10:04 EST
No doubt this "Bob" fellow would show and no doubt he would see the Sorority sisters who had choosen to participate. How much that must anger him. Only a week earlier HE was trying to get them to aid him in his battle the twits with Wolvinator and had failed. Of course now that they were not helping Bob they MUST be cheap women...cults...whores...drunken sluts....and brainwashed...what have you. Of course. Thats the conclusion Rhyannon would come to about herself, after all, who would support a upstanding man like Wolvinator, only the scum of scum harlots of course.


Moving on. Rhyannon would now change into a t-shirt that said " Wolv not Wolf"

Just reminding all that infact his name was Wolvinator....and he often times went by Wolv or Wolvie...and infact had nothing to do with being a "Wolf" or being called "Wolf" but of course no one of great intellegence would make such a simple mistake like calling him Wolf. Not one such as Bob.


Date: 2008-01-23 15:41 EST
She was glad that the Admiral spoke up as she had hoped. He know doubt knew this. She listened to this speech with blinders on, ignoring the stupid cheerleaders and the commentaries and whatnots serving as nothing but distractive fodder. She hoped they just go away soon.

However, as she watched the broadcast of his speech, she sighed with some disappointment. He hadn't exactly refuted the validity of anything except by heresay. He could sAy the tape was a fake all he wanted to...but the fact remained that he hadn't proved it to be fact. He could've done a better job of it. STill, he addressed the issue and that was a good sign. And this she would eventually let him know as some point in time.

Faye Valentine

Date: 2008-01-23 15:53 EST
Faye found the display rather distubring as well. She had good reason for this, it wasn't about them being cheap or nothing. She knew even the most clever of women could be tricked. No, it was due to her own experience. She had always considered herself a friend of Wolv's....Of course that was before he had ordered her to attack her friends. But that is neither here nor there; it was merely the straw.

Getting to the point - her confidence in him was lost. She should have stopped believing in him some time ago. Certainly when he had tried to get her into bed while dating not just Ren but Kaspar as well. He's a womanizer and the fact that so many women either didn't care, or didn't realize, that he is using them is sad.

She couldn't help but feel bad for them but as she didn't wish to be attacked for having a different opinion, as were so many others....All she could do was shake her head and keep walking. Some lessons....have to be learned the hard way.

Lang Darkwing

Date: 2008-01-23 18:25 EST
Lang happened to be passing by, when he heard the speach going on. He leaned back on the nearest building. Might as well listen to it. Arms crossed over his chest. He took note of the ones present. He knew what had happened in the past. More so the last few days.

Once the speach was done, he watched the group of cheering girls lead by Rhy. Heading off. He chuckled to himself a moment, before shaking his head slightly. He also took note of the others here. After waitting till everyone was heading off. He leaned off the building and headed off himself.

" Ironic. People are so fickle in this town. One minute they are your friend. The next they stab you in the back, or double talk. No wonder this town rarely pulls together. " Said to himself as he headed off into the city. Another day...Another round of dealing with what the city had to offer.

Xania Sarai

Date: 2008-01-24 16:46 EST
A simple letter, delevered by a small girl arrived at the campaign offices. It was a brief missive, short and to the point, asking for a pulic answer.

To each candidate for the office of Governor of Rhy'Din:

While there are many worthwhile issues to be addressed in the upcoming election, there are few that I have not heard clear answers on. I feel that the upstanding member of the community would like answers to the following questions: 1. How do you intend to promote equality between humans and meta-humans" 2. How do intend to resolve Rhy'Din's security issues and how would you fund your solution" 3. How do intend to address the issue of the slavers, and thereby assuring the security of the (well, to be honest) mostly young female population of the city?

Please adress these issues, to give the voting public a better sense of your platform.

Thank you,

Once of many ocncerned citizens