Topic: Election 2013 Results: An Editorial by Brian Ravenlock

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2013-06-25 11:42 EST
The following Editorial was placed in local newspapers & publications throughout the City of Rhy'din

Citizens of Rhy"Din,

The votes have been tallied, and change is afoot.

I would like to offered my congratulations to Miss Rekah Silverblades, on becoming Rhy"Din newest Governor Elect!

A congratulations also goes out to Mister Matt Simon, who ran a damned good campaign as well.

Recently, I put out an editorial regarding the recent debate and my feelings in regards to Mister Simon, and Governor Elect Silverblades. The following are some quotes from that editorial.

"Back to Miss Silverblades.

Her answers were heartfelt, and rather straight forward, while carrying a good deal of common sense. Granted they were simplistic, but in my opinion that only enhanced what the young lady wanted to convey in regards to her wish to serve.

Is she experienced" No, then again neither was Driscol, or Kitty O and some others, if I am not mistaken. Which makes this an interesting issue indeed, because while I am one who definitely holds experience as a bit of a cornerstone when walking into something, I find myself pulling away from that notion a bit, when it comes to Miss Silverblades.

Mister Simon asked a good question last night. He asked if Miss Silverblades could inspire us, if she could lead us.

I don't say this lightly' But honestly, she has inspired me'she does inspire me. I also believe she could lead us, as well. With the help of a good staff, the GAC, and the citizens"I believe there is nothing she could not accomplish.

And like Matt Simon, Miss Silverblades is also—- not a turtle."

My feelings in the words above have not changed one bit"

Governor Elect Silverblades still does in fact inspire me, just as she had done so before. I know for a fact that she can lead this city, and so much more so with the assistance of a good staff, friends the GAC and us"the Citizens of Rhy"Din.

She knows she cannot do this alone, and she is willing to work with the people, and more so"listen to the people. She has a good heart, and wants to make this place so much the better for us all as a whole, and for the record she does not want to take away our rights and freedoms.

Ah yes, and she is still not a turtle.

"No matter the outcome, I will always serve the city and support the Governor. It has always been that way, and it will always be that way. Because at the end of the day, it's our responsibility to do so. We have to do what we can to make this place a better one, for not only the here and now, but for the what?s to come. Me removing myself from the election doesn't change that, nor does it mean that I will not be involved in issues when it comes to this city, nor does that mean I will cease to voice my opinions, when it comes to issues that affect this city."

This sentiment remains and always will. I will always serve the Governor and this City, and I will do what I can for who I can to make this place a better place. And I call upon those who voted for Governor Elect Silverblades, and those who did not. I call upon those who were involved with the elections, and those who were not. I call upon each and every one of us, who live and work in this city and those who are simply visiting from time to time.

I call on each of us, because it's time to put up, or shut up"

We want a better city' Then we need to do what we can to make that a reality! We talk of supporting the Government despite who wins or loses, then it's time we put our money where our mouths are and start attending meetings, and get ourselves involved! It is easy' No it isn't but then again, is anything worth fighting for, ever easy"

Not at all.

Governor Elect Silverblades knows this, and so does Mister Matt Simon. So do the countless others who serve this city, without asking for anything in return. Now it's time for all of you others who sat on the side lines for far too long"

It's time for you to stop talking, and start acting.

She knows we can do this, that we can make this city a better place for each and every one of us. She knows that if we work together that there is nothing we can't accomplish, and you know what"

She's right.

So get off your arses, Rhy?Din and let's make this happen!