Topic: Governor Simon's Initial 2010 Candidacy Speech


Date: 2010-03-31 23:39 EST
The following transcript of Governor Simon's speech was released moments after its conclusion and made available via the media and public services such as the Rhydin Public Library. The speech itself was broadcast over several VidNet & AudNet channels and available for attendance by the media and public.


My fellow citizens,

Once again, an election for Rhydin's Governor draws near. I welcome this time of year, for it allows me the chance to re-examine my time as Governor, to analyze my decisions and choices, regardless of whether they proved beneficial to you and the city. I am by no means perfect; I have made mistakes as most leaders do. But importantly, I have learned from them and not repeated them. I firmly believe, as I have the last two elections, that I am the best candidate to serve as Rhydin's Governor. In the next few moments, I would like to address a variety of topics including my fellow candidates, the recent past, and my vision for Rhydin's future.

As most of you are aware, I am the only candidate to file my application for Governorship within Waterhouse Accounting's original deadline. Now let me be absolutely clear " although I have retained Waterhouse Accounting to oversee the election, I am not privy to any inside information, including the timeframe for candidacy applications, prior to the firm's public announcements. My application was submitted the day after Waterhouse Accounting's notice that candidates were to submit their election applications. Admittedly, I was partially dismayed and partially pleased when the next nine days passed and nobody else came forward. Why dismayed" Because, as I stated earlier, election time is exciting. It allows me the opportunity to refocus and allows you, the citizens, to make your voices heard. Why pleased" Simple " I want to remain as Rhydin's Governor; I truly enjoy the work I do and the opportunity to bring about positive change to this city and those within its borders.

Still, until Waterhouse Accounting granted an application extension, nobody but me stepped forward. As such, I call into question the dedication and desire of my fellow candidates ? if they truly wanted the Governorship, why the delay' It is true, mistakes are made and some delays are unavoidable. Perhaps Waterhouse Accounting's public announcements in print and broadcast were simply missed. I could likely understand that from perhaps one or two of the others. But all of them' No. If their hearts and minds were truly committed to this election and enthusiastic about becoming Governor, these candidates would and should have made their intentions known before the deadline passed. However, with the extension, they now have the same opportunities that I do; they have the chance to speak to you and with you, to unveil their plans and thoughts for the upcoming year. It's my hope that they do not squander this opportunity which very nearly slipped through all of their fingers.

About the candidates themselves, aside from Mr. Wystansayr, who's participated in the previous two elections (withdrawing from the 2008 election and placing second in the voting last year), I have not met them personally. I have read their candidacy announcements and public displays, however, and offer you my thoughts on their platforms, at least as much as they've deemed fit to share with us thus far.


Date: 2010-03-31 23:42 EST
Mr. Aaron Marshall

Mr. Marshall's campaign, to me, is entirely juvenile. The Governorship has little to do with free beer, wet T-Shirt contests, and Pudding Wrestling Leagues. However, I won't dismiss these things outright as I believe it would be a mistake to underestimate any candidate. However silly I might think his platform, Mr. Marshall offers only fluff and ideas with no actual method. I challenge Mr. Marshall to provide a concrete plan on how he will live up to his promise to "bring these things and more to Rhydin if elected". Who will supply the free alcohol" Where will it be stored" How will it be guarded and transported" Who will manage the distribution' How will Mr. Marshall ensure there's enough to quench the thirst of every citizen who opts to fill their mugs and glasses" Will there be a distribution limit' If so, in what manner " a set number of ounces per citizen per day, per hour" How will this be tracked and managed" Will there be limitations on participation, such as preventing children from obtaining the beer"

Regarding the wet T-Shirt contests, where will they be held" Will the venues be large enough and safe enough' Who will be open to participate" Men and women both' Who will choose the participants" What, if anything, do the participants have to gain?

I ask similar questions about this proposed Wrestling League " who will pay for the megadome's construction' Where will it be built' If within the city, who and what will be displaced as a result of the building's production' And what exactly is Mr. Marshall's idea of a megadome" How many people will it hold" What benefits will it bring to Rhydin" Most importantly, why does Mr. Marshall want to be Governor to do any of this" He does not need to be Governor in order to form a new sports league, or to sponsor competitions, or even to acquire and distribute beer (though he does need a valid city permit for that which, to my knowledge, he does not currently possess). I believe Mr. Marshall is treating this election as a joke and a farce and I challenge him to make a serious bid or withdraw for to continue on his current track is to do little more but unfairly waste your time.

Mr. Yejix Zabiru

Next, I'd like to speak about Mr. Zabiru who, in one of his publications, expresses strong personal opinions about this city and you, its citizens. Mr. Zabiru's message is conflicting and contradictory and I will address each section as he wrote them. In his opening, Mr. Zabiru provides you with three distinct and paradoxical reasons as to why he wants to be Rhydin's Governor. First, he feels the time has come for change. In and of itself, that's a good start, but he quickly changes tactics and shifts into two extremely selfish statements. He claims that he wants to be Governor because he wants to, and I quote, "be somebody". He follows that by stating he wants to "be respected".

Clearly, Mr. Zabiru has no true understanding of the Governorship. This post that I hold does not automatically bring respect or elevate you to a higher social station. Respect " personal respect, social respect, political respect " is earned. It is earned through hard work, through action, through proving over and over again that you can and will live up to your promises, that you will not back down in moments of adversity, that you can and will make potentially unpopular decisions because that's what?s best for the group as a whole.

Through his statements, Mr. Zabiru seems to have no concept of what the role of Governor truly is, what it means, and the associated responsibility. He even goes so far as to tell you that he not only wants to run for Governor, but for any post within the government that will, in his words, "help me change this land for the better". Well then, what are Mr. Zabiru's true intentions" He wants to be Governor yet he doesn't. He wants to help bring change but does not tell you how. He will however, go on to tell you, in a series of more confusing and contradictory statements, why.

On one hand, Mr. Zabiru expresses a desire for change which echoes the sentiments many of my opponents articulated in their 2009 campaigns. However, then, as now, the sentiment remains only that, as Mr. Zabiru provides absolutely no detail on what he would change, or how. He tells you the things that sicken him, that upset him, and that he wants to fix them, but provides you with no roadmap on how he will do those things. He speaks of his disgust and horror at the way children, homeless, and city guardsmen are treated and states that killers run amok on the city streets with no restraint.

Mr. Zabiru then laments the treatment of watch members, intimating that no thanks or praise are ever given to the dedicated personnel who seek to ensure your safety day in and day out. Let me tell you something, there are few, if any, members of the Watch who diligently perform their jobs in the hope that someone will praise their efforts. Should they be praised" Yes, I believe so. Do they man their posts for praise" Of course not. And here again, Mr. Zabiru contradicts himself for if killers and rapists truly do roam free and run rampant, with no consequences, on the city streets, it means that the Watch has failed and indeed deserves no praise at all. Do I believe this wild generalization to be true" No. Do crimes go unsolved and do criminals escape justice" Yes, they do at times in Rhydin as they do almost anywhere. In my time as Governor, however, with the changes I've brought to the Watch in equipment, training, and tactics, we've seen a reduction in crime, not an increase. And if Mr. Zabiru is willing to generalize all of you into one lump group that cares not for the Watch, for children, the disenfranchised, imagine the fearsome and sweeping changes he might make as Governor by the reckless use of broad-stroked generalizations!

Mr. Zabiru continues his rant, calling out the social elite for holding themselves above "mortal rights". He implies that the so-called elite are oppressive, heartless, and attempts to rally the common man, woman, and child, into believing this vast oversimplification. Again, Mr. Zabiru shows his ignorance " the social elite he calls to the carpet for oppression and callousness " are these not some of the very same people who, of their own free will and accord, of their own generosity and altruism, founded such organizations as the Benson Boulevard Initiative to help victims of the Sanyumato storm that ravaged the city' Are these not the very same people who organized charitable events, donated money, time, and effort into helping the less fortunate, without anyone asking, demanding, or prodding them to do so' Mr. Zabiru sees this city in extremely black and white; he shows no understanding of its social and economic intricacies, no tolerance for situations he disagrees with, and no appreciation for you, the citizens of this city, to exist and function outside of the oversimplified categories in which he lumps you and leaves you, all the while asking you to give him a chance. Mr. Zabiru deserves no chance, not with the way he's treated you thus far in his campaign.


Date: 2010-03-31 23:45 EST
Mr. Thwei Cetanu

Next, I turn my attention to Thwei Cetanu, whose campaign, in its opening salvo, seeks to unveil a sort of reverse-xenophobia, pitting human against non-human and claiming one's superiority over the other in the right to hold the Governor's mantle. And in the same breath, his spokespeople claim that he's friend to all. How can he be friend to all races, all species, all creeds in one breath, and avow his superiority in the next'

Perhaps he expects you're not really listening to his words, that you'll get swept up in the grandeur of his nightly rooftop protection of your children, that you'll listen to his heroic tales and look past his open prejudice. He underestimates you. He condemns you all as carnal murderers, asking how many of you can claim you've never killed an innocent. His words disturb me, his attitude disturbs me, and they are not the words of a leader, of someone who can or should be entrusted with your livelihoods.

Like Mr. Zabiru, Mr. Cetanu does not understand you, does not recognize the uniqueness he speaks of, does not comprehend how to mold it and use it and hone it. His words and the words of those who speak for him are plain and clear. Those words and the attitude toward you that they convey both sadden and disgust me. I do not believe Mr. Cetanu has your best interests at heart, nor do I believe he is capable of discerning what those interests even are.

Mr. Corlanthis Wystansayr

Lastly, I want to speak to you about Corlanthis Wystansayr, veteran of two prior gubernatorial campaigns, one of which he dropped out of. Last year, Mr. Wystansayr told you that he wanted to outfit all of you with self-defense gear and training, with no clear plan of what to provide or how to provide it. He wanted to promote trade, again with no details. He wanted to renovate existing health clinics and build new ones, but gave you no means of how, no details on whether health care would actually improve, and no model on how he would achieve his goals.

Last year, he stated that his desire for Governorship was, in part, to show you, Rhydin's citizens, and surrounding municipalities "how special is and how much potential still remains within it". It was then, as now, an admirable sentiment, but Mr. Wystansayr does not need to be Governor to show you or the world how special this city is. Like the other candidates this election, Mr. Wystansayr, who has yet to give any indication to the contrary, has lofty goals with absolutely no aim. Ideas without plan may not be without merit, but they are extremely difficult to make fruitful. This year, aside from submitting his application for the Governor's office, Mr. Wystansayr has had very little to say, at least publically, regarding his platform. His silence is foreboding, and indicates he has yet to, perhaps, even come up with policies and proposals to provide.

In contrast, I have always been open in my communication with you. I have always made known my ideas, my plans, and I've even been forthright in, at times, saying that I have an idea but that the plan needs work, and that when the plan's complete I will share it. I have laid out clear goals and a path to accomplish them and I've done exactly that. Sometimes, things have gone awry, but that's when true leadership rises to the forefront and I've always done my utmost to ensure things get back on track.


This last year, we faced a great deal of uncertainty with the weather and tragedy with Sanyumato. It would be easy to focus on the negative, the awful things, and overlook progress, growth, and triumph that were borne out of the bad. Do not let these other candidates lull you to sleep with broad promises and good intentions. Demand from them what you deserve. Demand from me what you deserve. Demand action with ideas, demand strategy and purpose and procedure behind proposals. I would ask that all the current candidates, and any who might apply before the deadline, not seek the post of Governor on a whim, but to seek it because they love this city, because they truly believe they can bring to pass the changes they seek, because they have given serious pause and consideration to that which they're applying for. To do any less not only disrespects the Governorship, but disrespects each and every one of you. To do any less treats all of you with contempt and condescension. To do any less is to unleash a tragedy greater than a thousand Sanyumato storms. To do any less is sheer folly.

This year, as with the past two, my open door policy continues. My steadfastness continues. My will and desire to lead this city and all of you have not waned. I will continue to do what I've done since you saw fit to elect me two years ago " to plan, to reach out, to succeed. You, each and every one of you, deserve absolutely nothing less than my best every hour of every day. That's what I provide, and that sets me apart from the other candidates. If they cannot even provide you with a roadmap to their own success, how can they expect you to trust them, to let you lead them' How can they even ask for your vote" They cannot and should not, in good conscience as I can and, once again, do. Consider carefully your options, weigh each of us as individuals. Choose the best one of us for you, for your families, and for this city. I firmly believe that choice will lead you back to me, and I ask once more for your trust, your confidence, and your vote on Election Day.

Thank you; I look forward to speaking with you all again soon.

((Note: This speech was given before Mr. Yejix Zabiru withdrew his name for consideration in the upcoming election))

Corlanthis Wystansayr

Date: 2010-04-01 12:19 EST
News Crews swamping Omelettes O'Plenty to seek Candidate Corlanthis Wystansayr's comments on Governor Simon's speech were able to catch only the following before they were shoo'd from the establishment:

"I am glad to see that Governor Simon's punches have lost none of their potency despite being given via speech and not within the Rings of the Outback."

His expression was wryly amused before he ushered the crews out and turned back to work.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-04-06 09:20 EST
A simple letter is sent to Mr. Simon's office.

Sir, a simple "Go back to bed Yejix" would have sufficed. Admittedly I do not know much about this city, other than the bad things I see every day. If you will do something about the likes of slavers and chaos-weaving sorcerors, then you will have my vote, even if you did lambaste me in public forum.

However, I still believe you went a bit far, as I felt this as a personal attack. As far as my memory serves me, I've not said one negative thing about you or your administration, only a cry for more action.

Heck, Before I even knew you were governor, I'm fairly certain we had a riot in a sword duel.

Granted I was a bit on the selfish side, but what else do you expect when you've just got done partying and went off half-cocked and no shot in the musket' You are indeed correct about my obliviousness, sir, but there was no need for you to go that far in order to further your campaign, given that I removed myself from the running days ago after having some sense talked into me. Noting me at all in your speech was unnecessary.

You'll get walked in, I can feel it. The people will vote as they always have, and I am confident you will have another term...just for Eris's sake, do something about those Slavers, they should be exiled from RhyDin or executed.

He does not sign it, and he shrugs. He doesn't understand this world as much as he wishes he did, but still, things should have never went this far.