Topic: Gubernatorial Debate 2012 Transcript


Date: 2012-06-11 02:41 EST
DJ Zazzy Yas knew when something was a big deal in Rhydin. Considering an election was only held once a year, that made it a big deal....also because her producers at WHAM! 101.1FM told her it was a big deal. She happily attended the event, but sat way in the back and kept her mouth closed due to the agreement she was forced to sign by station producers. She managed to get a hold of a recording of the public event and play it on air for her audience at selected times throughout the rest of the election.

(OOC: This is edited to only include the three Gubernatorial Candidates and the Host, Dib Jaster Aurene. If there are any mistakes in the formatting, I would be more than happy to correct my errors if you let me know. Thanks!)


Dib Jaster Aurene: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the 2012 RhyDin Gubernatorial Debate! I am your host, Dib Jaster Aurene, Grand Poobah of Dominion Exports. Thank you for coming. Before we proceed let me tell you a little about how this works. Each of you will present an opening statement before we open up the floor for questions. Once that's done, as we did last year, please speak to one of the assistants that will be walking down the aisles if you would like to ask the candidates a question. Each candidate will get a chance to respond to each question. Candidates, if you would like to respond to another candidate's answer, please press the big shiny red button that looks like candy, located on your podium." "I'd love for all of you lovely people to get your chance to ask a question. Unfortunately my barbarous and uncivilized people, the Aurkindri, turn into pumpkins at the stroke of eleven by the eastern clock, and we wouldn't want to see that. I may have to cut the questions short so we can proceed to the closing statements in a timely manner. For our candidates tonight, we have Kruger Allen at the first podium, incumbent Fionna Helston Al-Amat at the second, and Magenta Horne standing in for Audrey Horne at the third. This debate is between the gubernatorial candidates, so please, only the candidates should supply answers to the questions as they are presented."


Date: 2012-06-11 02:44 EST

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Let's move right into opening statements, beginning with Magenta Horne. Could you please tell us why we should all vote for you - or in this case, Audrey?"

Magenta: Welcome to all of you! Most of you know me, I'm Magenta Horne, formerly Magenta Grail, and Audrey's wife. Unfortunately my bride and our daughter are both down with the flu. We'd considered simply leaving an empty chair on the podium topped with a pot of tea, a box of Kleenex, and a bottle of DayQuil to represent her, but decided that having me show up here would be at least marginally better. Although the DayQuil would look pretty good about now.... Of course I'm biased, but I believe in my bride and her campaign. Audrey has business sense and youthful ideals, a rare combination. She has specific ideas and she brings a unique perspective, in that she still remembers what it's like to be a newcomer here, and yet she's made the commitment to build a home and family in RhyDin. I think that's a valuable thing to bring to the job, as it well help her to truly be everyone's governor.

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Thank you, Mrs. Horne, and please give Audrey my best wishes for her health." *There is a momentary smile. Then he turns his gaze further down the line.* "Ms. Al-Amat' Your turn, please."

Magenta: ::She takes a gulp of water from the glass on the podium, wincing, because she knows what fish do in water...::

FioHelston: "Thank you," she said, stepping forward and leaning down to speak into her mic. "I am very pleased to be here again to address the citizens of this city, as well as one of the other candidates. Last year in my opening remarks, I said that the job of the governor not to take away rights and responsibilities in the guise of social services which you would then be taxed to support, as the bureaucracy grows larger and more complex, but to highlight opportunities and work with members of the community. It is to protect the prosperity and freedoms of the members of the community. It is a serious job, not one to be undertaken by dilettantes or by those who would wield their power like a hammer." "I believe my record this year has demonstrated my values and commitment to this city. I look forward to hearing what Mr. Kruger has to say tonight. I wish Ms. Horne were present." She stepped back, yielding the floor.

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Thank you," *bowing his head to Fio. Then to Kruger.* "Mr. Allen? If you would, please."

Kruger: He cleared his throat, then looked directly the crowd, grin flashing out. He reached forward and turned off the microphone. Raising his voice instead so that the people in the back would not have to guess what he was saying. "It is very simple folks, Don't vote for me. If you happen to be satisfied with how things are, if you believe that all is correct in this city. Don't vote for me if you believe that hard work and a dedication to you the people is not what is necessary for the office. Because obviously things are perfect, and all is right in Rhydin. My absolute compliments to the current governor for keeping all the people happy.

Magenta: ::The blonde masks a little frown at the allusions to Audrey with a cough, and turns to listen to Kruger::

Kruger: His grin broadened even more. "I too am anxious to see what comes out...I mean what the others have to say."

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Thank you, Mr. Allen."


Date: 2012-06-11 10:05 EST

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Now, let's move on to our first question of the evening, a write-in by Harris..." *He clears his throat. Then he stares at the question.* "O-kay..." "What is your current stance on undead interspecies robot marriage" Gross, really gross, or SUPER gross" All of the above?" *He worries his upper lip behind his tusks for a long thoughtful moment.* "...huh. Ms. Al-Amat' If you would go first this time, please."

FioHelston: She was having a hard time keeping her own laughter under control. It danced richly in her voice as she stepped forward again. "Thank you. And let me first thank Harris. I cannot imagine the hours that he puts into the crafting of his annual question and I believe this is perhaps the best to-date. I believe that if any consenting being in this city wishes to many, regardless of species, gender or number, there is no law forbidding it. Every RhyDinian has hte same right in this respect as any other: If you do not like it, do not do it yourself. But do not think to interfere with a fellow citizen's happiness, where no one is being hurt." "And if I may add?"

Dib Jaster Aurene: *Jaster tips his head in reply.* FioHelston: "Harris, wherever you are, if you decide to marry a robot....I want an invitation to the ceremony. I have a feeling the reception will be out of this world!" And with that, she was done.

Dib Jaster Aurene: *The Aurk finally allows himself a cackle.* "Mr. Kruger! Your turn, please!"

Kruger: He folds his hands and leans on his forearms, taking this question seriously. "Marriage by any must be entered into with a commitment. A love that can span not only species but but death itself is something to be in awe of. If the marriage is mutually giving, then why not hold it up for all to need to hide it, love in any form can be beautiful.....but loving many forms, that is Rhydinian!"

Dib Jaster Aurene: *There is another polite bow for the candidate's reply, hands clasped before him. Then he turns his gaze on Magenta.* "Ms. Horne" If you would, please."

Magenta: ::The blonde bites her lip in thought, obviously visualizing the permutations:: Undead interspecies robot marriage" Well, I guess I'd suggest they live together for a few months first just to figure out what fits where? I mean that's always a good idea....::She lowers her voice dramatically:: But remember this, if undead interspecies robot marriage is outlawed, only outlaws will have undead interspecies robot sex!

Dib Jaster Aurene: *He can't help but be grinning throughout this question.* "Thank you, Ms. Horne." *Cough.* "Next question!" *A page is heading towards the stage from across the room, index card in his oustretched hand. Jaster scowls and makes a hurrying motion.* "I'll dock your pay!" *he snarls after the page, whose fleeing reply is,* "I'm a volunteer!"


Date: 2012-06-11 10:09 EST

Dib Jaster Aurene: *Jaster clears his throat, straightens his appalling mustard-yellow tie and begins to read.* "This from Riley Lo..." "With the sudden influx of organised crime groups into Rhy'Din over the past year and the rise of violence, harmful effects on the economy and other unsavoury elements they bring to our communities, what plans do the candidates have to deal with these groups?" *He turns his gaze to Kruger first this time.* "Mr. Allen, you have the floor."

FioHelston: While she waited for him to answer, she watched the audience, eyes washing across the faces in the chairs thoughtfully and pausing on one or two.

Kruger: "Yes, there does seem to be an uprising in the organized crime groups. It seems to me that the way to deal with something organized, is to first discover who organized it, and then shut them down. The way to the top however must start through information. The current need for better relations amongst the citizens and those agencies designed to protect and serve must bridged. We all have our part to do in this. Some are paid to protect, others should be encouraged to come forwards with what they know so that serious arrests can be made and convictions not overturned." Taking a step back he frees the floor for the next speaker. Eyes looking at Jaster, a nod given..

Dib Jaster Aurene: *Jaster bows his head to Kruger, allowing a moment for applause.* "Ms. Horne" Your turn, please."

Magenta: ::She flips her hair over her shoulder and leans into the podium, a not unlovely gesture:: I can point to several things. Audrey has pledged to bring the Watch up to snuff with mandatory training courses, and to establish separate, more rigorous, training to increase the number and caliber of its offices. In times of crisis she would also establish protocols to allow the efficient deputization of RhyDin citizens, who often come to the fore when needed....I would think that our dueling community could also be asked to share their skills with Watch members. But in all of this we must remember to balance force with wisdom, and be wary of vigilantism. When your only tool is a hammer, everything, including perhaps your fellow citizens, begins to look like a nail. Thank you.

Dib Jaster Aurene: *Again, the Aurk pauses long enough to allow some level of applause to come and go, playing it by ear the best he can.* "Thank you. Ms. Al-Amat?"

FioHelston: "I find it sadly funny that Mr. Allen has characterized -one- group of criminals who we have not heard form in a good nine months as 'an influx of organized crime groups' and that Ms. Horne's stand-in believes that more training for the Watch is the answer for dealing with this people. Let me speak frankly and factually to this issue..." "Anytime you have a prosperous and free economy, there are going to be those who want to exploit it.One such group arrived in Rhydin from one of the Terras nearly a year ago, seeking to demand protection money form businesses in the city. The individuals at the time were positively identified. Interplanetary warrants have been issued through the Spaceport Authority for the specific individuals involved in the GrangerGuild bombing, but we believe they left RhyDin and extradiction is unlikely..." "A number of businesses came forward about the threats they received and banded together to say no to the demands being made. Like most bullies, the group has not been heard from since then. That is not to say that they or others like them might not reappear. But Watch training is a ridiculous bandaid to this sort of issue..." "The course taken has been to work with offworld law enforcement agencies to extend our reach. But more importantly, by working with large and small business owners in the city, to educate them about the issue and let them know that they are *not* alone, we have empowered them to communicate and to work together." She gestured toward Jaster to indicate that she was done, sparing a glance at the other podiums as she stepped back.

Kruger: An arched brow at Fiona's words...and a faint smile...a couple of knowing nods, and tossing a wink at Fiona.

Dib Jaster Aurene: *Jaster bows his head to Fio, slowly. Then he sees the buzzer on Magenta's podium go off.*


Date: 2012-06-11 10:18 EST

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Ms. Horne" You have a rebuttal?" *Opening his hand for her to proceed.*

Magenta: I'd like a chance to clarify, in response to Ms. Al Amat's clearly well thought out answer. Audrey has never pretended that the Watch, at least in its current form, is the be all and end all to solving these problems, However, if the Watch is the legally constituted law enforcement agency in RhyDin, and if our current governor believes they are incapable of doing that job, perhaps we can see where some of the blame might lie" Thank you.

FioHelston: She buzzed. Oh, how she buzzed.

Dib Jaster Aurene: *Ping-pong! Jaster's eyes bounce back and forth. He's clearly enjoying this.* "Ms. Al-Amat."

Kruger: He too looks over at Jaster...clearing his throat and waiting to see if he gets a rebuttal.

FioHelston: "I would ask Ms. Horne to not put words in my mouth that I have never said. What I said, to paraphrase, is that the Watch made positive identification of the individuals involved in a reprehensible attack and that the city's efforts to deal with the incident resulted in the withdrawal of the group responsible from conducting any further activity in the city for over nine months. Thank *you*."

Dib Jaster Aurene: *At this point Jaster looks about as pleased as a fox in a hen-house. He bows his head to Fio, and waits a moment to look over the other candidates, just in case.* "Oh!"

Kruger: Jaster gets a nod from. "I'd like to address madame governor"

Magenta: ;:A polite smile and a nod for Fio::

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Ten thousand apologies," *clasping his hands before him and bowing his head to Kruger.* "Proceed, Mr. Allen."

Kruger: He steps once more to the podium. "I think the word organized crime was in the context of the question..something Fiona obviously failed to hear...but I am disturbed that she would rely on off world law enforcement' Shall we import our police" No, the solution is not call for help from our nearest is right here inside all of us." He steps back and gives Jaster another nod.

FioHelston: She buzzed, sighing.

Dib Jaster Aurene: *Jaster is leaning onto a podium of his own - yes, apparently he has one - chin in his hand, fingers curling up the side of his face, looking utterly smitten with the three candidates right now. He pries his fingers away long enough to gesture to Fio.* "Thank you, Mr. Allen. Ms. Al-Amat?"

FioHelston: "Mr. Allen, No one said anything about importing law enforcement. You obviously weren't listening to what I said. I will speak simply for you. Bad guys go bye-bye. Home to their bad place. We tell people there to spank."


Date: 2012-06-11 10:22 EST
Dib Jaster Aurene: "As a member of our audience is kindly," *pinning a hostile look on Corlanthis,* "reminding us, yes, there are big red buttons that look like candy on each of your podiums, that you may use to buzz in." *Deep breaths, Jaster. Deep breaths.* "Elder Aurenes give me strength," *he sighs, and apparently recovers, smiles, and nods down the line to Kruger.* "Mr. Allen. Proceed." "After this, Ms. Horne," *he adds hastily.*

Kruger: "Your pardon governor, I was simply taking the natual progression of relying too heavily on outside sources..that is the step, just before importing thier up your religion and forfeiting your rights. Then who's hammer do we need to worry about' Unless we are strong enough to stand against it." one last indication that he has finished.

FioHelston: She stared blankly at him. "How old *were* you when you got dropped on your....anvil?"

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Thank you, Mr. Allen." *He bows his head, spares Corlanthis another withering glare (mostly on principle at this point).* "Ms. Al-Amat, please buzz in before making a response. Ms. Horne, you have the floor."

Magenta: ::She blinks at the back and forth:: It seems we're chasing each other around in semantics a bit. Obviously an informed and aware citizenry is needed as well as an improved watch. But I would hope that spanking would not be wasted on bad guys alone...I happen to know that Audrey supports ample spanking for anyone who wants it! Thank you.

FioHelston: She buzzed.

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Thank you. Ms. Al-Amat?"

FioHelston: "Coordinating with off-world law enforcement when the criminals have gone off world is not the first step to surrending to an invasion and abandoning our gods and mothers. Mr. Kruger's point was so absurd, I thought it must have come from some early childhood head trauma. I gather that such is not the case. My apologies. He's simply illogical." She yielded the floor, but kept her gods and mother.

Dib Jaster Aurene: *Before too much buzzing can happen, he cuts in,* "I will allow no more than two more replies to this question before we move on to the next one." *It doesn't take long for the first. He turns his head down the line.* "Ms. Horne?"

Magenta: :A smile at Fio:: Perhaps it's also true that when your only tool is an anvil, everything looks like a hammer"

FioHelston: She choked back a laugh at that. "Point"

Kruger: "Or it could be that a hammer is the tool to civilization...housing industry"

FioHelston: She buzzed.

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Ladies and gentlemen....ladies and gentleman..." Whatever. Buzzers, please. Ms. Al-Amat, and then we are moving on."

FioHelston: She buzzed! "The human head weighs eight pounds."

Magenta: ::Another sip of the water, regardless of what fish might have done in it in the recent past::

FioHelston: "More or less." and she yielded. Time to move on.

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Alright. Thank you, one and all. Let's see, next question, next question..." *He clears his throat. Another frightened-looking page hurries over with a cue card, which Jaster snatches away. He begins to read.* "This next one is from Mr. Corlanthis Wystansayr..." *He looks up.* "Mr. Wystansayr" It should be noted that my ancestors have passed down to me no less than fourteen recipes for stew which include your bones. Mr. Driscol?" *Grinning to the former governor, having heard his outburst.* "There are an equal number including yours. Now for the question.


Date: 2012-06-12 00:13 EST

Dib Jaster Aurene: *Clearing his throat before he reads.* "Mr. Wystansayr allegedly has it on good authority that....someone in this town engages in punching kittens for sport. Do each of you approve or disapprove of violence against animals?" "Ms. Horne. You have the floor." *He's sighing at this point, massaging his brow.*

Magenta: ::She blinks:: This isn't related to the robot sex question, is it"

Dib Jaster Aurene: "I do not believe so, Ms. Horne."

Magenta: ::And clears her throat:: Animals deserve to be treated like people and thus it depends on the animal's temperament. If a monkey is gnawing off your face, you have to right to defend yourself" For sport, though' I believe that this person should probably find a better hobby, or at least a good shrink. Thank you.

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Okay. Thank you, Ms. Horne. Ms. Al-Amat?"

FioHelston: She cleared her throat. "I join with the majority in personally opposing domesticated shorthair violence. However, if the domesticated shorthair in question is consenting and able to kick it's opponent's backside in the rings?" she shot Kruger a small smile. "Well, it's a free city."

Magenta: :Secretly glad the question hadn't invloved pervert rabbit punching. And Fio's reply earns her a wink::

Dib Jaster Aurene: *Cackle.* "Thank you. And Mr. Allen?" *Nodding to Kruger.* "Your turn, please."

Kruger: Oh he gives that smile right back to Fiona. "I remember the duel well, thank you for reminding me Cor. If the cat steps in to duel, then what shall you do feed it fish' Isn't that kind of an insult to the prowess of the cat' take a look at how many felines have done well in the duels. Of course the Kitten in question does belong to an emerald and former opal in the dueling venue..I am thinking it picked up a few pointer or two." Gives a point to Rachael and fixes her with that flashgrin before stepping back.

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Right. Thank you, Mr. Allen."


Date: 2012-06-12 00:16 EST

Dib Jaster Aurene: *Then he clears his throat.* "This next one is from Shai Vevea." *He reads it a couple of times, then speaks.* "The Watch is definitely not doing what they are supposed to and each land tariff seems to have their own laws that they govern by and not the laws of Rhydin. What have you done or will you do while in office to personally see to the aiding of bringing these groups (organized crime) under control" Ms. Al-Amat, you have the floor."

FioHelston: "We've already covered this in excess, I would think. Have we not?" "If I must speak to it again, I will."

Magenta: ::Nods her agreement to Fio::

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Agreed." *He dips his head to Fio and the other candidates.* "This is most unusual, but given the circumstances and the number of rebuttals covering the previous question..."

Kruger: clears his throat and mumbles "I'm happy to speak on any subject posed as often as it takes."

Dib Jaster Aurene: "...the previous related question, rather....candidates, I put it to a majority vote. All in favor of, as the audience seems to be putting it, moving on?" *Tusked grin.*

FioHelston: Her hand shot up.

Magenta: Aye

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Candidates. Sorry," *with a bow to the audience members raising their hands.* "Two to one. Apologies, Ms. Vevea," *with another polite bow.*


Date: 2012-06-12 23:31 EST

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Moving on to the next question." "This one is from Alyssa Deya." *He clears his throat.* "Do you have any plans on furthering education in Rhy'din, such as funding for more schools or libraries?" *A nod to Kruger.* "Mr. Allen, you have the floor."

Kruger: Leans into the podium. "The education of the young is something that readily needs to be addressed. An assessment of our current standard should be employed, we can't fix the plumbing until we find out where the leak is. If a well has gone dry, do you stand around and wait for rain or dig a new one" I pose that if the well of knowledge is found lacking then it is up to the community and it's leaders to dig a new well, newer books, stiffer restrictions on teachers, and plans that will address every education level and ability."

FioHelston: Her eyes ticked around the place while they waited, pausing on a strawberry-blonde head and curling a smile.

Kruger: He stepped away looking to Jaster once again

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Bam! Kick it up a notch, Ms. Helston Al-Amat." *Don't ask him why he's behaving like this all of a sudden. Could be he's beginning to transform into a pumpkin.*

FioHelston: "To translate Mr. Kruger's response for everyone: He doesn't know." "He says that *IF* an assessment is done and standards are found lacking, *THEN* something should be done." "I spent the early part of last year seeking a school for my daughter, since I was stepping into this office and since her studies had progressed to the point where I would be unable to continue her education sufficiently at home." "We visited any number of institutions in RhyDin City and Stars End, and I was pleasantly surprised at the number and quality of options available." "I also serve, outside of my role as Governor, as a volunteer and advisor at two of the city's orphanages. Again, even there, the lack of opportunities for both education and apprenticeship programs was not lacking." "I would also remind the other candidates that there is currently no taxation in RhyDin. The funding for these institutions comes from a number of sources - private companies, philanthropists, neighborhoods banding together. In the event it is brought to the council's attention that something is lacking, we would work together to find an appropriate solution drawing on the resources currently in place. But it would not be the City - as in the government - funding this." And that was her answer.

Dib Jaster Aurene: *To indicate that it is now Magenta Horne's turn, Jaster turns and points at her. Both hands, Fonzie-style. 'Eyyy.* *It should be noted that Jaster's red hair is beginning to turn green at the tips, and his face is ever so slowly, increasingly blushing orange.*

Magenta: ::The blonde twists a strand of hair in thought:: We've talked about this a lot, what with Suzie's future to think about. We think training classes should be put into place to help those who want to learn a trade, perhaps pair them up with professionals of the same ilk. There are already a great many schools in Rhy'Din, such as the Institute of Arcane Principal. The spark for an education has to be struck at home, but without libraries and institutes of learning, too many of those sparks....will die out for lack of fuel. RhyDin is full of entrepreneurs, and where there is a need there is a market. Education is no different, but a society that won't invest in its children will not be remembered by them kindly. Thank you.

FioHelston: Noting Jaster's condition, Fionna glanced past him into the wing offstage to see if the spacey receptionist he was dating was anywhere nearby.

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Thank you, Ms. Horne."


Date: 2012-06-12 23:33 EST

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Do the other candidates have anything else to add?" *He mops at his brow with a handkerchief - yes, the pads of his fingers and palms of his hands are turning orange too.*

FioHelston: She shook her head. Nothing to add from her end.

Kruger: buzz

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Mr. Allen?" *More brow-mopping.*

Magenta: ::The fish-fouled water is almost gone as she sips again and looks out at the audience::

Kruger: "Forgive me for asking for clarifications...must have been a really big drop when I was young." Smile to Fiona "I find it interesting that the Governor found it necessary to home educate at all, shouldn't she have invested time in these schools before this...I know she is highly intelligent, and must have discovered that her children were better off being educated at home, that in itself gives me reason to question the schools."

FioHelston: Buzz.

Kruger: He backs from the podium and bows to Fiona

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Your reply, Ms. Helston Al-Amat, and then I'm afraid we'll have to move on to the closing statements. Apologies to those of you with unanswered questions," *with a bow to the audience.*

FioHelston: "One moment, if I may." She held up a staying finger and stepped away from the podium to crouch down at the end of the stage. She crooked a finger to Lirssa to come close so they could confer. It was a quick conversation, low and hushed, and she brushed the back of her fingers along Lir's hair before she dropped her hand away and straightened to return to the podium. "I apologize for the delay, but we did have time for that. He asked a question that touched on matters personal to my daughter and without her permission, I was going to have to decline to answer." "I homeschooled my daughter because, before she came to live in our household, she lived on the streets." she began to speak, over the cry for other questions, her eyes on the crowd. "We felt it was best for her at the time. When she was ready, she entered the school where she is currently excelling at her studies. I am very proud of her." And she was done.

Dib Jaster Aurene: *At this point his hair is completely green, the strands thickening together, while the orange color spreads along his veins. Gross!* *He mops at his brow again.*


Date: 2012-06-12 23:35 EST

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Thank you very much, that's all the time we have for that question....Now we must move on to the closing statements." "Due to time constraints I must disallow rebuttals to these statements. This is the candidates' last opportunity to present their platform in this forum. Ms. Horne" You have the floor."

Magenta: I want to thank the other candidates for tolerating me in Audrey's absence. I came here because I believe in my wife and in her campaign, and wanted to take whatever opportunity there might be to help people understand that she sees RhyDin with fresh eyes, that she brings both youthful energy and a fierce determination to everything she does. She is a businesswoman, and understands that taxes are an answer on occasion, but never THE answer....::a nod to Shy in the audience:: she will work harder than anyone to make our home a better place for our daughter, Susanna Quentin Horne, to grow up in. Thank you all for your patience and courtesy. ::Steps back from the podium almost demurely

Dib Jaster Aurene: *At this point there is a 'poof' sound, a big cloud of smoke, and a pumpkin is left rocking gently on the floor before it stills where the Aurk had been only moments before. A woman named Daisy steps out from backstage, scoops the pumpkin up into a wooden box, casts a nervous smile around and timidly approaches Jaster's podium.* FioHelston: Oh, dear. *Daisy*.

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Ms. Notsleh-tamal....oops, sorry..." *She clears her throat.* "Ms. Helston Al-Amat, you have the floor."

FioHelston: "Thank you, Ysiad," she answered carefully, twisting her mouth around the backwards syllables. "I am very proud of what we've done over the past 13 months. The city came together in the face of a devastating medical crisis. We've established a public calendar recognizing no fewer than thirteen official RhyDinian holidays that represent the diverse spectrum of our citizens. The institution of the advisory council has proven to be very effective, giving a voice to people throughout the city, while the governor's service medal program has recognized heroes and encouraged community efforts of every sort. The city successfully passed its first year working towards FLA compliance very successfully. We established a small business relief fund, built a network of private citizens willing to fund small business start-ups, and refurbished the Welcome Center network throughout the city. I could go on and on. We have done this without leveraging taxes. They are unnecessary and if anyone wishes information about financial funding of city works, I will be happy to stay and speak to that afterwards. I will close by saying that while the past year was wonderful, the coming year will be phenomenal. I have some exciting things planned and people continue to work hard behind the scenes - as do I - for you."

Magenta: ::If she is shocked by the pumpkin transformation, it is lost in her relief at the debate being over for her, she finishes the hated water and sighs as she listens to Fio and Kruger's summing up::

Dib Jaster Aurene: *Daisy gives the pumpkin a few affectionate pets and a whispered coo before quietly shutting the lid on the wooden box.*

FioHelston: "And one more thing - I wish both of my candidates the best of luck. Thank you for listening to us tonight."

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Thank you, An'noif," *with a smile, since the woman had offered Daisy's name in the proper, traditional way.* "Mr. Allen?" *she manages it this time, dipping her head to Kruger.* "Your closing statement, please."

Magenta: ::Smoothes her tee and buttons the suit coat, feeling formal now that the trial is almost over::

Kruger: "I'd like to thank both Fionna, and Mrs Horne for coming out tonight, you both had some fair points to offer. Now I don't necessarily agree with all of them. It's true, I haven't had need to look into the schooling in Rhydin, but if my significant other were to become pregnant, I would star looking early, though I agree that Audrey's point through her, mediator?. It is true that the governor has intstituted many wonderful plans, but just as true that there is more to be done." A sigh. "However I have to be adamant against her policy...of letting others handle city issues." He just shakes his head. "Like I say don't vote for me if you are satisfied."

FioHelston: "Oh, good grief," she muttered, turning away from the microphone so it wouldn't be picked up.

Dib Jaster Aurene: "Alright! Well, thank you!" *She smiles prettily, bows her head to the candidates, and blinks owlishly out at the audience for a long moment. Hm.* "...Good-night!"