Topic: Speech from Governor Simon


Date: 2009-04-02 15:59 EST
The following transcript of Governor Simon's speech was released moments after its conclusion and made available via the media and public services such as the Rhydin Public Library. The speech itself was broadcast over several VidNet & AudNet channels and available for attendance by the media and public.


My fellow citizens,

As the election draws closer, I wanted to speak with you once again about your choices for Governor. For those of you who saw the recent debate or read the transcripts, you know that we spoke on a variety of topics that many of you consider vastly important as you weigh the decision for whom to cast your ballot.

After the debate, I spent a great deal of time seriously studying and considering the responses made by my fellow candidates. I sincerely believe that all of my opponents mean well and are filled with good intentions. However, they have no true plans of action to see those intentions put into place.

Before I ran for Governor last year, I did my homework. I familiarized myself with the city budget, with Rhydin's policies and procedures regarding trade and taxation, education, treasury, and diplomacy to name a few. I even made sure to educate myself on subjects such as the city's sewer system and waste management policies, topics that may not make the headlines but are vitally important to Rhydin's day to day function. I also formulated plans, some quite detailed, others less so, on policies I wanted to implement and changes I wanted to make. I spoke of these things during my campaign, to let you know my thoughts, plans, and ideas. I did those things so that, if I were to be elected, I could step into the office on day one and govern effectively. I did not want to spend my first days and weeks learning things I should already know. That would not have been fair to you, the citizens who saw fit to elect me to the office.

I am disappointed to see that my opponents this year do not seem to have followed my lead. Responses given by Mr. Fai, Mr. Wystansayr, and Mr. Alcar in the recent debate convinced me that they're simply not ready to govern. It's not fair to you that my opponents aren't prepared for the office of Governor; it's not fair they're asking for your trust, your vote, without performing their due diligence beforehand.

On Safety & Trade Let me give you some examples. When considering the topic of safety, Mr. Fai, who wants to be elected Governor so he can immediately step down from the position, stated "There are plenty of ways and plenty of people within this city who are damn near made for these kinds of things and almost always willing to help. It's what people do here". I agree that there are many people in this city more than willing to help a just cause and keep themselves and their neighbors safe, but they cannot effectively do so without leadership. Mr. Fai argues that Rhydin survived for years, just fine, without the leadership of a Governor. I disagree " while yes, the city did not crumble, the lack of clear leadership and direction is exactly what led to tragedies such as the Marketplace bombing. While that incident took place during Kitty O"Helston's governorship, she should not be blamed for its occurrence " the years and years prior of no clear leadership, nobody to take those good intentions and hone them before she became Governor, directly led to many of the safety issues and concerns over the past two years. All the well-intentioned people within this city cannot harmoniously and efficiently focus those intentions without leadership, the exact sort of leadership available from the Governor's office. We've seen good intentions fail all of us time and time again. You deserve more than well wishes and good intentions. You deserve exactly the types of improvements, which will continue and grow as long as I'm Governor and have the power to execute them, that I've promoted and implemented this last year.

On the same topic, Mr. Wystansayr and Mr. Alcar both spoke of their ideas to provide the city's citizens with self-defense gear and training, amongst other things. Those ideas are certainly admirable, but neither candidate provided you with an actual plan of how to implement those ideas. Mr. Wystansayr is not sure how he'll pay for the gear he wants to distribute and Mr. Alcar gave no indication of who would teach his self-defense classes or what specific types of training those classes would provide. Mr. Wystansayr even stated that he hoped altruism of local businesses would help fund his projects, altruism of which there's no guarantee. He also hopes to take the ?"utmost care to make certain no essential services are adversely affected?" He cannot, however, say with certainty what, if anything would be affected, or even give you a chance percentage. Why' He has no true plan in place to implement his ideas.

On the topic of trade and taxation, both Mr. Wystansayr and Mr. Alcar stated that they would promote trade, but neither candidate gave any clues as to how they would do so. Will they focus on current trade partners; will they establish new trade partners" We don't know. Will they look to renegotiate existing contracts or maintain the status quo' We don't know because they don't know. And not knowing is not the type of leadership this city needs or that you deserve.


Date: 2009-04-02 16:09 EST

On Healthcare

When discussing healthcare, Mr. Fai said something that troubled me. He stated that, " always more than willing to pull together for a proper cause and throw ridiculous amounts of money at it." While in certain instances this statement rings true, and the generosity of Rhydin's citizens is well noted and commended, simply throwing money at a problem, be it perceived or real, does not actually solve that problem. We need to uncover the root cause of problems before we can effectively combat and resolve them. If the quality of care in health clinics is the problem, then throwing money at building more clinics will not solve that issue. If medical training is the problem, throwing money at more training will not solve the issue on its own " especially if there is no leadership to guide the distribution of funds. What if those funds are directed to the wrong sort of training or to a training program less efficient than the doctors and patients need and deserve"

Mr. Alcar said he believes, "that the elected governor should do whatever it takes to keep the healthcare in the city as strong as possible" while Mr. Wystansayr wants to remodel existing clinics and build new ones to reduce waiting periods and improve care. I agree with Mr. Alcar's sentiment but he supplied no details on how he would institute change. Mr. Wystansayr, meanwhile, provides us with no information on how he would remodel clinics or how remodeling and new construction can and would actively benefit patient care.

On Governorship

During closing statements, Mr. Fai made his purpose of running in this election quite clear " he does not believe a Governor can effectively lead Rhydin or its citizens and he intends to abandon the post as soon as he takes the oath of office. He does not believe one person can help the city. This statement contradicts his earlier proclamations that individuals and groups often band together to do good city works and because of those benevolent actions the Governorship is not needed. Mr. Fai cannot have it both ways " he cannot discount the effectiveness of the individual on one hand and then claim the success of individuals and groups as the specific reason Rhydin does not need a governor. He cannot state with certainty, and has not done any more than postulate, just how the lack of a Governor will at the very least maintain the status quo, nor can he tell you how or if the city, and you, will prosper or even be secure if the Governor's position is vacated.

Mr. Alcar wants to be Governor so he can 'do everything in my power as governor to make this city a better place for all" while Mr. Wystansayr wants to be Governor in order to, "show just how special it truly is and how much potential still remains within it". Again, these are wonderful sentiments, but they will never be anything more without detailed tactics and strategies to put them into practice. Mr. Alcar has not and cannot tell you just how he's going to make Rhydin a better place and Mr. Wystansayr cannot tell you how showing Rhydin's specialness will benefit you, your businesses or your families. My opponents have no concrete plans and they have not provided you with any details.


Over the past year, since I took office, you've seen exactly how effective the Governor's position can be and how much it is needed. I established the RASG, improved the City Guard and your overall safety, formulated new trade partnerships which helped push Rhydin to the forefront as a trade hub for countless companies both local and interstellar, I have liststened to you the citizens " your concerns, your needs, your wants " I have taken your feedback and criticism and applied it where appropriate. I have, along with you and all your hard work, propelled Rhydin back into a position of prominence, directly away from where it was headed after years of ineffective or no leadership. If there's no Governor, who will serve as the voice of the people, who will quickly and ably implement plans to benefit and improve your lives" I have done exactly that this last year. Even if you see fit to elect Mr. Wystansayr or Mr. Alcar over myself, I wholeheartedly believe that the Governorship is a vital position for Rhydin's future success, your safety, and your continued growth as citizens.

I've spent a lot of time this last year among you, the people who live here and who visit here. I've spoken with dockworkers, teachers, ship-builders, starship engineers, lawyers, people from all walks of life. I've spent time with you. Learned from you. Whether you've been born and raised here, immigrated, or are only visiting for a short while, you deserve nothing less than the best and most effective leadership. I'm not saying that I'm perfect; I have made mistakes during my time as Governor and I've learned from them. I won't repeat them. I've listened to you, taken to heart what you've told me, and it doesn't matter to me your physical size, origins, or economic status. This is your city, the place you chose to reside. I will continue to do everything in my power to ensure your safety, to make Rhydin a place in which you are proud to work and live.

Specifics should not be left until after the Governorship is decided ? my opponents should be giving you those particulars now, as I have and continue to do, so that you may make the best and most informed decision for yourselves, your families, and your city. They have failed to do so despite many opportunities. I have the details. I have the specifics. You've seen me put them into practice, you've seen me lead and make improvements with effectiveness and efficiency. If you re-elect me as Rhydin's Governor, I promise to continue these things and expand upon them. My commitment is to you, to this city, and that commitment is absolutely unwavering.

My sincere thanks for watching, for listening, for reading, for caring about this important decision. I'll see you at the polls, if not sooner. As always, my door is open to all of you.