Topic: Statement from the Simon Campaign


Date: 2008-01-24 12:26 EST
From the campaign offices of Matthew Algiers Simon, a print release of the following is released to the news and media outlets, along with recorded video of Mr. Simon speaking the same.

Citizens of Rhydin,

The Primary Elections are behind us, and it is with the utmost gratitude that I thank you for your votes and your support. My campaign, and those of the other candidates, are heating up and running strong, leaving you with some difficult choices in the coming days.

I've read the recent press-statement from G"nort Talanador's campaign, and I do believe he speaks the truth in regard to his relationship with his campaign manager. The brewing scandal in his campaign should not detract from his stance on the numerous issues facing this city and you, its population. I would encourage all of you to remain focused upon the issues and not what the gossip magazines and papers would have you believe.

Despite G"nort's hypothesis regarding my "elderly' status, let me make it absolutely clear that I'm in no immediate danger of dying from old age. I've been part of this great city for over a decade, yes, but I believe that length of time only strengthens my knowledge of how to best guide things over the next year, should you choose to elect me. G"nort also mentioned my charge over The Outback, one of our dueling venues. My duties there will not detract from those I would have as Governor; I have a strong support staff and, if anything, dealing with the various personalities, events, and troubles during my time as The Outback's owner-operator has only prepared me that much more for similar circumstances I am sure I will face as Governor.

G"nort's final concern was my time spent off-planet, away from the city. Let me assure you that should you elect me, my primary focus and role will be here, as it is now.

All three of my fellow candidates will do as I am doing: attempt to convince you that they are the right person for the job and the best qualified and prepared to lead the city, the citizens, and the government. Each of us brings our own unique experiences, our own strengths, and yes, even our own weaknesses to the position, for none of the four of us are perfect.

I hope that soon, each of us can come together in a public debate to answer the questions that are most forefront in your minds. I believe that Karen Wilder will hold a press conference today in order to address some of those questions, and I plan on doing the same tomorrow. I promise to answer you as honestly and forthrightly as I am able, for you deserve nothing less.

I again thank you for your support and encourage each of you to participate in helping choose the path you and this city will take over the next year. I look forward to seeing and meeting some of you in person tomorrow.

"Matthew Algiers Simon

Xania Sarai

Date: 2008-01-24 16:43 EST
A simple letter, delevered by a small girl arrived at the campaign offices. It was a brief missive, short and to the point, asking for a pulic answer.

To each candidate for the office of Governor of Rhy'Din:

While there are many worthwhile issues to be addressed in the upcoming election, there are few that I have not heard clear answers on. I feel that the upstanding member of the community would like answers to the following questions: 1. How do you intend to promote equality between humans and meta-humans" 2. How do intend to resolve Rhy'Din's security issues and how would you fund your solution" 3. How do intend to address the issue of the slavers, and thereby assuring the security of the (well, to be honest) mostly young female population of the city?

Please adress these issues, to give the voting public a better sense of your platform.

Thank you,

Once of many ocncerned citizens


Date: 2008-01-29 14:21 EST
A public response was sent to answer the citizen's questions.

I am unaware of a large-scale inequality between humans and non-humans, but that's not to say that it doesn't exist and the issue is important regardless of how widespread it is. I don't believe the government can forcibly change someone's views of a human or meta-human, everyone brings their own beliefs and prejudices to such a debate. However, education, especially amongst the youth, can help curb the differences between the many species that frequent and live within the city. I often see children of varying species playing together, interacting, and sharing, and I believe our various Academies and schools do a good job in keeping everyone on equal footing and I would encourage them to continue doing so.

In regard to security, I, along with the other candidates, have spoken (or written) at length of our thoughts on the Watch and how to potentially improve the city's safety. I know of numerous out of work pilots and Marines with a great deal of experience who are interested in joining and/or training the Guard regardless of whether or not I am elected Governor. My desire to help improve security does not hinge on whether you choose to elect me. I live and work in this city much like the rest of you and I want to see a vast reduction in the amount of crime that has been occurring of late. I believe bolstering the ranks and additional training of the Guard will go a long way toward helping accomplish that goal.

As to the issue of slavers, I re-iterate my statements to Ms. Nozee of The Oracle. In some cultures, slavery is quite accepted and a way of life. Regardless of whether I agree or disagree with the cultural practice, I cannot order them to cease and desist. However, there is a vast difference between cultural practice and those who enslave for simple profit and power. My efforts would be focused on stopping people of such nature. Again, with additional training and manpower, the Watch can certainly become a stronger presence and deterrent. Will slavery of young women and young men stop entirely' I cannot say for certain, but the effort should be made to impede those who would profit from the suffering of another simply because it puts coin in their purse and perhaps bolsters a reputation.

?Matthew Algiers Simon